Series : | The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery | Films |
Y.A.T.I. | Episode |
When Number One is asking for more power on the laser cannon she talks into the communicator, but when she wants to shut it down she just shouts at the sky. | TOS : The Cage |
Kirk's tombstone has "James R. Kirk" on it, even though his middle initial is later well established as T. Kirk achieves a winning position in his chess match with Spock because he makes what Spock believes to be an illogical move. How on Earth can a move which puts you into a winning position be considered an illogical one? Contrary to popular belief chess is certainly a game whose great players can and do display a high degree of intuition - the image of the perfect chess player as a cold, calculating emotionless machine is false, or at least very incomplete. So it is indeed plausible that Spock might have a very logical method of playing, always making the moves that he calculated would help him the most - playing like a chess machine plays, in other words - whilst Kirk could be inferior in that respect but still win because he had a greater intuitive feel for the game. That's fine! But to take that down to a level where one individual move will convert the entire game from a what appeared to be a certain loss into what appears to be a certain win is pretty ridiculous. Dehner's onscreen bio states that she is 21 years old. She must have been some kind of amazing child prodigy, to have achieved a Doctorate that fast! It's technically possible, but by today's standards it would put her within hailing distance of being one of the youngest people ever to get a Doctorate. And on a related topic... one doesn't like to judge, but Dehner really doesn't look like she's 21. (The actress was 29 at the time of filming.) At one point Dehner says that women professionals "do tend to overcompensate". Um, overcompensate for what, exactly? |
TOS : Where No Man Has Gone Before |
Sulu's countdown clock doesn't count the time off correctly, a nit that is fixed in the remastered version of the episode where the old geared clock display is replaced with a digital version. Balok announces each minute over the comm link, leading Sulu to smile and say "I knew he would!" when the last minute comes. However, they forgot to dub in Balock's one minute announcement so Sulu is responding to nothing. And even though there is a clip of Balok saying there is a minute left in the trailer for the episode, nobody ever thought to dub it in to the episode to fix this nit. Scotty claims that eveyone should crouch down as he transports them as it is quite cramped in Balok's ship. And indeed when they beam in, the ceiling is quite low... in the spot them beam in to. But the odd thing is, everywhere else that we see it's more than high enough for everyone to stand upright. Scotty picked the one spot where they had to crouch as his beam-in point... I think he just wanted to make Kirk look silly. |
TOS : The Corbomite Maneuver |
An editing error in this episode shows McCoy in sick bay at the same time that he's meant to be in the transporter room. | TOS : Mudd's Women |
As alluded to in the review, the most commonly asked question regarding this episode is "why didn't the Enterprise just send a shuttle down?" The ship was presumably not carrying those handy little craft on this mission for some reason! In fairness, this wasn't so much a writer mistake. Rather, this was such an early episode that they hadn't decided that such a thing as a hangar full of shuttles even existed yet. In a log entry, Spock describes himself as the "Second Officer". Subsequently he would always be called the "First Officer" At one point they say that they beamed heater units down and they duplicated - with neither duplicate working. But Sulu does ask them to beam some hot coffee down a couple of times. Both times Kirk makes an offhand comment about it. So... why not beam hot coffee down? And hot food? A regular supply of hot food and drink would surely go at least some way towards helping the guys, right? And it's not like the coffee would duplicate into good coffee and evil coffee, yes? Hell, maybe it would split into decaff and supercaff coffee? |
TOS : The Enemy Within |
When Prof. Crater gets stunned on the planet the scene is run in fast forward, for some unknown reason. It looks really weird and really awful. | TOS : The Man Trap |
When the water infects Tormolen it runs up hill to get to his hand. Okay, you want to be really nitpicky? When Kirk is under the influence of the water virus, he is fantasising about being on a beach with a woman... 'a few days, no braid on my shoulder.' Well, Kirk's uniform doesn't have braid on the shoulders. Yeah, I know, poetic license and all that. McCoy rips Kirk's uniform open to inject straight into his skin. First off, the uniform rips awful easily. No wonder Kirk was forever going shirtless, the uniforms fall apart at a touch! Secondly, it's been seen on several occasions that hyposprays can inject through clothing. When he's all distraught in the recreation room, Tormolen says to Sulu "You don't rank me!" In fact since Sulu is a Lieutenant and Tormolen is a Lieutenant JG, Sulu does indeed rank him. We can forgive this one, I guess, since Tormolen wasn't exactly in his right mind. |
TOS : The Naked Time |
Just after Charlie's card tricks he meets Kirk in the corridor. They both enter a turbolift to go to the bridge. On entering, Kirk is wearing his standard yellow command shirt, but when he gets out of the lift he's changed to his green v-neck one. Maybe Charlie used his special powers to change Kirk's clothing? The Antares is variously referred to as a cargo ship, transport ship, a science probe vessel and a survey ship. That's one handy little vessel! |
TOS : Charlie X |
The Romulan ship is using 'simple impulse power only' and yet crossed vast distances during the episode. In this episode Spock declares cast rodinium to be the hardest substance known to Federation science. Yet in "Arena", Kirk claims that diamonds are "perhaps the hardest substance known in the universe". Contrary to Kirk's claim, it is not actually the case that all ship's captains are empowered to conduct weddings. |
TOS : Balance of Terror |
Isn't it a bit odd that Kirk is able to strangle Korby? Korby, remember, the man who turns out to be an android? Look at the weapon Andrea uses to kill the Android Kirk. It's the exact same weapon which was used in the original pilot episode "The Menagerie". There it was called a laser, but here it looks, sounds and behaves like a phaser. Incidentally, it's not a nit as such but when Spock asks Christine if she is sure that was Korby's voice, she rather smugly asks him "Have you ever been engaged, Mr Spock?!" and smiles as if she's just won a "take that!" point. Well, keeping what we will learn in Amok Time in mind, I can never help but imagine him responding with "Why yes, in fact it's MORE than an engagement, so take that!" |
TOS : What Are Little Girls Made Of? |
Security at the penal colony seems extremely lax. The 'cells' have ventilation ducts that you can crawl through, and they don't appear to check their cargo containers for escaping prisoners. | TOS : Dagger of the Mind |
Whilst Miri's planet is identical to Earth in terms of the geography, it has one huge difference from our planet - there isn't a single cloud visible anywhere in the world. This is something changed in the remastered version. | TOS : Miri |
When McCoy offers Spock a drink he refuses, saying his ancestors were spared it's effects. McCoy claims that this is probably why they where conquered. However, we hear in "The Immunity Syndrome" that the Vulcans have never been conquered. | TOS : The Conscience of the King |
When Kirk hears that there are five survivors on the shuttle, he smiles and gets on with his job. Although attention to his work is fairly laudable, it could be his two best friends that are dead! You would think he would take a little time to find out. This episode features a heroic effort by Leonard Nimoy to convince us that his leg is pinned by a heavy rock, when in fact it is very obviously just a lump of polystyrene that is so light he has to hold it in place. So let's talk about shuttles. Specifically, what powers a shuttle. One would imagine that it is some version of an impulse engine, yes? Now there's no canonical description of exactly how an impulse drive works, but it appears to essentially be a fusion rocket. So there's a fusion reactor which is supplied by a suitable gas - probably deuterium. The impulse drive would compress and heat this until it fused, then squirt fusing plasma out of the back end to generate thrust. (There's possibly some wizard-tech mass lightening effect there, but let's skip that.) Now when the shuttle crash-lands, Scotty informs Spock that "We've lost a great deal of fuel. We have no chance at all to reach escape velocity." But eventually they overcome this difficulty when Scotty decides that "I can adjust the main reactor to function with a substitute fuel supply... Our phasers. I can adapt them and use their energy." So, my question is this. Are the phaser power packs really supposed to have some kind of fuel inside them? I always took a phaser power pack to be some kind of high capacity battery. But if it's a battery, how can that energy possibly be used to power a fusion reactor? The only conclusion seems to be that phasers are themselves miniature fusion reactors, and the "power packs" are actually little bottles of deuterium or other fusion gas. Although even then, wouldn't Scotty talk about draining their "fuel" rather than their "energy"? |
TOS : The Galileo Seven |
Kirk claims at one point that the audio sensor can be boosted to one to the fourth power. However, one to any power is still one! He likely intended to say "ten to the fourth power", which would be 10,000 times amplification. In this episode Spock states that it is impossible that Kirk jettisoned the pod before he was supposed to, stating "human beings have characteristics just as inanimate objects do. It is impossible for Captain Kirk to act out of panic or malice. It is not his nature." Yet in "Day of the Dove", when asked if Kang's wife can guarantee that he will listen to Kirk's peace offer, Spock states that "No one can guarantee the actions of another." So which is it? Come to that, why don't they just put Kirk under a lie detector and ask him if he hit that button? For the forgetful, Wolf in the Fold states that the Enterprise computer can make a recording of the registrations of both the conscious and subconscious mind, detailing what a person did in the recent past even if that person does not remember what they did. |
TOS : Court Martial |
Behold the marvel of the 23rd century that is Fleet Captain Pike's chair and communication system. He has a light, which he flashes once for "yes" and twice for "no". Contrast that with what we've accomplished in the backwards era of the early 21st century - Professor Stephen Hawking, for instance, is at least as badly incapacitated as Pike is. Yet he can communicate very effectively, if a little slowly. Yeah, I know, there's no way they could have foreseen any of that in the 1960s. But let's assume that Federation technology is lacking in this area for whatever reason. Why isn't a telepth assigned to look after Captain Pike? A Vulcan mind meld would allow him a conduit to express complex feelings and desires to others, yes? And even if we say that no Vulcan was willing - and in early TOS the mind meld was something Spock was often reluctant to do as it was a "terrible lowering of mental barriers", as opposed to later episodes where a Vulcan would mind meld with you as soon as look at you - even then, we know from "Is There in Truth No Beauty?" that there are Human telepaths in existence. So why not assign one of those? Alright, I'll accept that a blinking light is the best they can do, and that all the telepaths were out on family leave or something. So why can't Pike use his blinking light to signal morse code to people? It would be slow, but he'd be able to communicate full sentences! Look at the report that Kirk reads about the Enterprise's visit to Talos IV. It actually says in the report that the USS Enterprise was "commanded by Captain Christopher Pike with Half-Vulcan Science Officer Spock". It even has it again at the bottom of the report where the two officers sign off on it. Um.... really? They specify people's racial status in their reports? Or at least, they specify non-Human people's species - notice it doesn't say "Commanded by Human Captain Christopher Pike", which would at least be consistent, if still a bit weird. It makes Starfleet seem oddly racist. |
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 1 |
Surely they could have come up with a more sophisticated method of communication for Pike in the 23th century than just flashing a light. Also, the transporter seems to be making phaser noises, and then Spock has an emotional outburst when only the women are transported. |
TOS : The Menagerie, Part 2 |
Yet again, nobody thinks to power up a shuttle and go rescue the boss! The fighter plane changes type several times. One might speculate that the planet built several different aircraft, or rebuilt it whilst in the air, but sometimes it changes type literally from one shot to the next. In some shots there is even a second aircraft. The episode features Barbara Baldavin, who played Ensign Angela Martine in "Balance of Terror". She's also referred to as Angela in this episode too... but when Kirk beams down, he refers to her as "Teller". |
TOS : Shore Leave |
It's established at the start of the episode that they are 900 light years from earth, thus Trelane's information should be this much out of date. However, he talks of Napoleon who lived only 467 years ago. | TOS : The Squire of Gothos |
When the Metrons return Kirk to the ship are we really to believe that they wash his face, clean his clothes and heal his leg? Kirk claims that diamonds are "perhaps the hardest substance known in the universe". Yet in "Obsession" Spock and Kirk discuss the fact that tritanium is 21.4 times as hard as diamond... whilst in "Balance of Terror", Spock declares that cast rodinium is "the hardest substance known to our science." |
TOS : Arena |
The Commodore claims that the energy distortions where felt throughout every quadrant of the galaxy and far beyond. How does he know, they'd only explored a small fraction of the Alpha quadrant by this time! | TOS : The Alternative Factor |
When they beam the pilot from the cockpit of the plane he appears on the transporter pad stood upright. Shouldn't he be in a seated position? | TOS : Tomorrow is Yesterday |
Landru claims his society is without conflict, yet when the festival begins there's plenty of conflict to go round. | TOS : The Return of the Archons |
The people on the planet attack the ship with sonic weapons... how do these manage to work through the vacuum of space? | TOS : A Taste of Armageddon |
When Khan shuts down life support on the bridge Kirk orders commendations for five of those present. There are, however, seven people on the bridge. Don't the other two deserve a commendation as well? Khan makes a statement in this episode that really doesn't ring true. Bemoaning the lack of progress in Humanity over the last two centuries he comments that if one improves a machine one might double productivity, but if one improved Man himself the one could gain a thousandfold. This is simply the exact opposite of the truth. Khan himself claims to have five times Kirk's strength. So if a job involved lifting heavy loads, he might increase productivity fivefold. Possibly more if he has enhanced endurance as well - but there's a limit to the improvements there, since there are after all only so many hours in a day. Compare this to Kirk using a bulldozer. A really large dozer can lift more than a hundred tons in one scoop - and that's just present day technology, not whatever antimatter-powered anti-gravity tractor beam bulldozers they might have in a few hundred years. One man with a dozer could move more dirt in a day than fifty Khans could ever hope to. And so it goes with almost every arena; who would you bet on, Khan running or Kirk on a motorbike? Khan swimming or Kirk in a speedboat? Over and over, it's the genetic supermen that offer a marginal improvement and the machines that show the true way of the future. |
TOS : Space Seed |
When Kirk packs to leave the ships he uses a vintage 1960's suitcase. | TOS : This Side of Paradise |
Kirk apparently can't tell his left from his right. He points right and tells Spock to go left, then he points left and say's he'll go right. Apparently, Spock can't tell either because he heads off in the direction Kirk pointed in rather than the way he was told to go. | TOS : The Devil in the Dark |
One of Kor's rules is that no groups of more than three Organians are allowed to meet. However, throughout most of the episode the five member ruling council stays together, including during their meetings with Kor. | TOS : Errand of Mercy |
Why does Spock have to build a computer to access the data held on the tricorder? Surely he can just use the built in monitor and controls like he does in all the other episodes! | TOS : The City on the Edge of Forever |
When Kirk orders the satellite energized, Sulu is sitting at his usual position at the helm. When the scene cuts to a wider shot he has vanished and been replaced by a guy in a red shirt. When the Denevans first attack the landing party, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and one of the two redshirts all fire on them - whilst Yeoman Zahra and the second redshirt stands in the background doing nothing. The redshirt seems to hold his fire because the other officers are blocking his line of sight, so he just holds his phaser at the ready instead. Zahra just stands there... but then she has no choice - because closeups of her walking around show that she's not armed! Now it's not technically her job to be shooting people - Kirk makes clear in the transporter room that she's along to make a full record of everything they see and do on the surface. But even McCoy carries and uses a phaser. Surely Zahra should have at least been carrying one so she could defend herself if she got separated from the rest of the party. So why wasn't she armed? Could it have possibly been because she was (gasp!) a woman? |
TOS : Operation: Annihilate! |
When Sylvia and Korob are seen in their true form at the end of the episode you can quite clearly see the strings. Thankfully the remastered episode fixes this. | TOS : Catspaw |
Kirk says he will not reveal Cochrane's existence. So what's he going to do about Hedford? She's an important woman, and she's vanished without trace. Even if McCoy fakes up a death certificate, wouldn't the absence of a body be somewhat hard to explain? | TOS : Metamorphosis |
One of the shots of the Enterprise in space is a mirror image, with the ship's registry number shown backwards. This is fixed in the remastered episode. The whole mission of the Enterprise would appear to be in gross violation of the prime Directive. The Capellans are clearly a pre-warp civilisation, and as Kirk and McCoy described it in "Bread and Circuses", this should mean "No identification of self or mission. No interference with the social development of said planet. No references to space, or the fact that there are other worlds, or more advanced civilisations." Not only is agreeing a mining deal with them against this, the officers directly interfere with Capellan laws and customs, even to the extent of essentially choosing the next two leaders of the planet in their favour! True that's not the actual intent, but there were many points along the way where Kirk could have done things differently to remain within Capellan custom; not touch Eleen in the first place, leave her behind when he made his escape, etc. That he didn't was purely down to his own sense of ethics and desire to get what the Federation wanted off the Capellans. Whilst the appearance of the Klingon D-7 cruiser is certainly a much better special effect than the coloured blob seen before, it creates a potential problem for the episode. Kras describes his ship as "A small scout ship" - yet the D-7 is a large cruiser, on a par with the Enterprise itself. However, there is a reasonable explanation for this - If Kras had told Kirk a cruiser was in orbit, the Captain would likely have beamed straight back up to the Enterprise. By lying and claiming that it was a small scout ship he keeps Kirk on the surface and, at least in theory, gives his ship the best chance of dealing with the Enterprise. Unfortunately for him it didn't quite work out that way! |
TOS : Friday's Child |
Apollo generates an energy field in the shape of a giant hand to hold the Enterprise in position. The crew manage to punch a hole in the field to fire through, yet when we see the ship fire, the hand has vanished completely. | TOS : Who Mourns for Adonais? |
T'Pau is a very influential and important person in the Federation. How do you suppose she will react when she discovers, a few weeks or months after this episode, that Kirk is in fact alive and well and that she was subjected to a con trick? After Kirk is dead McCoy informs Spock that strange as it may seem, he is Captain of the Enterprise now. Seriously? Starfleet regulations allow an officer to rise to command by murdering his Captain?! What is this, the Mirror Universe?! |
TOS : Amok Time |
Is neutronium transparent? Stars are clearly visible through the Doomsday machine's neutronium hull on several occasions. Since Decker is so determined to destroy the doomsday machine, why does he never once fire photon torpedoes at it? We are told that the antimatter aboard the Constellation has been "deactivated". This really should be impossible. I suppose that one might imagine that the doomsday machine's dampening field changed the antimatter into normal matter somehow...? |
TOS : The Doomsday Machine |
Now I must admit that I've never walked a pretty girl home through dense fog... but if I did, I suspect I could find something better to do than wander off out of sight to "lead the way", as Scotty does in this episode. Surely the point is to actually be with the woman? | TOS : Wolf in the Fold |
Spock declares that Nomad's energy bolts are the equivalent of 90 of their own photon torpedoes. The ship takes three hits from these. Does it really take 270 photon torpedoes to break down the shields of a Starship? Strangely enough, when one of the ship's photons hits Nomad a minute later and causes no damage, Kirk is amazed that anything can survive such a blast. If his own ship can accept hundreds of times this punishment why is it such a big deal that Nomad can take one hit? So when Nomad zaps Uhura, it apparently wipes out her memory. We later see Christine teaching her how to read English, and we're told she is rapidly relearning all the stuff people know. Um... for one, won't this make Uhura a completely different person? We are, in at least large part, the sum of our experiences. Uhura just lost her entire childhood, every family she ever had, every romantic relationship she ever had, every friendship she ever had... and she's just going to "relearn" all this and come out exactly the way she did before? Really? And even if she could do that, just how long would it take? I'm sure she's a bright lady, but Starfleet academy alone was a multi year program for her in the first place. Now we're told she is already up to college level and will be back on the job in a week?! Why the hell do you spend years at Starfleet Academy if you can learn it all in under a week?! And anyway, when Uhura gets frustrated she says something in Swahili, and Chapel asks her to speak English. So they actually taught her Swahili first? And it only took the course of a fraction of the episode to become completely proficient in it? And if Chapel doesn't speak it, then who the hell taught it to Uhura? NONE OF THIS MAKES A LICK OF SENSE! |
TOS : The Changeling |
Landon says at one point that the planet would be a paradise without Vaal. I don't know about you, but my vision of paradise does not include exploding rocks and highly poisonous plants. | TOS : The Apple |
When Sulu tries to kill Kirk, Marlena uses the Tantalus device to kill Sulu's henchmen. Why doesn't she kill Sulu as well? | TOS : Mirror, Mirror |
Why the hell does Stocker send the ship straight into the Neutral Zone? Okay he's no Kirk, but I find it hard to believe that he is so incompetent that he doesn't know or care about the rules regarding trespass into the zone. | TOS : The Deadly Years |
If Norman is the head android and none of the others can function without him, how did they function when he was light years away taking over the Enterprise? And if the androids beam down the whole crew, and then the crew shut down all the androids, how did they get anybody back on the ship? Wouldn't they all be stranded there on the planet forever? |
TOS : I, Mudd |
When Kirk agrees to allow Klingons onto the station, he says he will send a security guard over for every one of the Klingons. I presume that these guards were actually supposed to follow the Klingons, rather than just wander the station corridors. Yet there are very few redshirts present during the bar fight. Did the security guards sneak off somewhere? | TOS : The Trouble With Tribbles |
When Kirk breaks Spock and McCoy out of prison, he fires a burst at the lock from his machine gun. Amazingly, this does absolutely no damage to the door. It's almost like Kirk was firing blanks or something! Strangely, the door opens anyway. Okay, time to take Kirk to task. As part of their efforts to convince him to side with them, the Neo-Romans send Drusilla, a rather attractive female slave, to make his night a little more comfortable, shall we say. Kirk resists a little, but apparently relents - we drift off to the lamp, cut to the next morning, and see Kirk putting on his boots. Maybe they just snuggled, but I really doubt it. Anyway, the point is... Drusilla is a slave. Yes, she tells him that she is happy to do this, but at the end of the day she is not a free person. At the very least she has been raised to believe that a slave should do as her Master tells her, regardless of her own feelings. Quite possibly a refusal or even an unconvincing performance would result in dire, even terminal, consequences for her. There is no way in hell that she can be taken as giving valid consent, or even taken as being capable of giving valid consent. And Kirk just does her anyway? What the hell, dude? That's NOT cool. |
TOS : Bread and Circuses |
For a violent race, the Andorians sure don't wear sensible clothes. Keep an eye on the Andorian during his fight with Kirk - he's fighting his own clothes almost as much as the captain! | TOS : Journey to Babel |
When McCoy heats up some rocks in the cave, we get a really nice close up of him firing the phaser. Or rather, we get a really nice close up of him keeping his hand perfectly still as the phaser fires itself. So, the whole slapping Spock in the face thing. First, it's to get him to consciousness. Yet his eyes are open, he recognises Nurse Chapel, he asks her to do it, listens to her say no, then insists she do it. Doesn't that mean that he is already conscious? I mean, he's awake, aware, responsive... what more is there to being conscious? And on that subject, M'Benga simply leaves the instruction to "do whatever he says". Yet when he comes in he shows that he knew in advance exactly what Spock would ask for and why. Isn't it rather poor practice not to have warned Christine in advance what would be expected? Surely it's just basic common sense that the nursing staff should be as prepared as possible for the situation, and it would have saved Chapel from considerable stress. And if this is a Vulcan thing, then why did nobody ever have to slap Sarek awake in Journey to Babel? Why has nobody ever had to slap Tuvok or T'Pol awake during the many times we've seen them in sickbay? The crew state that flintlocks would be the first type of firearms people would develop. Actually judging from Earth history that would more likely be the matchlock. The flintlock came along centuries later. |
TOS : A Private Little War |
Kirk is told that in his last fight, he must stay in a yellow zone and his opponents in the blue. Trespass into an opponents zone will cost you a weapon. Despite this, both sides routinely trespass throughout the fight without any penalty being imposed. | TOS : The Gamesters of Triskelion |
Spock claims that the detonation of an ounce of antimatter will rip half a planet's atmosphere off. In fact, this much antimatter would 'only' yield a maximum of about one megaton, enough to destroy a single city. In this episode Spock states that tritanium is 21.4 times as hard as diamond... yet in "Arena", Kirk claims that diamonds are "perhaps the hardest substance known in the universe". Regular background cast member Eddie Paskey is killed in this episode. Nevertheless, he continues to appear in future episodes. Presumably an identical twin? |
TOS : Obsession |
Why do they set the antimatter charge to detonate after seven minutes? This is just barely enough time for them to escape, yet there is never any reason given why they couldn't make it ten minutes, or ten hours for that matter. Spock states that the creature is invading our galaxy "like a virus". A Virus reproduces by injecting DNA into the cells of the host and reprogramming them to produce more viruses. This creature is a fully functional cell, capable of reproducing itself. So in point of fact the creature is invading our galaxy like a bacteria, not a virus. |
TOS : The Immunity Syndrome |
Kirk's attempts to use the car are hilarious indeed... but I find it hard to believe that in such a lawless society the owner left the keys in it! And in any case, why not have the Enterprise beam him to his destination? As our quotes section shows, Krako at one point claims that he's never been arrested in his life. But this raises an interesting point... if this culture is indeed based on old Chicago, then does that include systems of government, police and courts? Krako's line seems to indicate that it does, and certainly one would expect a book about the 1920s mobs to mention a good deal about law enforcement efforts, government corruption, etc... but if that is so, then Kirk's actions here amount to aiding an overthrow of the elected government! I mean, imagine if a bunch of space aliens with advanced technology had turned up in the actual 1920s Chicago and told the mobsters there that they must take over the planet. Bit of a nightmare scenario, really, yes? |
TOS : A Piece of the Action |
Why does Kirk get so worked up when Scotty and Spock suggest destroying the ship? He threatens the very same thing himself when Bele seizes control in a few months time, and all he wanted to do was go to a planet in our own galaxy. And of course, he will ultimately carry out the destruction of the ship rather than let the Klingons seize it in Star Trek III. | TOS : By Any Other Name |
Supposedly, the aliens transfer their host's personality into the spherical containers when they take control of the body. Yet at the end Sargon and Thalassa occupy Kirk and Mulhall for a last moment, after all the containers have been destroyed. So where do the host's minds go? In Kirk's quote, he asks whether McCoy wishes that the first Apollo mission hadn't reached the moon. In point of fact the first Apollo mission didn't reach the moon - it never even launched, thanks to the tragic fire which killed the astronauts. Several more flights tested various systems and procedures, and although some of these orbited the moon - which may be close enough to count as reaching it, in Kirk's mind - it was not until Apollo 11 that a landing took place. |
TOS : Return to Tomorrow |
Kirk and co. find it incredible that a group of Nazis exist on an alien planet. Yet they found it perfectly reasonable that a Roman society could develop in "Bread and Circuses", only nine episodes ago. They claim it is a perfect example of "Hodgkin's law of parallel planetary development". So why are the Nazis any different? Gill claims that Nazi Germany was the "most efficient state Earth ever knew." Whilst this view was believed at the time of the episode production, today historians point out that in fact the German state was rather inefficient, dominated by huge competing bureaucracies. During the war the Germans never mobilised their population and economy to the extent that the British and Americans did until it was far too late - for example, women in Germany were never called up into the military and industry the way they were by the Allies, until Germany itself was all but overrun. There was also a strong tendancy to announce grand sweeping projects which rarely lived up to the hype - consider the much touted Nazi success of the autobahn system, for instance. Designed as a public works project, the plan actually pre-dated the Nazis by many years. Whilst it was the Nazis that ended up implementing it, road construction never employed more than a quarter of the workers it was intended to. And since car ownership was rare in Germany - especially since Hitler's "people's car" never went into production under the Nazis - what they ended up with were roads that almost nobody could actually use. At the height of autobahn building, only one German in sixty owned a car. And that was a success story, as Nazi projects went. Or consider that the Nazis spent as much money and effort on the V-2 project as the US did on the Manhattan project - and for their efforts, they got a weapon that repeated the failed "terror bombing" tactic whilst doing absolutely nothing useful in the fight against the allies. |
TOS : Patterns of Force |
The Woden freighter seen in this episode is a re-use of Khan's DY-100 ship. That was supposed to have been built in the mid 1990s, are these ships still in service 270 years later? This nit is fixed in the remastered episode, which replaces the ship with a copy of the Antares seen in "Charlie X". Daystrom asks the M-5 what the penalty for murder is, and it replies that the penalty is death. Is that so? We've been told before that Starfleet only uses the death penalty for violation of the quarantine zone around the Talos system. It doesn't punish murder with death. In fairness, Daystrom might believe that murder deserves the death penalty, and the M-5's mind would thus have that same belief. |
TOS : The Ultimate Computer |
Kirk is amazed that Tracey would dare interfere in another culture in this episode. He says that a Starship captain would give his life, sacrifice his ship and its entire crew rather than do such a heinous thing. There follows a list of episodes in which Kirk has interfered with other cultures: "The Apple", "Miri", "The Return of the Archons", "A Taste of Armageddon", "This Side of Paradise", "Errand of Mercy", "Mirror, Mirror" and "Friday's Child". This is not a complete list, but I trust the point has been made. McCoy claims humans are about 98% water. In actuality, it's more like 70%. |
TOS : The Omega Glory |
Kirk agonises over whether to let Seven use the computer to destroy the missile, not knowing if he can trust the mysterious agent. Why doesn't he just have the Enterprise blow the missile up instead? In the remastered version, the Earth is rotating backwards. In reality, the Earth was a little less in danger than this episode represents - for instance, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty had already made it illegal to place any nuclear weapon in space. So the H Bomb was exploded high up in the atmosphere above Eurasia. But... we know now that a high altitude nuclear detonation causes a widespread electromagnetic pulse. So such a detonation would actually be massively damaging anyway! It would almost certainly be taken by those in Eurasia as the first move in an all out attack, sending one bomb to blind enemy radar and communications. When Seven is on the Enterprise, why does nobody suggest Spock mind meld with him in order to determine his true intentions? |
TOS : Assignment: Earth |
When Earp confronts Kirk, Spock tells him to sit down and not move a muscle - especially his hands. Strangely, Kirk immediately flexes his hands! | TOS : Spectre of the Gun |
When the Klingon ship makes an attack, it is reported to be travelling at warp speed. Shortly afterwards, Sulu calls off the range to the ship in kilometres, but the rate at which the range numbers change is way too slow for a ship doing faster than light speeds. It's possible that the Klingon ship slowed to impulse, but it's odd that nobody commented on this if it happened. Speaking of the Klingon attack, several shots of the bridge show somebody else sitting in Chekov's chair. When Kirk and Elaan are arguing, she says "If I have to stay here for ten light years, I will not be soiled by any contact with you!" This is the only time I know of that TOS fell into the old error of thinking that a light year is a measure of time rather than distance! Bad form! However... consider that it is Elaan that says it, and the point of her character is that she is this spoiled brat who is unwise in the ways of the real world. Could it possibly be that this is actually a subtle bit of writing in which Elaan is supposed to have been in error, and Kirk too much the gentleman to correct her? I report, you decide! |
TOS : Elaan of Troyius |
When the ship loses main power while trying to destroy the asteroid, they can't use phasers any more. Yet nobody mentions the possibility of using photon torpedoes. If there is an asteroid heading to destroy this planet, and time is critical in stopping it, why does the ship take time out to sit around whilst Kirk, Spock and McCoy have a little stroll? Wouldn't it make more sense to stop the asteroid first, and then come back and spend whatever time you want at the planet? And since they're forced to depart without Kirk, why don't they beam down a landing party to deal with it whilst they're away? Send down say a dozen security guys, a handful of tents, supplies for a few months and a medical team. They could look for Kirk whilst the ship deals with the asteroid, and then it could pick them back up later on when it gets back. Just how fast is this asteroid going, anyway? The episode establishes that it will reach the planet in two months. Yet Spock reports that they have been on their way to it for "several hours" and a moment later Scotty states that they have been holding Warp 9 to get there. Now how fast Warp 9 really is is a big question itself, but let's go with the official scale of speed equals warp factor cubed. That makes Warp 9 equal to 729 times the speed of light. Three hours at this speed is 2,187 light hours, or just about one quarter of a light year. For the asteroid to cross that in two months, it would need to be going at about 1.5 times the speed of light. Which is impossible. Hell, even if we took Warp 9 as 9xc, the asteroid would be going at well over five thousand kilometres a second, which is like a hundred times faster than asteroids ever really get. This is one fast asteroid! |
TOS : The Paradise Syndrome |
When the Romulans first surround our heroes, one of their officers declares that "you have been identified as the Starship Enterprise". Good call, dude - it says "USS Enterprise" in twenty foot high letters right across the ship's hull! When Kirk and Spock beam over to the Romulan flagship, it is agreed that two Romulan officers will beam to the Enterprise to act as hostages. All well and good - but when the Romulans beam aboard, the very first thing they do is pull their disruptor pistols and run off the transport pad as if they're about to start shooting! And oddly, Scotty responds to this by just standing there and giving them a stern look. So why on Earth are the Romulans pointing guns when they've agreed to be hostages? Is it some attempt to seize the transporter room and beam themselves back? That makes no sense because even though it's only Scotty standing there unarmed, we later learn that they are indeed in custody aboard the Enterprise. So are they just trying to appear intimidating or something? If I'd been the one in charge there would have been a couple of redshirts waiting with phasers out... and that little stunt would have gotten both of them stunned. So this episode features Kirk secretly beaming onto the Romulan flagship during the stand-off, then beaming back to the Enterprise. Then later well after the Romulans realise that their cloaking device has been stolen, the Enterprise beams Spock off the ship. So... did the Romulan Commander really keep her ship's shields down all that time? Wasn't that a rather idiotic thing to do? At the end of the episode Spock takes the Romulan commander from the bridge into the turbolift and orders it to deck 2. Now remember, the bridge is on deck 1. So the lift is descending a whopping one deck - about 11 to 12 feet. So... why does it take the turbolift a whole 56 seconds to cover this distance? That's like two and a half inches per second! |
TOS : The Enterprise Incident |
At one point, Spock and Kirk take a trip in a turbolift. Strangely, neither one ever specifies a destination. | TOS : And the Children Shall Lead |
When Kirk and his officers are captured by the women, they are rendered unconscious and sat on stools. Amazingly, they all manage to keep sitting on these stools the entire time they are unconscious. Everyone treats Ion power like it's some amazing hyper-advanced technology in this episode. Yet in "The Menagerie, Part 1", we learn that the Enterprise's own shuttles are Ion powered! |
TOS : Spock's Brain |
After Kirk talks to Kollos about the mind meld with Spock, there's a shot where his hair is parted on the wrong side. The makers chose to mirror-image the film for some strange reason. During Marvick's fight in Engineering, a crewman slams into the gray housing in the middle of the deck. If you watch closely, you can see that the whole thing shifts slightly when he hits it. |
TOS : Is There in Truth no Beauty? |
When the Vians torture Kirk they remove his uniform top, only to put it back on him when they send him back. Obviously they didn't want to get it all bloody or anything. Considerate torturers, these Vians. | TOS : The Empath |
At the end of Kirk's memorial service, Spock calls the crew to attention. Everybody stands, but their arms are all over the place - some behind their backs, some in front, some at the sides. I know Starfleet don't go in for all this military drill stuff in a big way, but really I would have thought they would make a better showing for this occasion. | TOS : The Tholian Web |
Scotty really must be much stronger than he looks. At one point in this episode, he knocks a Klingon unconscious by hitting him on the elbow! | TOS : Day of the Dove |
The Platonians say they left Earth when the Greek civilization went into decline. Yet they know French phrases and Mexican dances, both invented much later in Earth's history. | TOS : Plato's Stepchildren |
When Kirk fires at Deela, she steps out of the way of his phaser beam. Even assuming that this acceleration thing can make her move at a significant fraction of lightspeed, she would be going millions of times normal. But that would mean that for every minute which passed for the normal speed folk, a couple of years would pass for her. Since Spock had time to analyse the Scalosian water and come up with a counter-agent, Kirk would be an old man or dead by the time he got to him. | TOS : Wink of an Eye |
