Saturn has a new moon!

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Sionnach Glic
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Saturn has a new moon!

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Surprise! Saturn has small moon hidden in ring
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Delicious Digg Facebook Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Tue Mar 3, 3:47 pm ET AP - A mosaic of images show Saturn's moon Titan's south polar region acquired as Cassini passed by at a range PASADENA, Calif. - Scientists have found a new moon hidden in one of Saturn's dazzling outer rings. The international Cassini spacecraft spotted the moon, which measures about a third of a mile wide. The discovery was announced Tuesday in a notice by the International Astronomical Union.

Researchers have long puzzled over the formation of Saturn's G ring, one of the planet's more mysterious arcs. They now think the G ring was likely formed from icy debris that scattered when meteorites crash into the newfound moon.

Scientists confirmed the moon's existence last summer after analyzing images from Cassini. Saturn has over five dozen moons.


On the Net:

Cassini mission:
Wow, even in our own back garden we're finding new stuff. Cool.
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Captain Picard's Hair
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Re: Saturn has a new moon!

Post by Captain Picard's Hair »

Rochey wrote:
Surprise! Saturn has small moon hidden in ring
Buzz Up Send
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Delicious Digg Facebook Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Tue Mar 3, 3:47 pm ET AP - A mosaic of images show Saturn's moon Titan's south polar region acquired as Cassini passed by at a range PASADENA, Calif. - Scientists have found a new moon hidden in one of Saturn's dazzling outer rings. The international Cassini spacecraft spotted the moon, which measures about a third of a mile wide. The discovery was announced Tuesday in a notice by the International Astronomical Union.

Researchers have long puzzled over the formation of Saturn's G ring, one of the planet's more mysterious arcs. They now think the G ring was likely formed from icy debris that scattered when meteorites crash into the newfound moon.

Scientists confirmed the moon's existence last summer after analyzing images from Cassini. Saturn has over five dozen moons.


On the Net:

Cassini mission:
Wow, even in our own back garden we're finding new stuff. Cool.
Man, it must be a royal bitch for the Saturnians to keep up with their lunar cycles. 8)
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Re: Saturn has a new moon!

Post by Mikey »

Just pick one and go with it. I'd hate to be the one to find any liquid elements on Saturn, though - predicting the tides would be just about a bitch.
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Re: Saturn has a new moon!

Post by Mark »

Now, we just wait for Planet X to manifest itself. It should be along sometime in the next 3 years.
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Re: Saturn has a new moon!

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

And Nemesis. Hmm, do the Martians need women yet? :lol:
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