The Sh'ran class has been added.
The Conestoga has been added.
The Surak class has been somewhat tinkered with, cutting its strength to 70.
I've weakened Polarised armour with respect to the other types; Enterprise's hull was a bit too strong for the period. I've also cut its agility a little, knocking its overall strength from 55 to 40.
The early Klingon ships have been tinkered with yet again, weakening the D7 a little in some areas.
The Valiant's speed has been cut to Warp 1, since it's now canon that there were no Human warp 4 ships when Valiant was launched.
The Olympic has been given a couple of phaser arrays. Although it is a medcal ship, dialogue in "All Good Things" makes it clear that this ship is indeed armed. Thanks to the half dozen or so people who have pestered me about this over the last few months!
I've created a few new torpeo tube and weapon types - nuclear missiles, that kind of thing - so as to give a bit more flexibility in the early ships. I've also simplified the way I calculate the strength of a torpedo system somewhat. This is pretty much invisible as far as the site is concerned, but I have re-written the comments page on the Strengths part of the Fleets section to reflect the changes.
I've also re-arranged the Other Ships list, taking the the 8472, Human and Vulcan ships out of the Miscellaneous section and giving them their own sections.
As yet some of these changes have not made it to the strength Calculator. I've said a few times that we're working on a way of centralising all the info concerning the ships - we're trying to make a database which can spit out specs pages, fleets pages and update the calculator all in one go. It's slow going, and until it's done expect to find various bits of the calculator and fleets page out of synch with the rest.
And a request - somebody sent me some vidcaps of the Vulcan Sh'Ran classship a few weeks ago, which I lost in my recent computer problems. Since Ican't find my tape of the episode, I can't scan my own pics - would the personwho mailed them mind re-sending them?
The phaser article has also been expanded again; this time the phaser array thoughts have been re-written, and some discussion of power figures has been included.
Thanks to Maarten De Feyter who pointed out that the Hierarchy page was a little out of date. It has now been updated through the end of Voyager.
A nit has been fixed in the TNG season 3 guide after Johnathan Emery pointed out that Picard told his security guard to follow Q whilst they were in Sickbay, not the Brig.
Thanks once again to Maarten De Feyter who pointed out an incorrect date in the Wells class comments page, which is now fixed.
And take a moment to think about just how long a list that is, consideringthat it's all from the same movie. And it's just a fraction of what this much-malignedbit of the franchise gave to Trek.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 19,376 | Last updated : 24 Nov 2002 |