Also thanks to the various people who have pointed out an error in the sizecom section lately. It seems that all the temporal ships had two entries, so they often appeared twice.
Also, thanks to Dan for pointing out a broken image on the "Advance on Cardassia" battle page.
I've also taken the opportunity to rescale the phase cannon to fit the canonical figures in "Silent Enemy". Which means I also have to rescale the spatial torpedoes because they're now too strong - that's coming soon.
Just think, if the real Daystrom had this many people fixing his mistakes, the M-5 might not have been such a disaster!
Also, I finally came across some images for the Polaris class page. These are pictures of a model which Stephen L. has built out of a Constitution kit. Many thanks for his kind permission to use the images on this site. The comments page for the class has also been updated to credit Stephen.
Thanks also go to Jochem van den Berge and John Harrington who both pointed out errors in the strength numbers. Turns out a typo in the database meant it was working the numbers out wrong on many, many pages. Should all be fixed now.
Keep 'em coming folks! We do the fixing, you get the credit!
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 20,983 | Last updated : 30 Nov 2003 |