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Caption Competition

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17 Jul 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
tlbs101 Kira: I said I wanted to look like Kim Kardashian, NOT Kim the Cardassian!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "...That's what we are... The Magnificent Seven."
Kira: "Commander... There are only four of us! Dax is still getting ready, O'Brien chickened out, and I haven't seen Odo."
Sisko: "That makes FIVE of us, then. I've got Odo in my pocket."
Frankie Chestnuts Alright you three: Mr. President, nerd86 and The Geek...
DBB A renowned plastic surgeon performed reconstructive surgery on Kira to make her look Cardassian. That's Kira standing in the back.
nerd86 This is Sisko's idea of peace talks.
RandomDude So guys...what's with the naked pyramid?
jg Sisko: No Mr. Bad Guy of the Week, we expect you to die.
jg Sisko: Caption Competition voters, choice wisely. We would hate for you to vote for the wrong person to win the caption competition. I hope we won't have to come back and make you an example.
jg Sisko: Frankiechestnuts, we here on behalf of the other contestants. Please step away from the computer and let someone else win. The Geek and Mr. President, you both also need to step away from your computers also. This is your one and only warning.
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "Miles... We've been concerned about your behavior recently... And we think you've got a drinking problem."
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: "Don't you think this is rather excessive?"
Sisko: "What do YOU know about parenting?"
DBB Garak: I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire enough to empty the phaser power cell?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a Cardassian type-2 phaser, the most powerful hand-phaser in the sector, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?"
Sisko: Don't taunt the man, Garak.
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "Alright then... We blast our way through the Promenade... Take out Odo in his office... Lob a Photon grenade into Quarks on the way by, then we're free and clear.
Legate Ghemor: "That's great, and all... But I'm just looking for directions to Upper Pylon 3."
ZebulaNebula NOBODY expects the Cardassian Inquisition!
lexxonnet Even on Cardassian TV shows, they felt the need to be politically correct and include a token black guy.
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "We have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...
Garak: "No one gave ME bubble gum!"
Frankie Chestnuts Legate Ghemor (approaching from behind): "WOW!! What are you guys doing? Is there going to be shooting? Kira... Why are you dressed like a Cardassian? Can I help? I can go get my phaser... Wait here, I'll be right back... Don't start without me."
nerd86 Not Pictured: Pacifism.
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "Kira, how does that saying go again? Shoot first and ask questions later, or ask questions first?"
Kira: "Shooting first is always safer... for us."
tlbs101 Sisco: OK, one more time. The safety is this little button, the power setting is here, and the trigger is hers, right? Then I just point and shoot?
tlbs101 Sisko: Can you cross the streams with these things?
Captain Redbeard Don't worry, sir. We'll get your cat down from that tree.
Thöme They write episodes like Threshold and we fall back. They screw up the Enterprise finale and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here.
tlbs101 ♫ When there's something strange... in the Promanade... who you gonna call... ♪
Frankie Chestnuts "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...
and Sisko"

Entries : 146People : 38

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,564 Last updated : 17 Jul 2011