Also, I've added various types of Starfleet shuttlecraft to the size comparison list - thirteen new types in all. If you try to compare a shuttle like the Type 15 to the Predator class, don't worry - it's not broken, the shuttle is just less than a pixel in length! Also, I've added the Olympic class medical ship from "All Good Things".
The direct comarison feature has been upgraded to give clearer pictures, especially on smaller ships. This has allowed larger scaling factors to be used - instead of a times two maximum, it will now enlarge up to fifty times.
In addition to the new calculations, several of the power pages now have attached images, including some nice pictures of the Genesis explosion.
Okay, as of now the site is split into text pages and image pages. So if you click on the starships button above and pick a ship, you see all the usual specs and notes on one page. But at the top is a set of buttons; one of these takes you to the images associated with that class, another will take you direct to the size comparison page, another to bring you back to the specifications, and then there is a fourth to take you to a 'comments' page (see next paragraph for more on those). The same system has been applied to all pages which have images in them. By doing this, I hope to let you come onto the site for a quick check of some factual detail or other without having to download all those big binary files if you don't want to. This will save you time waiting, not to mention keeping my ISP off my back about the bandwidth I use up. I think it also enhances the LCARS styling of the site.
Well, that's it for this time. I'm off to visit some family for a while, so I may not be able to respond to queries quite as fast as normal for the next couple of weeks. After that we should see updates going up on a pretty frequent basis for a while, as I am now on my summer break from school. Hope you enjoy the changes, and keep on Trekkin!
First, the main menu options are now permanently on-screen no matter what you do - this will make the site lot easier to navigate as you can choose any option, any time.
Second, the buttons are now separated according to their timeframe. All the orange buttons at the top relate to the '24th Century' portion of the site - these items are written as if by a person within the Star Trek universe. The row of blue buttons at the bottom contains all the things that don't fit this scheme - including my fan fiction, links, site guide and (of course!) this page.
Thirdly, the redesign increases the size of the main area of the site by some 10% (at 800x600), giving more area to view images and text.
Whew! This has been quite a weekend, I can tell you! Look out for more in the future from the Daystrom Institute Technical Library, the fastest moving site on the Web!
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 22,900 | Last updated : 31 Jul 1998 |