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Caption Competition

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28 Nov 2004

Caption comp image


Name Caption
mknote Tamarian First Officer "Q, his eyes wide."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mavra Cost of Starfleet uniform: 5 strips latinum. Cost of puppy: 8 strips latinum. Look on Q's face when told it's his love-child: PRICELESS
Cletus Q: They reelected Bush!!!!
Xela They say a picture says a thousand words, but this one only says three. What the hell?
=David Chakotay (offscreen): The puppy can stay, but the Q in the gorilla suit...
Xela Who let the Q out?
Lancel Q: *gasp* It's the Spanish Inquisition!
Xela I see dead crewmen
Xela Q: Why can't my fans ever take a good picture of me. First they took a picture of me as a head coming out of a cigar and now this.
Dante Wait a minute....are you vaguely implying that Captain Janway is the dog?
=NoPoet= Q discovers the REAL reason Chakotay is called Pinocchio
Griddles Q: Oh, no! Wesley's now on THIS starship?!
A*H*A The reaction of being implied of being a member of al Q-aeda
Jedime Who screwed the pooch?

Entries : 326People : 142

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,977 Last updated : 28 Nov 2004