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Caption Competition

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2 Apr 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Brian Phillips Director: CUT!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Nick C. Kirk: I've got a bamboo cannon too, in case you try anything funny.
Klingon: Oh, is THAT what that is.
Warp 10 You see, what is really happening here is that the klingon looking dude is Graham Kennedy, and Kirk has finally had enough of losing the sudden death competition because of an unidentifiable nebula or planet for the umpteenth time. :)
jungus Klingon Twister! fun for the whole universe!
Kevin P. Now I will ask you one last time: Who is your favorite character on "Boston Legal"? I dare you to say James Spader again.
BikerWolf It is a little-known fact that Kirk once studied to be a rabbi, but after a botched circumcision, his instructor decided he couldn't cut it.
DanielB Klingon Waiter: "And to drink sir?"
Kirk: "Coke, please."
Klingon Waiter: "Is Pepsi alright, sir?"
Woodside Now repeat after me, "I am not going to cheat in DITL's new competition."
Merlin Kirk: Now tell me where the Orion slave girls are and no-one need get hurt.
FL Brokeback Trek: The Klingon Frontier
CaptainGibbles Now tell me is Archer still your favorite Enterprise captain?
Lister That's not a knife...THIS is a knife
BenPhoenix Before becoming a Starfleet hero, James Kirk held many jobs. Here we see his short career as a Klingon barber.
Wacky "It's been 1.4 episodes since I have last had intimate relations and I am not accepting No for an Answer."

Entries : 15People : 15

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,813 Last updated : 2 Apr 2006