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Caption Competition

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1 Mar 2012

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Nerd907 The iDoctor: the sleekest, shiniest, most compact operating system yet to grace Starfleet sickbays!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Miss Marple Auditioning for the part of Scaramouche.
Miss Marple Yes, I can do the Fandango. Why do you ask?
Fuzzy The licensed Star Trek Cabbage Patch line didn't sell very well.
Jedi with a phaser EMH:"Please state the nature... TOMAS EUGENE PARIS!!!"
mwhittington New EMH Bobblehead Toys! Get one free in every Happy Meal!
Miss Marple His habit of being short with people finally caught up with him.
If only he had chosen a less humiliating peccadillo.
Cyrus Ramsay I'm a Doctor, not an Ommpa-Loompa.
Omegatron Let's try loss-less compression next time.
Miss Marple No, I will NOT say "They're magically delicious"! ...damn...
jg The EMH Mark I, now in convienent travel size.
Broccili EMH= Emergency Midget Hologram
Miss Marple Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?...
Miss Marple EMH to self: Well, at least there aren't any fart or flatus related jokes.
Nobody is accusing ANYBODY of occult flatulence, or being a "Gas Giant".
Nary a euphemism or dysphemism.
No HUMrrhoids, no arse raspberries, no accusations of who dealt it...
Nope ...haven't had a whiff of that potty humor in over a week.
As a precaution, initiating olfactory receptors shutdown now.
Frankie Chestnuts Crossover Idea:
The Incredible Shrinking Pompous Asshole
Miss Marple The pain of "downsizing" reaced as far as the Delta quadrant.
jg For such a littl man, he sure has a big chip on his shoulders.
Frankie Chestnuts EMH: "Mr. Paris... If you-
-We represent the Lollipop Guild-
Don't fix my programming-
-The Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild-
IMMEDIATELY, I will break into your quarters-
-And in the name of the Lollipop Guild-
And neuter you in your sleep-
-We wish to welcome you to Munchkin Land."
Frankie Chestnuts Dear God!! Look at him!
He could take on a pit bull in an illegal dog fight!
Frankie Chestnuts EMH: "Oh, oh, I see! Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you! I'll bite your legs off!"
Miss Marple An unfortunate-but-rare reaction to some popular penile enhancement drugs.
Sovereign Tonight on Star Trek Voyager:
Tom, Harry and the Doctor re-enact an ancient Earth television show called 'Two and a Half Men'.
Miss Marple "Support for Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) ended on July 12, 2011"
A date he will never forget.
Frankie Chestnuts EMH: "I have a strange desire to go out, find a hollow tree and bake some cookies. Is there something wrong with me?"
Tom: "No... That makes perfect sense."
Merat Ron Popeil's "Pocket Doctor" was one of his least successful inventions.

Entries : 279People : 67

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,911 Last updated : 1 Mar 2012