I hear that same voice when I read the posts, I guess we're all just in need of a serious psych ward, I hear those white walled padded rooms can be quite comfortable. lol
Ahh driving accidents of the young. my dad was awful, even worse when he had Gramps' car. He was a driving instructor.Dad took out his old mk II Ford Cortina and rear ended a Fiat of some form. It caved in completely underneath the Cortina. The guy in the Fiat had a go at dad, and when Gramps' came in he totally owned dad, saying it was dad's right of way, and he could have him done on incompetence likely ejecting him from his job. Ironically, the Fiat owner was a policeman.
I went to A&E for the first time last night, lol. My mate has a boxing target dummy shaped like a torso with lights to follow. We had about 150kg of sand in it, then several litres of water to increase the weight of the sand. The force you strike it with makes it move and rock. It rocked back, but twisted, and landed on my right big toe in a crushing injury, and basically the nail is only attached at one side of the toe, lol.
The bone is fine, and no cuts or lacerations under the nail, but while the doc cleaned it up, it hurt like HELL. And was so gross to see him pulling my nail off in places. I have some good gorey photos but figured it would be a bit much for DITL, lol. At the moment I cannae walk or drive. So frustrating.
"Beware what you intend to say, those words will always make you pay." - Soilwork
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and
the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to
know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is
to have succeeded.”