Before Losira kills the Engineer on the Enterprise, she describes one or two of the ship's functions to him. He calls out to Scotty that a strange woman knows every detail of the ship's systems. I know he was caught by surprise here, but this seems like a rather sweeping exaggeration. Spock claims that the planet has a size about equal to Earth's moon, and yet a mass about equal to the Earth itself. This allows one to calculate the surface gravity of the planet, and it comes out to 13.5 times Earth's own gravity. That would make the men on the surface weigh something like a ton each! To be fair, Kirk does respond to the size and mass figures by saying "that would be difficult to explain", so it may just be that this isn't so much a mistake as an example of just how weird and inexplicable this planet is. When Kirk tries to bury D'Amato he phasers the ground and discovers a red rock that the phaser won't cut through. He then phasers another spot about ten feet away and they see the same red rock. McCoy then comments that the whole planet must be made of this stuff. Really, Doctor? From sampling two spots on the ground, both in close proximity, you generalise to the entire planet?! Hell, we SEE rocks sticking up out of the ground that aren't red like this stuff! |
TOS : That Which Survives |
Kirk makes a log entry on Stardate 5730.7, then dates his next log as 5730.6. Is he going backwards in time? When Bele first takes over the ship, Chekov reports that they are on course four-oh-three mark seven. Spock confirms this, and then states that Cheron lies "between four-oh-three mark seven, and mark nine." Isn't this a rather awkward thing to say? Surely he should have said that Cheron lies on heading four-oh-three mark eight? Under Bele's control, the Enterprise accelerates to Warp 10. Yet there is nothing of the rising whine of the Engines that always accompanies such acceleration. So is Bele controlling the ship to make it go at Warp 10, or is he using his power to actually physically push it through space at high warp whilst the engines idle along as normal? Because if it's the former, there should be an accompanying engine noise, and if it's the latter, that's one hell of a feat for a single person to be capable of. It would make Bele and Loki so powerful that it's rather incredible, even for Star Trek. |
TOS : Let that be Your Last Battlefield |
Surely there are any number of things Spock could have done when faced with the two Kirks. For instance, he could have stunned both of them and then had a hundred security personnel beam down from the ship to deal with the problem while he sorted Garth and Kirk out at his leisure. Garth has an explosive so powerful that one flask of it can vaporize an entire planet? Hardly seems likely, that's far more powerful than even an antimatter reaction. Still, the drop used on Marta doesn't do much and Garth is insane after all, so maybe he's just delusional. |
TOS : Whom Gods Destroy |
When Kirk tries to contact the crew on the empty Enterprise, we get several shots of empty corridors and rooms. Strangely, sickbay seems to be on red alert. A key plot point of this episode is a deliberate confusion over beam down co-ordinates. Spock performs the transport when Kirk beams down (presumably the transporter chief was on his break or something), and is given the co-ordinates 875-020-079. They are read to him very carefully by Uhura, three digits at a time, and Spock repeats each group of three back to her to be sure he has them right. Then, when Kirk turns out to be missing, Spock asks the Gideon people for the co-ordinates again and is again given 875-020-079. Later in the episode, they decide to test the transporter by beaming somebody up from the Gideon council chamber and are given the co-ordinates 875-020-709. Two of the digits in the last set have been transposed... yet apparently this is not noticed. By Spock. Spock! It is, just barely, conceivable that a crewmember might not notice that these co-ordinates differ. One would think there would be checks and safeguards in place for this kind of thing, given that messing up a number like this could beam somebody down inside a wall or something. Yet mistakes are made even by professionals, and after all the numbers are very similar. And people do sometimes have a tendency to see what they expect to see. But Spock?! The man with a mind like a computer, who routinely cites obscure facts and figures from memory, who can calculate the odds of pretty much any given event in an instant. He was present both times, clearly heard both sets of figures, and he did not notice the discrepancy right away? I find this inconceivable! Interestingly, Gideon shows absolutely no signs of mass habitation. From Earth orbit the effects of Human habitation of our planet are clearly visible, especially at night when the lights of cities can easily be seen. One might expect that Gideon would be a planet of of vast sprawling cities, perhaps even one of those "planet cities" so beloved of sci-fi, like Asimov's Trantor. One might suggest that the Gideons all live underground, and use the surface for agriculture or something - but that's not really possible, since Odona states that "there is no place... no street, no house, no garden, no beach, no mountain that is not filled with people. Each one of us would kill in order to find a place alone to himself." Clearly the surface is meant to be crammed with people, so there must be dwellings, roads, houses, all that stuff. Yet we see absolutely nothing, even on the remastered version. Are we really supposed to believe that the deep thrumming sound Kirk and Odona hear is the sound of the heartbeats of all the people outside? Because that's just absurd. |
TOS : The Mark of Gideon |
Do the Federation buy Romulan hardware? The control room on Memory Alpha has a Romulan control box on the desk. | TOS : The Lights of Zetar |
Just after the opening credits, Kirk says a line without moving his lips. | TOS : The Cloud Minders |
When Sevrin uses the ultrasound on the Enterprise crew, the exact same people in the exact same clothes fall in the exact same places as they did in "Spock's Brain". Coincidence, or what? | TOS : The Way to Eden |
Flint tells McCoy he can supervise the M-4's work, yet the robot locks McCoy out of the laboratory a few seconds later. Flint claims that rats died of the bubonic plague. In fact rats are immune to the effects of the plage, which is how they were able to live long enough to carry it around everywhere on infected fleas. The signs over the Androids read "Rayna", but the end credits list the character as "Reena." |
TOS : Requiem for Methuselah |
Lincoln is mightily impressed by the technology of the Enterprise, commenting on the likes of the transporter to Kirk. Yet he walks through the automatic doors as if he's been using them all his life. | TOS : The Savage Curtain |
Spock tells Zarabeth that he comes from a world "millions of light years away". Our galaxy is no more than a hundred thousand light years from end to end, and Spock has previously demonstrated amazement at the thought of intergalactic travel in anything less than millennia. He can't be millions of light years from home. When Zarabeth offers Spock meat to eat, she comments that there is "not much else to eat around here," which Spock thinks is perfectly reasonable. One hesitates to speculate on the nature of an alien biology, but it really should be impossible for animals to comprise most of the food. After all, what are all these animals eating? The base of any ecology should be a mass of plant life, with animals comprising significantly less mass. One might speculate that this isn't true on Sarpeidon, or that the plantlife is inedible to the natives but not to the animals, but it seems odd that Spock would so readily agree to the idea. |
TOS : All Our Yesterdays |
Astoundingly, Lieutenant Galloway returns to life for this episode after being vapourised by Captain Tracey in "The Omega Glory"! When Lester orders Kirk's execution, Chekov and Sulu object that Starfleet have forbidden the death penalty. Sulu states that "There's only one exception," and Chekov adds "General Order 4. And it has not been violated by any officer on the Enterprise." Well in point of fact, according to "The Menagerie" General Order 7 is the only order in Starfleet which carries the death penalty. And that order forbids any Starfleet vessel from visiting the planet Talos IV... which is an order Spock, specifically, HAS broken - and so has every other officer on the Enterprise! |
TOS : Turnabout Intruder |
When Q's energy field appears, Picard orders full stop. A moment later Torres reports "Controls to full stop, sir... now reading full stop, sir." And a moment after that we cut to an exterior view... and the ship is still drifting towards the force field. That Torres isn't too good at his job, is he? When he is enthusing about how wonderful the Enterprise is, Wesley lists the "low gravity gymnasium" as one of the highlights. Um... doesn't a low gravity field defeat the main purpose of using a gym? If you're lifting weights or running or doing pushups or whatever, isn't it all rather easy and pointless if you have the gravity turned down low? When Riker meets Data he says "When the captain suggested you, I looked up your record." Data comments that this is wise of him, and Riker says "Then your rank of Lieutenant Commander is honorary?" and Data corrects him, pointing out that he graduated "Starfleet class of '78; honours in probability mechanics and exobiology." Okay, for one... if Riker looked up Data's Starfleet records, wouldn't it actually say that in it? It seems like it would be the exact kind of information one would expect in a person's record, yes? And for another thing, wouldn't Data pretty much be expected to graduate with honours in every subject? Or at least, in every subject where performance was purely a matter of intellect, scientific ability, stuff like that? And for a third thing, Data himself will later establish (In "The Neutral Zone") that this season takes place in 2364. So how exactly can he be "class of 78"? 2278 was 86 years ago! I suspect time travel... When Picard fires an energy beam at Farpoint to feed the creature, he orders Yar to use the main phasers. However, the beam comes from the middle of the Captain's Yacht. This nit is fixed in the remastered blu-ray versions. |
TNG : Encounter at Farpoint |
The episode opens with a shot of the ship flying through space whilst Picard records a log entry saying that the ship is running at Warp 7. However, throughout the scene there are no "warp streaks" visible, just regular stars. This indicates that the ship is actually at sublight speed. Near the start of the episode the transmissions from the Tsiolkovsky are cut off by a loud bang. Data reports that "What we just heard is... impossible," and goes on to report that it was the sound of the bridge emergency hatch being blown open. So... what's so impossible about that? There's a hatch, it's designed to be blown open, and somebody blew it open. Anybody else might say "That's impossible!" as an exclamation of incredulity, but Data is Mr Literal - something he demonstrates himself in the very next scene. So no, Data, it's not impossible. Not at all. It's simply unpleasant. Speaking of the hatch, when Riker says that the crew were sucked out, Data corrects him by saying "That's blown out." Later episodes will, of course, make a big deal of the fact that Data cannot use contractions in his speech. This is far from the first or only episode to do this, but Yar reports that somebody in engineering "just let all the heat bleed away into space." Space is a vacuum (more or less), and as such it's an extremely good insulator. It's actually far more likely that the ship would overheat than freeze, and this is especially true since it's sitting quite close to a star. Why is everybody so impressed with Wesley's saving the ship from the stellar fragment? They wouldn't have been in any danger in the first place if it wasn't for him taking over engineering! And although the Enterprise escaped, the Tsilkovsky was destroyed - by Wesley, without any orders to do so. If I was Starfleet I'd be pretty miffed at the kid. When he becomes infected, Data declares "if you prick me, do I not leak?" Well, no actually. We've seen Data impaled with arrows, shot with bullets, seen an arm ripped off, even seen him decapitated, and he's never once been seen to leak. And how can Data become infected anyway? He declares that he has systems analogous to human biological functions, and claims "we are more alike than unalike", but it's just left at that. Are we to believe Data is so pseudo-biological in nature that he can actually be infected by diseases? And if that is so, why did everybody assume that as an android he could not possibly catch the ageing disease in "Evolution"? |
TNG : The Naked Now |
I find it very hard to believe that Yar would actually assault one of the Ligonians for trying to give Picard a gift before she checked it. As it turned out Lutan was impressed by Yar's action, but this could have caused a major diplomatic incident! Not strictly a YATI, but when Yareena is beamed up to the Enterprise Dr. Crusher is wearing a wrist watch. Take a look at the planet Ligon in the remastered and updated version of the episode. The clouds are visibly moving across the surface in just a few seconds! Assuming Ligon is even close to the size of the Earth, that equates to a wind speed in the region of 300,000 miles per hour - that's one windy planet they have there! When asked about the metal poles in the yard, Data states that "joined together, they would make a rectangle or square enclosing one hundred twenty one square metres. If put end to end vertically they would make a pole 44 metres high. Or two of twenty two." Now, the area Data gives for a square is correct - there is 44 metres of pole, so they would make a square with four sides of 11 metres each, for an area of 121 square metres. Great! But... he states that a rectangle would also have the same area. And that's not true. In fact, the area of a rectangle depends not only on the total length of the perimeter but on the ratio of the lengths. To illustrate, consider if the 44 metres of pole were split into two sides of 15 metres each and two sides of 7 metres each. That would make a rectangle 15x7, or 105 square metres. Or if they were split into two sides of 20 metres and two sides of two metres, that's a rectangle 20x2, or 40 square metres. In fact, the only rectangle that gives an area of 121 square metres is that special case where the sides of the rectangle happen to be equal - the square. NO other rectangular shape would give that area, so Data should simply have said "a square enclosing..." with no mention of rectangles at all. Bad show, Data! As an intro to the fight, Hagon announces "I speak for Lutan. The rules are known. Let combat continue until there is a victor. It will not be interrupted!" Yet when Yareena loses her glove thingie, Lutan calls "Combatants, hold your positions! Return the weapon!" And the two women must wait until it is recovered and returned before they resume fighting. In what way is this not an interruption?! |
TNG : Code of Honor |
When Data mentions the "red white and blue" of the US flag, Yar asks what primary colours have to do with it. Unfortunately, white is not a primary colour. | TNG : The Last Outpost |
I find it interesting to contrast Picard's actions in this episode with "Q Who?". Here, the Enterprise is stranded far from home. Picard is assured that they can return easily, yet he makes no effort to explore the area before setting off. In "Q Who?" the Enterprise is flung far from home, has no clear way of returning, and Picard's most trusted friend tells him to return at once. Instead he goes off to investigate a nearby star system. Why the change? Did Picard come to be more blase about being thrown about the universe after the first few times or something? | TNG : Where No One Has Gone Before |
How is it that Picard is able to simply order Riker and Crusher to leave him alone when they question his command abilities? We have ample evidence that either one of these officers can relieve the captain if they feel his command judgement is impaired, and Crusher at least has the right to demand both that the captain explain his actions to her and that he submit himself for a medical exam. Yet they both back down when challenged. | TNG : Lonely Among Us |
Yar tells Picard at the start of the episode that she has fully reviewed the local laws. Yet Wesley didn't seem to know he wasn't allowed to go into the flowerbed, and nobody knew what the punishments for breaking a law were. Yar comments later on that "they listed nothing about punishment" as a justification for why she didn't know they had a death penalty for breaking any law. Okay, fair enough, they didn't include that in the information they gave her... but we're seriously to believe that she didn't think to ask how the laws were enforced or what the penalties for breaking any of them were? Why are the Enterprise crew even contacting the Edo at all? They are a pre-warp civilisation, yes? Doesn't the Federation take a very "hands off" approach to those? |
TNG : Justice |
Picard claims Data is the ship's second in Command in this episode. In fact, Riker is second in command - Data is third. | TNG : The Battle |
When Riker makes Wesley a few years older, Geordi whistles and comments "hey Wes, not bad!". When Riker gives Geordi his eyes back he looks at Yar and comments that she is even more beautiful than he imagined. So, can Geordi tell what people look like via his VISOR, or can't he? If he can, then he already knows what Yar looks like. If he can't, he has no way to tell what the grown up Wesely looks like. And now that Wil Wheaton is indeed ten years older, why doesn't he look anything like the guy in this episode? I know, there was nothing they could have done about this one. But it's still a valid nit! |
TNG : Hide and Q |
I find it strange that Wyatt has been dreaming about this woman for many years. There is no indication that he is telepathic, and even if he is then surely the ship would have been well out of range? | TNG : Haven |
We are assured that even the slightest slip in the welcome given to the Jarada will bring disaster. Yet Picard keeps them waiting for a good hour or two, and Riker tries to talk to them to explain the problem, and all they do is make a nasty noise. So I guess they aren't that big on ritual after all. This is the first "holodeck gone bad" episode in Trek, and as it's one of the more egregious examples it's a sensible place to address the issue. Let's take a look at what happens here : the ship is scanned. Not shot at, not damaged, just scanned. Something that must happen to it on a very regular basis. As a result, the holodeck doors are sealed. All communication in or out is cut off. The safety systems are compromised to the extent that the characters are able to shoot people and mortally wound them. And the design of the system is such that it's next to impossible to shut it down, and an imprecise attempt to do so can kill everybody inside. Can you imagine something like this being put into use today? Whoever had a hand in designing, building and installing the thing would find themselves sued into oblivion, and quite possibly jailed on a charge of negligent homicide! |
TNG : The Big Goodbye |
Okay, we can only speculate about how the Soong type androids are programmed but I've always presumed that they must take in input, process it, and then determine the appropriate output. So if you ask Data how he is, he may decide that the best way to respond is to perform a systems check and report on his functional status. But given that, how is it possible for Lore to say something accidentally, without meaning to? When Riker starts to state Pythagoras' theorem Lore begins to complete it and then thinks better of it. Can his program really run away with itself like that without him being aware of it? Also regarding that scene, Data points out that Lore shouldn't be on the bridge. But Riker is standing right there! So either Riker never thought to chuck him off the bridge, in which case bad screw up on his part! Or alternatively, Riker has chosen to allow Lore onto the bridge despite orders, in which case why is Data correcting his superior officer? Picard sends Wesley to check on Data and Lore. So when Wesley later reports back that there's something wrong, why doesn't Picard want to listen to him? Did he just give him the job to get him out from underfoot or something? Riker gives the Stardate as 4124.5, dropping a digit before the decimal point. |
TNG : Datalore |
This episode claims that the Prime Directive applies only to Starfleet personnel. So the Federation doesn't mind at all if its citizens go out and interfere with other cultures, so long as its official representitives don't do so. Does this really sound right to anybody? What's to stop somebody like Vash from going and conquering some primitive planet with advanced technology so she could strip the place, like the Ferengi did in Voyager's "False Profits"? Also, how come Beverly won't let the Odin survivors be beamed up? Sure, they might die on board the ship because of the disease. But as far as anybody knew, they would definitely die on the planet! What would you rather do, take your chances with the virus or get disintergrated? |
TNG : Angel One |
When the antimatter pods started to lose containment, the crew spent some time evacuating the ship. Why bother, when they could just separate the saucer section? This would have got most of the civilian population away from the danger in under a minute, and saved half the ship's structure when it eventually destroyed itself. | TNG : 11001001 |
When Yar and Worf cut through the steel door, you can see the outline of the stuff that is actually burning the hole. At one point Admiral Jameson confesses that he has committed a major violation of the Prime Directive. He then confesses that he falsified his reports to Starfleet. Surely Picard is obligated to place him under arrest for these crimes, yet not only does he not throw Jameson in the brig, he lets him continue in command of the mission! |
TNG : Too Short a Season |
Just how many children are there on board the Enterprise-D? After all, the Aldeans are trying to repopulate their entire species here - yet they only kidnap seven children! Logically, they should have taken all the kids on the ship. After all, they won't get another chance - if their actions had succeeded, surely the Federation would avoid the area and warn other species to do the same. And if seven is all that was available, surely it would be better to wait until a better candidate vessel came along? Also, the damage being done to the Aldeans is supposed to be due to the destruction of their ozone layer, which is letting in harmful light from the sun. But we're specifically told that their cloaking device bends the light around the planet, so there should be nothing hitting the planet to harm them! And if the cloak doesn't bend non-visible light around the planet, then it would be easily detectable. |
TNG : When the Bough Breaks |
The law of the conservation of energy is one of the most basic principles of physics. This principle would indicate that the amount of energy the microbrain has available cannot be more than it can draw from the lights in sickbay. Yet the thing is breaking through forcefields and threatening the entire ship! Can it really do this on the power it is drawing from a few lightbulbs? Or has the conservation of energy been overcome in the 24th century? (Actually this would explain more than a few things about Trek, but it's hard to believe.) | TNG : Home Soil |
When Mordock wins the spot at the academy, Chang informs him that he is the first Benzite ever to serve. So how is it that in the following season we meet Mendon, a Benzite who has already been through the Academy and graduated at the rank of Ensign? In this episode, Jake steals a shuttle. Flitting lightly over the fact that once again the crew are unable to prevent this from happening, Jake is supposed to be an expert shuttle pilot. So why does he immediately plunge the shuttle into extreme danger? |
TNG : Coming of Age |
Worf claims that Klingons do not take hostages. Tell that to Kor, the revered Klingon dahar master who took hundreds of Organians hostage and had them all shot in "Errand of Mercy". On the freighter, why does Data ask Geordi and Riker for help? They have to expose themselves to the damaged warp core to get to the problem, and once they do get there Data is the one who does all the work while they just stand around. Korris refers to "the traitors of Kling!" This implies that the Klingon home world was intended to be called Kling, yet that name will never be used again - from now on the Klingon home planet will simply be called "Homeworld" or Qo'noS (pronounced Kronos). To be forgiving, one might compare this to how our planet can variously be referred to as Earth, Terra, or Sol III. So the upper deck of main engineering has glass floors that shatter if an adult person falls over on them? Health and Safety in the workplace, dudes! |
TNG : Heart of Glory |
When Worf tries to target the cloaked vessel in orbit, it fires on the ship from almost directly behind. In reply, he fires directly ahead. | TNG : The Arsenal of Freedom |
As Picard leaves the cargo bay for his talk with Beverly, Yar gives him a big wave. Why? (Actually, it's because this is the last episode Denise Crosby filmed, but there's no on-camera reason for it.) | TNG : Symbiosis |
Worf says they are going to do a parallel transport of Picard and Troi. What exacty does he mean by this? Picard beams up several seconds after Troi, so it can't be the same as a simultaneous transport. | TNG : Skin of Evil |
Picard states that it rained all day on the day he was due to meet Jenice. Yet when he orders the computer to recreate that specific day on the holodeck, it's not raining. Wouldn't the computer have weather reports for the day? Despite many claims about not being able to use contractions, Data famously reveals that he is the correct version of himself in the time loop sequence by claiming "It's me!" At the end of the episode Mannheim declares that he must go back and resume his experiments, and Picard comments that the Federation will likely want to help. Um, what? It's just been demonstrated that 1) This technology has the capacity to shatter time across a region thousands of light years across, minimum, and 2) Mannheim has an imperfect understanding of it and an imperfect ability to contain it. In what universe is anybody going to let him go back and restart his experiments? The fact that he even wants to means that he should be locked up somewhere for the good of the galaxy! |
TNG : We'll Always Have Paris |
When he orders the Enterprise-D to divert to Dytallix B, Riker asks Picard if they should let Pacifica know they will be late, and Picard says "Negative. Nothing goes out without specific orders from me." A few (screen) minutes later, they arrive and find three other starships in orbit. Worf says "Attempts at communication have been ignored by all three vessels." So... why has Worf made attempts to communicate with the three ships when Picard has already expressly stated that they are to send no messages out to anybody without his specific orders? Bad Worf! These alien parasites make you immune to phasers by flooding your body with adrenaline. How does adrenaline stop you getting a hole drilled in your chest? I have to say, it's so common in science fiction that it's practically a cliche, but why the hell does killing the queen alien kill all the others? Even assuming some sort of telepathic link between them that made such a thing even possible, can you imagine such a bizzare weakness evolving in a species in the first place? Admittedly given the non-canon explanation for the creature's origins this becomes a bit more plausible, but taking the episode at face value it is a serious weak spot, an obvious way to try and wrap up the whole conspiracy in a line or two of dialogue. In his closing log, Picard notes that Quinn is recovering since his parasite died when the Queen was killed. He states that they may never know how far the infestation went. Um, what? Won't everyone who was infested now wake up and tell everyone what they did whilst under control? Or even if we assume that you don't remember anything that happened whilst you were controlled, you'd still have a list of every infected person. So you'd quickly know exactly how far the infection had gone, right? |
TNG : Conspiracy |
When Picard orders security to get Offenhouse off the bridge, they start to escort him out, then stop when the Warbird appears and spend the next few minutes gawking at it while their prisoner further disrupts the proceedings. This seems like a serious lack of professionalism to me. | TNG : The Neutral Zone |
Pulaski claims that the child's DNA is exactly the same as Troi's... so why is the child a boy when Troi is a woman? Surely the child should have grown up to look like Troi's identical twin sister. When Troi is about to give birth, Pulaski offers her a painkiller and then claims that it will in no way diminish the experience of childbirth. Isn't this rather a sweeping and subjective viewpoint? Some women consider enduring the pain a significant part of the experience, what right does Pulaski have to simply dismiss this viewpoint out of hand? |
TNG : The Child |
Data claims there is no record of a ship finding an area of darkness like this one. Yet Kirk and the original Enterprise found something similar in "The immunity Syndrome". Since Data is supposed to be a repository of virtually all Federation knowledge, shouldn't he know this? Riker gives the Yamato's registry number as NCC-1305-E, which is incorrect according to the ship's later appearence in TNG. Apparently Mike Okuda never corrected the line in the script because the scene was deleted - but the scene was then reinserted without his knowledge, and he didn't know about it until he saw the finished episode on television. When Picard and Riker order autodestruct, the computer asks them what time interval they would like. Yet the first time this was used in "11001001", Picard commented that they had no choice about the time, it was a fixed 5 minute countdown. This episode opens with Picard apparently genuinely worried that Worf might 'snap' and go berserk on Riker during a holodeck training exercise. Really? Worf has gone through a four year academy training program and served long enough to be the tactical officer on the Federation flagship... and everyone is so unsure of his mental stability that they think he might attack a shipmate over a little exercise? And even more absurd... he actually comes very close to doing exactly that! Okay, this is reeeeealy nitpicky, but... when he's confronted with a duplicate of the main bridge on the Yamato, Worf declares angrily that "A ship has one bridge! One bridge!" Well... actually no, the Galaxy class has two bridges - the main one on the saucer section, and the battle bridge in the engineering hull. Yes, I know Worf meant one main bridge, but he's still technically wrong! When they first try to get out of the hole, the Enterprise goes to impulse. After a minute or two they go to Warp 2. We watch them sit at warp 2 for an continuous, uncut 18 seconds, at which point Picard asks Data how far they have travelled and he replies 1.4 parsecs. A parsec is 3.26 light years, so they have covered 4.564 light years in 18 seconds - which would make Warp 2 an impressive 8,000,000 times the speed of light! |
TNG : Where Silence Has Lease |
Data claims that Holmes could only defeat Moriarty at the cost of his own life. Well I've read every Holmes story and novel written and this isn't true. I assume Data was referring to Holmes' apparent death on the Reichenbach falls, but in fact Holmes survived this and went on to live to a ripe old age. This episode is one in a long running series that claim that holodeck matter cannot leave the grid. Yet Data walks off the holodeck holding a piece of paper that Moriarty gives him! And to recap, in "Angel One" Picard was hit by snow flying out of the holodeck, which them made a mess on the floor, and in "The Big Goodbye" Picard is kissed by a holographic woman, and walks out of the grid with her lipstick still on his face. |
TNG : Elementary, Dear Data |
When the comic mentions a briefcase shaped like a fish, Data refers to it as an 'amphibian' briefcase. Fish are not amphibians. | TNG : The Outrageous Okona |
So this Riva guy is one of the most famous negotiators in history... and the Enterprise-D crew don't know he's deaf, or have any idea how to talk to him via the chorus? Even assuming that nobody knew about him as a matter of course, doesn't it seem strange that they didn't take a moment to find out a single thing about this very important person before meeting him? | TNG : Loud as a Whisper |
The whole concept of the long range, near warp transport is an odd one. Is the situation on the Constantinople really that desperate that the Enterprise can't afford to drop out of warp within normal transporter range and do a proper transport? Bear in mind that the former would add mere milliseconds to their journey, the latter five or ten seconds at most. Yet in order to save this few seconds, they risked beaming the away team into a wall! | TNG : The Schizoid Man |
When Pulaski is infected, Picard declared that saving her is now the ship's top priority. Huh? There are many people on the planet below, all infected. Shouldn't these take priority over a single person? | TNG : Unnatural Selection |
When Mendon comes aboard Wesley mistakes him for Mordock, wondering how he could have graduated from the academy to become an Ensign so quickly. But in "Coming of Age", we're told that Mordock is the first Benzite ever to join Starfleet. So how is it possible that Mendon has been in Starfleet long enough to have gone through the academy and graduated? Kargan tells his officers to speak in Riker's language when he arrives on the ship. Doesn't Riker's universal translator let him understand and speak in Klingon? A Klingon reveals that his father has lost his honour due to being captured in battle. He says that his father is on their planet, waiting to die of old age or disease, and that he will not speak to him. Riker is aghast at this, incredulous that the Klingon will not talk to his own father. He lectures the man about how he should get in touch with him, etc. This is a nice little scene, very touching and all... and loses all credibility when we learn in "The Icarus Factor" that Riker in fact has not talked to his own father for literally decades, and that he harbours such animosity towards him that he's practically ready to punch the man in the face when they meet. |
TNG : A Matter of Honor |
Just how old is Maddox? He says he assessed Data on his entry into Starfleet, but other episodes establish that this was some 25 years ago. That would put Maddox well into his late forties at the least, and probably well into his fifties. He sure doesn't look that old to me. You ever notice that whilst people will constantly talk about how Guinan is a "listener", and that her people are a "race of listeners", that what she actually does most of the time is talk rather than listen? |
TNG : The Measure of a Man |
Security puts in an unbelievably good showing in this episode. When Anya transforms into a monster in sickbay, Pulaski calls for help. A security team, accompanied by no less than the captain of the ship, arrives some three seconds later! That's quite some response time they have there! | TNG : The Dauphin |
The Yamato's entire complement was killed in the warp core breach - why didn't Varley separate its saucer section before going into the Neutral Zone so he could leave the civilians behind? Isn't this kind of thing exactly what the separation capability is for? | TNG : Contagion |
La Forge claims that the surface of the planet is at a temperature of -291 celsius. At -273 celsius, the motion of the atoms and molecules in a substance stops. You can't go lower than this, because you can't make a particle go any slower than a dead stop. So unless they have for some reason redefined the celsius scale in the TNG era, La Forge messed up and nobody - including the ever pedantic Data - noticed it. When they are playing craps, Data notes that their aim after rolling a six is to roll a duplicate six before hitting seven. Riker then says that the probability of rolling a six is no greater than that of rolling a seven. He doesn't quite say that the odds of rolling either one are the same as such, but he does seem to be implying it. In fact, the odds of rolling a six are actually less than those of rolling a seven. Using two dice there are five ways of rolling a six, a 13.889% chance, but there are six ways of rolling a seven, a 16.667% chance. |
TNG : The Royale |
I suspect Riker isn't as good at this cooking thing as he claims. He says he is making omlettes at the beginning of the episode. Strangely, what he actually produces looks remarkably like scrambled eggs. At one point Picard walks out of the shuttlebay and into a turbolift. The label on the door clearly says the lift is on Deck 6. However, the small shuttlebays are well below this on deck 12/13. |
TNG : Time Squared |
The E-D's engines are generating some odd sensor readings in this episode. Data suggests that rather than find and correct any problem, they should just reprogram the sensors to fix the readouts! What kind of practice is this - they just want to ignore it and hope it will go away! | TNG : The Icarus Factor |
I don't know if it could be called a YATI as such, but I find the behaviour of the senior staff in this episode horrendous. Considering how much they are always going on about how right and necessary the prime directive is, their blatant violation of it in this episode is hard to understand. Not only that, but there are several occasions on which officers violate Picard's orders, sometimes right in front of him, and he does nothing about it. When discussing the prospect of Wesley taking command of a geological survey, Pulaski says "Are we talking about a young officer on the fast track to the Academy, or are we talking about a young man that we are guiding through adolescence and into adulthood?" Excuse me lady, but YOU are not guiding anybody through adolescence - the staff agreed to split that role between themselves before Pulaski ever arrived on the ship, and nobody ever gave any indication that Wesley's mother asked or authorised Pulaski to have a thing to do with it. |
TNG : Pen Pals |
When Q zaps Picard off to the shuttle, the Captain protests that Q promised he would leave the Enterprise alone from now on, and Q says he has gotten around this by removing Picard from the Enterprise. But that's not what Q promised at all - the wager he had with Picard in Hide and Q was his "keeping out of humanity's path for ever". He shouldn't be able to interact with Picard or any Human in any way. Q claims that the Borg is "not a he, not a she". Yet later episodes have always shown us male and female drones - the one that captured Picard in "Best of Both Worlds" looked female, and Seven of Nine is about as female as it's possible for a Human to get! |
TNG : Q Who |
The Enterprise crew make several comments about how the Pakled are advancing faster than they should. Hmm... when Q made this statement about Humanity to Picard, his reaction was along the lines that no species had the right to decide how fast another should advance. | TNG : Samaritan Snare |
The whole idea of "replicative fading" being a threat to the Mariposans is nonsense. Apparently the problem arises because the Mariposans are cloning each new generation from the cells of the last. Yet even a single Human has literally trillions of cells within his or her body, and freezing them can let you store them indefinitely. When the problem became apparent, all they had to do is take a few billion cells from that generation and store them - then they could clone a million new people per generation, for a thousand generations, without any further degradation. | TNG : Up The Long Ladder |
Near the end of the episode, Lwaxana fails to realise that Rex is a hologram. How can this be? She's a full Betazoid, wouldn't the lack of thoughts and emotion coming from him make it clear that he wasn't a real person? | TNG : Manhunt |
In "Yesterday's Enterprise", Captain Garret indicated that 22 years had led to such advances that the Enterprise-D's weapons were quite capable of handling four Romulan warbirds of her era. Here the T'Ong is 75 years out of date, yet it's still supposed to represent a big threat to the area? True, the E-D Garret was talking about was a battleship version from an alternate universe, but it's still hard to believe that this relic would be a serious threat to anybody. So what was all that secrecy about at the start of the episode? Admiral Gromek says that when the Emissary tells them about the mission, they will understand. Well, the mission was to intercept a 75 year old Klingon ship. So... I can see that they wouldn't want to start a panic amongst the colonies in the area, but wouldn't a secure coded transmission to the Enterprise be sufficient to avoid the civilians finding out what was happening? Or are Starfleet codes so awful that using them is akin to just broadcasting in the clear? |
TNG : The Emissary |
Is Wesley really allowed to use antimatter in his science projects? I know he's meant to be a genius, but if even one milligram of the stuff escapes the explosion would be the equivalent of many tons of normal explosive. That's a risk I'd be awful reluctant to take. So Riker's ploy to trick the Enterprise depends on Worf knowing their access codes, which he uses to fool the computer into thinking an enemy ship is coming in. But then at the end, they use the same trick on the Ferengi. How? They don't know the Ferengi access codes, surely? |
TNG : Peak Performance |
Riker is having all these dreams of things that have happened to him in the past. So how come several of the scenes he dreams about were events he wasn't actually there for? And lest we say that his imagination was "filling in the gaps", those scenes match exactly to what actually happened at those times! What are the odds of that? | TNG : Shades of Gray |
Isn't it a crime to kill a sentient life form in the Federation? Stubbs killed countless numbers of the nanites, yet as soon as they accept his apology Picard apparently considers the matter closed. Surely Stubbs should be arrested and tried for his crimes? I mean, suppose I shot somebody and then apologized, and the rest of his family said "Okay, we forgive you." Would we seriously expect the law to forgo a prosecution because of that? Actually this is a pretty prevalent issue in Star Trek. Almost every single problem is treated at the dramatic or philosophical level, and so long as a solution is found that most of the people involved think is nice, or at least okay, then that's the end of it. Prime Directive aside, the behaviour of Federation or Starfleet people very rarely seems to be constrained by actual laws to which they are answerable regardless of whether it feels fair or not. |
TNG : Evolution |
As the Enterprise-D is approaching the Sheliak ship, Picard orders Riker to block it's path. Riker responds by punching some buttons on the panel on his chair. Is the helm officer on his break or something? We've been told many times that the combadges people wear act as universal translators, automatically and perfectly translating all foreign languages into English. So when Troi said "S'smarith" to Picard as an example of an alien word, why didn't the translator just translate it into English? |
TNG : The Ensigns of Command |
