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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by McAvoy »

Bryan Moore wrote:
Nutso wrote:The man dress from early TNG isn't stupid. He can pee faster than any other man. Defacate faster too.
Good point. Perhaps the Yamato would not have been destroyed if Donald Varley could have had his wang out quicker to piss out the plasma fires from the malfunctioning ship.
Well maybe he was afraid of pissing on something electrical. Don't want his wang to get zapped. I think all of us can relate in not wanting to try that.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by Graham Kennedy »

IanKennedy wrote:
Nutso wrote:The man dress from early TNG isn't stupid. He can pee faster than any other man. Defacate faster too.
Man in a dress always amuses me. It seems to cause huge annoyance, even hatred. Yet women cross dress all the time without comment. Go back only 40-50 years and you'll find that a woman in trousers was completely unacceptable, now it's almost forgotten. Surely by the TNG era equality would be reached.
I've said it before - science fiction loves to show a "gender neutral" view of the future, because sexism not a thing no more.

The thing is, this is always, always, ALWAYS accomplished by having women treated as if they are men. Ask yourself why this is - why was it "Mister Saavik" and not "Miss Kirk"? Think about the probable audience reaction if they had gone with calling everyone by female pronouns instead of male ones, and then wonder at the idea that doing this to women was considered A-OK.

Same with the clothing. You want gender-neutral clothing in your show? Then women must dress as men. To do otherwise is regarded as so ridiculous, so absurd, that even if it's a handful of appearances by background characters in one season of one show, fans are still bringing it up thirty years later.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

So, wait. Is this just for Star Trek unpopular opinions?
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

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RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:So, wait. Is this just for Star Trek unpopular opinions?
That is what I intended but put it in the wrong forum. Mea culpa. But hey, it's in general, so have at it!
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Bryan Moore wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:So, wait. Is this just for Star Trek unpopular opinions?
That is what I intended but put it in the wrong forum. Mea culpa. But hey, it's in general, so have at it!
Thank you. :) And legit good on you for admitting a mistake. :)


Scrappy-Doo is my favorite character from the Scooby-Doo franchise. He's a visual representation of, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog!"

Know what I was doing when I watched the Phantom Menace in theaters? Laughing my ass off at Jar Jar. Know what the rest of the theater was doing? The EXACT SAME THING! :D

Hell, I still really like Jake Llyod's performance as Anakin in the phantom Menace. I consider him to be better than Hayden at portraying the tragedy of Darth Vader's turn.

I like Ewoks. Hell, no. I LOVE Ewoks.

Have at me! :P :D :lol:
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

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Graham Kennedy wrote:Same with the clothing. You want gender-neutral clothing in your show? Then women must dress as men. To do otherwise is regarded as so ridiculous, so absurd, that even if it's a handful of appearances by background characters in one season of one show, fans are still bringing it up thirty years later.
To be fair, I think people have been taking the piss out of the Scots for the same reason for rather more than thirty years.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Captain Seafort wrote:
Graham Kennedy wrote:Same with the clothing. You want gender-neutral clothing in your show? Then women must dress as men. To do otherwise is regarded as so ridiculous, so absurd, that even if it's a handful of appearances by background characters in one season of one show, fans are still bringing it up thirty years later.
To be fair, I think people have been taking the piss out of the Scots for the same reason for rather more than thirty years.
Indeed. Not sure we've ever seen a kilt on Star Trek, though.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Graham Kennedy wrote:
Captain Seafort wrote:
Graham Kennedy wrote:Same with the clothing. You want gender-neutral clothing in your show? Then women must dress as men. To do otherwise is regarded as so ridiculous, so absurd, that even if it's a handful of appearances by background characters in one season of one show, fans are still bringing it up thirty years later.
To be fair, I think people have been taking the piss out of the Scots for the same reason for rather more than thirty years.
Indeed. Not sure we've ever seen a kilt on Star Trek, though.
I believe Scotty wore one in the Savage Curtain, to greet Abraham Lincoln when he came aboard. I could be wrong, though.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by IanKennedy »

Yes he did. He also wore it in "Is There in Truth No Beauty?"
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

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Fair enough
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by Bryan Moore »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:

I like Ewoks. Hell, no. I LOVE Ewoks.
I do to... I think there's some backlash against the third movie by modern critics and somehow over the course of the last two decades, the Ewoks have been villainized. As silly as they may be, if you grew up in the 80's, you absolutely fucking loved the Ewoks as a kid and there is no way around it. I don't recall seeing any real en masse jabber about the Ewoks being shitty until Jar Jar came around and (somewhat rightfully so) ruined the perception of any "fun" character. As a result, I think the "If you really like Star Wars you hate the Ewoks" groupthink became pervasive amongst a younger generation.

I tell ya one thing - as an only child, if I had the choice between a little brother or an Ewok, I was taking the Ewok!
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by Graham Kennedy »

I always liked the Ewoks.

I have a theory about why people dislike them. I think a fair portion of Star Wars fandom actually likes the Empire. They either actively support their evil ways, or they just think they're cool with cool space ships and stuff.

In Return of the Jedi, the Ewoks, who are basically oversized Teddy bears that live in the stone age, defeat 'an entire Legion of my best troops'. That's not just a defeat, that's an utter humiliation. If you're somebody who likes the Empire... you're probably not so keen on that.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by Bryan Moore »

Graham Kennedy wrote:I always liked the Ewoks.

I have a theory about why people dislike them. I think a fair portion of Star Wars fandom actually likes the Empire. They either actively support their evil ways, or they just think they're cool with cool space ships and stuff.

In Return of the Jedi, the Ewoks, who are basically oversized Teddy bears that live in the stone age, defeat 'an entire Legion of my best troops'. That's not just a defeat, that's an utter humiliation. If you're somebody who likes the Empire... you're probably not so keen on that.
I see what you mean. I'll admit to thinking a lot of the Imperial design and look was quite cool and the Ewoks destroying the Empire isn't without it's rightful detractors. I think there's also that bit of incredulity and even a touch of deep-down (and PLEASE take this with a grain of salt) racism or at least cultural elitism with disliking the Ewoks' ability to destroy the Empire. I know there are plenty of boards where feeling has been expressed that "Wait, the Empire built the Death Star (x2) and yet some "over-sized teddy bear" savages brought down a galactic power. It's like if the Native Americans drove back WWII-era technology America off the continent and back to Europe. It is quite silly - I won't even pretend otherwise.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by Graham Kennedy »

Bryan Moore wrote:I know there are plenty of boards where feeling has been expressed that "Wait, the Empire built the Death Star (x2) and yet some "over-sized teddy bear" savages brought down a galactic power. It's like if the Native Americans drove back WWII-era technology America off the continent and back to Europe. It is quite silly - I won't even pretend otherwise.
It's essentially a metaphor for the Vietnam war. The techno-superpower defeated by relatively primitive natives whose big advantage is that they know the forest better? Yeah, pretty obvious what that's about.

Maybe that touches a nerve with some people too.
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Re: State an Unpopular Opinion

Post by T'Pau »

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