Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Tyyr »

Ok, morale for group B.

Leader is alive so we start with 20. There are 4 uninjured members for 20 and 3 wounded for 9. So the target morale is 49. Roll of 51. With 2 of their number getting run over and three popped by the multilaser the fight has gone out of them. It was only a minor failure though so its an orderly withdrawl, they all have to take at least a half action movement in reverse.

Mob 1: Half action to drag his ass up, and another to retreat away from the soldiers.
Mob 3 is unconscious. Instant death due to broken ribs on a 17-37: 88. He lives.
Mob 5: Tactical advance to the rear. Counts as in cover next time.
Mob 6: Half action to fire his stub automatic at the Lirk. BS of 30, +10 hulking target = 40. Roll: 9. Damage: (4+3-9-4) = No damage, but does prang it off Lirk's helmet.
Mob 8: Half action to fire on Zenthia*. BS of 30, +10 short range = 40. Roll: 92, miss. Half action to retreat.
Mob 9: Half action to fire on Zenthis. BS of 30. Roll: 56, miss. Half action to retreat.
Mob 10: Half action to fire on Lirk. BS of 30. Roll: 69, miss. Half action to retreat.

Mob B is now 40m away.

The biker girls should be considered to be 25m south of group B at this point. They were capable of a 75m move, it was 50 to the group so they are 25 beyond them now.

Coalition, you're up.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Coalition »

Target is Group B, Mob 6

Firing Full Auto: +20
BS of 31, Short Range +10 Full Auto +20 = 61

Roll = 28

61-28 = 33, for 3 successes
2 hits total
One hit at 9 pts, one hit at 4 pts, total is 13, minus the necessary armor resistance.

Unless the target has 2 or more points of armor, he is dead.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Tyyr »

Actually with 3 degrees of success you get the original hit and 3 more.

And in the CS thread it states mob #6 is a civvie so no armor. The damage of a las rifle is (1d10+3E) - Target's toughness bonus, -(targets armor rating - pen of the weapon).
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Coalition »

Tyyr wrote:Actually with 3 degrees of success you get the original hit and 3 more.

And in the CS thread it states mob #6 is a civvie so no armor. The damage of a las rifle is (1d10+3E) - Target's toughness bonus, -(targets armor rating - pen of the weapon).
Full Auto and Semi-auto both require 2 degrees of success to score an additional hit in my copy of Dark Heresy RPG (p190-191)

Lasgun has 0 pen, couldn't find/remember target's Toughness bonus. A Lasgun also doesn't have Full Auto fire; time for Semi-Auto.

So 51 and roll 28. Difference is 23, for 2 successes, no change in damage.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Mikey »

Coalition wrote:Full Auto and Semi-auto both require 2 degrees of success to score an additional hit in my copy of Dark Heresy RPG (p190-191)
We had discussed the lack of sense of that idea in one of these RP's, until a later errata publication provided some clarity. I don't have the text to hand, but it goes like this:
semi-auto: full action, +10 to BS test, +1 hit per two degrees of success (up to the semi-auto ROF.)
full auto: full action, +20 to BS test, +1 hit per degree of success (up to the full auto ROF.)
Coalition wrote:Lasgun has 0 pen, couldn't find/remember target's Toughness bonus. A Lasgun also doesn't have Full Auto fire; time for Semi-Auto.
Enemy stats are the in CS thread. I may be getting confused between RP's here, but I thought we had set a ground rule for lasguns having a ROF of S/3/6.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Coalition »

Mikey wrote:We had discussed the lack of sense of that idea in one of these RP's, until a later errata publication provided some clarity. I don't have the text to hand, but it goes like this:
semi-auto: full action, +10 to BS test, +1 hit per two degrees of success (up to the semi-auto ROF.)
full auto: full action, +20 to BS test, +1 hit per degree of success (up to the full auto ROF.)
That'll make a difference. At Full Auto, 61-28 = 33 is 3 successes, or 4 hits total.

The first two shots did 9 and 4 pts damage. The other two hits were a pair of 8s being rolled, for 11 pts each, but no AP.
Mikey wrote:Enemy stats are the in CS thread. I may be getting confused between RP's here, but I thought we had set a ground rule for lasguns having a ROF of S/3/6.
Found it:
Dust Ganger
Wounds 10
Armor 2
T 25

So TB 2 and armor 2.

First hit does 5 pts damage effectively, second is neutralized. Third and fourth hits do 7 pts each, for an overkill of 9 pts of damage to the target.