Near the end of the episode, Uxbridge teleports himself off the bridge into the turbolift to go to Deanna's quarters. Why bother with the turbolift? Why not just teleport direct to her room? Kevin's power of perception must extend far beyond the planet - he was able to sense the location of all the Husnock in other star systems in order to destroy them, after all. Given this, he really should have known that the Enterprise was waiting in orbit for him to recreate his house rather than being fooled by it. |
TNG : The Survivors |
Dr. Crusher pulls off an amazing job of swift-fingered surgery in this episode. When Riker escapes from the Mintakans by beaming back to the ship, he goes to the bridge to see what's going on down below. The action makes it clear that only seconds have passed, a minute or two at the most - yet Riker's proto Vulcan surgery is completely reversed when he arrives on the bridge! | TNG : Who Watches The Watchers? |
Early in the episode, Troi recommends that Jeremy must not be left alone in the aftermath of his mother's death. Just minutes later we see Jeremy sitting in his quarters all alone, surrounded by mementos of his dead mother! | TNG : The Bonding |
The effectiveness of the artificial gravity systems in the Star Trek universe truly is awesome. After all, the Promellian battleship has been adrift for one thousand years, but her gravity systems still work perfectly! I thought the point of the booby trap assimilator things was that you couldn't destroy them because they just absorbed the energy and radiated it back at you. So how come they can just shoot torpedoes and blow them up at the end? Why couldn't they do that earlier? Beverly states that 26 minutes of radiation exposure is a lethal dose. Radiation really doesn't work this way. Trek frequently behaves as if there is some particular dose of radiation that is fatal, but anything below that is perfectly fine. Rather, it's a progression; low doses will give you an increased chance of cancer, higher doses cause radiation burns, lost hair and teeth, etc, up to a fatal dose. Worse, the levels at which all that happen vary considerably from person to person. |
TNG : Booby Trap |
After her amazing surgical prowess was revealed just a few episodes back, Dr. Crusher's competence takes a knock in this episode. She scans the Romulan and proclaims he has no head trauma. Oh, really? What about the huge gash on the side of his head? What about the fact that Worf knocked him unconscious just minutes earlier by smashing his head into a rock face? Don't these count as head traumas? When the Enterprise first receives Tomalak's message to his missing crewmen, Picard answers him and informs him that they have a badly injured crewmember aboard. Tomalak demands that they come to the Neutral Zone to return him and Picard declines, stating that he wants to remain at the planet to search for his missing Engineer. This enrages Tomalak, causing him to cross the neutral zone into Federation territory. It delays treatment for the injured Romulan, which leads to his death. It thus almost provokes at least a serious incident with the Romulans, possibly even a war. So my question is... why didn't Picard detach the saucer section and leave it in orbit of Galornden Core? The saucer has transporters, shuttles, sensor arrays, a sickbay - everything needed for a planetary rescue mission, right? Whilst the Stardrive section could have taken the injured Romulan straight back to Tomalak, avoiding all the unpleasantness of the episode. Picard tells Tomalak that the Enterprise-D will escort the Warbird to the edge of the Neutral Zone. But when we see the ships departing, they head off in opposite directions. |
TNG : The Enemy |
At one point, Riker states that La Forge has been in continuous visual contact with the wormhole since the ship arrived. As seen in "Justice", La Forge has to leave the bridge and go to a window to get a good look at something. Has he really been stood at a window somewhere ever since the ship arrived? A key scene at the end features Troi stating that neither Ral nor Goss were tense during the Ferengi's attempt to destroy the wormhole. However, we will later learn that Betazoid empathy doesn't work on Ferengi. Did she really base what she said on tone of voice and body language? Ral claims that part of how negotiation works is "I don't know what the other side is offering, and they don't know what I am offering." But Riker made the Federation's bid for the wormhole public knowledge - he even put it up there on the screen for Ral to see in the conference room. So what's Ral talking about? |
TNG : The Price |
Crusher asks the computer if any of the Acamarian delegation are from the Tralesta clan, and it replies that clan affiliation is not in the records. Odd, since it just gave her the clan affiliation of three other people a moment ago. At the end of the episode, Picard states that their next assignment is to go to Starbase 343 to pick up medical supplies and transport them to the Alpha Leonis system. I know Starfleet likes their ships to be multi-purpose, but really, is this a proper use for the Federation flagship? Surely some kind of cargo vessel would be called for instead? In the present day large warships are sometimes used to transport supplies for disaster relief efforts, but that is not the case here - it's specifically stated that this is a routine mission and Picard states that he's going to allow everyone who wants it some shore leave. They're literally using the most important ship in the fleet to run supplies! |
TNG : The Vengeance Factor |
Picard has a big conversation with Data about the morale of the crew in this episode. This is, Data the scientist, operations officer and machine who does not posess or understand emotions. As opposed to Troi, the trained counsellor and empath who is constantly aware of the emotional state of the crew. Does this make sense? When Admiral Jarok asks Data if the replicators could make him a Romulan Ale, Data says they would need the molecular structure of the drink, and Federation knowledge of Romulan culture is limited. But it's been established many times that the Federation not only knows about Romulan Ale, it's entirely possible to obtain it within the Federation - the issue is that it's illegal. I could certainly understand if Data had said that the pattern isn't on file because it would be illegal for the replicators to produce it. After all, whilst individuals might be willing to break the law (apparently it's considered about like buying Cuban cigars), having it available on an official basis would be a different thing. But to say that it's not available because the Federation doesn't know about it? That seems very improbable. |
TNG : The Defector |
Are next generation phasers vastly less powerful than those of the original series? When Kirk had a phaser on overload in "The Conscience of the King" he said it would blow out an entire deck. Yet Danar overloads a phaser here and it produces an explosion about as big as a small firework. Maybe next generation phasers have some sort of safety feature that makes them harder to blow up or something? | TNG : The Hunted |
So when the terrorist bomb goes off, Crusher insists on staying at the scene to treat a wounded victim. She refuses to beam back up to the ship, saying "I am trying to put life back into a wounded body with sleight of hand!" So... why not beam the away team and the wounded straight up to the Enterprise-D sickbay? It would get the Enterprise personnel out of danger (at least somewhat), and surely the wounded would have a better chance of survival if Crusher had all her fancy equipment and drugs to rely on instead of 'sleight of hand', right? This episode shows Riker to be a hypocrite. All through the show he has moaned and grumbled every time Picard wanted to go on an away mission, saying that the Captain's place is on the ship. Well, with Picard gone Riker is in command and what does he do - immediately leads a dangerous away mission into the heart of the terrorist stronghold. |
TNG : The High Ground |
When Q is in sickbay, Picard tells the security guard to follow him. Yet for the entire remainder of the episode, the guard is nowhere to be seen. | TNG : Deja Q |
On a couple of occasions, Picard calls Krag "Chief Inspector" instead of "Chief Investigator". Picard refuses to let Riker in on the discussion with Apgar or discuss the situation with him, telling him it is "not appropriate". The is an excellent move on his part - Picard has to serve as Riker's judge to an extent, so it's correct that he not have improper discussions about the issue with him. However, he asks Geordi to create the holodeck program that they use to decide the case. Geordi isn't accused of the crime, but he was a witness to much of what happened on the station; how is it that a witness with sympathies for the accused is allowed to be such a major part of the investigation? Indeed, you have to ask... how hard would it really be for Geordi to have reprogrammed the simulation to stage the whole end sequence 'proving' Riker's innocence? |
TNG : A Matter of Perspective |
Yar tells Castillo that the Enterprise-D was the first Galaxy class warship built for the alternate Federation. If that is so, then why aren't they called Enterprise class warships? Look at the final scene with Geordi and Guinan on the Enterprise-D after the timeline has been restored; Geordi's uniform still has the modified cuffs of the other timeline on. |
TNG : Yesterday's Enterprise |
Just how can Admiral Haftel come in and try to confiscate Lal? It's already been decided in "The Measure of a Man" that androids have the right to choose their fate. When Data is showing Troi the final four options for Lal's appearance, one of them is a Klingon male. Troi comments that this would be "a friend for Worf." Huh? Why would Troi assume that Worf would automatically become friends with somebody because they appeared Klingon? Almost every friend Worf has is a Human, and frankly Worf rarely seems to get along with other Klingons. Simply assuming that Worf would like anybody who looked Klingon seems a bit racist! |
TNG : The Offspring |
When Picard accepts Worf's offer to become his cha'DIch, Picard accepts by speaking in Klingon, then translates it into English. Who is he translating it for, exactly? Not Worf, not himself... it's as if he thinks somebody is watching or something! It's a minor thing, but Picard orders the ship to head for "the first city of the Klingon Imperial Empire." Isn't "Imperial Empire" rather redundant? Kahlest declared that "Mogh was loyal to the Emperor!" What Emperor would that be? We've since discovered in the episode "Rightful Heir" that there is no Emperor in the Klingon Empire, and hasn't been for centuries. Rather, it is governed by the Chancellor. I know the intention is to show that the crew is used to a more relaxed atmosphere, but still... both Wesley and Data think that it's acceptable to have a little chat whilst the first officer is giving a speech to the bridge crew? Really? Shutting up and listening whilst a senior officer speaks is basic politeness even in Starfleet! So when Duras has a couple of thugs try to murder Kurn, they stab him in the stomach and then just leave him lying there. We've been told over and over that Klingons have amazing powers to recover from physical injury, which is just what Kurn does here. Why on Earth wouldn't a Klingon assassin stab him a bunch more times to make sure the job was done? |
TNG : Sins of the Father |
When Picard orders "Ales for everyone!", everyone responds with a cheer. Why is this? After all, it's not like anybody ever actually pays for anything in ten forward! Are just sucking up to the boss? One of the indicators that Picard is acting unusually comes when he asks Beverly if she would like to dance, and she responds "I thought you didn't dance?" But in the movie "Insurrection", when Picard is expected to dance at a formal dinner Beverly states that "The Captain used to cut quite a rug!" So which is it? So here's a question... what language is Esoqq speaking? I mean, I assume he is not speaking English. I assume he is speaking Chalnoth, or whatever the Chalnoth call their language, and that Picard understands him because of the universal translator built into his combadge... right? I ask because when he introduces himself he says "My given name is Esoqq. It means fighter." But if the translator is translating what he says, then why doesn't it translate his name? Why don't we hear "My given name is Fighter. It means fighter." For that matter, lots of human names have meanings. Why doesn't the UT translate ALL of them? |
TNG : Allegiance |
Early on in the episode, there's a scene in the turbolift in which the doors change from orange to grey between shots. Just why would a transporter that's designed to transport people have a "blow up the thing you're transporting" setting? Surely transporters would designed to make this next to impossible to do? Imagine designing a car with a button that detonates a kilo of plastic explosive underneath your seat! |
TNG : Captain's Holiday |
This episode catches Geordi out disobeying orders and lying to a senior officer. When the Enterprise gets crippled by Tin Man, Riker orders Geordi to give the shields top priority. A little later we see La Forge busy fixing the sensors, after which he reports back to Riker that the shields are still down and he is doing everything he can to fix them. Data claims that the sensor signal behind them must be a sensor malfunction or a ship because there is "no known natural phenomenon capable of travel at warp velocities". What about the Crystalline Entity they met in "Silicon Avatar"? That could travel at warp speeds. So could the Dikironium Cloud Creature in the TOS episode "Obsession". And so could the neutronic wavefront seen in ENT "The Catwalk". |
TNG : Tin Man |
Twice in this episode people walk in on Barclay playing in the holodeck, embarrasing him immensely. I don't know about you, but I would really, REALLY want to lock the door if I was on a holodeck. Yet there is no indication that anybody over rides a lock in order to get into the holodeck, they just walk in. | TNG : Hollow Pursuits |
Okay, so Data can't get too close to Fajo without the forcefield zapping him. But this forcefield is specific to Data - normal objects pass straight through it, so Fajo can touch objects or other people. So what stops Data from clubbing Fajo over the head with something? Or just throwing a heavy object at him for that matter? Fajo claims that Data has no sense of modesty. According to "Inheritance", Data actually does have a "modesty subroutine". I suppose we might believe that Fajo wasn't aware of that and simply assumed that Data had no modesty. But then, why didn't Data correct him? |
TNG : The Most Toys |
The music Data plays in his Mozart concert is actually a piece by Brahms. | TNG : Sarek |
I guess this can't be classified as a real nit as such, because there's nothing inherently impossible about it - but I find it really hard to believe that Riker reads Ferengi fluently enough to use the computer systems without any difficulty. In Star Trek: Insurrection, Deanna claims that she has never kissed Riker with a beard before. This is one of the episodes in which she does just that. Reittan Grax says "Betazeds" instead of "Betazoids" in the first scene. This episode claims that Ferengi cannot be sensed empathically or telepathically by Bajorans. Except that they have been, in the prior episodes. "The Last Outpost", "The Battle" and "The Price". Nevertheless, it would be reinforced in several future episodes that Betazoids cannot read Ferengi minds. Data states that the energy being expended by the Gamma Erandi nebula is 5.34x10^41 Watts. This is more than the combined energy output of every sun in our galaxy. About ten thousand times more, actually. |
TNG : Menage a Troi |
When the away team beams down at the beginning of the episode, Data pulls out his tricorder and notes that the radiation levels are safe. Is it really wise to check on this kind of thing after you beam down? | TNG : Transfigurations |
When Riker checks that their beam down co-ordinates are right during the trailer, O'Brien tells him he is in the 'centre of town'. Yet the away team is standing on the edge of the crater - so shouldn't more than half the town still be there behind them? Additionally, are we really supposed to believe that the Enterprise arrived and beamed down this away team without noticing that there was a huge crater where the colony used to be? | TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1 |
Beverly claims that the Borg cannot cut off their link to Locutus, comparing it to a Human cutting off an arm or a leg. Ignoring for a moment the fact that some Humans have done just this in an emergency, the Borg tried to destroy the shuttle carrying Locutus away from their cube in the first place. So it looks like they had no problem cutting the link after all. Also, both the Borg and the Enterprise drop out of warp whilst still many light hours from Earth and do a leisurely impulse cruise to the planet. Wouldn't this have been a good time for the Federation ship to warp right into orbit, like they did in "The Schizoid Man"? | TNG : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2 |
When Wesley starts up the message from his father, there is no communicator pin on his uniform. Yet a few moments later one magically appears between changes of shot. Why would Crusher have edited the pin from some parts of the program? We see the constellation of Orion in the sky at the end of the episode, but the three stars in the belt are in a straight line. In the real Orion, one of the stars is offset from the others. Perhaps the T'Kon Empire moved the star! |
TNG : Family |
When Data locks up the computer, he issues a very long access code to it. Unfortunately, we see the code on the screen quite clearly - and it doesn't match exactly to what Spiner said. | TNG : Brothers |
In the briefing room scene, the stars in the window constantly drift by in all the close up shots but remain motionless in the wide shots. | TNG : Suddenly Human |
Beverly has to go to engineering to find the way out of the warp bubble at the end of the episode. Yet every time an attempt was made to extract her previously, the apeture appeared wherever she was at the time. Also, La Forge claims that the bubble is collapsing at 15 metres per second and that it will vanish in four minutes. At this point the bubble has already grown small enough to cut off parts of the ship. Is the ship really 3,600 metres long? At one point Data reports that there are 114 people on the Enterprise and Beverly responds emphatically that there are now "over 900 people" missing. At the end of the episode Data reports that there are 1,014 people aboard and Beverly responds that that is "exact number there should be". If the latter number is correct then there are exactly 900 missing earlier on, not over 900. |
TNG : Remember Me |
When the Enterprise crew first beam down, Worf worries about Crusher's safety and Riker counters that the hostages may need instant medical attention. So when they actually get around to rescuing the hostages near the end of the episode, why does Crusher stay behind on the ship? Surely the same reason for taking her would still apply? | TNG : Legacy |
When Riker asks the computer where Worf is, it replies that he has beamed over to the Klingon ship. Yet Worf removed his combadge before leaving, and we've seen many times (eg "Power Play") that the computer tracks people purely by where their badge is. The computer should have said that Worf was in his quarters. | TNG : Reunion |
When Riker wakes up in sickbay, he's told that he's been in a coma for ten days. So why is he still wearing a uniform? Fake-Crusher blames the computer problems on a 'processing attenuator'. Later, Riker says it is the fault of a 'processing accelerator'. |
TNG : Future Imperfect |
La Forge claims to have given the shuttle a full safety inspection, which it passed. So why after the crash do we find that it carried no emergency rations or supplies? Picard claims that the water-cave is natural in origin. So natural processes carved that nice, smooth, regular rock staircase? |
TNG : Final Mission |
Near the end of the episode, Data claims that the evidence supports the idea that it is gravity that is pulling the ship and the 2-D lifeforms into the string. Yet all the way through we are told that the ship is drifting at a constant speed towards the string. If gravity is pulling at the ship, then it would be accelerating rather than moving at a constant speed. | TNG : The Loss |
Although Spiner does a good imitation of McFadden's tap dancing, there are a few steps that she does which he can't manage to duplicate. As an android, of course, Data should be able to replicate Crusher's dancing pretty much perfectly. | TNG : Data's Day |
In this episode Ardra claims she has many names, including the Human devil and Klingon Fek'lhr. Yet in "Day of the Dove" Kang claims that the Klingons have no devil. | TNG : Devil's Due |
The entire premise of this episode makes no sense. The ship's crew spends more than two whole days dealing with the Paxans, and then carefully setting the ship up so that it seems that only thirty seconds have passed. So what happens when the Enterprise reaches its next destination two days late? The people there are bound to ask what caused the delay, Picard will reply with astonishment that as far as he is concerned the ship is on time - and the whole can of worms will be opened again. The problem could have been avoided by claiming that the wormhole had thrown the ship forward in time, but neither Data nor anybody else makes this claim. Picard at one point states that if Data is shown to be lying with no explanation, he will likely be court martialled and then adds "you would most likely be stripped down to your wires to find out what the hell has gone wrong". Um... really? Data has been found to have the right to make his own personal choices specifically so that he cannot be treated as simply another machine. Picard was the advocate who won the case for him! Can you imagine when Picard had Riker thrown in the brig in "The Pegasus", if he had added "And Commander, Starfleet is likely to have your brain dissected to find out what went wrong with you!" |
TNG : Clues |
At one point calls a Malcorian a Marconian. Durken asks Picard what would happen if he demanded that the Federation leave his planet and never return, and Picard states that they will do so. Hmmm. Durken may be the current leader of the planet, but does he really have the right to speak for it for the rest of time? What if his successor has a different view? What if the society on the planet changes drastically over time? Surely the thing to do would be to leave... then return when Durken left office, and make the same offer to whomever replaced him. |
TNG : First Contact |
Brahms claims that the space baby is partially covering shuttlebay two. But in fact, the bay it is covering has been established several times before as shuttlebay three. | TNG : Galaxy's Child |
How fast is subspace radio compared to ship speeds? In this episode Picard claims that it will take over two weeks to get any reply from Starfleet - which would be a week for the message to get there and a week for a reply to get back. Yet the ship was at a Federation Starbase just 16.6 stardate units ago - which should be about six days ago. So the ship is actually faster than its own subspace radio? Also there is considerable confusion about the name of the ship in the rift. The name on the hull is "Brittain", yet most backstage sources claim that it is called the Brattain - and this is indeed what the characters in the episode call it. So did Starfleet really paint the wrong name on the hull of one of its ships? | TNG : Night Terrors |
This episode features a nit common to all stories involving an invisible character - how can Geordi see while he is invisible? Even assuming that the alien transmogrification of his body has repaired his eyes, light must hit your retina and be absorbed in order to allow your brain to percieve things around you. If you are invisible, then the light is passing around or through your retina so you should be blind. Also, if Geordi is invisible to the ship's internal sensor systems then how come the transporter system can lock onto him in order to beam him down? When the shuttle is approaching the planet, Picard asks for options and the helm officer reports that it's out of tractor beam range. But the tractor beam is controlled from the tactical station. Shouldn't Worf be saying this? |
TNG : Identity Crisis |
When La Forge is messing about in one of the ship's Jeffries tubes, he gets a torch out and uses it to let him see into a junction box. A torch? Mister 'I can see across the whole electromagnetic spectrum and have a built in telescope and microscope' needs to use a torch? | TNG : The N'th Degree |
We get a minor demonstration of Q's amazing abilities in this episode. When he opens Vash's letter, he reads it upside down. Obviously this isn't on the scale of moving planets around or anything, but I find it interesting that the Q can read stuff any way up. Also, the creators really need to be more consistent about Data's physical speed and robustness. In 'We'll Always Have Paris' he was fast enough to dodge laser blasts. In 'First Contact' we find that he is bullet proof. In "The Naked Now" he claims that 'if you prick me, do I not leak?'. Well, in this episode Troi fires an arrow at Data. Not only does he fail to dodge it, the arrow comfortably pierces his bullet proof chest and completely fails to cause any leak. | TNG : Qpid |
So, as far as anybody knows at the start of this episode, the Enterprise's warp core has been sabotaged and is disabled. This means the ship lacks warp drive, and possibly that it lacks other high energy systems like shields and weapons (the show seems to go back and forth on whether the warp core powers these things or not). So Starfleet's response is to send the USS Cochrane, an Oberth-class ship, to deliver Admiral Satie to conduct an investigation. After dropping her off, the Cochrane leaves. So... why didn't it stick around to defend the Enterprise? They suspect sabotage, surely they must suspect that the sabotage was intended to leave the ship crippled so that it could be attacked! Of course an Oberth isn't much of a platform to defend anything, but that raises the question of why wasn't something like an Excelsior or even a Nebula around to help? A Nebula could defend against most threats, even tow the Enterprise back to a Starbase for repairs, yes? One of Starfleet's most valuable asssets is crippled, and they are leaving it to just sit there! Admiral Satie's court reporter dutifully records all the answers people give in the hearings. Strangely, she doesn't bother to write down any of the actual questions! In TOS, we several times saw people questioned in official hearings whilst being monitored by the computer. The computer, we were told, could act as a lie detector so accurate that it could tell a lie even if you believed that what you were saying was true! How come this device is not used in this episode? Even if we assume that the defendant would have the option to decline so as to avoid self-incrimination - something they apparently could not do in TOS - surely Simon Tarses would jump at the chance to prove he was not in fact a traitor once and for all? |
TNG : The Drumhead |
In discussing her outfit, Lwaxana says "I am a woman dressing for a man. Something you might try now and then, dear." Um, honey, have you seen how Deanna dresses? Half the time she's about one step shy of walking around in her underwear! When trying to reignite the star, Geordi refers to the temperature approaching "sixty million degrees Kelvin." The Kelvin scale doesn't use "degrees"; you would simply say "sixty million Kelvin." |
TNG : Half a Life |
The Trill in this episode are totally different from the way they appear in DS9. These Trill have no spots, a built up forehead, and when the symbiont joins with the host it takes over the host personality completely. So, does the planet Trill have two different races as different from one another as Earth's different types of dogs? Or are there two completely different planets that both happen to be called Trill and have joined species? And while we're on the subject, why would anybody ever agree to be a permanent host for this version of the Trill? The hosts are clearly shown as sentient beings, yet their entire personality is completely overwritten by the symbiont. Do the symbionts hold the hosts in some kind of slavery? When the shuttle is intercepted, Worf reports that "they are loading their phaser banks". One charges phasers. One loads torpedo tubes. |
TNG : The Host |
Geordi and Data test out a phaser rifle in this episode. In order to do this they set up the weapon in the middle of main engineering. They fire it into a small target apparatus directly in front of the master situation display, and don't even go to the trouble of putting up a warning sign or rope barrier to stop people walking into the beam. I don't know what kind of safety regulations there are for firing phaser beams aboard ship, but surely they can do better than this! One of the things that makes Data suspicious of Geordi is the fact that a scan of Geordi's shuttle shows that it has been subjected to a tractor beam. But we've seen before that shuttles are often landed by tractor beams on the Enterprise - see Time Squared for an example. So shouldn't ALL the shuttles display signs of having been subject to a tractor beam? Whilst we're on that subject, another thing that makes Data suspicious is that he scans the memory chips in the shuttle Geordi used, and finds anomalies in the molecular structure. The computer reports that these were caused by replication. But... isn't replication how they would usually make computer chips? I mean, if you can just push a button and replicate functional chips, why would anybody use a more primitive method of building them? |
TNG : The Mind's Eye |
At one point a female crewemember walks past Geordi, goes around a corner and then screams a few moments later. Geordi runs back to see what is wrong and finds her half buried in the floor as a result of an encounter with a bit of dark matter. The thing is, she is facing him as he goes around the corner - yet she was walking in the opposite direction so she should have her back to him. Data uses contractions three different times when he is comes home to Jenna. He says "Honey, I'm home!" as he enters, "I'll join you", when she has a drink, and "You're not my mother!" when they fight. It's possible that these are stock phrases that he has learned in order to simulate being romantic or argumentative, rather than dialogue made up on the fly, as it were, and so contractions can make it through - notably he says "You are not my mother" in a more normal tone of voice when Jenna questions what he said. But... if that's so, then we are assuming that data has two modes of speaking. A normal mode in which his program determines what to say, but has a deliberate limiter which prevents him from using contractions. And a stock-phrase mode, in which predetermined responses can be spoken without limitation as to content. So if that's the case, then why can't data create a set of stock phrases consisting purely of contractions, which he then inserts into his normal conversation program at the appropriate moments? So a response he gives might go : (program says to say)I will give that issue my full consideration, and then (insert stock phrase)I'll (program says to say)get back to you later. Let's face it, the data contradictions thing was a silly idea to begin with, and probably would have been best if quickly forgotten. |
TNG : In Theory |
Gowron claims that women cannot serve on the high council. Yet in Star Trek VI, Gorkon's daughter Azetbur replaced him as the leader of the council after his death. Also, we see in this episode that Worf has red blood. Why isn't it purple, like all the blood in ST VI was? Does Klingon blood only become purple when they are in zero gee for a few minutes? |
TNG : Redemption, Part 1 |
Picard tells the Admirals he meets that they should send a "freet" to the Romulan border. What the hell is a "freet"? | TNG : Redemption, Part 2 |
When they are trying to disable the Tamarian ship, the Enterprise fires a phaser beam out of the torpedo tube! Thankfully this has been corrected in the remastered BluRay edition. | TNG : Darmok |
Why does Ro wear her earring on the left ear when every other Bajoran in history wears theirs on the right? And why don't regulations allow an earring when they do allow Worf's big sash? | TNG : Ensign Ro |
Even assuming that there really was no way to shut down the transmitter Marr used to destroy the crystalline entity, why did Picard not simply warp away from the creature? Also, if the crystalline entity destroys planets in a matter of hours as shown here, how come the children of Data's colony had time to draw pictures of it? | TNG : Silicon Avatar |
Geordi claims that opening the cargo bay doors will cause the drums of chemicals to be sucked out into space. Surely he means they will be blown out? And while we're on the subject of Geordi, when Crusher leans against the wall and tells him that it's hot, he looks up and says "where?" But his VISOR can see infa red light, so he should have seen the heat trace on the wall long before they went anywhere near it. When Picard cheers up the children during their climb by singing "Frere Jacques", why doesn't his Universal Translator convert it into English for us? When Data suggests putting himself into the electrical arcs, Riker notes that he would never ask anybody to take such a risk. But a few episodes later, when Troi is struggling with the Bridge officer's test, Riker points out that the correct solution to the test is to order Geordi to his certain death. He makes the point that any individual crew member is expendable if the survival of the ship is at stake. So... which is it? How is it that the controls to open and close the doors and raise and lower the forcefield are across the room from the controls that repressurise the cargo bay? Crusher and La Forge almost die because they have to cross the large room to reach the atmosphere controls. Shouldn't these be on the same panel? |
TNG : Disaster |
Crusher calls Data to sickbay in order to incapacitate him, then covers by claiming that he came in complaining of a malfunction before shutting down. Yet Geordi was right next to Data when Crusher called him, so why doesn't he object to this cover story? Also, the torpedo launcher which fired a phaser beam in Darmok can now emit tractor beams! | TNG : The Game |
In this episode Crusher asks Data if his ears are removable and he says no. Yet in Datalore we saw that his ears are in fact removable. | TNG : Unification, Part 1 |
Troi suggests that there could be a cloaked Romulan base on Galornden Core in this episode. Yet in "The Defector" Data says that a cloaked base on the surface would be visible due to the distortion of the background, and in "The Enemy" we find that the magnetic fields on Galornden Core would rapidly become fatal for Humans and Romulans. Guess Troi should stick to the day job. Also, it was nice of Sela to lock Data, Spock and Picard in her office without any kind of guard so that they could plan their escape and use her computer system to foil her entire plan, wasn't it? And finally, the job descriptions get all mixed up towards the end of this one. Crusher announces that she has recieved a distress call from a nearby colony, and Riker responds by ordering La Forge to set a course for it. Since when do Doctors handle communications and Engineers handle the helm? |
TNG : Unification, Part 2 |
Picard claims that he has inspected Rasmussen's credentials and that they seem to be in order. Huh? Does Rasmussen really have an "Official Federation Time Traveller" card, and how would Picard know it was genuine if he did? The Enterprise crew use the computer to disable a phaser by remote control in this episode. What a fabulously useful function for the computer to have! One wonders why they didn't bother to use it in "Power Play", "The Hunted", "The Game", "Datalore", "First Contact"... At the climax of the episode, Picard must face a tough decision - he might be able to save the planet, but only by risking the destruction of the Enterprise. Wouldn't this be a good time to separate the ship and evacuate the civilians on the saucer section? At one point Riker asks when historians of the future started using time travel to investigate the past. Well it happened a century ago, Will! The Enterprise was doing it in "Assignment : Earth" Silly Riker should have known this. Speaking of things Riker should have known, Rasmussen asks him what he thinks is the most important example of progress in the last 200 years. Riker responds "The warp coil. Before there was warp drive, human were confined to a single sector of the galaxy." But First Contact shows us that humans invented warp drive in 2063, three hundred and five years before this episode. And in First Contact, Riker and everyone else talks about that event as something that is extremely common knowledge - how could he possibly not know this date? |
TNG : A Matter of Time |
Since Worf's last name is Rozhenko, why is he continually called Worf even by junior officers? In this episode, Alexander's classmates go on a trip to see models of extinct animals. Why wouldn't their teacher take them to the holodeck so they could see living versions of these creatures? Worf gets paged by various people during his meeting with the captain. Does this seem right? I know Picard doesn't have a secretary, but surely the computer can be set to hold all but emergency pages from the comm system during meetings? |
TNG : New Ground |
Data gets Geordi's rank wrong in this episode; he calls him "Lieutenant", when Lieutenant Commanders are normally called "Commander". | TNG : Hero Worship |
Riker claims that he does not know if Troi can hear him whilst in a coma in this episode. Even today you can tell if a person can hear a sound by examining their brain wave patterns - this is how they diagnose deafness in very young children. Has Starfleet lost this ability? Or does it just not work on Betazoid women? | TNG : Violations |
Watch Riker when he goes to meet Hannah Bates; head down, striding manfully forwards, he almost walks into a wall! At one point Geordi complains that he's been without sleep for so long that his eyelids "feel like they have lead weights attached". Well why doesn't he just close them for a while then? He doesn't actually see out of his eyes, remember, so it makes no difference to him if he wants to walk around with them shut. |
TNG : The Masterpiece Society |
Why didn't the Satarran MacDuff make himself Captain instead of First Officer? For that matter, why didn't he have a few of his friends along on the mission in other key places? When Riker says there is no voice interface to the computer, La Forge says that there is no interface, period. He then goes on to use the work station behind him to use the computer. Doesn't this count as an interface? And I don't mean to be nasty, but does anybody else find it hard to believe that Troi beats Data at chess? |
TNG : Conundrum |
Gee, it sure would have been useful to use the computer to disable the terrorist's phasers in this episode the way it did in "A Matter of Time", wouldn't it? Riker tells Picard that Data, O'Brien and Troi are trying to take over the ship. But Riker was unconcious when Troi did her bit of the taking over, so how did he know about her? |
TNG : Power Play |
This episode makes it clear just how hard it is to kill a Klingon - they even have a backup brain that can bring them back from death! So how come Worf has at least twice threatened to kill himself with a knife (Night Terrors and this episode)? Surely he would recover from this fairly easily? The number of times that the Enterprise gets banged around enough to - almost - throw a person off their feet is so great it is one of the best known cliches of the entire Trek legend. Yet not only do they never have seatbelts, they never make any effort to tie down their cargo containers! |
TNG : Ethics |
My, Worf seems to have recovered quickly. Last episode he was struggling to take more than a step or two, yet here only 33.1 Stardate units later - 12 days in real time - he is not only walking normally, he is beating people up! | TNG : The Outcast |
This whole episode hinges on whether to use the tractor beam or the explosive decompression of the shuttlebay to avoid the collision with the Bozeman. Why not do both together? | TNG : Cause and Effect |
Data claims to have graduated in the "class of 78." Since it is now 2368, as dated from "The Neutral Zone" in which Data says it is 2364, did Data really graduate ninety years ago? Riker claims that the Vulcan superintendant made being at the academy like "being with your parents". Riker's mother died when he was very young and his father was hardly ever around, so how would he know what being with your parents is like? |
TNG : The First Duty |
We're told that there are intermittent failures in the IDF system, and Picard's first reaction is to order the ship to halt. Risky! The IDF is all that stops the crew getting smeared over the bulkheads by the huge accelerations of the ship, so ordering it to slow down while the system is failing is not a good idea. Ideally, you would hold the exact same speed whilst fixing the problem. | TNG : Cost of Living |
It's not a real YATI as such, but it's odd that Kamala looks exactly like a Trill. | TNG : The Perfect Mate |
Troi reports that Clara had a good time at pottery class. In fact Isabella smashed Alexander's sculpture and threw pottery at him, Worf blamed Clara, and she ran out of the room crying. Doesn't sound like a good time to me. | TNG : Imaginary Friend |
When beaming down, Riker orders Crusher to beam down and he asks her to bring a medical team, but she doesn't. Also, Picard is amazed when Hugh gives up his "we" and "us" speech and finally says "I". Yet one of the first thing Hugh says after coming aboard is "Do I have a name?" |
TNG : I, Borg |
The whole premise of this episode makes no sense. Light and matter passes through Ro and Geordi so they are invisible and walk through walls... yet they can still see, still breathe the air and talk to one another, still stand on the floor and sit on a chair. | TNG : The Next Phase |
Why doesn't Troi appear in this episode? Surely it would be useful to have her monitoring Picard's mind while he is unconcious, like she did with Riker in "Shades of Grey". | TNG : The Inner Light |
Data pawns his communicator for three dollars, and gets three coins. He throws one coin into the pot as his ante for the first game. But the ante was said to be "four bits", or fifty cents. Data identifies the 1873 Colt .45 cavalry revolver as being double action. In fact that particular weapon was a single action pistol. |
TNG : Time's Arrow, Part 1 |
In "The Child", Guinan tells Wesley that she never met Picard before coming aboard the Enterprise. Yet this episode establishes that she met Picard centuries before her arrival on the ship. While Guinan would undoubtedly want to protect the timeline by not revealing details of this meeting, it doesn't seem like her to tell such a direct lie. Also, why does Geordi openly wear his VISOR whilst wandering the 19th century hospital where locals can see him? |
TNG : Time's Arrow, Part 2 |
