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Caption Competition

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16 Nov 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Hoshi: "Hello, I'm a Mac"
Reed: "And I'm a PC."
T'Pol: "And I'm Internet Porn."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mr. President Despite evidence to the contrary, Subcommander T'Pol still denied she was a silicon-based life form.
mwhittington Reed: Why on earth does everyone on this ship believe I'm gay?
Hoshi:'s not hard...
jg I find these kind of images very disgusting. Sta Trek is, boobs....crap, lost my train of though. Ok, where was I? Like I was saying, Star Trek is about the philosophy of....nice rack...damn it. Lt me ry this again.
Blaston Phools Reed: Sorry to interupt.. I was wondering if i could borrow a cup of sex?
Jack Uh...girls, it's supposed to be Malcolm in the Middle!
Frankie Chestnuts Reed: "Boom Chicka WOW-wow"
T'Pol & Hoshi: "STOP THAT!
Frankie Chestnuts Reed to self: "Definitely not T'pol, but I think mine ARE bigger than Hoshi's"
Lazar Reed: I believe it's pronounced ménage à trois?
Foxbat We really need a holodeck...
Mr. President "So, hands up if you've seen the trailer for Star Trek XI."
ZebulaNebula Reed(thinking): Now T'Pol's gonna do the Vulcan Lesbian Grip.
T'Pol: My boobs to your boobs, my crotch to your crotch.
Mr. President "This one time in band camp ..."
Mr. President HOSHI: "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with V."
Blaston Phools T'Pol: My breast's are bigger than both of yours combined..
Blaston Phools T'Pol: Was that you?
Reed: What is that.. Cabbage?

Entries : 406People : 80

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,604 Last updated : 16 Nov 2008