Results are:
Group B - 38 Meters (2 pts armor, 2 TB)
Mob 1: -6 Wounds, Right Hand Useless, 1 level of Fatigue
Mob 2: -14 Wounds, Dead
Mob 3: -7 Wounds, Broken Ribs, 20% chance per round to puncture heart and die, 4 Levels of fatigue and unconscious for 3 minutes.
Mob 4: -19 Wounds, Dead
Mob 5: 10 Wounds
Mob 6: -9 Wounds, a blackened corpse and dead
Mob 7: -21 Wounds, Very Dead.
Mob 8: 10 Wounds
Mob 9: 8 Wounds
Mob 10: 10 Wounds
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Tyyr »

Group A - 12 Meters
Mob 1: -16 Wounds, Dead and Burning
Mob 2: 2 Wounds
Mob 3: -18 Wounds, Very Dead
Mob 4: -5 Wounds, -20 agility, 1 level of fatigue
Mob 5: -9 Wounds, Dead
Mob 6: -13 Wounds, Dead
Mob 7: -10 Wound, Dead and on Fire
Mob 8: -14 Wounds, Dead
Mob 9: -9 Wounds, Dead

Group B - 38 Meters
Mob 1: -6 Wounds, Right Hand Useless, 1 level of Fatigue
Mob 2: -14 Wounds, Dead
Mob 3: -7 Wounds, Broken Ribs, 20% chance per round to puncture heart and die, 4 Levels of fatigue and unconscious for 3 minutes.
Mob 4: -19 Wounds, Dead
Mob 5: 10 Wounds
Mob 6: -9 Wounds, a blackened corpse and dead
Mob 7: -21 Wounds, Very Dead.
Mob 8: 10 Wounds
Mob 9: 8 Wounds
Mob 10: 10 Wounds

Tyyr - 20
Kendall - 19
Lighthawk - 19
Group B - 19
Coalition - 17
Group A - 17
Mikey - 15
Deep - 7

Group A
Morale Check: Leader: Mob 2, WP of 20. Two wounded members +6 = 26. Roll a 47, two degrees of failure. Both Mob 2 and 4 turn and run. They move 12 meters directly away from the main group putting them 24m from the main group and giving a -20 to BS and +20 to WS to hit them. They make no other actions.

Mikey, your go.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Mikey »

OK, Lirk's Frenzy is effective this round, so he's just gonna run full tilt (12m) towards the closest living bogey. Before I draw up and post Crank's action, I need some clarification; in the CS thread, you included stats for a hunting rifle for the enemy hardware, but listed some folks in Mob "B" as having a hunting knife. Are those supposed to be, in fact, hunting rifles? I ask because it will affect my action - Crank would love to get his hands on one of those, but of course the safest way to steal one would be to take it from someone who has already begun to assume room temperature.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Tyyr »

No, they're carrying knives.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Aaron »

Well, the Ogryn's will have something to pick their teeth with then.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Mikey »

Tyyr wrote:No, they're carrying knives.
OK, I'll go through the list of the still-living and submit in a little while.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Mikey »

OK, I'm gonna take aim with a SA burst at Mob #2 in group A. BS 46, -20 (target running away) +10 (short range) +10 (SA) = 46.

Roll of 33 = 1 hit. Dam 1d10 + 3 = 12, - 2 TB = 10... -8 wounds remaining. (-8) body crit means his torso is charred, stunned for (2d10=) 13 rounds; S, T, Ag, Fel are halved.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Tyyr »

Group A - 24 Meters
Mob 1: -16 Wounds, Dead and Burning
Mob 2: -8 Wounds, Stunned for 13 rounds; S, T, Ag, Fel are halved.
Mob 3: -18 Wounds, Very Dead
Mob 4: -5 Wounds, -20 agility, 1 level of fatigue
Mob 5: -9 Wounds, Dead
Mob 6: -13 Wounds, Dead
Mob 7: -10 Wound, Dead and on Fire
Mob 8: -14 Wounds, Dead
Mob 9: -9 Wounds, Dead

Group B - 40 Meters
Mob 1: -6 Wounds, Right Hand Useless, 1 level of Fatigue
Mob 2: -14 Wounds, Dead
Mob 3: -7 Wounds, Broken Ribs, 20% chance per round to puncture heart and die, 4 Levels of fatigue and unconscious for 3 minutes.
Mob 4: -19 Wounds, Dead
Mob 5: 10 Wounds
Mob 6: -9 Wounds, a blackened corpse and dead
Mob 7: -21 Wounds, Very Dead.
Mob 8: 10 Wounds
Mob 9: 8 Wounds
Mob 10: 10 Wounds

Tyyr - 20
Kendall - 19
Lighthawk - 19
Group B - 19
Coalition - 17
Group A - 17
Mikey - 15
Deep - 7

Deep, you're up.
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Deepcrush »

Greatness, my turn!

Buck is charging Mob-2A
WS 50 + 20 charge = ability 70... roll 12 / hit 21 left arm. 2d10 (9) + S(B)10 = 19 damage.
WS 50 + 20 charge = ability 70... roll 96 / missed major which is okay since the first one did some nice hurt.

Boar is charging Mob-4A
WS 43 + 20 charge = ability 63... roll 54 / hit 45 body. 2d10 (12) + S(B)10 = 22 damage.
WS 43 + 20 charge = ability 63... roll 36 / hit 63 body. 2d10 (7) + S(B)10 = 17 damage.

Ending result unless they can dodge is... they both in pieces. :twisted:
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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Post by Tyyr »

Group A is 24 meters from the group and you can only charge 6 meters.

Also, just as a short programming note, since LH hasn't logged into DITL in 11 days I'll be waving the usual 2 day waiting period before acting his characters for him. Hopefully he'll be back before too long to take them over before I decide to kill them off.
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