At one point in this episode, Troi releives Barclay of duty. Yet soon afterwards he goes to the transporter room and starts ordering O'Brien around. Now while it's entirely believable that Barclay would disobey orders, wouldn't O'Brien know that Barclay had been relieved and thus refuse to do as he ordered? Barclay asks Geordi if anything strange ever happened to him during transport, anything "out of the ordinary", and Geordi says "No, not really." I guess Geordi must have a really high bar for things he considered to be strange. I mean, he could have said "Well there was that time last year when Ro Laren and I were transported, and there was an accident, and we woke up on the Enterprise, only we were invisible and intangible, and Ro thought we had been killed and were ghosts or something, but it turned out that we'd been thrown out of phase with normal matter. Oh, and also there was a phased Romulan that tried to kill us." But I guess he didn't consider that to be out of the ordinary. |
TNG : Realm of Fear |
Troi has stated several times that her empathic sense allows her to tell when a person is lying to her. So when Alkar asked her to participate in his little ceremony, why didn't she sense that there was something amiss? When Ensign Blondie McHandsome was about to leave Deanna's quarters, she told him she knew where to find him if she needed anything more. He answered "Yes Ma'am," and walked out. But isn't this the genderless future, where female officers are called "Sir"? (As a minor aside; it's always amused me that when sci-fi shows attempt to depict 'genderless' future forms of address, they always, always do it by referring to women as men. Because who gives a damn how silly women feel, so long as we can avoid the ultimate humiliation of calling a male 'Ma'am'?) |
TNG : Man of the People |
Just where is the Dyson sphere? Scotty was on his way from Earth, or at least somewhere near to Earth, to the Norpin colony. Presumably the sphere lies somewhere on a more or less straight line between the two. Presumably there is at least semi-regular traffic between the Federation and its colony world. So Federation exploratory ships have been this way, and transports have been passing through the area for at least seventy five years, yet in all that time nobody has noticed the sphere? Also, in a classic nit the Enterprise-D beams Geordi and Scotty off the Jenolen whilst its shields are still raised. Presumably they were able to use the kind of transporter window that O'Brien used to board the Sutherland in "The Wounded". |
TNG : Relics |
Geordi claims that cargo bay 4 is on deck 4. Yet the big schematic display of the ship shows it on deck 10, and in "Power Play" when Worf, Troi and O'Brien head for cargo bay 4 they get off the turbolifts on deck 18. | TNG : Schisms |
Why, if they are rushing to assist Tagra IV, does the Enterprise-D appear to be at impulse speed every time we see an external shot? At one point Riker comes into sickbay and tells Amanda he was looking for Crusher to ask her what nutrients she wanted to send to the planet. Amanda tells him she will relay the message, and he leaves. A moment later Crusher walks in. So... if Riker wants to ask this question why not just tap his combadge and say "Riker to Crusher"? Or if he wants to do it face to face for some reason, why not say "Computer, locate Doctor Crusher"? Both of these things are absolutely routine. |
TNG : True-Q |
Skipping lightly over the fact that the younger Picard has a different accent, no dimple in his chin and different eye colour, what happened to his artificial heart? A full sized adult heart wouldn't fit the chest of a child, after all. At one point a pair of automatic doors slide open and a little robot comes through to distract a Ferengi. As Data says in "In Theory", "the door sensor is programmed to recognise only Humanoid forms for entrance and egress." |
TNG : Rascals |
When Troi shoots Eli Hollander's hat off, he turns to look at her before dropping his weapon. Yet Troi is using a lever-action rifle; she didn't cock it after firing, so Hollander would easily be able to turn and shoot her before she could do anything more to him. | TNG : A Fistful of Datas |
Data and Crusher really put up a poor showing in their discussion of life. First she claims it is "what enables plants and animals to consume food, derive energy from it, grow, adapt themselves to their surroundings and reproduce". Data quickly points out that fire meets these criteria but is not alive. Crusher says that it does not count because it is a chemical reaction, and says that you could use the same argument for growing crystals. Data then asks about himself, claiming he does not grow or reproduce yet is considered to be alive. On a strictly factual point, both have made mistakes. Data claims that he does not reproduce - yet in "The Offspring", he clearly considered Lal to be his offspring. Crusher claims that crystals are not alive, yet both the crystal from "Home Soil" and the Crystalline entity from "Datalore" and "Silicon Avatar" are (or were) alive. Crusher's ruling out of chemical reactions as being alive makes little sense also - what is a person if not a collection of chemical reactions? And whilst Data has been declared to have sentience and equal rights to others, I don't know that he has ever been stated to be alive as such. Currently, in order to be considered alive something must grow, consume food, excrete waste, respire, reproduce, move all or part of itself and respond to stimuli. Fire does indeed meet some of these criteria, but does not respond to stimuli and so is not alive. It's unclear how the crystal life forms in Trek would fare under this definition, but Data would probably not be considered alive. |
TNG : The Quality of Life |
When Picard's team goes to Torman V, there is a Tamarian in the background of the bar. Have the Tamarians learned conventional language well enough to order drinks? Or did he sit down and say something like 'Alkazar, long in the desert'? | TNG : Chain of Command, Part 1 |
Why does Gul Madred's daughter wear a military uniform? Isn't she a little young to be in the military, or is there some sort of youngster's cadet force on Cardassia? | TNG : Chain of Command, Part 2 |
Picard and Data conclude at one point that Moriarty has set the computers to respond only to his voice. So what's the problem? Data can imitate voices perfectly, as seen in "Brothers", so he can still give the computer orders. | TNG : Ship in a Bottle |
When the dog/alien attacks Geordi, the Engineer does an excellent job of dodging about and then grabs a phaser from one of his draws and vapourises it. I find it interesting that Geordi keeps a phaser in his quarters, but more importantly - why does he never once call for help from security? | TNG : Aquiel |
Mister DeSeve defected to the Romulans nearly twenty years ago because he was so impressed by their single-mindedness. Yet in "The Neutral Zone", it is claimed that there has been no contact with the Romulans for fifty three years! What could DeSeve have found so impressively single minded about several decades of total silence? | TNG : Face of the Enemy |
Picard claims to have graduated in the class of 27, and that the incident with the Nausicaans occurred thirty years ago. In first season episode "The Neutral Zone", Data claimed that the current date was 2364. So at the time of this episode in season six, it should be 2369. Which dates the incident on the station to 2339. So either Picard rounded his "thirty years" an awful lot - "forty years" would have been closer - or he waited twelve years between graduating and getting his first deep space assignment! | TNG : Tapestry |
When Data is painting in his quarters, he stops and steps back to admire his work. You can still hear the brush against the canvas in the background. | TNG : Birthright, Part 1 |
Worf is disgusted that the Klingons allow themselves to be captured alive. Yet he allows himself to be captured alive, both here and several times in the future. When Worf is telling everyone the story about Kahless, he says "Kahless looked into the sea and wept, for the sword is all he had left of his father." But according to Spock in Star Trek VI, Klingons have no tear ducts and cannot cry. |
TNG : Birthright, Part 2 |
Picard tries to escape the Enterprise after disabling Tuvo- er, a terrorist. He fails because the power goes out. Why not use a shuttle? The transporter on a shuttle? The Captain's yacht? An escape pod? When the terrorists take over on the station base, one of them stuns Geordi and then points his weapon at Data, who freezes in place. But in "Power Play" when somebody fires a phaser stun at him and he is completely unaffected by it. So if Data is immune to stun settings, why doesn't he just charge the bad guy and knock him out? Speaking of Data, when he tries out his small talk skills on Beverly and Riker, he asks if they have noticed that the temperature on the planet is slightly higher than normal for human comfort levels. He goes on to note that "I have found that humans prefer a body temperature of 21 Celsius in order to operate most efficiently." Um, no. Humans may prefer an atmospheric temperature of 21C, but if your body temperature is 21C then you're not operating efficiently at all, because you're dead! He even goes on to continue this theme by saying that some species prefer their body temperature to be the same as the temperature of the room. Data seems to think that your body temperature is something that varies significantly. In reality your temperature does vary, but only very slightly - if your body temperature goes more than a degree or so up or down you're in pretty serious trouble, and your body will do everything it can to get the temperature back to normal. Now this is true for humans, of course, and it is possible that there are alien species whose body temperature can indeed vary widely. So maybe Data was talking about those. But the way he described it, he really appears to think that everyone's body temperature wanders waaaay up and down according to how hot or cold it is, and the only result is that they feel a little warm or cold. The Enterprise-D is the most famous Starship in the Federation, and Captain Picard is a famous person - remember he was credited with saving Earth from the Borg, after all. And these terrorists have presumably put a fair bit of effort into planning this mission... but they have no idea what the Captain of their target ship looks like? |
TNG : Starship Mine |
When Picard and Darren ride the turbolift together, a crewmember enters and rides it with them. I guess she just assumed that it was going her way, because she never gives it any kind of instruction or asks its destination. | TNG : Lessons |
I have to wonder where dinosaurs figure into the Progenitor species plans. The dinosaurs were the dominant lifeform on Earth for over a hundred million years, and it was largely due to a fluke asteroid impact that they died out and mamals became the dominant life form, and that primates and then Huanoids subsequently developed. How does this square with the idea that the Progenitor DNA code has been directing evolution towards humanoids all along? | TNG : The Chase |
La Forge brings an injured man to sickbay at one point. Isn't it a big no-no to move a badly injured person around like this? Isn't that why normal procedure is to call an emergency medical team to go to your location rather than vice versa? Of course, Riker is imagining it all so maybe he just imagined this part wrong. | TNG : Frame of Mind |
Jo'brill took an awful chance, pretending to be dead like that. It's a good thing Crusher didn't autopsy him. | TNG : Suspicions |
One of the ways Kahless tries to convince Worf that he is real is to talk about a vision of Kahless Worf had as a child. So since Kahless turns out to be a fake, how did he know about Worf's vision? And if Worf had told people about it, then why wouldn't he object that Kahless knowing about it was no proof that he was real? | TNG : Rightful Heir |
Surely Lieutenant Riker should get the same promotion as Commander Riker did for his actions on Nervala IV. They were both the same person then, after all. | TNG : Second Chances |
When Picard puts his hand into a time distortion, it ages sufficiently that the nails grow considerably. So... that's at least weeks if not months. And for all that time the rest of his body, outside the time distortion, would not have been supplying the hand with blood. Picard should have pulled out something a lot more unpleasant looking than a hand with long fingernails... | TNG : Timescape |
Okay, I can accept that Picard wanted the maximum number of people on the planet's surface to search for Data. But it still makes no sense that he be one of those searching! For example, suppose Picard switched places with the young man on the bridge. There would be just as many people searching for Data, yet the Captain would be on the bridge where he belongs. | TNG : Descent, Part 1 |
When Data brings Geordi back from the experiments, Troi asks him if he is in pain. That is, Troi the empath, who should be able to feel his pain from down the hallway. So at the end of the episode, Data deactivates Lore and then advises that he be disassembled. Um, what? Starfleet has judged Soong-style androids to be conscious beings with fundamental rights. Lore gets no trial, no opportunity to defend himself... he's simply captured, turned off, and destroyed! |
TNG : Descent, Part 2 |
How long are these aliens on the ship for? Worf says he is showing them around for three days, but the ambassador says he is looking forward to an enjoyable seven days. | TNG : Liaisons |
When Geordi is exploring the Raman, he says that there are some poisonous gases in the corridor. Then he arrives at a bay door and says that the crew are probably took refuge behind it. Then he opens the door! Great idea La Forge, what if there had been fifty survivors behind that door who are now exposed to the poison gases? | TNG : Interface |
The crew do a horrible job of working undercover in the bar. They do manage to wear civilian clothes, but they wave Starfleet phasers and tricorders around, talk about finding Starfleet fabric traces, and basically do everything short of waving big signs saying "WE ARE STARFLEET" around. | TNG : Gambit, Part 1 |
I'm a bit confused about how Baran died. I get that Picard switched the codes so that when Baran tried to activate Picard's implant and kill him, it activated Baran's implant instead. But... why the hell does Baran have an implant? | TNG : Gambit, Part 2 |
Not a nit as such... but wouldn't replacing a warp core be something that you would go into spacedock for? It's a pretty major bit of equipment, after all. If it doesn't work, the ship is stranded years away from anywhere unless somebody comes and tows them back home. Also, why does Data go and consult a holodeck character about his dream? After all, there is a real live counsellor on board - one whose knowledge of psychology isn't four or five centuries out of date, at that. Shouldn't he go talk to Troi herself? |
TNG : Phantasms |
In "Haven", Lwaxana claimed that Betazoids prided themselves on "complete honesty". Well judging by this episode I guess they don't actually do any such thing. So the Cairn don't have any concept of spoken language, since they are telepaths with no need for such a thing. So then why did they evolve vocal cords? One can excuse their having mouths, since mouths are also used for eating and breathing. But vocal cords are evolved specifically to allow vocalisation. If the Cairn have never had vocalisation and language, they should never have evolved vocal cords in the first place. I get that they use "vocal enhancers", but the name suggests that those simply improve on their vocalisations - without vocal chords what would there be to enhance at all? Nothing, that's what. |
TNG : Dark Page |
While having one of their heart to heart talks, Picard and Crusher confess that they do not 'feel that way' about each other any more. So why do we then have this big 'will they won't they' scene at the end? | TNG : Attached |
So the Enterprise is going to get a "kick" out of its warp engine and cruise out of the rift at warp speed, beaming the crew off the Flemming as they pass. I thought you had to exactly match warp speeds to use transporters, as O'Brien's dialogue in "Best of Both Worlds, Part I" indicates? | TNG : Force of Nature |
So why don't Troi and Geordi know instantly that Juliana is an android? Troi's empathic sense should give the game away, and Geordi should see the glow around her as he did Data in "Heart of Glory". Tainer claims that the solidification of the core has affected the gravity of the planet. This is nonsensical; the only things affecting the gravity of a planet are the mass and diameter. Unless the solidification is actually changing the mass of the planet, or making it shrink or balloon up, then there would be no effect at all on gravity. |
TNG : Inheritance |
I'm a bit confused about the Cardassian's plan to use the telescope thingie as a spy device against the Federation. I mean, it's a Federation installation. It presumably sends data to Starfleet all the time. Do the Cardassians really think that when it stops sending information, Starfleet will just shrug its shoulders and forget about it? Of course not! They'll send a ship to investigate, and the Cardassians will be caught in the act - which is exactly what happened. It would make much more sense for the Cardassians to just blow the thing up and make a hasty exit, then deny all knowledge afterwards. | TNG : Parallels |
Pressman claims that the Romulans have found a piece of the Pegasus. Okay... but it turns out that the Pegasus never exploded. So either bits just fell off the ship for no good reason, or the Admiral is lying. Admittedly the latter possibility is not wholly unlikely... Just out of curiosity, isn't Picard also guilty of violating the treaty when he uses the Pegasus phase cloak device to escape the asteroid? I wonder what he would have done if the Romulan captain he declared that he was under arrest and asked him to come aboard their ship for return to Romulus to stand trial? |
TNG : The Pegasus |
I have to say, I think the Prime Directive is a pretty good idea most of the time... protecting the primitives from exploitation, harmful interference and all that. But I mean, these people were all going to die. Just how bad could any degree of interference be compared to that? | TNG : Homeward |
Okay, what about marriage and names in the 24th century? Beverly Howard became Beverly Crusher when she married Jack Crusher. So apparently the whole thing about women taking the man's surname still applies. Yet the alien dude says that his first host was Jessel Howard, hundreds of years previously. Shouldn't Jessel have had a different surname? Or did all of Beverly's ancestors keep their surname, and she broke with the tradition and decided to adopt her husbands? Beverly claims that her grandmother Felisa was a hundred years old at the time of her death. But her gravestone displays her year of birth as 2291, which actually makes her 79 at the time of death. Interestingly, this is close to the age of the actress who played Felisa, Ellen Albertini Dow - and she went on to live to be over one hundred before she died. |
TNG : Sub Rosa |
Do Troi and Riker really have to do evaluations on the entire crew? I mean, they know each of the several hundred officers on the ship well enough to judge them? Surely it would be more sensible for each officer's direct superior to evaluate them? This is how it's done where I work, and I'm told it's what happens in the present day military. And even if we assume that they actually do the evaluations, surely the department heads should at least have input? They spend a chunk of the episode trying to pick a new night watch operations manager, but at no point does anybody ask Data - the Chief of Operations - for any input into this decision. Ben sure is an incredible bluffer. In the junior officer's poker game he has a king, jack, ten and eight. Lavelle has two sixes and two sevens. It is impossible for Ben to win, no matter what his hole card is. Yet Lavelle folds in the face of Ben's self confidence. Riker suggests to Sito that she let the phaser locking relay "float" whilst the ship maneuvers so that she doesn't have to re-lock them after the maneuver. He notes that they don't teach that trick at the academy, "but it works". So... if it works, why don't they teach it at the academy? Sito says that the events she was involved in at the academy, as seen in "The First Duty", took place three years ago. In actuality, it was two years ago. A stellar display of phaser safety here - Geordi asks Taurik to fire a phaser rifle on the shuttle - on a setting high enough to significantly damage the metal skin, no less - whilst Geordi himself stands almost directly in front of the phaser, perhaps four feet to one side of the aim point. Yikes! On that subject, Geordi claims that they are firing phasers at the shuttle to evaluate "hull resiliency". In other words, to see how much damage the phaser does to the hull. Taurik then suggests that he could reconfigure the phaser to fire a low intensity burst that would not harm the shuttle's hull... and states that the test procedure would not be affected. If the point of the test is to establish how well the shuttle hull resists phaser damage, how can it possibly be true that turning the phaser setting down to the point where it won't damage it will not affect the test?! That's like having a test to see how well a car door panel resists a hammer, then claiming that if you use a foam hammer instead it will not affect the test! Okay, not to harp on about this test, but... Geordi asks Taurik to fire a burst of "about four seconds". Yet when Taurik actually fires, the burst he fires is maybe half a second to a second at most. |
TNG : Lower Decks |
If Troi isn't qualified for command because she hasn't taken the bridge officer's test, why was she in command during "Disaster" just because of her rank? | TNG : Thine Own Self |
At one point Troi declares that the two alien characters are like the sun and the moon - only one can be in ascension at any given time. Which means that despite passing the bridge officer's test last episode, she still isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box. It's perfectly possible for the sun and moon to be up at once - think about it, how could you have an eclipse of the sun otherwise? Just keep an eye on the sky for the next couple of weeks, you'll see the moon up there during the daytime along with the sun. | TNG : Masks |
When Troi first goes up into the nacelle, she is startled when the female officer comes up behind her. Shouldn't Troi's empathic sense tell her that somebody is there? At one point Troi is on the bridge searching through personnel files for the man she recognised in her 'vision'. Worf suggests that she limit the search parameters and she says she has, she is only looking at people who served at Utopia Planitia and on the ship itself. Not to be rude, but since she's looking for a man, might it not be a good idea to limit the search to males as well? Several of the people she brings up on the screen are women! |
TNG : Eye of the Beholder |
This syndrome works by activating bits of DNA leftover from your distant ancestors. So... is Barclay a Human? The de-evolving effect turns him into a spider-like creature, yet Humans are not descended from spiders. Nor did cats evolve from Iguanas. And why does Picard begin to change into a Lemur, while Riker turned into a caveman? | TNG : Genesis |
Crusher claims that the Traveller is from Tau Ceti. Nope, he's actually from Tau Alpha C as stated in both "Where No One Has Gone Before" and "Remember Me". | TNG : Journey's End |
Alexander says that he was three years old when his mother died. Are these Klingon years or something? He was actually about one year old when she died, at least in Earth years. | TNG : Firstborn |
When Jason is beamed aboard, he is in a "climbing the rock-face" position with his hands up in the air. He assumes the same position and asks to be beamed back. Does he really expect the transporter to put him back into handholds and footholds? I mean, missing even by a few millimetres could send him plummeting to certain death! | TNG : Bloodlines |
Worf asks the folks on the train if they have finished the jigsaw puzzle. But when we see his point of view, the puzzle is in plain sight and it's perfectly obvious that it is nowhere near finished. So the Enterprise has become self-aware, enough that it can design and build offspring and actually out-think the crew in many respects. So, why does it suddenly stop thinking for itself at the end of the episode? |
TNG : Emergence |
When Worf and Data go into the bar to "search" for Ro in order to give her rebel credibility, Worf declares that if they discover she has been there the bar will be closed down. Interestingly, somebody immediately pipes up to say that she was there but left a few minutes ago. Worf and Data then leave. So, why don't they close the bar down? And why doesn't the bartender go pummel the guy who took that chance? | TNG : Preemptive Strike |
Data claims that all three Tachyon beams are coming from the Enterprise - but the future timeline beam was from the USS Pasteur, not the Enterprise. When Picard wants to go into the Neutral Zone, Tomalak agrees so long as a Romulan ship can go as well. That's the last we see of Romulans in this episode. What happened to their ship? When the Pasteur and the Enterprise-D reach the site of the anomaly in the future, nothing is there. Yet when the E-D returns some time later, the anomaly is there. If the anomaly gets bigger in the past, then it should have already been there when the Pasteur first arrived. Or is there an eruption of time which gets bigger in the future to match the eruption of anti-time which gets bigger in the past? |
TNG : All Good Things |
If the wormhole aliens do not experience linear time and so know the past and future, why don't they understand about Humans and linear time? Why do they need to ask Sisko any questions? They should already know the answers! During his Orb experience, Sisko refers to his father in the past tense, saying he "was a gourmet chef." Later we will see that Pappa Sisko is neither dead nor retired. |
DS9 : Emissary |
When the Bajoran mob trash Odo's office, somebody scrawls "Shifter" on the wall - in English. Was an off duty Starfleet officer in the mob? So let's talk about clones. In the TNG episode "Up The Long Ladder", Riker and Pulaski find that they have been cloned without their knowledge or consent. Riker vapourises both of the (half-grown) clones with his phaser. Presumably, then, Federation law does not classify clones as human individuals with a right to life. Yet here, Odo states that 'Killing your own clone is still murder'. So, why the difference? Perhaps it was that Ibudan's clone was fully grown and awake, whilst the clones in "Up The Long Ladder" were still only partially formed and unconscious, making what Riker did into some kind of weird clone abortion? Or then again, perhaps Riker's actions were considered in light of Federation law, or even Mariposan law, whilst Deep Space Nine may operate under Bajoran law. Either way, here's what I find a little strange - in investigating the crime Doctor Bashir creates a new clone of Ibudan, who grows to full maturity and goes on about his life. Is that even remotely ethical?! Bashir created a new life form here! When Data did that, Picard acted like it was a pretty big deal, something to be considered carefully. Nobody here so much as mentions that it might be a questionable thing to do! |
DS9 : A Man Alone |
Odo says the Bajorans had to smuggle the aphasic device into the station while it was under construction, before he became security chief. But the station was built 18 years ago, and Odo only became Security Chief 9 years ago. So they had ages to plant the device before he came along. | DS9 : Babel |
At the end of the peisode, O'Brien offers to walk the Hunter and Tosk off the station. Since the Hunter's ship was never actually docked to the station, where exactly is O'Brien taking them? | DS9 : Captive Pursuit |
When Vash is locking up her stuff, the guy who runs the place describes each one to a computer. Why not just take a hologram of them? | DS9 : Q-Less |
Sisko worries that the alien ship is probably going to escape since it is faster than a Runabout. Why not fire on it and disable it? Or lock the docking clamps down? Or beam Jadzia off it before it departs? Gee, Klaestron IV sure does look an awful lot like Angel I, doesn't it? At one point Peers refers to "the Trillian government". This word will never be used again; from now on the collective name for Trill is Trill. You know, like Sheep! |
DS9 : Dax |
In this episode Bashir claims that you can't really tell if somebody is dead using a tricorder. Well, I won't list all the times that he has done exactly this since, but suffice to say there a lot of them. | DS9 : The Passenger |
Julian shows up to the first contact saying that he has lost his dress uniform. Couldn't he just replicate a new one? | DS9 : Move Along Home |
Why aren't the station's airlocks kept locked when there is no ship docked at them? Given the amount of crime on the station this would seem to be a sensible precaution. | DS9 : The Nagus |
When Odo is in the form of a glass and gets broken, the little pieces of him all swarm back together. But if a changeling can keep control of parts separated from the rest of his body, then why does blood revert to liquid form during a blood test? | DS9 : Vortex |
One of the faction bosses claims that they stopped using directed energy weapons centuries ago. Yet for the rest of the episodes both sides fire freely on one another with... you guessed it... directed energy weapons! | DS9 : Battle Lines |
When the Dalrock shows up O'Brien claims that there is no atmospheric disturbance. Yet stuff is being blown around all over the place! Doesn't strong wind count as an atmospheric disturbance? And Bashir pronounced somebody dead in this episode using... you guessed it... a tricorder! |
DS9 : The Storyteller |
When Kira finally decides to evict Mullibok, she does it in a remarkably brutal fashion. First she blows his kiln to pieces with her sidearm, then she sets fire to his house and all his belongings in front of him! Why not just beam him up to her Runabout and leave? | DS9 : Progress |
I wonder what happened to this "puppy" program over the years. It's never mentioned again, but was it still there during the Dominion occupation of the station? If so, why not use it to help in the Federation's sabotage before leaving? | DS9 : The Forsaken |
At the end of the episode they open an airlock and blow the telepathic cloud out of the door. So... the energy cloud is blown about by the wind? Does this make sense? | DS9 : Dramatis Personae |
Marritza uses his Kalla-Nohra syndrome in order to make everybody think he is Darhe'el. But he was actually at Gallitep, so he should know that Darheel wasn't there during the accident and so never had Kalla-Nohra. | DS9 : Duet |
When Keiko set up the school, she told Sisko that her syllabus would have to be innovative to include all the different viewpoints of the alien races. Yet now she is taking a strictly Federation rationalist line about the Wormhole aliens. Why not teach the subject much as Sisko explains it to Jake, i.e. lay out both sides of the argument? | DS9 : In the Hands of the Prophets |
The Runabout left four people on the surface - yet made no attempt to beam them up as they headed up into space. | DS9 : The Homecoming |
When the Bajorans begin to fill the conduits with anethezine gas O'Brien claims he would have thought of that himself. Well why didn't he? If he had filled the docking ring with the stuff as soon as the Bajorans arrived, the attack would have been stopped then and there. | DS9 : The Siege |
Why didn't Sisko have Quark arrested after this episode? The Ferengi assisted a terrorist group that tried to murder a Starfleet officer, kidnap a sentient being, destroy DS9 and all of its crew... | DS9 : Invasive Procedures |
Why would a race which has evolved in a place with no gravity have arms and legs like ours? | DS9 : Melora |
Rom has developed an awfully protective attitude to his brother of late. Last year he tried to murder Quark by throwing him out of an airlock, but here it's all brothers standing together. | DS9 : Rules of Acquisition |
Why is Odo so disgusted at collaborators, given that he himself was a collaborator? | DS9 : Necessary Evil |
The Prometheus sure is light on officers. The captain appears to be a Lieutenant and nobody of higher rank is ever seen or mentioned. At one point Dax says they are boosting the top speed of Seyetik's ship to warp nine point five, saying that if his experiment fails and the sun goes supernova, they will need to get out of there fast. But supernova explosions produce radiation which travels at lightspeed. Warp 1 is that fast, so even at Warp 1.1 the ship could comfortably escape any supernova. At 9.5 they'd be going at upwards of 1,800 times faster than this! |
DS9 : Second Sight |
I don't get why anybody enjoys the "game". All you do is push a button, and it makes a few noises and then either lights up or doesn't. And that's it. There seems to be no continuing aspect where you play from round to round, no rules, nothing. Everyone acts like it's this really intriguing form of gambling, but how is it any different than just flipping a coin? Connect a light to a little random number generator, add a couple of little sounds, and that's this device in a nutshell. I wondered if maybe the device was supposed to be manipulating people's minds to make them think it's interesting when it's obviously not, but that really doesn't seem to be the case. | DS9 : Rivals |
Sisko says of his father, "When my father became ill I can remember how small and weak he looked lying there in the bed. He'd been so strong, so independent. It always seemed to me there was nothing that he couldn't do. But in the end, I realised that there was nothing that he could do, and nothing I could do to help him." He's talking for all the world here as if his father is dead. Yet, his father will go on to be a significant recurring character in later seasons, still a relatively fit and healthy man. Now technically Sisko doesn't say his father is dead, and he could be talking about a time he got sick and then got better. But it sure doesn't come across that way! Dr. Pol says "Dear god, what have I done?" when Odo is trapped behind the forcefield. Since he's Bajoran, shouldn't that be something like "Prophets, what have I done?" |
DS9 : The Alternate |
This episode reveals that Bashir gave his diaries to Dax so she could understand him better, since they contained his innermost thoughts. I wonder if his diaries contain information about his genetic enhancements? Sisko tells Keiko that "Miles was a fine officer, and a fine man." There are other references to "your officers". O'Brien's rank has been all over the place in Trek, but generally he's been considered to be an enlisted man, not an officer. Indeed, this very episode has him talking about "career officers" as being something he is not. When Keiko complains about O'Brien drinking coffee after 15:00, somebody says it might have been Tea. Keiko replies that "I checked the data clip. It contained a spectroscopic analysis. The liquid in Miles' cup consisted of vegetable-based oils and caffeine. It's coffee all right." Um, Tea also contains both vegetable oils and caffeine. And surely Keiko the botanist would know this? |
DS9 : Armageddon Game |
O'Brien says here that his mother died two years earlier, yet in TNG's "Family" - set four years ago - he said that he once found his father chasing a nurse around sickbay. So his father did this while his wife was still alive? What exactly is the point of mounting the big deception here? The crew apparently know O'Brien is a fake before he even arrives on the station, right? So why not just stun him the minute he gets there and then stick him in a holding cell? Instead, they spend a whole day or so making everyone pretend that he's the real O'Brien, including faking up a makework job for him to do and locking him out of the security stuff around the peace talks. Hell, they even rope Molly in on this, having this tiny kid know that O'Brien isn't her real Daddy but pretend he is anyway! And all of that, to accomplish... what? |
DS9 : Whispers |
I wonder just how far this dampening field effect spreads? What would have stopped O'Brien and Sisko just walking five or ten miles and then beaming back up? Or even a hundred miles if necessary - even a trek like that would only take a week or two. | DS9 : Paradise |
When the holoprojector is turned off, the only real things left are the projector itself and Rurigan. Surely he must have brought more stuff with him to this planet? Why don't we see anything when the projector is off? | DS9 : Shadowplay |
Why does the new universe glow? A universe should be completely self contained, it shouldn't be able to emit light off into another universe. | DS9 : Playing God |
Discussing an impending Dominion attack, Bashir notes that two hours will not be long enough to get reinforcements from Bajor. Why don't they bring reinforcements in now? And what about Starfleet - Sisko has had the time to go all the way to Earth and back since the last episode, they could have massed whole fleets at the station by now. When attacked by the Jem'Hadar, Sisko orders the shields up. But he already knows that the phased polaron beams used by the Dominion go through Federation shields. The Odyssey captain transferred shield power to the weapons because of this, which seems eminently sensible, so why isn't Sisko doing the same instead of wasting power on shields? |
DS9 : The Search, Part 1 |
How come you can collapse the wormhole by just firing into it in this episode, but later on O'Brien has to rig up some special beam to do the same thing? | DS9 : The Search, Part 2 |
This episode begins a long line of Defiant nits. The Dominion is this massive threat which could come pouring out of the wormhole at any moment. The Defiant was assigned to DS9 specifically to counter that threat. Yet Sisko treats it like his own personal taxi, jaunting off to Trill so Dax can get treated and leaving the station undefended. Why not take a Runabout? That's exactly what they are for! | DS9 : Equilibrium |
So the Jem'Hadar don't need to eat, yet they grow to adluthood in a few days. Where does all the mass come from? They don't seem to consume nearly enough of that Ketracel White stuff to account for it. Do they suck up gas from the atmosphere and do nuclear reactions to turn it into other elements or something? Maybe it comes from the same place as all the Founder's mass when they grow really big? Bashir claims that most species which show extremely rapid growth are simple creatures and he's never seen anything like it in anything as complex as a humanoid. Well that may be true, but the medical literature should certainly include at least one example - Deana Troi's son Ian showed hyper-accelerated growth at least comparable to this, and that was only six years prior to this episode. Strange that he never thought to look it up or mention it. |
DS9 : The Abandoned |
What exactly is the whole "I have nothing to say to you O'Brien" thing about? So far as we know Riker and O'Brien were on excellent terms when they parted. Okay it gets rid of the Chief quickly, but it's a hell of a chance to take - what if he'd said "no sir, I haven't a clue why. What's the problem?" Surely Riker would have done better to chat for a minute or two, then shoot a few meaningful glances at Kira behind her back. That would get rid of the Chief pretty fast, I would think. In fact, I find the whole reaction to Riker a little curious. Everyone seems to act as if he's an old friend of theirs that they've known for years - even Kira reacts that way. But so far as we know only Dax has ever even met him before - and that happened offscreen. |
DS9 : Defiant |
Lwaxana's effect on the station sure is selective. It only seems to make the senior officers start jumping all over one another, whilst leaving everybody else totally unaffected. | DS9 : Fascination |
Less a YATI than an observation - this Federation sure is fragile. It seems like there's no change in history so small that it doesn't wipe the Federation out of the timeline. | DS9 : Past Tense, Part 1 |
I love the way the characters in this episode keep pumping their pump-action shotguns to show how serious they are. You see, the pump isn't there to show people that you're serious - it's there to eject a spent round and chamber another one. If you pump a shotgun without firing it, it spits out a perfectly good round and loads the next one. Basically, the characters are gradually disarming themselves! Okay, I want to be nice about this but it's a bit indelicate. Dax comes through the sewers to get into the sanctuary. So first, why isn't she all covered in... er... waste? And second, why can't the cops do the same thing? When they come back from 2048, O'Brien comments about the alternate timeline that "Earth history has been through its rough patches, but never that rough." Really? The failure of social reform in Bell's time led to an America that was worse than the Eugenics wars? Worse than [i]World War III[/i]?! Worse than the 'Post Atomic Horror'? |
DS9 : Past Tense, Part 2 |
I have to wonder why Star Trek surgeons wear those red suits sometimes. I mean, Crusher once said that there is a special type of field in surgical rooms that stops people getting infections - and the suits can't be for that anyway, because they don't cover your nose or mouth. Is it just some kind of surgeon fashion? | DS9 : Life Support |
So, both Kira and the "crystal" engulfing her are actually the Founder. Which means that when she shot the crystal with her phaser, she was shooting herself. Yet in "Crossover", we see that a single shot from a Bajoran phaser is enough to blow Odo into little itty bitty bits. And later on we will learn that even a low level phaser shot is painful enough that it makes a Founder lose whatever shape they are in. So how can the Founder shoot herself? | DS9 : Heart of Stone |
Dr. Bashir states that Morn came in with a case of food poisoning after a bad glass of Kanar at Quark's. If so, wouldn't Bashir have scanned his stomachs? As we will later learn, one of Morn's stomachs contains 1,000 bars worth of liquid latinum. Why didn't Bashir spot this? | DS9 : Destiny |
Why does Quark ask Morn to help him set up the vole fighting? Given how talkative Morn is, word was bound to slip out! | DS9 : Through the Looking Glass |
Doesn't twenty ships seem like a bit of a measly force to go and attack the Founders? I mean, okay it was a sneak attack that wasn't suppsed to fight its way to the home world or anything... but look at the fleets we see during the war, hundreds of ships strong or more. Even a pretty low level orbital defence system would be more than capable of handling only twenty ships, and the Founder's planet would certainly be likely to have one of those. So Garak's machine stops Odo from shapeshifting. Then how is it that Odo is still able to move and speak? I always assumed that when Odo shapeshifts, he assumes the shape, colour and texture of whatever he is imitating on the outer surface, but remains liquid inside. Then when he moves, he is essentially using his shapeshifting ability to bend his arms, legs, etc. So shouldn't Garak's machine keep him statue-still? Or does the shapeshifting work some other way? |
DS9 : The Die is Cast |
Okay, let's take a look at this craft. First, the sails are far, far too small. Current projections are that a ship of this kind of size would need sails hundreds of miles across, at the very least. And this is not something that you can improve with future technology - the sun is the sun, it only exerts so much pressure on a sail no matter how advanced it is. Second, how did this thing ever take off? How is it supposed to land? It's made of wood! It couldn't possibly have survived an atmospheric re-entry. | DS9 : Explorers |
