Tsukiyumi wrote:I'm going to avoid putting words into your mouth, but this sounds like the start of another "it's not a war unless recognized countries are involved" argument to me.
There are three main criteria for an armed fighting force to be legal:
1) The must carry their weapons openly. (Probably true in this instance - an AK is a bit on the large side to hide under your coat, although the Provos rountinely failed this criterion)
2) They must wear a distinguishing mark, visible at a distance. (Not a fucking chance)
3) They must have a chain of command. (Possibly, although a big blank given out knowelge of how the Real IRA is organised. The Provos ranged from very well organised to a rabble)
The IRA, in all it's recent forms, fails criterion 2)
What, exactly, is the difference between a SEAL team blowing up an enemy military facility, and an armed militia blowing one up? One is sanctioned by a government?
See above. If the militia has a recognised command structure, wears a distinguishing insignia, and carries it's weapons openly, they're legal. If not then they're nothing but terrorists.
And, the Pentagon is most assuredly a valid target, as long as you don't use a plane full of civilians to attack it.
Very well.
The Cole was definitely a valid attack. No civilians involved.
They didn't carry their weapons openly, and they didn't have a distiguishing mark. That was a terrorist attack, pure and simple.
Which means every war in history is immoral on all sides.
Not at all - there's a difference between murder and killing in self or collective defence.