So, the Challenger class size comparison image has been replaced with a far more accurate one, and has been expanded to a full entry. The Springfield class has also gained a full entry. Both of the size comparison images used on these ships are coutesy of Ex Astris Scientia. Additionally, I have added the "Defender" class. This is the class name I have chosen for the four nacelled study model built as a potential Excelsior and later used as a graveyard ship at Wolf 359. The class name is speculative... in fact the entire entry is pretty much speculative! Still, I think it's one of my better efforts, and I became quite enamoured of this class while writing it.
Hope that makes up for some of the lack of updates recently!
To my mind this ship shows a stunning lack of imagination on the part of the creators of the new show. They had an opportunity to show us a part of history, a stepping stone between the rocket-like Phoenix and the full Starships like the Daedalus and Constitution. Instead, they have taken a late 24th century ship, made a few minimal cosmetic modifications to it, and dumped it down in the middle of the 22nd century. The design jars badly with the Daedalus class which it predates by barely a couple of decades, if indeed it predates it at all.
I genuinely cannot understand why the creators have done this. Surely the whole point of doing a prequel series was to show us what the early years of space exploration are about? I can only guess that they either don't know or don't care about how the ship should have looked, but rather just wanted something that was 'cool' and so did a slightly modified version of a known fan favourite. But why bother doing a retro series only to ignore the retro aspect of it? Surely it would have been more sensible to set the series in the post-Voyager universe, where they could safely throw up a design as cool and sophisticated as they liked and have the fans cheer them on.
I've gone from trying to build optimism over dread to a point of near total despair regarding the new series. I have absolutely no confidence in those who are creating it and while it's still possible that something good will eventually struggle free from the shackles of a poor and creatively bankrupt concept, I am not holding my breath.
An online petition has already been set up to try and make Paramount change their minds about the ship. I urge all those who visit this site to go there and register a protest right now - it's probably too much to hope for that the design will be changed at this late stage, but if a sufficient number of fans make a stand here and now, then just maybe it will make them a little more reluctant to disregard the past they are stomping on in the future.
So please, please go and register your vote now by visiting this external link.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 24,878 | Last updated : 29 Jul 2001 |