If the Ferengi evolved on a planet where it rains almost all of the time, shouldn't they actually like rain? So why does Quark like Risa's hot sunny weather so much? Bashir and O'Brien go through a lot of trouble trying to get into Quark's bar so they can retrieve their dartboard. Odo argues mildly against it, but does nothing. Er, isn't this attempted breaking and entering? Isn't that illegal? Why isn't he arresting them? And why not just use a transporter to beam inside? That way you're only entering without breaking, you might get a lighter sentence! You could even beam the dartboard out, thus avoiding both the breaking and entering altogether! |
DS9 : Family Business |
Does anybody else find it a bit odd that the Bajorans nearly get involved in a civil war, over some bits of farm equipment? I mean, come on! I know they're desperate, but these people run warp driven starships! Surely soil reclamators can't be that important! And also, why are they actually farming at all? Farming is supposed to be obsolete in the 24th century! The Federation has been helping the Bajorans for three years now, and in the 24th century you would think that the very first item on the list of things to rebuild would be a global system of food replicators. |
DS9 : Shakaar |
Is it me, or is Joran way too violent? I mean, the guy lived to be in his twenties. He was joined for six months. This shows that he must have at least some self control! Yet every time we meet him, he is constantly depicted as having an uncontrollable desire to kill everybody he can get his hands on. This episode establishes perhaps more definitively than any other that O'Brien is not an officer. He even states that he will have to call Nog "sir" after he graduates. Excellent, just right! So why is O'Brien in charge of operations on the station? That's a job for an officer, not an enlisted man! |
DS9 : Facets |
Given the way everybody was going around firing huge phaser blasts all over the place, I'm surprised they didn't shoot each other. After all, it's not like anybody ever made any attempt to find out if there was anybody ahead of them. I'm not sure I agree with Sisko's "we go in pairs" idea. I mean, doesn't it guarantee that at least one person is alone with the Founder? Whereas if they went in threes the Founder is sure to be outnumbered, which would at least give the solids a bit of a chance. |
DS9 : The Adversary |
Another "not a nit, more an observation". Based on their performance in this episode, I can't believe the station crew could ever find a Founder infiltrator, let alone do it in a few hours. They really need some way of spotting them with sensors, rather than just blasting everything in sight with phasers. Here's a nit, though. When the Defiant cloaks, Worf looks a bit uncomfortable and explains that "I have never been on a Federation ship that had a cloaking device." Well, yes he has! He was abord the Enterprise-D during the events of "The Pegasus", when the ship used the illegal Federation phase cloak system to escape from an asteroid. When Worf meets O'Brien and Bashir in the bar, O'Brien offers to play darts with him and Worf replies that he doesn't play games. Huh? Worf spent years playing poker on the Enterprise-D, a fact that O'Brien immediately points out to him! Why would Worf laim that he didn't play games? For that matter we also saw him on his way to play a game of Parrises Squares in "11001001". Worf also acts a little oddly towards Dax and Kira appearing emerging from the holosuite dressed in medieval garb. People on the Enterprise-D dressed in odd costumes all the time to go play on the holodeck, including Worf, who for example dressed as a cowboy to play with his son in "A Fist Full Of Datas". Why is it suddenly embarrasing for him to see people in costume? |
DS9 : The Way of the Warrior |
How does anybody know that the wormhole goes through an "inversion" every fifty years? They only found the thing three years ago! | DS9 : The Visitor |
So, in this episode they declare that O'Brien is a Chief Petty Officer. Not a Lieutenant, then, like Riker called him in "Where Silence has Lease"? | DS9 : Hippocratic Oath |
So do the Breen use phasers, or disruptors? Kira claims that the hits on the Ravinok are phaser hits, yet in "Star Trek : Generations" Riker claims that the Breen use disruptors. | DS9 : Indiscretion |
So Lenara is creating the first ever artificial wormhole, is she? What about the one in "Star Trek : The Motion Picture" that was created by the imbalance in the Enterprise's warp drive? Doesn't that count as being artificial? I guess this taboo against reassociation is taken more seriously by some than it is by others. After all, Odan seemed perfectly happy to carry on his relationship with Doctor Crusher through three different hosts. |
DS9 : Rejoined |
They make the point in this episode that every time the Defiant sends out one of its sensor pulses, it will give away its own position. The solution is to change speed and course each time a pulse is sent out. Unfortunately, we see plenty of shots of the ship sending out multiple pulses whilst staying on the exact same course at the same speed, or even staying completely stationary. | DS9 : Starship Down |
It's sure lucky that nobody was behind that two-way mirror when Odo morphed out of his doggie shape, isn't it? | DS9 : Little Green Men |
If you think back to "Rightful Heir", the sword of Kahless was in the monastery on Boreth. Kahless himself picked it up and claimed that it was his sword, and everybody agreed. So how come it's now been missing for hundreds of years? At the beginning of the episode Worf seems very impressed with Kor, stating amongst his great moments "Your confrontation with Kirk on Organia". This would be the confrontation in which Kor attempted to have two hundred innocent Organians murdered for an act of sabotage that Kirk committed? Does that really seem to anybody to be the kind of thing Worf would admire? |
DS9 : The Sword of Kahless |
So, why does the Honey Bare character (Dax) carry a handcuff key around in her pocket? I mean, she's a scientist right? She's not a guard or anything. Does she have her own set of handcuffs for... er... recreational purposes? Dr Noah has a stainless steel Walther PPK in the climactic scene. This model wasn't made until the 1980s. One could dismiss this as an error by the writer of the holonovel, rather than the show! |
DS9 : Our Man Bashir |
Joseph Sisko claims that a changeling could take a person's blood and hold it inside themselves, dispensing a few drops to fool a blood test. Without a constant oxygen supply, wouldn't the blood congeal or something? Or could the changeling mimic a working system of lungs and internal organs to keep it supplied with oxygen? And if Joseph is right, why does Starfleet keep using blood tests right through the rest of the series as a way to find Founders? | DS9 : Homefront |
Why did Worf ever try to fight the Lakota? I mean, he had all the time in the world to cloak the Defiant as they approached one another. He could then easily have slipped past and gone on to Earth, which after all was his mission. | DS9 : Paradise Lost |
Odo boasts in this episode that his daily routine is so regular and predictable that the shopkeepers on the promenade joke that they can set their clocks by him. Gee, that must be a real help to the station's criminals. They would know just when he is going to be around, and just when he is not. | DS9 : Crossfire |
Why on Earth is Kira catching a lift with Gul Dukat to get to this conference? The senior staff usually use the Defiant as their personal taxi for stuff like this. Even assuming that the ship was busy defending the station for once, wouldn't a Runabout be ideal for this kind of job? | DS9 : Return to Grace |
When Worf stabs Kurn, Odo says that he had better hope that Kurn doesn't die because then Worf will be charged with murder. As it happens Kurn lives, so everything is okay. So... there's no such thing as attempted murder on DS9? Stabbing somebody in the heart doesn't even rate an assault charge? At one point, Kurn breaks down and cries in misery. But according to Spock in Star Trek VI, Klingons have no tear ducts and cannot cry. |
DS9 : The Sons of Mogh |
To make Quark end the strike, Sisko says the Federation will no longer be good landlords and threatens to demand five years worth of back rent. How come? The Federation has only occupied the station for three and a half years. | DS9 : Bar Association |
This episode begins a complete re-write of the wormhole aliens. If you watch the pilot episode, you will see that the wormhole aliens actually had no idea that the Bajorans existed. Indeed, they regarded corporeal species as "aggressive, adversarial", and in fact didn't even know that any being could exist in linear time. The Orbs were probes the aliens had sent out to seek others like themselves, and the Bajoran's religion was wholly based on a misunderstanding. Beginning here, the wormhole aliens start to declare that they actually support this whole "Emissary" business the Bajorans have thrust on Sisko. They even declare that they are "of Bajor", and so is Sisko. The former could mean that the aliens are actually distant descendants of the Bajoran people. Ultimately we will find that the latter is because Sisko's mother was actually a wormhole alien. So I guess the aliens were just flat out lying about pretty much everything they said in the pilot episode, then. |
DS9 : Accession |
Ch'Pok claims that Worf committed a crime in killing civilians, and needs to be extradited to stand trial. Yet in the hearing, he emphasises that Klingons kill all their enemies, be they military or civilian, women or children. So why do the Klingons want Worf extradited for doing something their culture says is okay? And why doesn't either Sisko or the Vulcan judge notice this inconsistency? When Worf orders Kira to fire on the transport ship he orders a full spread of quantum torpedoes; but on the viewscreen the ship actually fires photon torpedoes. |
DS9 : Rules of Engagement |
Wow, that O'Brien really doesn't do things by halves. Remember when Data used his phaser on a high setting in "The Ensigns of Command", and blasted several miles worth of an aqueduct with one shot? Well, when O'Brien plans to kill himself he sets his phaser to maximum power. That would probably take out a significant section of the station! | DS9 : Hard Time |
Those rebels really are modest. They say that they have captured Terok Nor. Yet since we never see Bajor in the background during this episode, they must have actually stolen the station! That's mighty impressive! | DS9 : Shattered Mirror |
In order to work out how to end Lwaxana's wedding, Odo studies Tavnian law. Yet he still has no idea how their marriage ceremony works. Seems a bit remiss of him. | DS9 : The Muse |
This episode establishes that the Maquis are not Federation citizens. So how come Starfleet is always after them? Okay, some of them have committed crimes in Federation space - Eddington, for example. But many of them have not, yet Starfleet seems to go for any Maquis they can lay their hands on. | DS9 : For the Cause |
So this Iconian building is made of neutronium? One cubic metre of that stuff weighs umpty-billion tons. The building should sink to the centre of the planet if it is so immensely heavy. Or are there some sort of anti-gravity systems holding it in place? | DS9 : To the Death |
Not strictly a nit... but they sure fixed that docking pylon in a hurry. At that rate you could build a whole other station in a few months. Bashir is all bothered by the idea of letting people die in this episode. Yet in "Life Support", he was all for flipping the Big Switch of Death on Vedek Bareil. |
DS9 : The Quickening |
Brunt claims that Quark's mother will be out on the streets begging for food. How come? In "Family Business" they say that Ferengi women are not allowed to talk to strangers. | DS9 : Body Parts |
Why exactly does the female Founder have that smooth, Odo-looking face? We know she can imitate Humanoids perfectly if she wants to, after all. Maybe she does it to make Odo feel more comfortable, but in that case why are her hands perfect copies of a Human's complete with all the wrinkles, etc? | DS9 : Broken Link |
In Homefront/Paradise Lost, Odo could instantly tell that Admiral Leyton was a changeling. Here he takes a whole episode to work out that Martok is also a changeling. Just how powerful are disruptors compared to phasers, anyway? In the mirror universe, mirror-Odo exploded when he was hit by a single phaser beam. But it takes a good several dozen disruptor blasts to kill this changeling! O'Brien claims that a dead Changeling will revert to a gelatinous state. But he's only ever seen one Changeling die, in "The Adversary", and that one just crumbled into dust. The one we saw die in The Ship did the same thing. At one point a Klingon claims to have killed a Benzite Captain, and Sisko mutters that he went to Academy with the man. This is impossible, since in TNG's "Coming of Age" we meet Mordock, the first Benzite ever to go to the Academy. So unless Sisko went to the Academy after Mordock did in 2364, it couldn't have happened. And with the Academy being a four year course, there's no way Sisko could have graduated in 2368 and been a senior officer during Wolf 359 in 2366. Oddly, the Runabout in this episode is damaged in the exact same manner as the one in "Body Parts". Why is there a statue of General Chang in the great hall? The man was a traitor the Empire who assisted in the assassination of his own Chancellor! So you're a Changeling in a big room full of armed Klingons. You're impersonating the second-highest ranked Klingon present. Somebody accuses you of being a changeling. Do you... a) Yell that the accuser is a traitor, and they should kill him immediately! Because hey, maybe that will actually work, and then you're safe! Or b) make a run for it. Because there's an entire room of potentially hostile guns around you, so you don't want to be there when you can maybe escape, hide, and shift to resemble somebody else - setting the search for you back to square one. Or do you c) Immediately shapeshift in front of everyone and attack the accuser, giving everybody present 100% solid proof that you are indeed a Changeling, and presenting them with a nice easy target for their weapons. Well, if you're an idiot, you go with c! Why didn't they bring Dax on this mission with them With her detailed knowledge of Klingon culture, she would surely have been a better choice than, say, O'Brien. (In reality, Terry Farrell has very sensitive skin. She is allergic to the makeup used for Klingons, and cannot spend more than a few minutes at a time in direct sunlight.) |
DS9 : Apocalypse Rising |
When we see the bridge, all the Jem'Hadar are hanging dead from their chairs. Yet in "A Time To Stand", this exact same ship is used by Sisko and his officers on a raid, and they all complain that there are no chairs aboard because the Jem'Hadar never need to sit down. Worf's description of keeping vigil over the body of a dead man to keep predators away is at odds with TNG's "Heart of Glory", in which it was said that the Klingons regard a corpse as "a worthless shell" to be disposed of. Still, we have seen before that different Klingon houses have different customs, and perhaps this particular one is only practiced by some. Consider it in comparison to the tradition of a wake, or sitting shiva, for instance. Some people practice it, but many don't. We see that the Dominion have transporters that can beam people onto the ship. So... why don't they just scan it for lifeforms and beam all the Starfleet officers out into space? Then they can walk in and rescue the Changeling. |
DS9 : The Ship |
In TNG's "The Dauphin" Wesley asks Worf how to get a girl. Worf screams a blood curdling scream, then states that "Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects, and claw at you." About the men he says "He reads love poetry... he ducks a lot." When Wesley declines this advice Worf advises him condescendingly to "Go to her door. Beg like a human." In TNG's "In Theory" Data asks Worf for relationship advice. Worf replies "Klingons do not pursue relationships. They conquer that which they desire!" Now watch this episode with those lines in mind. Worf's seduction routine here is nothing like any of that. In fact, he "begs" a good deal more than is common in human dating, now or in the 24th century. Kahless is said to have fought the battle of Qam-Chee a thousand years ago. Yet in "The Sword of Khaless", he is said to have made his sword 1,400 years ago. Was he really 400 years old at Qam-Chee? Kira claims that the house she's going to stay at is on the Holana river, and that you can see the river from every room in the house. Huh? Does the river form a moat around the house or something? One would normally expect that in a house by a river, the river would only be visible from one or two sides of the house. Hard to see how you could see it from all four. Does Worf really have the Defiant all to himself? In modern Naval forces it's very rare for an active warship to ever be completely deserted. There's always somebody aboard, even if it's just a few people to keep watch over the ship. |
DS9 : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places |
The pagh-wraith claims that it can kill Keiko in a moment, and O'Brien is confident that his beam thingie will instantly disable the pagh-wraith. Yet while the beam takes at least ten seconds to disable the wraith, luckily the wraith totally fails to make use of this time. | DS9 : The Assignment |
Consider that we see this story in flashback form, that Sisko is actually telling it to the Temporal Investigations guys. Yet one of his lines during the episode is that he doesn't want a visit from Temporal Investigations when he gets home. Doesn't this seem like a rude thing for him to tell them? At one point Bashir comments that surely O'Brien must have taken Elementary Temporal Mechanics at the Academy. Well, no - O'Brien's an enlisted man, he never went to the Academy. Much comment was prompted amongst fans by the scene in which Bashir and O'Brien are all confused about why Klingons had no head ridges in the TOS timeframe. Worf refuses to comment, stating that they do not discuss it with outsiders. Enterprise would later reveal that the change was a result of a virus which infected the Klingon population, and was then cured by a genetic change created by Phlox which erased the head ridges as a side effect. So... given that Humans clearly knew that Klingons originally had ridges, and Humans were directly involved in the situation which resulted in their removal... why isn't this common knowledge in the 24th century? Surely at the very, very least it would be something that a Doctor like Bashir would know about. |
DS9 : Trials and Tribble-ations |
How come Ardanis recognized Dax as soon as they met? She said that the last time they met the symbiont was in Curzon. Did Jadzia send a picture of herself? | DS9 : Let He Who Is Without Sin... |
When Worf goes into the Runabout he orders the two security officers to check the aft compartments. Yet the scans showed that there were only four people on board, and they were all in the cockpit. Worf sure is paranoid... | DS9 : Things Past |
At one point, Quark claimed that he had a good holosuite program that Odo should read. You participate in holosuite programs, you don't read them. | DS9 : The Ascent |
Sisko claims that the stone pillar is eleven metres high - that's about thirty six feet. He then asks for a 75% reconstruction. Yet what he gets is not even close to being twenty seven feet. | DS9 : Rapture |
Kira said that Lupaza made her earring for her. But the earring a Bajoran wears are supposed to show what family you belong to. Shouldn't your parents make this kind of thing for you? | DS9 : The Darkness and the Light |
Quark offered to give Odo a refund in this episode. But the very first rule of acquisition states that "Once you have their money, you never give it back." | DS9 : The Begotten |
I can't see why the Maquis are considered such a threat. We learn that Starfleet intelligence has a spy within the terrorists in this episode. Ensign Ro also managed to penetrate their network, as did Tuvok, as did Seska, as did Boone. You begin to wonder if there are any actual Maquis in the Maquis, or is the whole thing just a massive group of intelligence operatives spying on one another? | DS9 : For the Uniform |
We discover that Bashir was replaced whilst still wearing an old-style uniform. So presumably the Bashir we have seen on the station has been a Founder since at least the uniform changeover. For one thing, this means he had ample opportunity to kill Sisko during "Rapture" and blame it on the brain damage he was suffering. For another, it means that he let another changeling die in "The Begotten", when linking with it might have saved it. I imagine both of these things would have made the other Founders pretty mad. | DS9 : In Purgatory's Shadow |
It sure was nice of the Dominion to leave a fully functioning Runabout, fuelled and ready to go, floating just outside their prison facility, wasn't it? When Kira orders Dax to take the Defiant to warp to catch the Runabout, Dax is incredulous that they would do this inside the solar system. Need we list the many, many, MANY times that ships have gone to warp inside solar systems with no ill effect? For instance, there is the occasion on which Kirk's stolen Bird of Prey went to warp within Earth's atmosphere towards the end of Star Trek IV. |
DS9 : By Inferno's Light |
If genetic engineering is illegal in the Federation, why is there a Federation genetic engineering station trying to produce a superior breed of Human in the early TNG episode "Unnatural Selection"? | DS9 : Doctor Bashir, I Presume? |
Why doesn't DS9 have weapon detectors like Starships do? Odo always seems very keen on the whole no-weapons-allowed thing, you would think those alarms we saw in Star Trek VI would be quite useful. Yet somebody gets vapourised in this episode, and no alarm sounds. | DS9 : A Simple Investigation |
Quark claims he hasn't had a single Starfleet customer all week. Yet we saw O'Brien and Bashir playing darts a couple of scenes ago. Quark is very resistant to the idea of selling weapons in this episode, and everybody treats him as a pariah for doing so. But back in The Maquis, he arranged an arms deal for Sakonna with no hesitation, no problems, and no fallout. |
DS9 : Business as Usual |
O'Brien has to go to Rom's quarters to borrow a tool. Assuming that this is the only tool of its type on the entire station, shouldn't it be kept in some sort of central tool store where people can go and check it out when they need it? | DS9 : Ferengi Love Songs |
Worf is a Starfleet officer. Dax is a Starfleet officer. Worf serves on a Bird of Prey. Dax serves on a Bird of Prey. Worf wears a Klingon uniform. Dax wears a Starfleet uniform? I really, really wanted to see Dax in one of those female Klingon uniforms... | DS9 : Soldiers of the Empire |
Not a nit, more an observation - tricorders sure have come a long way in the last three years. When Crusher wanted to confirm whether or not Jason was Picard's son in "Bloodlines", she had to do all sorts of complicated tests that took ages. In this episode Dax scans Miranda with a tricorder and can instantly confirm that she is an O'Brien. It's not even a medical tricorder, either. | DS9 : Children of Time |
How come all the exterior views of Empok Nor showed it tilted at an angle? There's no reason any ship in space would have the same orientation as any other, after all. So really, perhaps the better question is why isn't every other ship and station shown tilted at an angle! | DS9 : Empok Nor |
When Nog first mentions the anaerobic metabolites, he says there are two litres of the stuff. Later when they mention it to Bashir they say it is five litres. DS9's "Body Parts" establishes a conversion rate of twenty strips to one bar of Latinum. Yet in this episode Quark takes a bid of one bar and twenty five strips, which is like saying one dollar and a hundred and twenty cents. And Dr. Geiger top that bid with a bid for two bars, which is actually less than one bar and twenty five strips! |
DS9 : In the Cards |
Near the end of the episode, we see the Defiant and Rotarran leaving the station. Where are the Runabouts? Shouldn't they be leaving as well? | DS9 : Call to Arms |
Okay, so Sisko wants to find a way to keep all the Jem'Hadar alive. Well, why not just stun them all in the battle instead of killing them? Leave the Ketracel White that his own ship was stocked up with so that they have a new supply when they wake up. Let Starfleet know where to go to pick them up once you are away. End of problem. | DS9 : Rocks and Shoals |
Not really a nitpick... but Alexander is eight years old in this episode. Yet he looks about eighteen. I guess Klingons just grow up quicker. | DS9 : Sons and Daughters |
When Worf finishes his comm chat with Sisko, a Federation symbol appears on the screen. Usually the symbol displayed is that of the caller, and since Worf is calling from a Klingon ship, it should be a Klingon symbol. | DS9 : Behind the Lines |
In this episode Quark assures Nog that he is going to break him out of prison. He does this in a perfectly normal voice, with two Jem'Hadar guards standing a couple of feet behind him. No wonder Odo catches him so often! | DS9 : Favor the Bold |
This is going to sound a little heartless... but why does the Klingon fleet help out the Federation forces? The point of the operation is to re-take Deep Space Nine. The whole war depends on that being achieved. With the Dominon forces taking on Starfleet, the Klingons have a free and easy run on the station, yet they choose not to attack it. | DS9 : Sacrifice of Angels |
Most of Martok's crew are transferred to the Yah'Vang. Yet in "Sons and Daughters" the Rotarran was described as being badly undermanned. Surely they should be getting new crewmembers, not losing even more! In TNG's "Data's Day", Worf complains that "Human bonding rituals often involve a great deal of talking". Well here we see his uber Klingon marriage ceremony... and it sure involves a lot of talking! Given that Worf travels to attend the wedding of Deanna and Riker in Star Trek : Nemesis, you have to wonder why none of his friends from the Enterprise-E come to attend his wedding to Jadzia. I guess they're too busy fighting the war? But on the same lines, why don't his parents come for the wedding? Too dangerous for civilians to travel? |
DS9 : You are Cordially Invited... |
I suspect that Sisko finds very little to actually do in that office of his. When O'Brien pages him to come to ops, the captain is out of his office within a couple of seconds. Almost like he was loitering just beyond the doors, just waiting for the call. | DS9 : Resurrection |
Exactly why is Lauren confined to a mental institute? She has never displayed any behaviour outside Human norms, let alone demonstrated any physical threat to herself or others. Okay she's very flirtatious, but so was Vash - it's hardly reason enough to be locked up! | DS9 : Statistical Probabilities |
I have to wonder why Empok Nor is still abandoned. The place has power and working life support, gravity, even lighting. Surely it could be moved to the wormhole and reactivated as a supplement to DS9? Even if you didn't give it all the extra weapons, doubling the amount of docking space available for ships would surely be useful? | DS9 : The Magnificent Ferengi |
Dukat says he can't fix Sisko's broken arm because he isn't familiar with the equipment. Er, isn't this standard Starfleet issue? Shouldn't Sisko be able to use it himself? Even assuming the gadget takes two hands, surely he could at least tell Dukat what to do? | DS9 : Waltz |
Quark bemoans the fact that the bricks of gold-pressed Latinum have had the latinum removed, leaving only the worthless gold behind. To emphasise the point he snaps one of the bricks. Okay, gold isn't the strongest metal in the world and these bricks were hollow. But Quark snaps a gold brick with his bare hands! How strong are Ferengi meant to be? | DS9 : Who Mourns for Morn? |
The visions of the Prophets have always been similar - a series of people you know appear, taking turns to spout sentances at you. They are yellow-tinged, and a slow heartbeat sounds in the background. So why are these visions suddenly completely different? | DS9 : Far Beyond the Stars |
If the Defiant is, as Sisko said, nothing more or less than a warship, then why does it keep getting scientific research missions? It was used for generating a wormhole in "Rejoined", and for investigating the anomaly in this episode. Surely a dedicated science vessel would be far better equipped? When O'Brien has to leave the ship, Bashir quite correctly says he will have trouble breathing because his body can't absorb the very large (to him) Oxygen molecules. Great, excellent bit of clear scientific thinking by the writers! Of course... he could just put on an environmental suit from the Runabout, which would have an Oxygen supply with molecules that had shrunk just as much as he had. Isn't the whole point of the locked Ketracel White box defeated if the Vorta just gives it to the Jem'Hadar, along with telling them how to open it? |
DS9 : One Little Ship |
I know it was necessary for the plot, but doesn't it seem a little unlikely that O'Brien could penetrate the ultra-secretive Orion Syndicate and get invited straight onto their most secret plan within a matter of a few days? Bilby says his Starfleet contact was in charge of Risa's weather control system last year. Why is Starfleet in charge of a planet's weather control system? Shouldn't that be a civilian thing? When Bilby fires the Klingon disruptor at Yint, the beam is a yellow phaser-style beam rather than a green disruptor-style beam. And we can't argue that the repairs altered the beam frequency, because the whole point of using them was to convince people that Klingons had been behind the assassination. |
DS9 : Honor Among Thieves |
In this episode they say that the Dominion will be sure to detect any tricorder scans they take on Cardassia. So after Jadzia is wounded, why does Worf tell her to scan herself once every half an hour? | DS9 : Change of Heart |
Kira sure has a lot of faith in Dukat. When he tells her not to bother trying to trace his transmission, she simply takes him at his word. Surely it's at least possible that O'Brien or Dax might be able to trace it? | DS9 : Wrongs Darker than Death or Night |
If I were Bashir, I'd really be paranoid about medical conferences. He was on the way to a medical conference when the Dominion kidnapped him. He was on the way to a medical conference when Sloan kidnapped him. He was on his way to a medical conference when the Romulans kidnapped him... | DS9 : Inquisition |
In this episode, Vreenak claims that Sisko is or has been a captian, Emissary, widower, father, and mentor. Who exactly has Sisko ever been a mentor to? Personally, I find it a bit hard to understand what Sisko does that is so terrible in this episode. Okay he bribes Quark, but he has bent the law numerous times before for the Ferengi. He is an accessory to several killings, but he doesn't even know about them until after they happen! And he does get clearence from Starfleet for the operation - we've seen before that Starfleet is willing to authorise lethal force against others on intelligence missions. Picard and co. killed several Cardassians in "Chain of Command" during an invasion of Cardassian territory, for instance. Okay Sisko's actions may be a little less than spotless, but they hardly seem like the great moral burden around his neck that he makes out they are. |
DS9 : In the Pale Moonlight |
Vic uses an image of Kira for a holographic character in this episode. When Quark tried to get a holo-image of her for the same purpose, her reaction was little short of violent! She sure has mellowed. | DS9 : His Way |
We're told that the Bajorans are all upset at Sisko's "stealing" the ancient stone so that the writings can be translated. When Akorem briefly got the Emissary job in "Accession", he told the Bajorans that most of the population had to change their occupation - and they did so, with barely a mutter of protest, because everybody has to do what the Emissary says. Yet Sisko can't borrow a stone for a few weeks? | DS9 : The Reckoning |
So the Federation wants an alliance with the Ferengi... and they send Nog? Ensign Nog? Imagine if the USA wanted an alliance with somebody and they sent a junior officer barely out of training. It would be a huge diplomatic slap in the face. A senior diplomat should be making this kind of overture. | DS9 : Valiant |
Why on Earth did they make Quark a woman in this episode? I mean, okay, he needed somebody to pretend to be a Ferengi female. Why not Leeta? Why not Dax? Why not pay a Dabo girl to do it? Because the writers wanted Quark in drag, that's why. | DS9 : Profit and Lace |
Quark says that he can't give Molly much time in the holosuites because they are always so busy. Yet when Nog loses his leg, he gets to spend several straight days in there. Maybe Quark made special concessions for Nog because he is family, and was just pushing to get paying customers into the holosuite instead of Molly... but in doing so he is seriously crossing the man who is in charge of maintaining the equipment the bar depends on. Not good business sense. | DS9 : Time's Orphan |
I find it really hard to believe that over several days of chit-chat, nobody on either side once gave away the fact that there was a decades-long time differential between Lisa and the Defiant. Imagine spending hours talking to somebody from the 1950s without either of you realising what was happening! | DS9 : The Sound of Her Voice |
When the Defiant heads out to invade Cardassian space, why doesn't Bashir go with it? He has almost always accompanied the ship on major missions before, and will almost always do so again in the future. | DS9 : Tears of the Prophets |
So Sisko can just take an extended leave of absence and go peel potatoes because he's feeling down? In the middle of a war? Remember back in TNG's "The Enemy", when Worf said he had no complaints and Picard replied that he would be the last person who would ever complain, even if he had a good reason? Well, Worf sure complains about having to guard a convoy in this episode. I guess hanging around Humans is finally rubbing off on him. |
DS9 : Image in the Sand |
Everybody claims that Kira's forces are vastly over-matched by the Romulans. Okay, so why not move the station to the moon using the same technology they used to move it to the wormhole in the first place? We're always being told it's a Bajoran station after all, and it's massively armed. Even if it couldn't make it to the moon in time to aid the blockade, she could have her fleet scatter and then threaten to use the station to destroy the base and the Romulan fleet once it did get there. | DS9 : Shadows and Symbols |
Why does Garak have to make costumes for people to wear in the holosuite programs? I can imagine a tailor being able to stay in business because he can come up with new clothing designs whilst a replicator can only make clothes to pre-existing patterns, but surely you can just replicate a historical costume? When Garak has his panic attack, we see Ezri call for a medical team. However, she doesn't tell them where to go to find her! Now it's true that they could just ask the computer to locate her, but it seems like a bit of a time waster on her part. |
DS9 : Afterimage |
Sisko implies that the starship T'Kumbra is crewed entirely by Vulcans, much as the Intrepid was in TOS. Why is this? I thought Starfleet was integrated these days. Sure there could be ships that happen to have a mostly Vulcan crew, just as the Enterprise-D had a mostly Human crew. But having an all-Vulcan crew looks like discrimination. Why does Nog show up when Sisko orders the senior staff assembled? Kim often does the same thing on Voyager; the Trek writers really need to learn the difference between a major character and a senior officer. |
DS9 : Take Me Out to the Holosuite |
The Federation is engaged in a war, everybody is terrified of changeling infiltrators, yet these misfits got out of their mental hospital and all the way to DS9 on board a Starship, just by telling anybody who questioned them that it was a stupid question? | DS9 : Chrysalis |
Those Dominion attack ships have really gone downhill. When we first saw them, three of them killed a Galaxy class Starship! Now even a Runabout is more than a match for them. Trek is always doing this - introduce some new uber-baddie to make us all go "oooooh!", only to then make them much weaker over time so that our heroes can actually defeat them. Voyager's treatment of the Borg is the classic case, but the Dominion fares little better. They hide the Runabout in a "Kuiper belt". Kuiper belts are real things - a shell of lumps of ice in the outer part of a solar system. It's believed that many comets come from the Kuiper belt, when some disturbance there sends one arcing into the inner system. However, no Kuiper belt could ever be as dense as what we see here. There is literally an "iceberg" every few hundred metres. If such a shell surrounded a solar system, you'd never be able to see any of the stars at night! In reality, objects such as this would be at least hundreds of thousands of kilometres apart in a Kuiper belt. Odo spends hours on the Runabout with Weyoun. If I were him, I would have had Weyoun dictating 'Important Facts of the Dominion War' into the Runabout computer for that entire time. That way even if Weyoun died, Odo would return with a priceless trove of Dominion war secrets. As it is, he asks one question about a new Ketracel White facility and otherwise just engage in chit-chat. |
DS9 : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River |
Previously when Worf goes on the Rotarran, he wears a Klingon uniform. This time he keeps his Starfleet one. Guess he just couldn't be bothered to change. | DS9 : Once More Unto the Breach |
The military tactics used in this episode are pretty poor. The Jem'Hadar just charge at the defenders en masse. Remember that photon grenade launcher Kirk used in "Arena"? Imagine what just half a dozen of those little things would do to such an attack. Surely the Defiant could have replicated a few launchers and beamed them down? For that matter, what about just firing a long burst of phaser fire and sweeping it from side to side, instead of all those fast shots they use? It would be far more devastating than present day machine gun fire. A single wide-angle beam would be even better. And don't claim that they would run out of power too quickly, because we see extra power clips being handed out before the battle but nobody is ever seen actually changing one. |
DS9 : The Siege of AR-558 |
Why on Earth did Dukat kidnap Kira, and why on Earth did his followers go along with it? I mean, they're all preaching about how the pagh-wraiths are all peaceful and loving after all, but they kidnap people to explain this to them? And surely Dukat didn't really expect Kira to agree with him and become a pagh-wraith follower? I could understand it if he had some ulterior motive for taking her there and was using all the religious babble as a cover, but apparently not. | DS9 : Covenant |
How come Nog had to go to a Starbase for a new leg? Bashir gave Bareil an artificial brain not so long ago. He can manage a new brain but not a new leg? And following on from "Time's Orphan", how come Molly could only get a few hours in the holodeck even though her removal caused serious mental trauma, but Nog can spend as long as he likes in there just because he's in a sulk? Also, in this episode they claim that Bashir created the Secret Agent, Battle of Britain and Viking holoprograms. In fact, "Bar Association" shows that the Viking program was created by O'Brien rather than Bashir. |
DS9 : It's Only a Paper Moon |
Ezri complains that she has recieved an order of Gagh placed by Jadzia. She asks for it to be flushed into space. Okay, we know that the best Gagh is served live. So either Jadzia settled for inferior Gagh, or Ezri is about to condem those little critters to a very unpleasant death. Either way it seems a little problematic. | DS9 : Prodigal Daughter |
Think back to "Crossover", the first DS9 mirror universe story. When Kira and Bashir see the alliance ships heading for them, the Klingon vessels de-cloak as they approach. Kinda makes a mockery of this whole episode, doesn't it? | DS9 : The Emperor's New Cloak |
Is it me, or is the TR-116 vastly superior to any other personal weapon we've ever seen in Trek? With a phaser, you can shoot only what you can see. Phasers are susceptible to many kinds of jamming, despite the supposed advantages of "regenerative" phasers mentioned in the episode. But with a TR-116 you can shoot through walls, through rocks and even mountains if you want to - all without your enemy knowing where the bullets were coming from. If I were Starfleet, I would be building these things just as fast as I could! Also, when Ezri comes into Ilario's room she asks how he was killed. Er, Ezri? There's a gaping hole in his chest, dear. What do you think killed him, old age? Joran is imaginary, right? He's not really there, he's just in Ezri's mind - he says so himself. So when Chu'lak shoots at Ezri near the end and causes gas to vent from the back wall, how come it blows his hair around all over the place? |
DS9 : Field of Fire |
Exactly how can a liquid being simulate a gas, or a fire? It makes even less sense than the changing mass/size problem. And it's very disturbing for Starfleet, I would think. Think about how hard it would be to search for Changeling infiltrators on a planet when they could be any passing cloud. Watch the skies! | DS9 : Chimera |
When they decide that Sisko is going to be the high roller, he has to borrow money off Vic to play the part. Okay, let's assume that Sisko can't just say "computer, give me a wad of money" because of the whole jack in the box thing. Why can't he go outside the holosuite and just replicate a few bundles of cash? | DS9 : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang |
Take a good look at the "still" holograms of the Romulans. Some of them are blinking. | DS9 : Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges |
The Founder orders the Vorta scientists killed and their clones started up so that they can get some fresh ideas. Er, won't this delay the research? After all, the new clones will have to go through the notes of their predecessors so they can get up to speed on what has been done already. So in this episode, Ezri Dax sleeps with Worf. Since Worf was married to Jadzia Dax, Wouldn't that mean that Ezri has violated the Trill taboo against re-association, as seen in "Rejoined"? Yet no mention is ever made of this, even in an "I know it's against the rules but I don't care" kind of way. |
DS9 : Penumbra |
Why don't universal translators work on that language the Breen speak? Worf comments that nobody has ever seen what is underneath a Breen helmet and lived to talk about it. So how come in "Indiscretion", Kira and Dukat were able to knock out two Breen guards and steal their uniforms to disguise themselves? Kai Winn says in this episode that she has never had an Orb experience, but in "In the Hands of the Prophets", she said tells Sisko that the Prophets have spoken to her through the Orbs. |
DS9 : 'Til Death Do Us Part |
