TOS Ship Battle: D-7 Class vs Constitution-class

The Original Series
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Re: TOS Ship Battle: D-7 Class vs Constitution-class

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Deepcrush wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:
Tsukiyumi wrote:
Doesn't mean they were at full power. :wink:
Point conceded. :P Keep in mind though the E-nil had been sabotaged and was running on unrefined dilithium rocks at that point.
So then that has what to do with the power of the E-nil's PTs?
I'm just noting that the ship wasn't at full power during the fight, tilting it even more in favor of the COnnie.
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Re: TOS Ship Battle: D-7 Class vs Constitution-class

Post by dagadget »

Doesn't mean they were at full power. :wink:[/quote]

I'm just noting that the ship wasn't at full power during the fight, tilting it even more in favor of the COnnie.[/quote][/quote]

Yes all the Enterprise had was the Fusion based impulse power. no matter antimatter reactor at all until Scotty figured out the bomb and got those dilithium crystals installed
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