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Caption Competition

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1 Oct 2022

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Chromedome "Thank you for breaking my fall, Captain."

Special Mention

Name Caption
AdmiralM The Vulcan breast pinch.
Miss Marple Remember: The camera adds 10 pounds, so technically, Jolene probably has no junk in the trunk. Sorry.
Captain 8472 Broke Back Archer.
Captain 8472 The only way T’Pol will have plausible deniability regarding this event is to be the only person left alive.
N'tran DS 12 Booby Trap
N'tran DS 12 Where No One Has Gone Before
Jonas Ryman Archer: “Oh boy!”
Captain 8472 Frankie Chestnuts is losing an argument with Miss Marple.
Chromedome Lie back and think of Vulcan
Silent Bob T'Pol wasn't enjoying morning pushups as much now that Archer had joined the group.
Frankie Chestnuts Scotty [Yelling from off camera]: “She is one well-endowed lady. I'd like to get my hands on her "ample nacelles," if you pardon the engineering parlance."
Miss Marple For some reason, Archer starts discussing Lagrange points.
Frankie Chestnuts Archer: "MMMmmmffff mmmmff MMff.
T'Pol: Pardon?
The Geek In the event of a water landing, T'Pol can be used as a flotation device.
The Geek Director: "C'mon, Jolene, you not just doing it for the money... you're doing it for a SHITLOAD of money!"
Frankie Chestnuts Archer, keeping abreast of the situation.
Frankie Chestnuts “Please keep it fairly clean…”
DBB The Vulcan boob pinch was rare, but always very popular.
The Geek Reed: "We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril!"
Archer: "I don't think I was."
Reed: "Yes, you were. You were in terrible peril."
Archer: "Look, let me go back in there and face the peril."
Reed: "No, it's too perilous."
Archer: "Look, it's my duty as Captain to sample as much peril as I can."
Reed: "No, we've got to find the Holy Grail."
Archer: "I thought I just did...?"
Bird of Prey Archer: "Captain's log - I find myself trapped in the gravitational field of two very huge orbs..."
N'tran DS 12 Encounter at Pon Farr Point
Frankie Chestnuts T’Pol: “Captain, is that a phaser in your pocket, or-“
Archer: “PHASER!! Yes Sub-Commander… it’s a PHASER.”
Bird of Prey Archer: "Okay yes, I admit that I'm envious of Vulcan superior anatomy! Stop rubbing it in!"
Miss Marple This is why they thought Human/Vulcan reproduction would be difficult. -But really, no one would mind trying.

Entries : 176People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,159 Last updated : 1 Oct 2022