Y'know, all this "no crime in the 24th century" stuff has led to a terrible decline in the quality of their containment techniques. It seems that every time anybody is confined they manage to escape or get released almost instantly. There seem to be no controls on visitors, no cameras in the cells, no alarm systems, nothing that would make escape difficult or impossible. This episode is far from being the only example, but it's a pretty good one - Worf and Ezri escape not only from their cell, but then get away from the ship they are on and make their way all the way back to DS9. | DS9 : Strange Bedfellows |
Weyoun calls the Breen boss guy 'General' in this episode, even though it was established recently that his title is 'Thot'. | DS9 : The Changing Face of Evil |
Okay, so Kira is going to Cardassia to help the Cardassians form a rebel movement. She will stick out like a sore thumb with her Bajoran nose, and many Cardassians will hate her and not want to listen to her because she is Bajoran. Why didn't Bashir just make her look like a Cardassian? Speaking of Bashir, he states that it is very difficult to keep a supply of synthetic organs on hand in a battlefield situation, and that "the holy grail of organ replacement is to be able to find a way to inject the patient with undifferentiated tissue, so that it can become whatever organ is needed." Yes, that's a real problem. If only there was something like a small pill one could give a person which would cause them to immediately grow a whole fully functional replacement organ, like a kidney say, in just a few minutes! You know, like the pill that Doctor McCoy gave to the old woman in the hospital in Star Trek IV. A technology that would be about a century old by Bashir's time! |
DS9 : When it Rains... |
Sisko sure has a strange attitude to killing. When Worf wanted to kill Kurn, Sisko was dead against it. When Sisko was involved in killing a Romulan senator, he did it but was all moody about it. Now Worf kills the head of the Klingon government, and apparently Sisko couldn't really give a damn. | DS9 : Tacking into the Wind |
So the information Bashir needs is locked up in Sloan's mind, and Bashir has to invent a new piece of equipment to get it out. Why doesn't he go get one of the many Vulcans serving on the station (according to "Field fo Fire") and get him or her to do a mind meld? Surely that would be a lot quicker, but he doesn't even try. | DS9 : Extreme Measures |
The dedication plaque of the Sao Paulo has a stardate of 52889.3 for her launch, yet the stardate of the episode we see her in is 52861.3. So the ship hasn't been launched yet! | DS9 : The Dogs of War |
The Founder promises the Breen that they can have Earth. Then she turns around and tells Weyoun she was lying to get their support. She talks in a perfectly normal tone of voice, and the Breen is standing just a few feet behind her with his pals. He should easily be able to hear her. | DS9 : What You Leave Behind |
Voyager is lost in the Delta Quadrant because Janeway decides that if they use the array to return instead of destroying it, the Kazon will then use it to destroy the Ocampa. Why not just put a few tri-cobalt torpedoes on the station with timers set to blow it up a few minutes after the ship returns? | VOY : Caretaker |
This episode is one of the biggest Bad Science eps, even by Trek standards. An event horizon is not a "powerful force field", but rather a dividing line drawn around a mass at the point where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. It's just as arbitrary as the international date line or the arctic circle on Earth's surface. And since Voyager can actually go faster than light, then there's no real reason why the ship couldn't expect to fly into and out of the event horizon of a black hole quite comfortably. | VOY : Parallax |
In this episode Kes and Neelix talk about strange Ocampan mental abilities and how nobody believes in them. Well, Kes talked telepathically to an Ocampan in "Caretaker", and made it seem like it was something they did all the time. How can people refuse to believe that a telepath has mental powers? | VOY : Time and Again |
The EMH says he will use Neelix's last transporter trace as a template to create holographic lungs for him. Unfortunately, the last time Neelix used the transporter was when he came back on board the ship after losing his lungs. So there was nothing there to serve as a template. | VOY : Phage |
Chakotay says that the ship has 38 photon torpedoes, and Janeway adds that they have no way to replace them once they are gone. Strangely, during the next seven years the ship will fire far more than this, even excluding those in alternate timelines and suchlike. | VOY : The Cloud |
When considering whether everybody can beam themselves home through the wormhole, Kes asks the EMH if his program can be downloaded and he says no. Yet he was downloaded to Starling's office in "Future's End", and across the galaxy in "Message in a Bottle" and "Lifeline", and is frequently downloaded into his mobile emitter in later seasons. | VOY : Eye of the Needle |
In this episode Paris claims that Humans gave up smoking centuries ago. So why did the transporter room have a "No Smoking" sign in "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock"? | VOY : Ex Post Facto |
Let's talk asteroids. Firstly, these things are orbiting a planet so they are not asteroids, they are moons. But these asteroids are a common type seen in Trek - class M 'roids, complete with breathable atmospheres and Earth normal gravity. To put this in perspective, a 1 km wide spherical asteroid with Earth gravity would average nine thousand times denser than Iron. How likely does this sound to you? | VOY : Emanations |
So Sikarian trajectors are identical to self sealing stem bolts, are they? | VOY : Prime Factors |
In this episode the crew discover that somebody has given the Kazon replicator technology. But in "Caretaker", Janeway told the Kazon that it was impossible to give them the tech because it was integrated into her ship. Not a very 'Starfleet' thing to do, flat out lying to them like that. | VOY : State of Flux |
The EMH tries the cooked Elk and claims that it tastes good. Yet in the much later episode "Body and Soul", he claims that he had no idea how great it was to eat stuff until he was downloaded into Seven of Nine's body. | VOY : Heroes and Demons |
This episode claims that a command level code is needed to eject the warp core. Yet in "Day of Honor", B'Elanna ejected the core on her own authority. | VOY : Cathexis |
B'Elanna whines and bitches so much about how much she hates to look Klingon, why hasn't she ever just had cosmetic surgery? This type of procedure is simple and quick in the Federation. | VOY : Faces |
In this episode Neelix's home world is called Talax. Usually it's called Talaxia. | VOY : Jetrel |
Tuvok claims that he cleared Deck 13 for their use, but at the end of their run a crewman walks past. | VOY : Learning Curve |
At one point we see Harry Kim slumped over an exploded console, apparently dead. When the camera changes angle, suddenly Harry has moved. | VOY : Projections |
Kes continually claims that this is her only chance to have "a child". Yet if the Ocampa females can only reproduce once in their lives, then multiple births would have to be the norm in order to keep the population stable. | VOY : Elogium |
If the spatial distortion around the ship is ring shaped, why can they not just fly straight up or down and escape it that way? | VOY : Twisted |
I find it real hard to believe that Amelia Earhart, a world famous pilot, would give up the chance to fly off with Voyager so that she could settle down on a planet for the rest of her life. | VOY : The 37's |
When Kar and Chakotay are fleeing the Kazon, Kar tells Chakotay that he will show him how to disable the weapon systems. Strangely, he makes this announcement in full view and hearing of all the other Kazon. Isn't this the kind of thing you would save until you were alone with Chakotay? | VOY : Initiations |
Starfleet security put a gadget on Kim and tell him that tampering means his immediate arrest. Naturally he tampers with it, triggering the alarm. Fortunately the designer of this gadget made it emit a beeping sound when the alarm is tripped, so that the wearer can tell security is on the way in plenty of time to escape. Worse, since the gadget must transmit Harry's position to security, why do they beam security to his position rather than simply beaming him into a cell? | VOY : Non Sequitur |
When Captain Janeway gets in the turbolift to get to engineering, she finds Chakotay standing there frozen. When she arrives at engineering she's standing there frozen and Chakotay is gone. I guess she must have stopped off on the way and shoved him out the door. | VOY : Persistence of Vision |
I find it hard to believe that a species which has galaxy-crossing warp technology lives in caves and hates the exploitation of natural resources. I mean what do they build their ships out of, wood? | VOY : Tattoo |
When Kes claims that she can see below the subatomic, Tuvok claims there is nothing below the subatomic. Well, quarks (the particles, not the DS9 bar) are smaller than subatomic particles in size, and have been well known for a long time. And there are theoretical structures even smaller than that. | VOY : Cold Fire |
When Janeway wants to get into the prison, she fools the guards into thinking she is there for (ahem) other reasons. Shouldn't they get suspicious because she doesn't have the same facial ridges as the other natives of the planet? Or are aliens so common on this world that they are accepted as trustworthy on sight? | VOY : Resistance |
When they first show Janeway on the Bridge, the first officer's chair is empty. But then after the captain goes to that upper center station, the camera changes angles and suddenly Chakotay is in his chair! | VOY : Prototype |
Why can't the Voyager crew go home at warp 10 and then use the EMH's anti-proton thingie to cure themselves of the mutations? At the very least, send one person home in the shuttle to tell Starfleet what happened to them! | VOY : Threshold |
When the EMH first diagnoses Tuvok, he picks up a PADD and then walks through the forcefield while holding it. Surely the PADD should have bounced off the field? | VOY : Meld |
B'Elanna claims that she has reprogrammed the Dreadnought to forget that it is Cardassian, but when it hails Voyager it immediately claims it is Cardassian in design. | VOY : Dreadnought |
Quinn claims to have been bottled up in the comet for 300 years. Yet he later says his death wish was inspired by the misbehaving of Q, which mostly seems to have happened within the last decade or so. I suppose there could be some kind of time travel aspect to Quinn's punishment, but why would they bother? | VOY : Death Wish |
The stardates of this episode have gone backwards compared to "Lifesigns", even though this is set afterwards. | VOY : Investigations |
So, are we supposed to believe that these people are adult sized when they are born? If so, how can anybody possibly give birth to a baby that is bigger than they are? Or do they start off small then grow to adult size before shrinking again? The whole thing was very poorly thought through. | VOY : Innocence |
When Harry complains that the acoustics on board are terrible, Tom replies that the ship was built for war, not for clarinet players. I thought Starships were ships of peace and exploration? | VOY : The Thaw |
If Tuvix is made of a combination of Tuvok and Neelix, does he weigh as much as the two put together? He sure doesn't seem to. And isn't Janeway's action here murder? She told the Vidiians in "Phage" that her culture doesn't allow her to end one life to save another, what has changed this? |
VOY : Tuvix |
Why didn't the transporter's biofilter remove the virus from Janeway and Chakotay? When the storm blows up on the planet, why don't Janeway and Chakotay just go hide out in the shuttle? Those things are pretty strong, and I imagine you could put the shields up and be even safer. For that matter you could just take off and fly somewhere sunny till things blow over. |
VOY : Resolutions |
Doesn't it seem strange that the auto destruct system can be damaged without anybody on board realising it? | VOY : Basics, Part 1 |
Tuvok claims that the Khittomer conference led to the first peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingons. What about the Organian peace treaty? | VOY : Flashback |
So Taresian women reproduce by infecting alien males with a retrovirus that rewrites their DNA, effectively turning them ino Taresian males. The women then mate with them, a process that kills the male and presumably impregnates the woman. So... why don't the Taresians have males of their own, exactly? Presume they give birth to an (almost) equal mix of males and females, just like we do. So wouldn't the natural pattern be that a male grows to adulthood, impregnates a female, and then he dies whilst she goes on to give birth to more males and females for the next generation? If so, why would then need outside males at all? Or do they only give birth to females, thus having to capture and convert the males of other species to use in their reproduction, kind of like how a parasite uses a host? Only if that's so, how did such a form of reproduction evolve, exactly? Taresians must have evolved long before they developed space travel, right? So how does a species evolve to need alien males for reproduction, when there are no alien males to be had? |
VOY : Favorite Son |
The episode "The '37s" gave a crew count of 152. Since then twelve people have either been confirmed killed; Seska also left (and was later killed), so the crew should be down to 139 or less. Yet this episode claims that there are 148 people on the ship. So... is Voyager picking up new crewmembers? | VOY : Distant Origin |
In this episode our heroes improvise a couple of phaser weapons. When Tom and B'Elanna hide out in the Argala habitat, B'Elanna announces that they might get one more shot out of the weapon. A minute later one of the pursuing Nyrians collapses due to the cold, and she shoots another. Although both Nyrians are armed, neither Tom nor B'Elanna bother to pick up their weapons - instead they just run off with their own now non-functional weapon. | VOY : Displaced |
Seven of Nine declares of the Kazon "Their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. They were unworthy of assimilation." But in Best of Both Worlds, Part 2, Locutus claimed that "we only wish to raise quality of life for all species." And in First Contact the Queen herself claimed that she has encountered resistance from hundreds of species and now "they are all Borg." | VOY : Mortal Coil |
Why is it that Janeway doesn't ever talk to the aliens about the situation with Omega? Her only response is to charge in, guns blazing; isn't this a stupid plan? Say she's sucessful in destroying all the Omega molecules and leaves - won't the aliens simply rebuild and repeat their experiment, creating more Omega molecules? Which Voyager won't even know about since they'll be hundreds of light years away. But if they took the time to talk to the aliens and explain the problem to them, explain just how dangerous Omega is and what the consequenes of losing control of it are, it's entirely possible that they would give it up on their own and never try to make any again. Which is a much better solution, right? But Janeway, a Starfleet Captain of all things, never even thinks to try diplomacy. Janeway claims one Omega molecule has "the same energy as a warp core". What is that supposed to mean, exactly? It's perfectly reasonable to say that an Omega molecule can release a given amount of energy, sure. But a warp core doesn't have a specific amount of energy - rather it produces a specific amount of energy per second, i.e. it has a given power rating. The line should have read something like "one Omega molecule produces as much energy s a warp core does in a year". And if Omega is that powerful, why do the aliens produce 200,000,000 of them? I know they claim they are out of recources, but are they really in need of as much energy as two hundred million warp cores can produce? Bear in mind that the entire Federation probably only has something like 200,000 warp cores even counting all the starships, civilian ships, shuttles, etc. This pre-warp civilisation needs a thousand times as many? |
VOY : The Omega Directive |
The idea that you can poison a whole area of space is just plain silly. | VOY : Night |
Where does the mass for the mobile emitter's assimilation tubule come from? If it's made from parts of the emitter then surely the doctor wouldn't be able to use it again afterwards. If it's made from nanoprobes where does the material come from to make the nanoprobes. | VOY : Drone |
B'Elanna orders the computer to disengage the safety protocols on the holodeck, and after a "are you sure?" warning, it does so. Yet in TNG's "Descent", Part 1, Data orders the safety protocols disengaged and the computer refuses to do so until a second senior officer confirms the order. Whilst it's understandable that different classes of ship years apart might run different software with different requirements, is it really plausible that Starfleet would be lowering the safety requirements over time like this? It seems completely out of place for B'Elanna to be depressed about the death of the Maquis at this stage. She has known about their death for fifteen episodes now, this episode would have been better placed in the second half of last series. |
VOY : Extreme Risk |
When the 8472 station arms its weapons Janeway orders the Delta Flyers weapons armed. However, she had already ordered them armed only moments before. | VOY : In the Flesh |
When the flyer sends it's distress call to Voyager they clearly say the impulse engines are down. However, when Voyager arrives at the planet they follow the impulse wake to find the crash site. In early TNG, every time somebody went into the Holodecks for the first time they were awed by how amazing it was, commenting that they had never seen anything like it before. In "Encounter at Farpoint", Data even had to explain to Riker how a holodeck worked, with Riker stating that he had no idea such simulations could be so realistic. In "We'll Always Have Paris", Jenice couldn't even understand how recreating the Cafe des Artistes on the Enterprise-D was possible. It is heavily implied that holodeck technology is something new, or at least no more than a few years old. Yet now we find that not only have Holodecks have been in use since Janeway was a child, but that their use as a plaything for children was common even then. |
VOY : Once Upon a Time |
Chakotay says it looks like Voyager hit at half impulse. That's a sizeable fraction of lightspeed, an impact like that would have left a crater, not a wreck! | VOY : Timeless |
When Seven has her little flashes of memory they include at least a couple of Bajorans. These people are also wearing Bajoran uniforms. Where did these people get assimilated, any Bajorans at Wolf 359 would have been in Starfleet uniforms. | VOY : Infinite Regress |
The whole premise of this episode is somewhat flawed. Voyager finds it quite acceptable to use Borg technology and information whenever it likes without a thought for the method of acquisition. Now, all of a sudden it doesn't want to save B'Elanna with similarly acquired information. Worse still, the EMH uses Crell Mosset's knowledge to save B'Elanna, and then deletes him so nobody will benefit from the knowledge. So if his decision was that nobody should benefit from the knowledge, why did he not do it straight away and them leave B'Elanna to die? The moral of the episode seems honestly to be that "nobody should benefit from immorally obtained knowledge, except for B'Elanna Torres." | VOY : Nothing Human |
We have a direct statement in the episode that the pressure gets greater as you descend towards the centre of the sphere. However, when the Delta Flyer gets a puncture at the core of the ocean the water just dribbles in, whereas it should have been a high pressure jet. | VOY : Thirty Days |
It seems that Voyager was creeping past the array at impulse, not warp. But that makes little sense, impulse is far too slow to cross the 20 light year scan diameter of the array in any reasonable time. | VOY : Counterpoint |
Tom Paris's rank and hairstyle where incorrect in the flashback scenes. Does it strike anybody else as odd that the EMH, a program intended specifically for emergency medical situations, is designed in such a way that performing triage creates severe mental impairments? Triage is a standard medical practice used in emergency situations where the resources available are not adequate to treat all victims; essentially it divides the victims into three groups - those who have injuries minor enough that they can wait for later treatment, those who have injuries serious enough that they need immediate treatment, and those who have injuries so serious that they are allowed to die without treatment. It's a brutal thing to have to do, but it's done because there is literally no other choice in the situation. Why on Earth would the EMH of all people be unable to do it? |
VOY : Latent Image |
I don't think that there is one. | VOY : Bride of Chaotica! |
Janeway tells Tuvok that there is a temporal difference of 0.4744 seconds per minute. He uses this to say that he has to 2 days, 11 hours and 47 seconds left. It's actually 2 days 15 hours 14.26 minutes. | VOY : Gravity |
At one point, Seven of Nine claims the 'wormhole' is three hundred million kilometres away. Just a few minutes later she contacts a ship inside the thing and says it's 3.2 light years away! | VOY : Bliss |
The Raven log entries quote two stardates, 32611 and 32623.5 and they claim that these are eight months apart, however, they are only 12.5 stardates apart! The Borg queen claims that Seven of Nine is the only Borg that has ever returned to a state of individuality, however Hugh and his entire ship did this in TNG episode "I, Borg". | VOY : Dark Frontier, Part 1 |
The Raven log entries quote two stardates, 32611 and 32623.5 and they claim that these are eight months apart, however, they are only 12.5 stardates apart! The Borg queen claims that Seven of Nine is the only Borg that has ever returned to a state of individuality, however Hugh and his entire ship did this in TNG episode "I, Borg". | VOY : Dark Frontier, Part 2 |
When Janeway orders Kim to break off his relationship, she sends him to inform Tal himself, on his own. Does this seem like a sensible action to you? Well it isn't, because Kim naturally falls straight into bed with her again. Janeway should know better. | VOY : The Disease |
As a sequel to "Demon", this episode makes little sense. In that episode Voyager left copies of it's crew behind on the Demon planet, copies who were desperate to remain behind and unable to live anywhere else. Now we're supposed to believe that not only did this all change for some reason, but they all forgot they were just copies and a fully functioning ship also appeared out of the silver stuff! | VOY : Course: Oblivion |
When the captain calls a red alert and orders Chakotay to the bridge he goes to his quarters and changes his clothes first. | VOY : The Fight |
When Voyager discovers bio readings in the messages sent to the Hazari, they image these in an attempt to find out who is after them. However, these readings also seem to contain information about clothing, thankfully. | VOY : Think Tank |
It seems almost unbelievable that they would let children play with a toy that, with a simple alteration, could spin you so fast that it could 'spin you apart'. | VOY : Juggernaut |
Doc tells Seven that he want's a full report of her date in the morning, however, he's going to be there, he plays the piano. | VOY : Someone to Watch Over Me |
Janeway's claim that Shannon O'Donnell was her main influence on her choice of career is a contradiction of previous episodes. | VOY : 11:59 |
The EMH has previously claimed that he was first activated at the start of Voyager's first season, however, here we see him activated in space dock prior to it's initial launch. | VOY : Relativity |
In "Gravity", the EMH reveals that he can undestand foreign languages because he has a built in universal translator. In this episode he uses his translator to understand the warheads computer language. So how come the Human's translators don't also work on it? | VOY : Warhead |
Ransom claim's that 10 isograms of the aliens will boost the engines by 0.03% and yet later he claims that they've use it to go 10,000 light years in two weeks. Even flat out that's in excess of warp 9.9999, far more than a 0.03% increase. | VOY : Equinox, Part 1 |
In this episode, Janeway says they are 50 light years from the planet where the Equinox encountered the aliens. Yet last episode, Ransom said his ship had travelled over ten thousand light years since he started using the aliens as fuel. | VOY : Equinox, Part 2 |
If I understand this correctly, the three ex-drones have implants which connect them. All three sets of implants are shut down, letting them be free of one another's minds but with the side effect that this will kill them after a month or so. The question is, why shut all the implants down? Surely you could leave the implants in one person running, and when the other two die he or she would be free of their thoughts and still alive and healthy? They could have drawn straws or something to see who would get to survive. | VOY : Survival Instinct |
Couldn't find anything obviously wrong with this one. | VOY : Barge of the Dead |
When the Doctor was singing in Italian why didn't the universal translator convert it into English. Then again, it is a dream so maybe he just imagined it that way. | VOY : Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy |
The particle fountain seen in this episode appears to be a natural phenomenon, whereas the last time we saw something of that name it was a machine used in some sort of orbital mining. | VOY : Alice |
Tuvok draws the cloaking frequency on a cake. But he doesn't draw any scale, without which the whole thing is useless. | VOY : Riddles |
During the battle Tuvok reports that Voyager has disabled several Vaadwaur ships, whereas the special effect sequence shows the ships being utterly destroyed. | VOY : Dragon's Teeth |
On hearing that the Delta Flyer crew will be exposed to radiation, the EMH prepares to inoculate them against it. But an inoculation shouldn't be able to protect you from radiation... | VOY : One Small Step |
Kim says that if the catapult throws Voyager a thousand light years it will cut 'a few years' off their trip, but Voyager is supposed to average 1,000 light years per year so they would actually only save one year. So whilst Seven of Nine's conclusions are revealed to be the result of simple paranoia, nothing in the episode invalidates the facts those conclusions were based on. So I have to ask... why exactly was Voyager carrying tri-cobalt devices? Subspace weapons are later revealed to be illegal in the Federation, so what is Voyager doing carrying them? And why did Tuvok use twice the yield he needed to blow up he Array? What was the blue energy beam linking Voyager with the Array's secondary power core? Why does nobody express the least conern or interest about the fact that a Cardassian warship is loose somewhere in the Delta Quadrant? Okay so it wasn't all part of a conspiracy... but what is the explanation? |
VOY : The Voyager Conspiracy |
Starfleet aims the transmission at Voyagers estimated position, however the ship has made jumps totalling about thirty thousand light years since their last contact with home. It should be nowhere near the position Starfleet has calculated! | VOY : Pathfinder |
Janeway says: "Then transfer all secondary power sources, transporters, replicators, holodecks.", however, in Parallax we're told that you cannot use holodeck power for any of the ships other systems. | VOY : Fair Haven |
A big problem for Voyager is that they can't communicate with the planet. But they are able to slow transmissions from the planet down and listen to them, so why can't they speed their own messages up? | VOY : Blink of an Eye |
When he wants to leave the ship, the EMH tells Janeway he is 'resigning his commission' - but he never went to the academy, doesn't have a rank and is not officially a Starfleet officer. He shouldn't have a commission to resign. | VOY : Virtuoso |
When Naomi burns herself, Neelix grabs her and hides behind a counter. In the next scene, he's waving a phaser around. Where did he get it from? Do they really store phasers in the kitchen? I suppose it's possible, after all they did it in ST VI, but it makes no sense. | VOY : Memorial |
The EMH calls boxing 'arguably the most barbaric sport in Earth's history'. What, so it's more barbaric than the Roman gladiatorial games in which people actually killed one another? | VOY : Tsunkatse |
Borg drones are supposed to come and deal with their dead comrades, not just abandon them.? | VOY : Collective |
When Harry and Kim are trying to fix the program, they claim that it is easier to do it from the holodeck itself than from the holo-lab. There's no reason this should be so, except that it gives the locals a chance to catch the two officers and so continue the story. | VOY : Spirit Folk |
Ballard says she died two years ago, and this makes sense if she was killed by a Hirogen. But then for the rest of the episode, everybody says she's been gone for three years. | VOY : Ashes to Ashes |
The EMH has performed extensive surgery on Icheb, yet he never noticed that he was designed to produce this pathogen before? | VOY : Child's Play |
They all act as if everything was just fine at the end of this episode, yet Harren murdered the alien - Janeway said as much herself. Isn't he going to face any disciplinary action? | VOY : Good Shepherd |
Janeway says "Any component connected to the integrated circuitry can spread a contaminant.", however it's hard to believe that the simple heating element would be able to affect the computer. | VOY : Live Fast and Prosper |
The Universal Translator allows B'Elanna to speak the local language, but how come she can read it as well? | VOY : Muse |
Janeway says Tuvok is near to the "big three digits" on his birthday. But "Flashback" establishes that he is already one hundred and twelve years old. | VOY : Fury |
Admiral Hayes claims that as Voyager gets closer to Earth their conversations will become more frequent. Why is this? The communication depends on the cycle of a pulsar - is this thing speeding up or something? | VOY : Life Line |
Tuvok tells Neelix to "envision your lungs filled with light", but Neelix has only had one lung since season one's "The Phage". The writers have been fairly careful about this since then, but I just knew they'd forget eventually! | VOY : The Haunting of Deck Twelve |
How come Paris goes from Ensign back to Lieutenant in well under two years, but Kim has been an Ensign for over six years now? The Queen at one point announces to a Drone "I've disconnected you from the hive mind." But in TNG "Best of Both Worlds", Crusher surmises from studying Picard that "he's part of their collective consciousness now. Cutting him off would be like asking one of us to disconnect an arm of a foot, we can't do it!" And lest we think Crusher was simply mistaken, remember that they then used this weakness to defeat the entire Borg attack. |
VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 1 |
Everywhere the Borg Queen goes in this episode, she is constantly lit by green lights. Even in Unimatrix Zero, where the lighting is completely natural, she has green lighting on her. Does she have a crew of drones who follow her about with green lamps or something? | VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2 |
Here we have yet another convenient Borg debris field, complete with dead drones. Whatever happened to the Borg coming after their dead? Even Voyager constantly says this will happen in the episodes, but so far I don't think we've ever seen the Borg come after their own dead in this series. | VOY : Imperfection |
This episode repeats a statement first made in "Fury", that ships at warp can only go in straight lines. Why the producers of Voyager have decided on this I can't imagine, but there are dozens - perhaps even hundreds - of examples of ships changing course whilst at warp. Indeed, "Encounter at Farpoint" shows the E-D doing a very tight 180 degree turn whilst at warp 9.7! | VOY : Drive |
When Tuvok walks into his quarters, he takes off his jacket and stares at himself in the mirror. He sees the Bajoran's face there and charges out of the room in a massive hurry - but when we see him in the corridor a moment later, his combadge has appeared on his shirt! | VOY : Repression |
The EMH is supposed to be qualified to do away missions, so why doesn't he have any problem with breaking the prime directive? | VOY : Critical Care |
Why exactly was the Reg hologram so nasty to the EMH about the golf game? From the Ferengi point of view it doesn't really matter what recreational activity he engages in so long as he doesn't raise suspicions. Shouting at the EMH did just that, without accomplishing anything so far as the mission was concerned. | VOY : Inside Man |
I can't think of a YATI for this one! | VOY : Body and Soul |
The Kraylor ship is a rebuild of the Federation fighter design which we have seen used a few times. | VOY : Nightingale |
The Hirogen station is claimed to use Tylium based power. Tylium is the fuel that the Battlestar Galactica used! According to "Demon", class Y planets are so dangerous that you can't even take a starship into orbit of one safely. Now all of a sudden the Hirogen are running around without helmets, and Voyager is flying around without any trouble at all. |
VOY : Flesh and Blood |
The display of the different time zones we see in Astrometrics doesn't match what we see in the episode - according to the display, the whole area around the bridge is on the same zone as the bridge itself, yet we see when Chakotay kidnaps the Captain that there is a fracture just outside Janeway's ready room. | VOY : Shattered |
Genetic engineering is supposed to be illegal in the Federation, at least according to DS9. So how come it is the treatment of choice for a deviated spine? | VOY : Lineage |
Near the end of the episode when one of the other murderers asks Neelix why he can't have the same surgery, Neelix just acts disgusted. Well, why can't he? Okay he's a different species, but isn't it worth at least having the EMH examine him to see if it's possible? Surely all the murderers should have the same opportunity as the first. | VOY : Repentance |
Although not necessarily a YATI as such, the Klingon ship is called a D7 cruiser. The D7 is supposed to be the ship seen in TOS, and while it's not impossible that there are different versions of D7 which look different from one another, it would have been better to have given it a different class designation. | VOY : Prophecy |
In this episode Tom Paris wonders why people have to steal Deuterium when you can find it "anywhere". Hmm, back in the episode "Demon" Voyager had to land on a massively dangerous planet because they were running out of deuterium and couldn't find it anywhere! For those interested, deuterium is indeed very common and it is this episode which is correct. | VOY : The Void |
Neelix claims that Chakotay is a vegetarian in this episode. Yet at the beginning of the last episode, Neelix served him up a helping of Nubian Quail made by Seven of Nine and the Commander tucked in without hesitation. | VOY : Workforce, Part 1 |
The reactors on the Quarren planet really are something. Not only do they use the Tylium fuel that the Battlestar Galactica uses, they also have Borg technology in them - the plasma screens from Borg alcoves are built into each reactor! | VOY : Workforce, Part 2 |
Seven of nine has been through some very emotional moments in the last few years - "Infinite Regress" springs to mind. Yet strangely, this anti-emotion fail safe has never manifested itself before. Also, the supposedly vegetarian Chakotay is offered rack of Lamb to eat in this episode and makes no objection. True it's only a holo-Chakotay, but if everything else about him is so realistic why not a simple fact like this? | VOY : Human Error |
We're constantly told that the Q are omnipotent, yet this is clearly not the case. For example, if Q is omnipotent then why can't he do a finger snap and make Q2 have a more mature attitude to life? | VOY : Q2 |
This episode offers an excuse for Kim's lack of promotion. In his talk with his mother he claims that there are only so many senior jobs on board the ship. But this makes no sense - Kim is already in a senior position, and has been since some of the senior officers were killed in the first episode. Sure Janeway can't go around giving everybody promotions or she'll end up with a ship full of Admirals, but Kim should have at least a Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander rank to go with the position he holds. And in "Datalore" Data stated that he only spent three years as an Ensign, so really Kim should have been promoted long ago. | VOY : Author, Author |
In this episode, Janeway talks about Carey's death and makes the comment that exploration is not worth a single life. How can a Starship captain possibly believe this to be true? Every starship we've ever seen has lost crewmembers on a regular basis. We've been told often that you accept the risks that come with a Starfleet uniform. Yet now Janeway decides that Starfleet should pull back from exploration because of these deaths? | VOY : Friendship One |
When Chakotay is asking the primitives about Seven of Nine, he points at his eyebrow to refer to her implant. Unfortunately, he points at the wrong eye! | VOY : Natural Law |
Neelix claims it is the 315th anniversary of the Vulcan first contact with Earth. In fact, it should be the 314th. | VOY : Homestead |
When boasting about how he can do many things at once, the EMH claims to be taking holo images of the nebula. How is he doing this without using his camera? And if he doesn't need a camera, why has he always used one to take holo images with before? | VOY : Renaissance Man |
So how come we've never, ever heard of these transwarp hubs before? | VOY : Endgame |
Zefram Cochrane's dedication of the warp 5 complex came two years after he vanished in space forever, according to Kirk in "Metamorphosis". According to Archer, it takes four days to reach Kronos. That puts the Klingon home world only about one light year away from Earth, which is four times closer than the nearest star. So Tucker and T'Pol smear decontamination gel over one another because they were exposed to a protocystian spore whilst on an alien planet. Fair enough. But... why do they only cover a small part of their bodies with the gel, whilst wearing their clothing throughout? Surely the proper procedure here would be to strip naked and discard the clothing as biohazard material, and then smear your entire bodies with the gel? (No, not because I want to see Jolene Blalock naked. Well alright, not just because of that.) For that matter, they have to do one another's backs - what if only one person is contaminated? Does somebody else have to come in and potentially expose themselves just to do the contaminated person's back? So better still, discard your clothing and then take a shower using a watered-down version of that gel. That way one person can completely decontaminate themselves, head to toe. And hey, given that the whole idea of the decontamination room was meant for lascivious interest in the first place, wouldn't being naked in a shower (with appropriate-for-TV camera angles) be even better anyway? |
ENT : Broken Bow |
The aliens modus operandi seems a little strange in this episode. If they wanted to collect triglobulin from the bodies, why leave them behind on the ship at all? Surely it would make more sense to take them with you, precisely to avoid having somebody stumble across them and interfere, as Archer does in this episode. Also, when Archer asks Hoshi if she transmitted his message on a rotated frequency, she says she will "try it again". But she only waits a grand total of four seconds before reporting no response. Archer's message was much longer than that, so Hoshi apparently gave up after the first couple of sentances. | ENT : Fight or Flight |
Dr. Phlox talks of "tropolysine atoms" saying that they have an extra neutron which breaks down into a toxic substance inside the body. Presumably tropolysine is an element as yet unknown to us. If an atom gains an extra neutron it simply becomes an isotope of the same element. It might be unstable and undergo radioactive decay, thus damaging the body, but it shouldn't really be able to produce a poison by this method. | ENT : Strange New World |
Although not strictly a YATI, the presence of a movie-era Klingon cruiser in Enterprise is a serious credibility strain. So is the idea of Klingons having holodeck technology on their ships over two hundred years before the Federation did in TNG. Also, Trip has to go through decompression to get on board the alien ship, and then decompresses again in order to get back to Enterprise. He should decompress going one way and recompress going the other. At one point, "comedy" is derived from having Tucker become all overanxious about ship safety. He calls an engineer over and complains about the little elevator in engineering, demonstrating how if you leave your hand on the handrail, as the lift goes up, a rail above can sever your fingers. The man responds "why would someone put their hands there, sir?" as if it was the dumbest thing in the world you could do. Yeah... because I can't possibly imagine why somebody might put their hand on... the handrail. Totally unbelievable. |
ENT : Unexpected |
When describing Terra Nova to Trip and T'Pol, he claims it was "nine years there, nine years back". But later, he claims that the ship was designed to be broken up to make the colony and it was purely a one way journey. Also, Archer claims that Earth had already established the Utopia Planitia colony before establishing Terra Nova, more than 70 years before. Yet in Voyager's "The 37s", Harry Kim said that Mars was not colonised until 2103. And a very minor one - watch the bicycle wheel that Reed spins very carefully. He spins it counter clockwise, we cut away and it is still spinning counter clockwise when we cut back to it, but then we cut away and back to it again and now it is spinning the other way! In the 'not a nit, just an observation' category, those original Terra Nova colonists sure were a territorial bunch. According to Archer, the cause of the initial problems was that the Novans did not want "another two hundred people arriving". This indicates that the original colony was also two hundred strong. And yet these two hundred people, all living in a single settlement, objected to a follow on wave of another two hundred? Really? Put this in context; say Earth is a newly discovered uninhabited planet. You arrive and found what's essentially a small village, say in France. Just how upset could you really be to find that another two hundred people are going to settle in a village in China? Planets are BIG places, you could drop ten thousand such settlements randomly all over the map and never have any one of them within seventy miles of another one! It makes the colonists look rather selfish and arrogant to me. |
ENT : Terra Nova |
Why did Archer take a beating from the Andorians in order to throw the little statue through the mask? It seemed like the idea was to see if it really led to the passage Trip found, but if so then why not just climb up from below and look through the holes? | ENT : The Andorian Incident |
