Not to shift this to the health care debate. But on the note of waste I do find it interesting that they feel there is about a hundred billion of dollars being wasted in medicare and medicade annually, but not only can they eliminate all that "waste" but any new program they set up will be totally waste free this time.Tyyr wrote:Buying votes, spending more than they have, wasting lots of money on projects of little real benefit just to make their constituents happy.
As for infrastructure as far as roads and things go, like many things in the US, it's regional. New Jersey, apparently, has things pretty crappy, to no shock to the rest of the nation
Philly left much to be desired as well. But much of the country (Maryland, Iowa, New Mexico) have excellent roads. And they have a heck of a lot more of them than Eurpean nations/Japan which squish populations on the order of magnetude of the whole nation into an area the size of a state. Though another problem is funding things that look and outwardly seem fine, but in fact may have deep structural problems. Minnisota has some serious issues with that, and other places may as well.
As for the power grid, we seem to be trying to shoot ourselves in the foot there with some of the new policies coming out. California might not even have any toes left soon. Though if the "nuclear renaissance" actually comes around that could help a lot. They've taken a bit of a hit with Yucca, but I think Obama's plan from a while back puts some funding towards Thorium reactors, which could be much cleaner.