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Caption Competition

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6 Apr 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
ThomasJBryant The spirit of Surak compels you!
The spirit of Surak compels you!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Niall Johnson We're not going to ask you again Jolene, will you do that nude scene with Trip or won't you? A simple three letter word, and this stops!
Foxbat Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo Figaro - magnifico
Steamrunner92 Two words: Amateur Chiropractor.
Spock305 Vulcan hemroids are a pain.
Tsukiyumi The first onscreen use of the "Vulcan Orgasm Grip".
Lynn Campbell WOW, technology really will be better in the future. She's the most realistic blow-up doll yet. They still can't seem to get the mouths right yet, though.
MetalHead You scream, I scream, T'Pol screams for green screens!
jg Worst kidney stone, ever
MetalHead Jolene Blalock's real audition to Enterprise had nothing to do with Star Trek, nevermind Sci-Fi...
A Another victim of the Prolonged Enterprise Exposition.
Admiral Ed Trip wrong neuropressure point!!!!!!
Dennie Hebels Another Biggus Dickus joke here would be just inappropriate.

Entries : 247People : 83

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,774 Last updated : 6 Apr 2008