It's virtually impossible for a comet to have an Earth-like gravity, as the one in this episode does. It would have to be at least a hundred times denser than iron to have such a high gravity field, and if it was so dense then it would naturally form a sphere rather than the irregular shape we see. | ENT : Breaking the Ice |
When Trip is picking the lock to the shop door, Archer claims that they have come 78 light years only to engage in breaking and entering. At the end of the episode we find that the date is now 31st July 2151, which puts it 106 days after the date given in "Broken Bow". But Enterprise should take more than double this time to cover 78 light years, even going at the maximum Warp 5 all the way. Also, having T'Pol just hang hair over her ears strikes me as a pretty poor disguise. Okay so maybe they don't have the plastic surgery tech to give her ears like the locals, but surely some sort of hat would be in order? |
ENT : Civilization |
Trip claims that a warp 3 engine would cut a five year trip for the warp 1.8 capable freighter down to six months. Warp 1.8 is 5.832 x c, warp 3 is 27 x c - 4.63 times faster. So the five year trip would only be cut down to thirteen months. This is the third speed glitch Enterprise has managed in only ten episodes. I know they work to time and money constraints on this show, but would it really have been so terrible to have said "a year" instead of "six months"? Does nobody on this show have the ability to use a calculator? |
ENT : Fortunate Son |
When the bay opened, the wind buffeting Archer was far too wimpy. Air rushing into a vacuum moves at something like a thousand miles per hour, but this stuff was barely ruffling his hair! | ENT : Cold Front |
Talking about the phase cannon, Reed claims that their power is 500 Gigajoules. He should more properly have said this was their energy output, as the Joule is a unit of energy not power. | ENT : Silent Enemy |
Star Trek has a long history of abusing evolution, and this episode continues that tradition. It is impossible to predict that one species is going to out-evolve another, as Phlox does here. | ENT : Dear Doctor |
When the Klingon demands Archer's surrender, Archer points out that the Klingon ship is no match for Enterprise and makes him back down. But surely every Klingon dreams of a glorious death in battle? Surely the Klingon captain would jump at the chance of attacking Archer and being destroyed? And since Archer has supposedly just spent time reading up on the Klingon culture, shouldn't he know better than to make a threat like this in the first place? | ENT : Sleeping Dogs |
Take a close look at the cargo containers in the compound during the raid - they're the same ones used on board the Enterprise-D some two hundred years later! | ENT : Shadows of P'Jem |
When Hoshi was researching Reed's favourite food a few weeks back, one of his friends said he didn't like fish. So why did he choose the Sea Bass meal in this episode? Reed and Trip propogate a common rumour in this episode - your hair and nails do not really continue to grow significantly once you are dead. |
ENT : Shuttlepod One |
This isn't a mistake as such, more an observation - why does Archer keep getting beaten up? Kirk virtually never lost a fistfight, but Archer is constantly being pummelled! It's no wonder the guy has started keeping a pistol handy while on board his own ship... | ENT : Fusion |
Why is the hull of Enterprise always so dark during this episode? We've seen the ship in deep space loads of times, and it has always been quite well lit before. Also, if this planet has been in the dark of deep space for countless millennia - which it would have to be in order to be so far from a sun - then why have all the plants still got leaves on them? In our plantlife leaves are used as a sort of natural solar panel for photosynthesis, something these plants have no light for - do the leaves serve some other function? |
ENT : Rogue Planet |
Okay, I know that only a few people saw them, and I know that the word "Ferengi" was never used in the presence of a Human... but it's just wrong for the Ferengi to show up this early. If they are anywhere near Human space at this point in history, they should be a well known species by the time of TNG! And at the very least Archer and co. would have made drawings of the new aliens for Starfleet, drawings that Data at least would have known about and commented upon when the Enterprise-D finally met the Ferengi. Also, in DS9's "Body Parts" the first Ferengi Grand Nagus claimed that he had written the Rules of Acquisition. Yet while there were 285 rules in DS9 - stated in "Rules of Acquisition" - it is claimed that there are only 173 rules in this episode. If the rules have been added to over time, how can Gint claim authorship? Was he just lying? |
ENT : Acquisition |
I didn't really spot any obvious mistakes in this one, but you have to wonder about how Enterprise is treating this holographic technology. In TNG everybody was constantly surprised by how great the Enterprise holodecks were. Now that we're to believe such tech is pretty common amongst alien races, you have to wonder why everybody was always so amazed by it a couple of centuries later. | ENT : Oasis |
Although the shuttle strafing the prison is a nice scene, what weapons is is using to do it? Previously the armament of the shuttles has been described as plasma cannon, but this time it fires a continuous beam that looks just like the phase pistol beam. Have they fitted phase cannon to the shuttles? Another speed nit - when Enterprise locates Archer, they say they are 5.2 light years away. After the ship arrives, a Suliban says that Danik has only known Archer for three days. But at warp 5 it should have taken the ship at least 15 days to reach the planet. Also, in "Broken Bow" the female Suliban Sarin showed us a face with Human-style skin and claimed that this is what the unaltered Suliban look like; the mottled skin effect is part of their camoflage ability. So why do all the Suliban in this episode claim to be unaltered when they have the mottled skin? |
ENT : Detained |
When undocking from Enterprise, the alien ship detached before the airlock outer door was closed. This is a pretty bad idea, for obvious reasons. Even stranger, how did the alien monster get from the airlock to the interior of the ship? Airlocks have to be airtight by their very nature, so the alien should have been trapped, unless it could somehow open the inner door? Also, this creature was said to be very sensitive to EM radiation. Yet on its home planet, it clearly lives on the surface - and stays there during the day, as evidenced by the shot of the shuttle taking off. Wouldn't all the light from the sun count as EM radiation? Is the creature in pain all day, every day? |
ENT : Vox Sola |
Alas, the bad guys in this episode fall prey to a rather convinient bit of stupidity. After chasing their target all this way and finally getting access to her, they shoot the sickbay imaging chamber full of holes and then start to walk away without even bothering to check that she was really inside. Even worse, once he knows he is safe Archer then deliberately reveals his "clever" ploy to the Mizarians. Why can he possibly gain from this? Surely it would have been far better to simply let them go on their way believing that V'Lar is dead. The way this was written it looked like Archer threw away an advantage just so he could rub the bad guys noses in their failure. When the ship reaches warp 5, T'Pol says it will take 53 minutes to reach the Vulcan ship. She then calculates that the Vulcan ship could head for them at warp 7, and reduce this to 12 minutes. In fact the true time would be 14.15 minutes. Technically T'Pol was wrong, and she really should have gotten an exact answer because she used the computer to work the answer out. But after so many speed nits in Enterprise the writers came veryclose to getting a tricky speed calculation right this time. |
ENT : Fallen Hero |
After apparently sprouting a phase cannon in "Detained", the Enterprise shuttle-pod is now back to using plasma cannon again. Maybe they tried fitting a phase cannon to one shuttle but not the other? Or maybe they tried it on both, and it just didn't work out for some reason? You have to wonder what happened to the shuttle that Archer and Trip abandon in this episode. Was it recovered somehow? Contrary to popular belief it's perfectly plausible that Voyager could manufacture replacement shuttles, but Enterprise should have no such ability. The ship only has two shuttles, if they're going to start trashing them on a regular basis then it's going to look very silly. |
ENT : Desert Crossing |
At the start of the episode Archer is concerned that only half the crew are getting shore leave. Since everybody is going for two days and two nights, doesn't a rather obvious solution present itself? Send one half down for one day and night, and the other half down for the next day and night. | ENT : Two Days and Two Nights |
In planning their escape from the Suliban, everybody makes a big deal of how small the conduits on Enterprise are - only a child or maybe Hoshi can possibly fit through them, we are told. But when we see them, Hoshi has a good foot or so of clearence above and to the sides. Tucker or Reed could easily crawl through there! | ENT : Shockwave, Part 2 |
Although it is done deliberately, this episode repeats a common fault of movies and television - although there can be family similarities in appearence, its exceptionally unlikely that you have an ancestor who looks exactly like you do. Why are the Vulcans interested in investigating the launch of Sputnik? They thought Humans of more than a century later too primitive to be of any interest in "Star Trek : First Contact", at least until they found that Cochrane had invented warp drive. In this episode T'Mir sells velcro technology for money. However, this episode takes place after the 1957 Sputnik launch; velcro was actually invented in 1955. |
ENT : Carbon Creek |
Archer tells Reed that he heard England made it to the finals of the world cup. But the world cup is held every 4 years, with the last one in 2014, so while there should be one in 2150 and 2154 there shouldn't be one in 2152. Why do the Enterprise space suits shine huge blue lights into your face? Surely this would make it very difficult to see anything! Of course the real reason is that it lets us see the actor's faces without having to shine studio lights into the reflective faceplates, but reality doesn't enter into this... That self sealing mechanism on the space suits sure is handy. You have to wonder why Worf's suit in First Contact didn't have it, given that his was over two hundred years more advanced than Reed's. How come the Romulans have cloaking devices? Kirk and Spock were amazed at the technology in "Balance of Terror", clearly implying that the Romulans didn't have it in the Earth-Romulan war which lies just a few years in the future to Enterprise. Why do the Romulans call themselves Romulans? I had always thought that this was just what Humans called them, based on the old legend about Romulus and Remus founding the Roman Empire. Yet the Romulans call themselves by that name to Hoshi. And clearly Hoshi wasn't translating it from some Romulan word, because she initially mispronounced it and T'Pol corrected her. Reed mentions here that his family expected him to follow tradition and join the Royal Navy. Since Earth has been at peace under one unified government for something like fifty years, why does the Royal Navy still even exist? Why would ANY national-level military force still exist? For that matter, in a time when a handful of starships or orbital weapons platforms could blast anything on the entire surface of a planet with energy weapons, how could naval warships still exist at all, even in theory? |
ENT : Minefield |
Trip states in this episode that a really powerful and sophisticated computer would probably be very large. But look back on the history of computers, and you will see that in fact the more sophisticated they are the smaller they get. | ENT : Dead Stop |
There seems to be an oddly high level of compatibility in spare parts in the Trek universe. For instance, here Enterprise is trying to buy a new plasma injector for its warp drive. There's no indication that they have given the Kreetassians a set of plans to build a new unit from, they seem to be just buying an off the shelf unit. It seems incredibly unlikely that the Kreetassian plasma injectors would just happen to fit Enterprise - it's like taking your car to China, buying a spare carburetor at random from a shop, and expecting it to fit into your engine. Also, wasn't the whole point of last week's episode that the alien repair station repaired their ship to a "good as new" status, even going so far as to fix the scratch where the travel pod bumped into it in the pilot episode? So why do they suddenly need new plasma injectors here in the very next episode? Surely they should have been able to go a good long while without needing any further outside help after that big repair job last week, right? |
ENT : A Night In Sickbay |
Well, after their terrible treatment of deuterium in "Demon" the Voyager writers learned their lesson and talked about it sensibly in "The Void". Now they're back to abusing it again. For the record; deuterium is a type of Hydrogen. You can scoop it directly out of space itself - that's just what the glowing red things on the front of Starship nacelles are for. If you want easy access to large amounts you can scoop it out of a gas giant atmosphere, or get it from the ice of a Europa-like moon or a comet. In other words there is plenty of the stuff drifting around out there, entirely free for the taking. Under Earth-like conditions it is a very light gas, much like ordinary Hydrogen. So you can't mine "strata" of it from under the ground like it was coal or oil. And even if you could, it's not exactly going to be terribly valuable. When T'Pol pulled all her fancy Vulcan karate, I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't simply neck-pinch the Klingon? It would have been much quicker and more efficient, I think. Did anybody else think the Klingons gave up far too easily? After being made to look like fools by the locals, the head of the colony demands that they leave and never come back - and they do! I was waiting for them to beam back down behind the defenders and open fire, or blast the camp from orbit. |
ENT : Marauders |
When T'Pol tells Archer about the Vulcan agents sent to Agaron almost thirty years ago, he asks if she was one of them and she replies "I'm not that old." Well it turns out in Zero Hour that T'Pol is 65 at that point, which is only a year or so after this episode. So in point of fact she's easily old enough to have been an operative for the Vulcans almost thirty years ago. | ENT : The Seventh |
Wouldn't it be a good idea to put a little bit of explosive into the equipment carried on these kinds of missions? Something you could detonate from the ship, just big enough to wreck the internal mechanisms without hurting anybody nearby. I'm confused as to how the Suliban cell ship cloaking device works. On the one hand you have to run power through it all the time to keep the ship cloaked. But on the other hand objects like Trip's arm can be cloaked and stay cloaked, without any further input of power. |
ENT : The Communicator |
Not a nit, just an observation. This is, of course, one in a long line of similar episodes dating all the way back to TOS's "The Naked Time". The reason that Trek likes to do these episodes is that by relaxing the character's inhibitions they give us a peek into the desires that drive them. It's a fast way of telling us more about the characters. But in this episode the characters focus on whatever they were doing when they were affected. As a result, we really learn nothing new about them. A more minor but more nit-like point; Trip mentions that the inertial microdampers in Archer's chair will keep him sitting safely even if the ship is shaking itself apart. Okay... so why have these never been used in chairs in Trek? |
ENT : Singularity |
Like TNG's "The Next Phase", this episode shows an invisible character that can pass through solid surfaces, without any consideration of the problems that would generate. How can Hoshi see if the light is passing through her retinas? How can she stand on the floor if she can pass through solid objects? Of course, it is all just a dream. Trip claims that the human body is made up of "a few trillion" cells. In fact it's made of about 37 trillion, which is far more than "a few". |
ENT : Vanishing Point |
At one point Archer offers to bring the cargo ship into his shuttle bay and take it to its destination. But look at the ship in the exterior visuals - it's far too big to get into Enterprise. This isn't really a nit as such... but when Archer plays his con about the tribuneral on the Retellian guy, he angrily declares "I'm not subject to your laws!" Huh? Why would he think that? Granted I have no idea how the 22nd century Retellians looked at law, but the NX-01 is clearly Earth territory. When you are on Earth territory, you are subject to Earth law. We've seen many times that Starfleet in all its various incarnations follows the policy that officers on foreign territory are subject to the laws of that territory. While I grant that it's possible that the Retellians believe otherwise, does it really seem likely that they honestly think they can go onto another species' territory, violate their laws, and then just shrug it off and walk away because the aren't citizens? |
ENT : Precious Cargo |
T'Pol claims that a Vulcan ship was "nearly" destroyed by a storm some time ago, and Archer discovers that the ship was actually destroyed. I thought Vulcans couldn't lie? Also, this storm goes at warp speed. Yet in TNG, Data once claimed there is no known natural phenomenon that could go at warp speed. And if the storm was going at warp speed, how could Archer see it before it arrived? It would have been outrunning the light it emitted! |
ENT : The Catwalk |
This is one of those "not a nit, more an observation" ones - but in all other Trek series, the transporter has always been a very finnicky device, prone to failure whenever conditions were not just right. The crew would then fall back on the much more reliable shuttles. Enterprise is reversing that trend - nowdays it seems that there are all kinds of atmospheric storms or radiation which stop shuttles being used, yet the transporter just keeps on going fine. Since this transporter is a very primitive model, it really should be more unreliable than the shuttles. | ENT : Dawn |
I'm really getting sick and tired of the way Enterprise is abusing Vulcans. Now we find that the supposedly logical species that values "infinite diversity in infinite combinations" above all else practices widespread discrimination, to the point that they are apparently willing to let a whole section of their society die out. How can you claim to value diversity and practice eugenics at the same time? And if you want to claim that the IDIC philosophy hasn't evolved at this point, sorry - the IDIC symbol has been seen several times on Enterprise, including in this episode. | ENT : Stigma |
One of the things that Trek has done a couple of times now is have some kind of repeating time loop in which people gradually become aware that they are doing the same thing over and over. But this is nonsensical - if time "resets" itself then your memory would reset also, leaving you with no memory of what had happened even if you had done it a million times before. And if it is just that you have been sent back in time, then your memories of what you had done before would be just as good as ever. Either way this gradual sense of deja-vu could not happen. | ENT : Future Tense |
When we see the damaged shuttlepod, an inside shot shows us a PADD floating around within. T'Pol then states that the gravity plating is offline. Unfortunately, the shuttle is tumbling end over end as it floats through space. Rotation like this would create something like a low level gravity effect, which would tend to make any loose items collect in the nose or tail of the shuttle. | ENT : Canamar |
When the alien ship first captures Enterprise, it disables all of the starship's weaponry. Yet at the end, Enterprise is able to use two torpedoes to destroy the alien ship. Why the difference? If the alien could disable Enterprise at the start, why not at the end as well? | ENT : The Crossing |
Yet another speed nit - Enterprise is supposed to turn back to investigate this planet, and Archer claims it is only thirty light years behind them. Even at warp 5 that's a trip of nearly three months, hardly a small detour. Also, they pass by Mayweather's old ship on the way to the planet. But in "Future Tense", the ship was said to be far beyond the previous limit of exploration and a good thirty light years beyond any trade route. It's just possible that Enterprise has not gone any further from home since "Future Tense", and so the thirty light year backtrack took Enterprise to that trade route. But... before Enterprise, ships could only do warp 2 (8 x c) at the most. And Mayweather left his family 4 years ago... so the ship must have been at least 58 light years away from Earth at that point. That's at least a seven year trip. So how come Mayweather was back home for the start of season one, eighteen months ago? |
ENT : Horizon |
I know the Denobulans are a bit flaky, but it really strains credibility that they would refuse to leave even when their lives are threatened. | ENT : The Breach |
The one failing of this episode is the attitude of Captain Archer towards Trip. Archer is furious with his engineer, angrily denying Trip's claim that he was only doing what Archer would have done. Well, in fact Archer has interfered in other cultures - who asked him to reveal the Vulcan observation post to the Andorians? Or to free the Suliban in "Detained"? Or to help the miners in "Marauders"? And let's remember that Archer is constantly ranting that the Vulcans don't help Earth enough... now he turns around and attacks Trip for helping at all. As Archer himself puts it "You did exactly what I'd do? If that's true then I've done a pretty lousy job setting an example around here." Well frankly yes, Archer, you have done a pretty lousy job of that. The episode would have been a bit more believable if Archer had made his decision based on politics and against his own feelings, then shared in Trip's guilt at the conclusion rather than ranting at him. | ENT : Cogenitor |
The transport is said to have increased its speed to Warp 3.9 as it left Earth. Since Enterprise is some 100 light years away at this point, then even if they headed back at warp 5 it should take the two at least six months before they could intercept. We could argue that the transport did a small transwarp hop somewhere... but Archer expected to be able to intercept them, and never questioned the timeframe in which he actually did so. In DS9 we see Tarkaleans and they look nothing whatever like the ones we see here. So are there two or more different sub-groups of the Tarkaleans with very different appearences? Not unprecedented, given the Xindi, but it's rather odd. |
ENT : Regeneration |
The destruction caused by the probe seemed awful slight for the number of casualties caused. It blasted a trench in the ground maybe a couple of hundred yards across - with virutally no visible blast or thermal damage to the structures on either side. I have a hard time believing that this killed millions of people, even if it went right through a couple of cities. Future Guy claims that the Xindi were only testing their weapon design this time, and that a much more powerful version is being prepared. By doing this the Xindi have allowed Earth a chance to beef up its defences and prepare a retaliation mission. And suppose the weapon hadn't worked? Then Earth would have captured both the intact weapon and the pilot. Whereas if they had tested it on some uninhabited planet somewhere, then waited until the big version was ready to attack Earth, they would have been able to inflict far more damage. The writers are a little cagey about the timeframe of this episode, having characters talk about it being a long trip back to Earth without being specific. It's also been a while since we got a good reference as to how far the ship is from Earth - 90 light years in "Dead Stop". But to make this episode work, we would either have to assume that the ship has been heading back towards Earth at close to top speed ever since then, or that something like a year passed offscreen as they headed back. It will be interesting to see what the next date they give us is. |
ENT : The Expanse |
There is much talk of platinum "in it's liquified state". The only way to liquify platinum is to heat it up so that it melts, and keep it hot. | ENT : The Xindi |
It is highly difficult to believe that a virus could actually convert you into an alien species, certainly not in a matter of a few minutes. It's even harder to believe it could give you a full alien language capability and memories. | ENT : Extinction |
Reed mentions "the smaller" Xindi ship – but we see them both, and they are identical! Like with the Platinum last week, we have people talk about a material in its "liquid form". The ONLY difference between a solid and a liquid is the temperature. Heat a solid, you get a liquid. You could maybe say that the process to make Trellium-D has to take place with the reactants dissolved in a solvent, but this is actually true of most chemical reactions and is hardly anything to get worked up about. |
ENT : Rajiin |
This ship has been lost in the Expanse for months at the very least. Even assuming it only drifted into the asteroid field right before the episode, it would have been in there for a matter of hours. Given the frequency of collisions that we observed in the field, the ship should have been bashed to bits in no time – yet as far as we could see, not a single asteroid ever hit it. Also, once again we have an asteroid with Earth-normal gravity. Unless these asteroids are massively dense - like a thousand times denser than the densest known element - this is simply impossible. |
ENT : Impulse |
The "escaping shuttle" sequence is really silly. Even granting that fiddling with the sensors could fire a thruster, how stupid is it not to secure these things to a surface? Plus the motion of the shuttle looks really wrong – I can't be specific, but the motion just doesn't look like what you would expect from a thruster in that position firing. | ENT : Exile |
Well, Phlox's attitude sure has changed. Back in Vox Sola he refused an order to perform invasive tests on a severed tentacle for ethical reasons. Now he has no problem at all doing the same thing to the living components of the Xindi rifle. | ENT : The Shipment |
A major point of this episode is that when the parasites are killed, they vanish from history and so the past is altered - things like medical scans appear as if the parasites had never existed. But that would mean that the memories people had of those medical scans would also be re-written, so T'Pol and Phlox would never know anything had happened. In fact, Phlox could never even know his treatment had worked at all! In fact an interesting thing should have happened here. Phlox picked a parasite to test his treatment on. When it worked and the parasite was erased from history, in the new reality Phlox would have picked another parasite instead. So that one would then vanish from history and make another new timeline. In this one Phlox would pick yet another parasite... and so on. The upshot is, as soon as Phlox did his first treatment ALL the parasites should have vanished and the episode would be over! But if the parasites had never been there, why would Phlox invent the treatment in the first place... time travel makes no sense at all, does it? |
ENT : Twilight |
It makes no sense that the Humans here are stuck in the old west after all this time. They obviously have the capacity to manufacture guns, which means that they have factories, metallurgy, chemistry, and engineers and scientists to make it all work. If so, then there is no reason why their technology shouldn't improve over time. Okay with a small population base maybe they wouldn't have advanced to the point of building Starships or anything, but they certainly should have got well beyond the whole western thing. Also, where did Archer and Trip get their guns from? Can Enterprise manufacture stuff like this without replicator technology? Or does Reed have an ancient weapon collection like Worf did? |
ENT : North Star |
It took weapons fire to get that metal stuff off the hull through most of the episode. Why then does it all just fall off as soon as the ship gets clear of the cloud? | ENT : Similitude |
It makes little sense for Daniels to send T'Pol and Archer. Archer makes an attempt to justify this by saying he is in a hurry and it takes time to get clearences and such, but as T'Pol points out, Daniels can take as long as he likes! Even if he takes the next ten years to get his clearences, he can go back in time to the exact same point Archer and T'Pol arrived at. Also, Daniels claims that the changes in the past haven't reached the future yet. But every single time we've seen the past changed, the present/future (which word you use depends on your viewpoint) changes instantly. This includes the episodes Daniels has been involved with, so we can't claim he is using some different type of technology or anything. |
ENT : Carpenter Street |
It seemed to take the crew an extremely long time to stop the fighting after they regained control of the ship - I would have thought hailing the other ships and arranging a cease fire would be top priority, but they take their own sweet time about it - and Reed even keeps firing at them after he gets weapons back! Also, these human bomb things take quite a while to work. You would think they could have flooded the ship with tranquiliser gas and recaptured it that way quite easily. |
ENT : Chosen Realm |
Not necessarily a nit, but the Xindi prototype seems awfully small. This thing fitted into Shran's ship, and was expected to fit into Enterprise's launch bay. Yet the full weapon we saw in Twilight was huge, much larger than the Xindi ships accompanying it. Isn't a prototype supposed to be a close match to the final product? | ENT : Proving Ground |
When you first see the outside of the shuttle simulator, take a look at the screen which is projecting the starfield. It's way too small - given the size of the window it's facing, from inside you would easily be able to see past the edges. | ENT : Stratagem |
I really have to complain about the FX used for the super-anomaly. Enterprise is usually top notch for this kind of thing, but this anomaly looked exactly like a close up shot of some sort of bubbling foam. It was like something out of a cheesy 50s sci-fi flick. Also, we have yet another example of an alien who can walk through walls, but doesn’t fall through the floor. |
ENT : Harbinger |
It's very hard to nitpick this one, because many things that we see could be dismissed as Phlox imagining things. I'm going to treat anything that wasn't obviously a delusion as real... Early on in the episode we are told it will take less than an hour to cross the anomaly at warp 4. Warp 4 is 64 times lightspeed, so the anomaly is about 64 light hours across. We are then told that at impulse, it will take four days - 96 hours - to cross the distance. So that means full impulse speed is 64/96 = 0.666 xc, exactly two thirds of light speed. So far so good. However, when they find that they are still inside the anomaly T'Pol says they are nearly a quarter of a lightyear from the edge. She then says it will take ten weeks to get clear. At 0.666 xc, it should actually take 19.5 weeks. In fact to get out of the anomaly in ten weeks the ship would have to be travelling faster than the speed of light on impulse drive, which is both a mismatch with what was said earlier and is supposed to be impossible. On another front, when Phlox talks about waking everybody up he says he is going to wake his medical staff before most of the crew. Does Phlox have a medical staff? I don't think I've ever seen or heard of another doctor, nurse or even orderly anywhere near sickbay! |
ENT : Doctor's Orders |
When they first enter the hatchery a door seals behind them and the atmosphere changes to become breathable, prompting everybody to take off their helmets. But when they call Archer he opens the door again and walks in. Everybody inside is still not wearing helmets - hasn't Archer just let a big cloud of unbreathable air into the room? Or did the atmosphere become breathable all over the ship when the door closed, in which case why did Archer keep his helmet on all this time? | ENT : Hatchery |
Take a close look at the ships in the future battle. Daniels tells us that this is happening 400 years from Archer's time, i.e. 2554. Yet one of the ships we see flying past the window is a Prometheus class first seen in Voyager's "Message in a Bottle", set in 2374. So Starfleet is using ship designs that are 180 years old? I guess the war must have taken a pretty heavy toll. Worse still, just as Daniels is telling Archer what the name of the battle is, we see the Dauntless from Voyager's "Hope and Fear" fly past! The Dauntless, remember, was a fake Starfleet ship built by Arturis. I guess Starfleet must be so desperate that they're using ships that don't even exist! | ENT : Azati Prime |
Not strictly a YATI as such, but the warp coils of a ship are supposed to be a series of large ring-shaped devices which sit in line along the inside of each nacelle. There shouldn't really be any such thing as a "primary" warp coil, it shouldn't really be possible to take a warp coil from one ship and stick it in another, and if you could then it should be a lot larger than the thing we see in this episode, given the size of Enterprise's nacelles. Of course we could always argue that Enterprise's warp drive operates on slightly different principles than later ships. We get another speed nit - the meeting is three days from now, four light years away, and the ship is said to need to be able to reach warp 3 to reach it. That would make warp 3 equal to 487 times lightspeed, which is way faster than the ship is stated to be in "Broken Bow". |
ENT : Damage |
In this episode Archer tries to prove what is going on to the Xindi by showing them the bodies of the Reptilians he killed in Earth's past. The Xindi-Arboreal claims that Archer may just as easily have captured them in the present so this is no proof at all. However, in "Damage" the female sphere builder openly admitted that she sent those Reptillians into the past to make the bio-weapon. So what's the Xindi on about? | ENT : The Forgotten |
T'Pol uses the transporter to beam out engine parts from the other NX-01. We're talking about working components with an awful lot of energy going through them. We're talking about using a transporter in one fast-moving ship to beam out something from another fast-moving ship. Yet not only was the transport a complete success, their removal caused no apparent damage at either end - no explosions from leaking plasma, etc. Okay so this isn't impossible, but how likely does it sound? The writers have been careful to hide T'Pol's exact age from us, but we do know that whilst she is probably the oldest person on Enterprise, she is not excessively old - she's certainly far less than a hundred if "The Seventh" is anything to go by. Yet in this episode we see her 100 years older, and she looks ancient! Sarek looked like a Human in his 30s when he was over a hundred, and only looked in his 50s or so more than a century after that. Do Vulcan females live shorter lives than the males, or is there some reason T'Pol ages faster than normal - the Trellium maybe? The aliens in the nebula are using the same type of ship which attacked Enterprise in "Silent Enemy". Yet they name the aliens as Corvallens, which we have seen in TNG and which look nothing like the "Silent Enemy" aliens. |
ENT : E2 |
That defence system in the spheres seems really poor, doesn't it? I mean, great big mechanical arms that grab people? Surely some sort of energy weapon on a swivel mount would be better, or fill the sphere with poison gas or something. And if that was some sort of repair machine with a secondary defence function - well, if the builders think the spheres need defending then why not put in a decent defence system as well? Since when do Xindi have transporter technology? They have ALWAYS had to hard dock to get from ship to ship before, even when attacking Enterprise in "Rajin". Now they suddenly have transporters so they can kidnap Hoshi? The basic premise of this arc is that the Sphere Builders were being defeated in the future, so they went back in time to get the Xindi to attack Earth before the Federation was created. So the Sphere Builders have time travel, obviously. So you have to wonder, why pick this particular time for their attack? The NX-01 is the only ship Earth had with any hope of stopping them, yes? But if they put this whole plan into operation ten years earlier, the NX-01 wouldn't exist and Earth wouldn't have any defence at all. It's almost like they wanted to give Earth a sporting chance to ruin all their plans or something. |
ENT : The Council |
Archer takes the injured and possibly brain damaged Hoshi along for her knowledge of the weapon systems and codes. Huh? Why doesn't he just ask the Xindi for the information he needs? They built the thing! | ENT : Countdown |
I keep wondering why they don't just beam a photon torpedo into this weapon and detonate it on full yield. According to Reed in The Expanse, a torpedo "can put a three kilometre crater into an asteroid". An explosion that large should blow a sphere a few hundred metres wide to bits! Well, that space station sure looked familiar didn't it? (It's the Midas array from Voyager.) |
ENT : Zero Hour |
The shuttlepod takes considerable damage from being shot up by the P-51 fighters. Yet in "Minefield", we find that the shuttlepods can withstand small nuclear explosions from close range. I find it hard to believe they would be vulnerable to machine guns. | ENT : Storm Front, Part 1 |
Enterprise is greeted by a huge fleet of Human and Vulcan ships when she arrives back at Earth. Where were all these when the Xindi weapon was approaching unopposed? | ENT : Storm Front, Part 2 |
When the "Augments" are taking over the Klingon ship, one of them kicks a Klingon in the chest and sends him flying down the corridor twenty feet or so. No matter how strong we assume the Augment to be, simple laws of action and reaction would dictate that he would go flying off in the other direction. | ENT : Borderland |
When Persis is beating up the guards to get into CS-12, the first punch she throws is an uppercut that actually lifts the guy off the floor and flips him completely 360 degrees. A punch like that would almost certainly kill you. At the very least, it would shatter your jaw. Yet this guy stands up within seconds and comes back at her again! It was nice of Archer to tell Soong that Enterprise was going to initiate the station's self-destruct sequence. It gave the Augments that extra few vital seconds to shut the thing down and foil his plan. Always good to see somebody show such consideration to their enemies that way. |
ENT : Cold Station 12 |
There's no way Archer would freeze that quickly in space. In fact, he wouldn't freeze at all - if anything the vacuum of space would tend to insulate him. | ENT : The Augments |
Why doesn't T'Pau talk anything like she did in TOS? Then she was all "art thou Human, Spock?" Now she talks perfectly normal English. Soval says that Vulcans are worried about how fast Humans are advancing because it took his people 1,500 years to recover and travel to the stars after their wars. Later on they say Surak lived 1,800 years ago. So Vulcan made it into space about 300 years ago. So... how did they found the P'Jem monastery 3,000 years ago, as claimed in "The Andorian Incident"? |
ENT : The Forge |
If the Forge stops technology from working, why doesn't it stop photonic warheads from detonating? For that matter, why doesn't it stop chemical rockets from firing? In "Fusion", we saw the Vahklas type of ship and it was stated that "they have not been in use for a long time". Well, two of them take part in the battle with Enterprise in this episode. In a way it can kinda make sense though - if Vulcan is gearing up for a war maybe they have dusted off some mothballed ships to do planetary defence and free newer units for the front lines? |
ENT : Awakening |
How come the Romulan agent was wearing one of the uniforms from "Star Trek : Nemesis"? Are we meant to believe that the Nemesis Romulans were all in some kind of ancient ceremonial garb or something? I've complained that Archer is way too wimpy when it comes to fighting before, but here I think the writers went a little over the top in making him the hero. Vulcans are meant to be three times stronger than Humans - just look at the occasions when Spock fought against a Human in TOS. Archer should have been toast in that fight, but he did better than either T'Pol or T'Pau. |
ENT : Kir'Shara |
So the inventor of transporters was badly injured by one; his son was "killed" testing one; and he says that several other people were killed testing them. Call me a coward, but I'd want to know that they had sent a few monkeys through the transporter at least ten thousand times each before I went anywhere near it. Don't they do animal testing in the future? Emory says his sub-quantum transporter is a completely flawed concept. So how come it worked on the probe? And if we say that he just did a normal transport on the probe, why would it end up 40,000 kilometres away? Previous episodes have indicated that the Enterprise transporter range is a few thousand kilometres, tops, so this was extended by at least tenfold! And even if we assume that Emory came up with some upgrade to the normal transporter to allow this, what was all that about "maybe you can extend your range a few hundred kilometres" at the end - he'd already beaten that by a long way! New fact about Archer - he was one of those child prodigies! In this episode he talks about a heart-to-heart chat he had with his father the day before he went to flight school. In "Cold Station 12", we are told that Archer's father died when he was only twelve years old. So Archer must have gone to flight school when he wasn't even a teenager! |
ENT : Daedalus |
So this episode centres around the fact that Trip and Hoshi are infected with a silicon based virus. Um, how exactly does that work? Viruses are essentially just a hunk of DNA coated in protein. They can't reproduce on their own like bacteria can - they work by invading the cells of whoever catches them, and sticking their own DNA in to take control of the cell and turn it into a factory for making more copies of the virus, which invade more of your cells and so on. So how does that work if the virus is based on an entirely different chemical? Both protein and the nucleic acids that make up DNA are based on carbon chemistry. Whilst it's conceivable that you could have silicon based versions of these things, how in the hell could a silicon virus infect one of your carbon-based cells and turn it into a factory for making more silicon viruses? All the chemistry in your cells would be completely wrong for the job! If we ever do discover silicon life forms, we can pretty much guarantee that you would be utterly immune to their diseases, and they to ours. At one point the two Organians want to have a private conversation. They decide to jump into Trip and Hoshi's bodies and chat in the decontamination room. Why do they have to be inside bodies to talk to one another? We know the Organians are non-corporeal, surely they must have some way of talking to one another whilst they are in their natural state - telepathy or something. At the end, we see Phlox declare Hoshi and Trip free of the virus. Shouldn't he have gone into the sickbay in a pressure suit to make this determination? |
