Incidentally, should you be interested you can find a "statistics" page in the site guide section below which will show you a breakdown of our visitor statistics over time. We had an especially heavy day yesterday - people coming to see if they could be the 4 millionth, I think?
Although my brother and I do this site almost entirely for our own personal pleasure, I can't deny that it gives me considerable satisfaction to know that there are thousands upon thousands of people who have visited DITL and, hopefully, found some small pleasure in browsing through my own small corner of Star Trek fandom. The Star Trek phenomenon has meant a great deal to me over the years, and the feeling that I have managed to contribute something positive to fandom is very gratifying.
So, here's to five million - which I now officially predict will happen around April of 2008!
Incidentally, I know I have been terribly tardy in fixing submitted nits and replying to emails in general this last couple of months. Real life has intruded a lot lately, and I haven't given DITL or its supporters the attention they deserve. Sorry, and I will try to do better. If you want to re-submit anything I that has fallen through the cracks, go ahead.
Some caution should be applied here; many ship names and classes in Trek are somewhat speculative. Many of them come from reference materials rather than episodes, and in some cases we haven't had those reference materials to hand and have had to use secondhand sources which aren't always completely clear about what comes from where. In any event, we have done the bast that we can for now.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 18,917 | Last updated : 28 Nov 2006 |