Re: Validity of terrorist attacks
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:32 pm
I don't think we had an established police force until the mid 1800's.
Daystrom Institute Technical Library
Absolutely not - in fact, some of our revered "founding fathers" are guilty of things like tarring and feathering local government functionaries, before the Revolution even started. My point was that these were incidents prosecuted by individuals, not a policy with an end by the rebels in general.Rochey wrote:Right, well. In any case, I doubt civilians that were supplying inteligence to the British, or otherwise helping them against the rebels, were left alone.
They have been, although over the last year and a bit things have apparently been getting worse - hence the SRR getting called inMikey wrote:Now, I'm going to play dumb about current Irish affairs in order to get the most direct answer possible: I thought things were fairly OK lately.
The same as the attack on the squaddies probably - to try and provoke a response from either the government, the UDA/UDF, or both, to try and get the Troubles started again.What was the purported end of the attack on the police?
Up until the start of this year, they were pretty good. Everything was nice and peaceful. Then they found a 300 pound carbomb outside a school last month, and now two soldiers and a guard have been shot.Now, I'm going to play dumb about current Irish affairs in order to get the most direct answer possible: I thought things were fairly OK lately.
To provoke the Unionist (pro-British) factions into making reprisal attacks against the IRA groups or their sympathisers. Then the IRA is "justified" in striking at the Unionist groups. Then the Unionist groups make a reprisal for that. And so on and so forth.What was the purported end of the attack on the police?
We've so bloody many of them at this point, I'm amazed I know.(I don't know which version of the IRA we're up to now)
Shouldn't they be after Rick Berman?Rochey wrote:...the Continuity IRA...
That was my point all along.Deepcrush wrote:I think a lot of this comes down to one simple thing.
"What are the Standards of War for the parties involved?"
I've seen a few quotes on here about how you have to be "THIS" in order to be in the military. Which is mostly crap. Many of our agents travel without ID, without marking of any kind and without an order of war. Yet they will kill, kiddnap and torture just as much as any of those people we call terrorists. So, we do it and they do it.
Someone care to try and make one right and the other wrong just because you like one side over the other?
When people feel they are at war. They don't need a flag or a banner or a leader or even a "Just Cause" to whatever form you may wish. When someone has been pushed to that breaking point where there is no going back. No hope for peace and no reason to wish for anything better without bloodshed. They will fight, anyone not with them is the enemy. Thats how war works. Terror tactics are just that. Tactics to be used along side and other.
Not in the slightest - in the specific example you give I don't give a damn whether the scum in question are called al-Qaeda or the CIA, their morality (or lack thereof) is determined by their actions.Deepcrush wrote:Someone care to try and make one right and the other wrong just because you like one side over the other?
Here we go again.Tsu wrote:Doesn't change that you are at war, so long as the other side sees it that way.
But, they are in the service of a uniformed force. They may even have a formal war going on or maybe they don't. At what point should you switch from being a terrorist to a soldier? In your opinion that is.Not in the slightest - in the specific example you give I don't give a damn whether the scum in question are called al-Qaeda or the CIA, their morality (or lack thereof) is determined by their actions.