ENT : Observer Effect |
When one of the hoses gets knocked out of Reed's suit, he loses most of his oxygen supply. For one thing, I would think that suits like this would be designed to be pretty rugged precisely to avoid this kind of thing. For another, surely it is possible to design the fitting of hose to tank so that if the hose pulls loose it seals the tank? I'm no expert on diving, but I seem to recall that the tanks divers use today have features like this! Additionally, they refill Reed's tank by connecting it to the oxygen tank of a chemically fuelled manoeuvring thruster. Do these suits really supply pure oxygen to their wearers? Normal air is a mix of about 20% oxygen and about 80% nitrogen. When the Romulan ship does heavy manoeuvring, Reed and Tucker hold themselves in place with their magnetic boots. Just how strong are these? After all, in order to be able to walk with them you have to be able to pull them free of the deck with relative ease. There's no dialogue indicating that they turned the power up to make them really strong or anything, yet now the boots can hold them in place against all these big accelerations? |
ENT : Babel One |
I hate the way Star Trek treats radiation. Over and over we are shown that radiation does absolutely nothing to a person right up until a particular threshold is reached, then it makes them feel a bit sick, then they die. Radiation doesn’t behave anything like this! This episode is a particularly bad offender – Trip receives a big enough radiation dose that he’s actually falling down unconscious on the floor. Yet he’s not losing his hair or teeth, there’s no sign of skin damage, there’s no talk of cancer. When he gets back to Enterprise he seems to feel no ill effects whatsoever! And we can’t really say that advanced future medicines make these less of a problem because Trip is clearly feeling perfectly fine in the scene where he is taking off his space suit, which must surely happen as soon as he gets back and before any medical treatment. When the drone ship is found, four of the ships in the fleet detect it. None of them is Enterprise herself. The ships in the fleet are Vulcan, Tellarite and Andorian. Vulcan and Andorian ships are faster than Enterprise – so how come Enterprise is the first one to intercept the drone? Talas dies because the phase pistol she was shot with was set to kill, causing "phase pulse infection". How on Earth can an energy pulse "infect" you? And in any case, she wasn't shot with a phase pistol, she was shot with one of the MACO's plasma pistols. |
ENT : United |
If all the Aenar are born blind, how come their city is so well lit? I could buy them installing temporary lighting in a few rooms especially for their guests, but in every exterior shot of the city we are shown, there are hundreds of brightly lit windows all over the city! | ENT : The Aenar |
What the hell is the point of those massive glowing lights on the Columbia’s bridge? Does it double up as the ship’s disco or something? | ENT : Affliction |
Much tension is generated by the fact that Enterprise and Columbia have trouble staying really close together, so the line between them gets stretched and eventually breaks free. Wouldn't it have been far simpler to shoot the line across from Columbia, have Trip tie onto his end of it, then just release his end and have Enterprise winch him in? That way Columbia could have pulled away as soon as the line was released and Enterprise could have winched Trip in at their leisure. T'Pol orders all power to the armour when she puts the NX-01 in between the D-5 and the planet. A few moments later she orders the ship to keep firing on the cruiser. How can it do that if all power is being routed to the armour? How was Phlox able to beam his cannister of virus up to the cruiser? Surely the shields on both the colony and the cruiser would be up during a battle? |
ENT : Divergence |
Why are Archer's quarters on E deck? I would think he should be stationed as close as possible to the bridge so he could get there fast in an emergency. Even if we assume that the design of the ship makes it absolutely positively impossible to have quarters on B deck, surely he could be on D since most crew quarters are there? Archer refers to Hoshi as his "protocol officer". Since when? She's always been described as his communications officer. I suspect he invented a new job and gave it to her so he could give her this task... Phlox claims that the Orion women are having an effect on the females aboard Enterprise, causing headaches and listlessness. He claims this might be the pheromones acting as a defence mechanism against competition. But if this is a natural property of the Orion women, wouldn't the whole point of it be to eliminate competition for males from other Orion women? Which means that the Orion women should be affecting one another far more than they do any of the Human women, surely? |
ENT : Bound |
Trip says that the cloak has to have everything except auxiliary power sent to it to cloak the ship. But they keep running at warp speed after engaging it. Can you really run the warp drive on auxiliary power? Later he says he can't decloak and free up power for weapons and armour because the cloak is not responding. So what? Surely you can just unplug the thing whether it's responding or not? So there's an Orion woman on the bridge of the Mirror NX-01. Since Bound has established that Orion women constantly emit pheromones that make men crazy for them whilst women become listless and lazy, why isn't this woman running the ship? (In fairness, the Empire probably has some way to neutralise the pheromones. I bet it's an really evil way, too.) |
ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly |
When the Defiant loses shields the Avenger blasts away at the primary hull, causing several explosions. Yet when we see the area clearly later on, there's not a single sign of damage. | ENT : In A Mirror, Darkly, Part 2 |
I go with using Tucker and T'Pol for undercover work. Two of the most famous faces on Earth, trying to covertly infiltrate an organisation that has target them specifically to create their child. Yeah, that makes sense. Plus - everybody is so amazed that Paxton is willing to go to warp within a solar system. The idea that this is dangerous crops up every once in a while in Trek. But just look at Borderland for instance, the NX-01 goes to warp within literally seconds of pulling out of Spacedock in Earth orbit! Why is it suddenly surprising that Paxton can do something similar? |
ENT : Demons |
When we see the comet, the tail is pointing in the wrong direction. It's a common mistake - people tend to think that the tail streams out behind the comet because of its forward motion, much as a contrail is left behind an aircraft. In fact the material is pushed away from the head by the pressure of the sunlight (or solar wind), so the tail always points away from the sun. Given how Mars is lit in the shot of the shuttle approaching, the tail should be streaming away roughly to the left of the frame. | ENT : Terra Prime |
Troi says the ceremony will lead to the formation of the Federation. This IS the formation of the Federation. | ENT : These Are The Voyages... |
Picard describes Data's death as happening more than 20 years ago, yet this episode is set in 2399, exactly 20 years after Nemesis. He also describes the painting as being produced over 30 years ago, infact Data's first attempt at painting was in Birthright, Part 1, in 2369, once again exactly 30 years ago. According to this episode there is a ban on synthetic lifeforms, however, we have a holographic character called Index. Clearly all synthetic lifeforms are not banned, just androids. |
STP : Remembrance |
None, that I can see. | STP : Maps and Legends |
We're on board the ship in orbit around Earth and we can see a pretty massive nebula out of the front window. We are certain it's Earth because we could see Italy when we saw the outside of the ship. | STP : The End is the Beginning |
None | STP : Absolute Candor |
We see an advertisment for "The Red Bolian", we have never seen a red Bolian in the whole of Star Trek, so this is either a cunning advertising ploy or YATI. | STP : Stardust City Rag |
Once more we have a Star Trek regular YATI, a physical substance that is described as radiation. Radiation is a release of energy in the form of gamma rays, which are effectively photons. Alternatively, alpha and beta particles, which are subatomic in nature, you can't see them. Radiation certainly doesn't have a colour, at least not one that humans can see. At best what we're seeing here is a gas which is radioactive, ie one that gives off radiation. Another issue is when Picard reaches to the side of his head for the Borg implants. He touches the right side of his face, which is the correct side for the implant, however, the image he is looking at is mirrored, making it look like the implant was on the left side. Obviously, they have done this so that they could overlay the Locutus image on Picard's head, but the fact that the photo is backwards is a YATI. |
STP : The Impossible Box |
You do have to wonder how a Silicon based virus could even replicate in a Carbon based lifeform. Surely the mechanisms for it to function wouldn't be available. There would be no silicon to make new copies of the virus for one thing. I'm also quite disturbed by the thought that you have to culture the affected cells in a positronic matrix. Surely they don't mean that you have to cut them out and stick them in an android's brain? What next, presumably you put them back in the infected person? If they could get them out in the first place couldn't they simply replace them with some cloned healthy cells. I know Riker doesn't like clones but a few cells doesn't seem too over the top to save your son. Surely the transporter could lock on to the Silicon and beam it out? Regenerative soil seems a little odd too, were they hoping that when he was buried he would be returned from the grave, Spock style? | STP : Nepenthe |
If you watch very carefully Rune and Codex perform a little magic trick while Picard is trying to convince the androids that he will work for them. In one shot Rune in dark orange is on the left and Codex in pale orange is on the right. A moment later the camera cuts back and they've swapped sides without moving. When they both escort Picard away they've managed to swap back. You will also notice that Codex has forgotten his contact lenses and has dark eyes. | STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1 |
You have to wonder where Narek goes at the end of the episode. He seems to have completely disappeared. I can't see him being a welcome guest on Coppelius. Picard didn't take him with them. The Romulans didn't say anything about beaming him up, nor did the Federation. Agnes' murder trial seems to have been forgotten about too. It would have been nice to at least have mention of her being acquitted due to temporary insanity following Oh's mind meld. |
STP : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 |
It seems odd that the Klingons, Cardassians etc have all fallen to the Confederation but the Vulcans, one of our closest neighbours, and more peaceful species, is still at war. At one point Seven writes on a mirror with lipstick, however, shortly after we discover that the mirror is holographic. How, then, could she write on it. |
STP : Penance |
Guinan's timeline is a bit odd here. We have her owning a bar in 2024, which is located at 10 Forward Avenue. However, she is yet to meet Picard and certainly hasn't been on the Enterprise in this time period. She's back at that bar again in the later time period of 2401 at the start of the season. So when she was on the Enterprise-D surely the bar she ran wasn't called "Ten Forward" after her old bar on Earth. If so, it's amazing that it happened to be on deck 10 at the forward part of the ship. | STP : Watcher |
When Chapel beams down to Taurus II, she was wearing a red uniform. | TAS : The Lorelei Signal |
In one scene, Captain Koloth is shown on the Enterprise bridge instead of being on the viewscreen. | TAS : More Tribbles, More Troubles |
In one scene Lieutenant Nored's insignia is shown on the wrong side of her uniform. | TAS : The Survivor |
These duplicates are described as clones, which means they were created from the DNA of the original person. So why on Earth are they 20 or 30 feet tall? Your height depends in large part on your DNA, if they are duplicates of the original they should be about the same size. Amazingly, the episode gives no hint of exactly what made the clone so huge. | TAS : The Infinite Vulcan |
When the hangar doors open, the open from one side rather than parting in the centre as shown in TOS. | TAS : The Magicks of Megas-tu |
A couple of uniform errors; Chapel is shown with a black collar on her uniform, and Spock is shown with his insignia on the wrong side. | TAS : Once Upon A Planet |
At one point Arex complains that he is now so small that his eyes no longer reach his station's opticals. The navigator's station has no opticals. | TAS : The Terratin Incident |
Early on, Kirk gives the Stardate as 52.2. Later he says it is now 5267.6. It seems that he missed the 67 out of the first date. The SS Bonaventure is claimed to be the first ship fitted with warp drive; in fact that honour goes to the Pheonix seen in 'Star Trek : First Contact'. Of course it's a bit unrealistic to expect TAS to have anticipated this thirty or so years in advance! |
TAS : The Time Trap |
Keep an eye on Spock's life-support belt; it vanishes during one scene. | TAS : The Slaver Weapon |
The crew of the U.S.S. Ariel are wearing the insignia of the Enterprise, something that should not happen during the TOS timeframe. | TAS : The Eye of the Beholder |
The Vedalan ground vehicle isn't a very good design. For one thing, you'd expect it to be an anti-gravity car. But even granting that it has wheels, it uses no less than three different types of wheel - which means you either have to carry three different types of spare, or you have to abandon your vehicle the first time a wheel gets broken. | TAS : The Jihad |
Kirk and crew continually refer to the Orions are 'Or-ee-on'; before and since, the word has always been pronounced 'Oh-rye-un'. | TAS : The Pirates of Orion |
How does Bem control the other parts of his body? A telepathic link? | TAS : Bem |
During the last scene, McCoy is shown wearing a yellow uniform rather than a blue one. | TAS : Albatross |
At one point, we see a wide shot of the bridge; Uhura is drawn as a caucasian. | TAS : How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth |
When McCoy gives Sarah April a tour of sickbay, he comments on how many of the tools there were designed by her. She replies that as the first medical officer aboard a ship equipped with warp drive, she frequently had to come up with new ideas. However, the SS Bonaventure was established as the first warp drive ship in 'The Time Trap'. We have also seen that, in fact, there have been warp drive starships around for two centuries by the time of TAS; at the very least Phlox beats Sarah by a century in terms of medical officers aboard such ships, and it is highly likely that most if not all other warp driven ships had medical officers. However, we can't really blame TAS for this; since the series is not considered canonical future writers have deliberately chosen to go in different directions. It would be beyond even my nitpicking tastes to blame TAS for contradictions which were done deliberately decades in the future! |
TAS : The Counter-Clock Incident |
The wide screen video has one of the all time YATIs - when Kirk leaves the ship to chase Spock, there is a shot that shows the scaffolding around the airlock door. They forgot to do the special effects to put the rest of the ship in. The final crewmembers to come aboard report that Bones was hesitant to use the transporter, telling them to go first so he could see how it scrambled their molecules. The scene is played with a "oh, that silly old Bones, how silly his silliness is!" humorous vibe. Which is kind of strange, given that two people died screaming on that exact transporter pad like a couple of hours ago when their molecules did get scrambled, and rather horrifically so. I'd say what Bones displayed was a very sensible caution! Decker says Voyager 6 fell into "what used to be called a black hole". Um, they're still called black holes in his time, too. In the original series, Spock informed Uhura that Vulcan has no moon. So why does it have giant moons in the sky in this movie? (They fix this in the Director's cut) Why does Ilia call Humans a "sexually immature species"? Sexual maturity is a term that just means you can reproduce via sex, which Humans can certainly do. Perhaps she's claiming that Humans in general act in a manner that her species regards as immature, but if so then she's just being racist (or speciesist) in talking as if her species attitudes and behaviour is inherently superior to ours in some way, when really their way is just that - their way. And what's with this "Oath of celibacy" nonsense? The line is just dropped in there and never explained at all! Spock reports that V'Ger is communicating at the extreme frequency of "one million Megahertz", i.e. 1 Terahertz. This is around the far infra-red / microwave region of the spectrum. In other words, it's in the area of the spectrum that a high resolution radar might use. Or an infra red remote control. Wow. Impressive god-like technology there. |
ST-TMP : The Motion Picture |
When Saavik asks Kirk for suggestions as to how to proceed in the simulator, he replies "Prayer, Mister Saavik, the Klingons don't take prisoners." Yeah, actually they do. On Organia, for example, they took hostages and shot them whenever there was an act of rebellion. In ST III the Klingon commander had David, Spock and Saavik held prisoner. Archer was held prisoner by the Klingons once and put on trial, as was Kirk in ST VI. Kirk was even sentenced to imprisonment at his trial, in a prison, full of other prisoners. Are we seriously to believe that nobody on the Reliant knew the Ceti Alpha system was the site of Khan's 'colony'? Khan hijacked the entire Enterprise, surely Kirk must have submitted a report detailing that incident and his decision to strand the group on Ceti Alpha V, right? So did nobody on the Reliant think to look the system up before they went there? For that matter, if Chekov was around when Khan was dropped off (see below for discussion of that), why doesn't the name "Ceti Alpha" ring a bell with him? And even if they didn't look up whether there were colonies on any of the planets for some reason, surely they would at least count the planets in the system when they arrived and notice one was missing! Along those lines, the standard naming convention in Trek is (Star name) (order from the sun outwards). So Earth, being the third planet out from the star known as Sol, would be Sol 3. (They actually use Roman Numerals, but I'll use regular ones for the sake of simplicity.) Mars would be Sol 4, Neptune would be Sol 8, etc. Khan and his band were marooned on Ceti Alpha 5. Six months later, Ceti Alpha 6 exploded. Then the Reliant arrived, intending to investigate Ceti Alpha 6. Only since Ceti Alpha 6 wasn't there any more, they went to Ceti Alpha 5 thinking it was Ceti Alpha 6. So how does that make any sense at all? Even if the 6th planet is missing, how do you then mistake the 5th one for the 6th one? Wouldn't you still count out from the sun and then think that it's Ceti Alpha 7 that is actually Ceti Alpha 6? I mean, that would still be utterly stupid, because the 7th planet would still be in a completely different orbit than the place where the 6th planet was. But at least the problem then is that you didn't bother to look up the planetary orbits, rather than the fact that nobody on the ship can successfully count to six! Of course, Khan does claim that the shock of the explosion shifted the orbit of Ceti Alpha 5. So are we supposed to believe that it shifted the orbit SO much that it actually moved Ceti Alpha 5 out right the way past the empty space where Ceti Alpha 6 was, then on out past Ceti Alpha 7 - which is the only way you could possibly think Ceti Alpha 5 was Ceti Alpha 6. But if so, then that's just absolutely ridiculous. Explosions in space don't actually produce a 'shock', because there's nothing for a shockwave to travel through. So you'd pretty much have to have a big chunk of Ceti Alpha 6 hit Ceti Alpha 5 with enough energy (and in the right direction) to boost its orbit right the way out to past Ceti Alpha 7. And do so without, say, smashing the planet into a million pieces when it hit it. And still leaving the environment of the planet survivable (consider the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Thosuands of times bigger that all the nuclear bombs built in the history of the world combined. This would be quadrillions of times bigger than that.) Which is impossible on just about every level. And how does a planet just explode, anyway? Planets aren't made of dynamite! Earth has been around for a very long time, it's never just decided to explode! So Khan says he remembers meeting Chekov on the Enterprise during TOS when he meets him on Ceti Alpha V. However, the Chekov character wasn't invented until after the episode in which Khan features. This isn't to say that he wasn't on the ship but unseen, though. So, why exactly doesn't Kirk raise the shields when Reliant approaches the Enterprise? Okay, I get that part of the point of the film is that he hasn't been in space for a long while, and he's super rusty - in the course of the film he gradually returns to the kick ass awesome officer he used to be. So maybe he just forgot or something. But... Saavik points out to him that regulations require him to raise shields under these circumstances. She says it right there on the bridge in public, and the only response she gets is Spock telling her that Kirk is "well aware of the regulations." Well no Spock, apparently he isn't well aware of the regulations, or else he would be following them! Or he is aware of them, and he's just thinking "ah, screw it, I'll do what I like." Which, if so, means that Kirk is guilty of professional negligence and incompetence which resulted in serious damage to a Federation military asset and the death of at least one cadet. That's an instant court martial and goodbye career moment there, surely? In fact had he raised shields as soon as they detected Reliant, it's arguable that they would have crippled or destroyed Reliant right there, or at least driven it off with little or no damage to themselves. In which case they could have gone on to Regula One and protected the station and planetoid from Reliant until reinforcements arrived, which would mean Khan would never have gotten hold of the Genesis device. And Spock would not have been killed. |
ST-TWOK : The Wrath of Khan |
Kruge is angry when he blows up the Grissom, declaring "I wanted prisoners!" He later captures the resurrected Spock, David Marcus, and Saavik on the planet. Yet at the end of the Saavik's Kobyashi Maru test, Kirk declared that "The Klingons don't take prisoners." Um, seems like they do. At the beginning of the film Scotty is ordered to report to Excelsior as "Captain of Engineering", and he does wear the rank pin of a Captain. But for the self-destruct he identifies himself as Commander Montgomery Scott, not Captain. On that same topic, doesn't it seem a little odd that a person with a Captain's rank would serve as an engineer? We've never seen a Captain in any other role than ship command that I know of, nor ever heard of the phrase "Captain of engineering" again. I'd rather expect Scotty to get a ship of his own if he became a Captain. After being reunited with his katra Spock remembers things that happened on the Enterprise as he died, such as his asking him asking "The ship? Out of danger?" of Kirk. However, since these things happened after he had transferred his katra to McCoy, the resurrected Spock should have no memory of them. We can excuse the "I have been..." line, since he also said that earlier in the mission. When David confesses to using protomatter in Genesis, Saavik asks him "How many have paid the price for your impatience? How many have died?" Um, well, isn't the answer to that "none"? I mean, using protomatter didn't cause anybody to die - Khan killed the people on Regula for revenge and as a power grab, which was nothing to do with David using protomatter. And the people killed in this film are killed by Kruge, again nothing to do with David using protomatter. In fact, since the Genesis effect did regenerate Captain Spock, then the answer to Saavik's question is "minus one", since there is now somebody alive who would otherwise be dead, because of David. When Saavik is sleeping on Genesis, she is woken up by an explosion of steam from the ground which knocks a tree over. Only, if you look close there's a Klingon in the tree! No explanation is ever given for this, he appears to simply vanish a moment later. What's up with that? |
ST-TSFS : The Search for Spock |
No explanation is ever given for how the whales are communicating across interstellar distances. Certainly sound waves shouldn't be able to communicate across space. The HMS Bounty approaches the sun at warp 9+, flying around it and coming out the other side. However, according to the official original series scale, warp 9 is 729 times the speed of light. In even two seconds at that speed, the Bounty could have flown from Earth to the sun three times over. Similarly, when racing to rescue the whales, Kirk orders full impulse. The speed of "full impulse" is not canonically known, but in official literature it is stated to be 25% of the speed of light. At this speed the Bounty would circle the entire world in approximately half a second. |
ST-TVH : The Voyage Home |
Watch the trip up the turbolift shaft on Spock's rocket boots - the shaft is much larger than a lift, and the deck numbering is all wrong. | ST-TFF : The Final Frontier |
Although Valeris is only a Lieutenant she is wearing a commanders insignia. So when Kirk is making his log entry about not trusting the Klingons, he turns around to find Valeris standing at the door listening, prompting him to complain that she "could have knocked". Huh? The doors on the ship are automatic - they open when you approach them, and then close automatically behind you, making a hissing noise each time. So wouldn't Kirk and the audience have heard the noise as his doors slid open? Worse still, these are his personal quarters - and we've seen that the doors on personal quarters don't open automatically, you have to ring a doorbell and wait for somebody inside to let you in. So how did Valeris even get the door open at all? A point is made here that firing weapons on kill anywhere on the ship will set off alarms. To demonstrate this, Valeris pulls a hand phaser out from a wall box in the kitchen and vapourises a pot. So... they have a weapons locker in the kitchen? Those chefs must have to deal with some really hardcore food critics! And why does Chekov, a veteran Commander with almost thirty years in space under his belt, and the ship's chief tactical officer, need this explained to him by a Lieutenant? In his quarters, Spock wonders aloud to Kirk if it's possible that "we two, you and I, have grown so old and so inflexible that we have outlived our usefulness?" Um, Spock is only sixty three. Whilst that's getting on a bit for a Human, Spock is half Vulcan and can expect to live well over a century. And indeed, we will see that he is still perfectly capable of being active and useful in the TNG era, when he's more than double the age he is here. Okay this isn't a nit as such, but when the Enterprise is approaching Khittomer, Kirk asks Spock if they are there yet and Spock replies "Not yet, Captain. In two minutes... one fifty eight." Seriously, does he really feel it necessary to update everybody on their ETA after two seconds? And he continues in this way a few moments later... giving updates on the time every three or four seconds. This is rendered even more absurd by the fact that, for the first time ever, there are prominent digital clocks mounted on the walls of the bridge, all of which display the time to the second. |
ST-TUC : The Undiscovered Country |
When Soran blows up the Veridian star, it dims as soon as the probe hits it. In fact, since the speed of light is not infinite it should have taken at least several minutes for us to see any difference at all. There are several scenes in which we get close-ups of Geordi, and you can see his eyes through the VISOR. Each time we see his real eyes, not the white ones he is meant to have. |
ST-G : Generations |
When Picard is briefing the officers in the armoury, they are all taking phaser rifles from racks on the walls. There are two types of rifle available - ones with tubular black barrels, and others with more rectangular silver barrels. Everyone picks up the black barrel rifles, but a few minutes later when we see them walking down the corridor they're all holding the silver barrel kind. I guess they could all have decided to switch rifles before they left, but why would they? And a few minutes after that, right after they meet Beverly coming out of a Jeffries tube, we see Picard and he's holding the black barrel kind again! Then when the rest join him, they ALL have the black barrel kind again! Actually it's obvious that they made two different designs and somebody gave them different versions in different shots, but you have to wonder why they made two different kinds in the first place. What's curious is that they made at least eight or so of each type - If they were competing designs and the director just wanted to see them so he could choose between them, why make so many? Speaking of phasers, neither kind appears to have any sort of aperture at the end of the barrel for the beam to come out of. What's up with that? Just before the Phoenix launches, Riker claims that the Moon in his time looks a whole lot different than it does in 2063. But in fact we've seen the moon several times in TNG, and it looks exactly the same as it does now. The Borg Queen claims Data as an equal here - she specifically says to Picard "As you can see I have already found an equal." Yet when he was Locutus - which this movie states was done under the influence of the Queen - Picard stated that Data was a "primitive artificial organism" who would be "obsolete in the new order." Picard tells Riker that Starfleet Command don't want the Picard in the fight against the Borg because they feel that his experiences with them make him an "unstable element". Riker declares this to be "ridiculous", and Picard then disobeys orders to join the fight with the full support of his crew. We're seemingly meant to think Starfleet are way in the wrong on this point, and indeed the Enterprise-E does bring victory in the battle. Only... we subsequently find out that Picard is indeed psychologically crippled by his experiences with the Borg, obsessively consumed with fighting them even when it's a battle they can't win, and willing to sacrifice the lives of his own crew uselessly towards that end. So Starfleet really did have a point there, yes? Picard IS an "unstable element" in this situation, and if he'd popped his cap during the battle rather than later he could have done far more harm than good. |
ST-FC : First Contact |
In the TNG episode "Alleigance", one of the indicators that Picard is acting unusually comes when he asks Beverly if she would like to dance, and she responds "I thought you didn't dance?" But in this film, when Picard is expected to dance at a formal dinner Beverly states that "The Captain used to cut quite a rug!" So which is it? When Data walks into the lake the kid asks if he can breathe in there. Picard replies "Data doesn't breathe." Yet in Birthright, Part 1, Data says "Yes. I do have a functional respiration system. However, its purpose is to maintain the thermal control of my internal systems. I am, in fact, capable of functioning for extended periods in a vacuum." So whilst it's true that Data doesn't use breath for the same thing as you and I, he does in fact breathe. And while we're on the subject, Data's "I have been designed as a flotation device" contradicts Descent, Part 2, when Geordi reminds Data about the time "You decided to go swimming... and when you jumped out of the boat you went straight to the bottom." Data replies "I did not have enough buoyancy to get back to the surface." Troi declares on kissing Riker that "I never kissed you with a beard before." Actually she has, many times during TNG. For instance in "Menage a Troi". When Anij is injured, Picard urges her to "live in this moment" until rescue comes. How exactly is this supposed to help her? Surely it just prolongs her suffering? |
ST-I : Insurrection |
Okay, let's talk about Picard's appearence. In "Tapestry" Q showed Picard an image of himself as a young man. He looked very different from the way he does now because he was played by a different actor, and he had lots of hair. In one episode we saw a flashback to when Crusher viewed her husband's dead body. Picard was there, played by Patrick Stewart, and he had some hair but not much. Yet Shinzon, the near-perfect genetic copy of Picard, is bald in his (apparent) twenties, and Picard is bald in his academy photograph. So did Picard go bald early, and then go through a wig phase? Using progressively thinner wigs? Was there some hair treatment that worked for a while, then failed? And why doesn't Shinzon look anything like the guy from "Tapestry", who would have been four years older at the very most? Actually the appearence thing doesn't bother me, because there's no way they could avoid it. Even hiring the same actor wouldn't do much good, as the guy is a good five or ten years older now than he was then. But while there's little to be done about the face, it's silly that after years of being sensible about Picard's baldness being a sign of his advancing years, suddenly we're told that he has been bald practically since he was a kid. And why? So that Tom Hardy would look more like Patrick Stewart, of course. What exactly did B-4 access on the Enterprise computer? Geordi claims that it was openly available stuff, yet Shinzon said it gave him the location of every ship in Starfleet. So did B-4 steal something that Geordi didn't spot, or is the information which lets you access Starfleet ship locations openly available? And if it is, why didn't Shinzon just look it up rather than stealing it? Geordi says that the Kolarans are a pre-warp civilisation. If so, it wouldn't it be against the Prime Directive to go around using phasers and shuttles in front of them? When Worf comments that Romulan Ale should be illegal, Geordi says "it is." But in DS9's "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges", Admiral Ross states that the trading embargo has been lifted and Romulan Ale is legal again. Why lift the embargo only to slam it down again a few years later? |
ST-N : Nemesis |
The whole story regarding the destruction of Romulus is nonsense from a scientific point of view. First off, it's virtually impossible that a single supernova could threaten the whole galaxy. Destroy the planets in one system, yes. Be potentially dangerous to life in nearby systems, yes. But nothing significant beyond that. It's about like saying that a stick of dynamite could explode and destroy America! Then, it's shown that the supernova destroys Romulus. Spock subsequently sucks it up with his black hole, AFTER it's exploded. The supernova explosion would be expanding at the speed of light; if Spock got there even a few hours late he'd have to create a black hole of truly stunning size to suck this up - the event horizon would have to encompass most of a solar system. To give you a sense of scale, the average black hole produced by a supernova is something like 50 kilometres across. Spock would have to make something in the region of tens of millions of times larger than this, at the very least. In the original series Delta Vega is a planet on the edge of the galaxy. The location of the planet should not really be something that changes in an alternate universe, and yet now Spock can apparently SEE Vulcan being destroyed from the surface of Delta Vega. Hell, simply diverting there to drop him off should have been a pretty major undertaking for Nero. One claim that's thrown around for this is that Delta Vega is a moon of Vulcan, which is therefore close enough for Spock to see the planet. However, Kirk is dumped on Delta Vega after the Enterprise has already been at warp for some time. Any Vulcan moons should be left far behind by now. So Delta Vega has to be in some other star system, and yet not the one we saw in TOS. The travel times seem really strange in this movie. When the Enterprise heads to Vulcan Kirk gets a shot from McCoy that knocks him out. We then cut to Sulu saying the ship has reached maximum warp. Pike orders Chekov to announce the ship's mission to the crew which he does... and caps it off by saying they will be at Vulcan in three minutes. So how long was Kirk asleep from a "mild sedative"? A time short enough that the ship didn't even reach maximum warp - surely a matter of minutes, no more than an hour or so even being generous. Meaning the Enterprise reached Vulcan in an hour or so! We might claim that the ship takes days to accelerate to top speed... but when Kirk warns Pike about the attack on Vulcan Uhura confirms that she picked up the distress call from the Klingons "last night". There is no way to avoid it; this trip does NOT take days, it takes hours at the very most and most likely less than an hour. And this is not something special to the Enterprise, as half a dozen other Starships leave shortly before the Enterprise does and arrive shortly before she does. When he takes command, Kirk informs the crew that Spock has resigned his commission. This would mean that Spock quit Starfleet. He resigned his COMMAND, not his commission. When the captain of the Kelvin goes to the shuttle bay, we see an exterior view of the lift descending to the hangar bay floor. However, look at the Kelvin exteriors - the hangar is the topmost part of the ship, well above the saucer section where the bridge is. The lift should have been going up, not down. It's obvious from the visuals that Nero's drill head stops miles above the surface of Vulcan - how far we can't say for sure, but Kirk and Sulu fall for more than a minute when the drill begins to retract, and on Earth that would translate to something in the region of two miles, or 10,000 feet. On Vulcan, with higher gravity, it should be comfortably more than this. In TOS "Amok Time", Vulcan's atmosphere was so thin that Kirk had great trouble fighting Spock in it. Here he is a good ten thousand feet higher up at an absolute minimum, yet both Kirk and Sulu whip off their helmets and battle away without any problems whatever. When Kirk, Sulu and Redshirt guy make their parachute jump, we see a scene on the bridge that shows a tactical display with Red in front, then Kirk, and then Sulu. An instant later it cuts to show the actual guys and Kirk is in front, followed by Sulu and Red at the rear. Nero spends much of the movie with scars on his head and the tip of one ear missing. However, the missing ear point switches from right to left in some shots. |
ST-XI : Star Trek |
In the opening scene, Sulu informs everyone in the shuttle that it wasn't built to take volcanic heat. Spock informs everyone that the volcano will destroy the planet. Uhura informs Spock that he might die in the Volcano. Spock informs everyone that the device will detonate when the timer hits zero. Don't they all already know these things? They would have spent time planning this mission out in advance, yes? They would all have been briefed on what the plan was, right? So why are they all telling one another things that they already know? So at the start of the film Spock makes a big fuss about how Kirk mustn't violate the Prime Directive to come and save him. But using his device to save the natives from the volcano is already a violation of the Prime Directive, as Admiral Pike says to them back on Earth. If Spock is such a stickler for the rules, why would he even go on this mission at all? Why would he agree to save the people on the planet? What makes one violation of the rules okay, but the next one wrong? What exactly is the point of hiding the Enterprise under water? If they want to hide it from the natives, wouldn't it be just as hidden if they were in orbit? All you'd see of the ship from there was a bright star moving across the sky, or even fixed in the sky if they were in synchronous equatorial orbit. SO when Harrison does a big "Ooooo, my name is really KHAN! So there!" moment in the brig, why doesn't Kirk just shrug and go "Okay. I have no idea who that is." Seriously, the movie treats this as a big reveal moment. Which it is, for the audience. But this particular Kirk has never even heard of Khan Noonien Singh. Khan / Harrison says he can target the Enterprise's life support system as being located "behind the aft nacelle". The two nacelles are next to one another, there's no such thing as the "aft nacelle". Much is made at the climax of the film that they need Khan alive to use his blood to cure Kirk. Well, why does that mean they need him alive? Can't they kill him and still use his blood? Okay, so maybe they need a LOT of blood. Maybe they need gallons, more than one body full, and so they plan to drain it from Khan over time. But even if so... why do they need Khan at all? There are 72 other genetic supermen and women right there on the Enterprise! They even wake one up to put Kirk in his cryotube! Blow Khan's head off and use that other guy's blood instead! (The novelization has a line from McCoy explaining that he doesn't know if death might affect Khan's blood and make it unuseable, and he doesn't know if the other Superguys would have the same effect from their blood. Fair enough, but this is not in the movie!) |
ST-ID : Star Trek Into Darkness |
So if the USS Franklin is the very first Warp 4 starship built by Humans, why does it have the registry number NX-326? Enterprise, the very first Warp 5 starship built by Humans, was the NX-01! So why does Krall want to obtain the Abronath weapon before attacking Starbase Yorktown? To judge from the attack on the Enterprise his swarm of drone ships was perfectly capable of smashing their way into the base and smashing it to pieces. Yes it may take a while, but so what? For that matter, Krall has been trapped on this planet for a hundred years or so... but how is that possible given that he has a huge fleet of interstellar drones? Why didn't he just fly back home in one of them in the first place? |
ST-B : Star Trek Beyond |
Series : | The Original Series | The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager | Enterprise | Discovery | Films |
Canon source | Backstage source | Novel source | DITL speculation |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 126,162 | Last updated : 13 Mar 2025 |