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What's new - Jun 2020


29 Jun 2020

Writing page
The Writing page in the styling section has been updated to provide links to the species the writing belongs to.
Styling pages
I've fixed a minor nit on some of the styling pages; such as the Plaques, Symbols and Writing pages; that would make them scroll sideways on a mobile device.

27 Jun 2020

Future of the site
Just an update for those that have asked. The site will continue, we are not about to close down and everything we have available will remain available. This includes the main site and the forum.

I will also endeavour to update the site as best I can. For example I have recently added all the missing people entries from Star Trek : Beyond. I also added a battle entry and updated weapons pages. It remains to be seen if I can keep the quality of the site the same. I'm a fairly decent technical writer, but my spelling is awful. I also don't have the flair for prose that Graham had.

In terms of the future Graham and I discussed adding Star Trek : Picard to the site. We came down on the side of more likely than not. So that will be my first big challenge. I'll likely start by adding the episode reviews and then start working on updating people, ships, weapon entries etc.

7 Jun 2020

I've added lots more images to the Abronath page.
New Battle
I've added a page for the Altimid Battle in which the USS Enterprise is destroyed.
Beyond People Entries
I've added entries for the following people from Star Trek Beyond:
I've also added species entries for each, as required.

2 Jun 2020

Star Trek Beyond
I've put up a page for Starbase Yorktown and the Necro Cloud Nebula, both from Beyond. Lots of photos for the first.

1 Jun 2020

We asked "Did you like Blood of Patriots, the tenth episode of The Orville season 2?" and you voted for "Meh" with a winning score of 3 out of 9 votes (33.3%). For our new poll we are asking "Did you like Lasting Impressions, the eleventh episode of The Orville season 2?"
Caption Comp
Congratulations to "Captain 8472" winner of last months caption competition.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,344 Last updated : 29 Jun 2020