Hey, look, I was right! I do a pretty decent Seafort impression.
Captain Seafort wrote:Tsukiyumi wrote:Again, this is coming from a friend of mine who's actually been to war: whether they're "soldiers" or "criminals" is irrelevant. They're the enemy, and the only thing to do at WAR is kill the enemy.
Your ignorant protests of "but, they're not legal combatants!" has no bearing on whether a state of war exists. And, whatever crap you learned at your university doesn't change that a state of war exists. Whether the enemy is wearing a uniform is irrelevant. They could be running around naked, and they're still the enemy, and they are still at war with you. Just because you don't view it that way doesn't change things for them.
If you're talking about the right of the RUC GC/PSNI/army to kill IRA men, I have no problem with that whatsoever.
If you're talking about the IRA having the right to kill members of the security forces then you can go and f**k yourself with a cattleprod.
I'm not talking about either having a right to kill each other. I'm pointing out for the tenth time here that whether you define it as a war or not, that's what it is.
Captain Seafort wrote:You've already said that the traitors who founded the US were "no better than a bunch of criminals"
Fixed your terminology. Note that I referred specifically to the Minutemen - the Continental Army, as far as I know, acted legally and correctly.
And, I already pointed out that the
majority of the forces who fought in the Revolutionary WAR were civilians, by your definition. Which means, by your definition, that other than the few wearing uniforms, Britain was over here fighting terrorists. Which means, you can go and fuck yourself with a crumpet.
Captain Seafort wrote:
both of our countries' spec-ops soldiers are terrorists
I said nothing of the sort - I merely pointed out that failing to display arms openly and failing to display a distinguishing mark are illegal under the Geneva Convention. "Illegal combatant" and "terrorist" are not synonyms.
The spec-ops guys run around in civvie clothes, concealing their weapons, and covertly attack targets.
Al-Qaeda runs around in civvie clothes, concealing their weapons, and covertly attack targets.
The only difference is what side they're on, and that the spec-ops guys don't routinely target civilians specifically.
Captain Seafort wrote:outdated Geneva Convention
Give evidence of this. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it "outdated".
Plenty of evidence in this thread, coming from you. The entire concept of "if they aren't wearing a neon sign saying 'I'm the enemy!', and running around waving guns, then they're just criminals, not combatants" is clearly an outdated concept considering that the majority of combatants we're at WAR with in modern times don't do those things.
Remind me, when was that document crafted, again?
Captain Seafort wrote:Targeting their enemies' military is a perfectly valid aspect of guerrilla warfare.
Hiding in civilian clothes and hiding weapons until they open fire is not, under the laws of war.
Right. I'll ask my friend why he didn't remind Al-Qaeda of that when they were shooting at him, and setting off the IED that almost took his head off. Even
he agreed with me that stealth attacks are perfectly acceptable, and widely used by any
competent fighting force on earth. Including
both of our countries' spec-ops.
Look, man, I don't really have much else to do in between packing, so if you'd like to keep going in circles about this, that's fine by me. Like I said before, you keep on believing what books and laws tell
you, and I'll keep on believing what
reality and
people who've actually been in combat tell