Duskofdead wrote:
Was this ever said? No, it wasn't.
You could argue if its been said in this thread but you certainly do like to lump organized Christianity together with the most vocal members that you don't like. Even when you have people like Obama, who are very much Christian and Churchgoing, staring you in the face. I mean if all Christains in the US were the people you don't like there wouldn't even be a democratic party because they'd control 80%+ of the votes. You'd have something like the Conservative and the Fundamentalist parties or something. Remember whenever a state passes a law allowing civil unions or gay marriage it quite possibly means that a MAJORITY OF CHRISTIANS many if not most of them in "organized" groups, voted to pass that law. And certainly a sizable minority have to vote it in. Similarly Bill Clinton? Voted in by Christians. If Obama wins? Voted in by Christians.
And again the ELCA Lutherans aren't just a "congregation" they represent a large chunk of Christains in the US. And I'm pretty sure a couple of the others are similar.
It isn't a matter of "reclaiming the religion." The Catholics and the Babtists are their own groups. What, are we going to make it illegal for them to speak freely? Perhaps we should go door to door just to say "hi there, we aren't going door to door to convert you" and then leave? It's just the simple deal that you're stereotyping the whole group by whoever gets on the news most obviously claiming to be part of it. Like if you thought all organized Muslims were terrorists or Jews were all covetous Zionists.
Or I guess like thinking all gays are pedophiles.
The point is that your stereotyping organized Christianity and it seems to be deeply rooted in your head. It isn't doing the LGBTA cause any favors if you're laying into its supporters, and could convince some people to stab them in the back in the ballot box out of spite or because they worry that the LGBTA community is actually "out to get them". Just say fundamentalist Christians or something even more specific like Catholics.