Next week we start on some of the recurring characters, beginning with Q. Remember, if you want your suggestion for his greatest moment to be in the poll you'll need to go check out our forum. If you get in quick you might even be our 300th member!
Remember, all Janeway's greatest moments are as suggested by our Forum members. Come see us and join up if you want to get your pick for Archer's greatest moment into next week's poll! Our forum is a fun place, very welcoming, so we hope to see you there.
Remember that if you want to suggest a moment for next week's Janeway poll, you need to come join up with our forum. It's a friendly and lively place where we talk about all manner of things, Trek and non-Trek alike. The geeky guys have even had a lady or two join us of late!
This week we ask about Picard. As usual all the choices for his greatest moment were suggested by our forum members. If you want to get your suggestions for next week's Sisko poll on the site, come join the forum and join in!
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 20,426 | Last updated : 27 Jul 2008 |