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What's new - May 2002


30 May 2002

The Eska and Wraith from "Rogue Planet" and the Tendarans from "Detained" have been added to the Other alpha quadrant page. I'm assuming as a matter of routine that all Enterprise species are located in the Alpha Quadrant, which may or may not be true.
The Tandaran patrol ship from "Detained" has gone onto the Additional Ships list.
The cast list has been brought up to date through "Detained". I've also added Tandar Prime to the planets list. The lists have gotten a bit out of date lately, and I've moved this up my "to do" list.
Episode Guide
The latest Enterprise episodes have gone up.
I've expanded the Klingon Battlecruiser article a little so that the conclusion talks about the general rate of technological advance as seen in Star Trek.

12 May 2002

Size Comparison
A new image of the Federation class Dreadnought goes up. The old one was a bt iffy, the new one is one of those purpose-made images 've started doing lately.
The Ferengi ship from "Acquisition" has gone up on the additional ships page.
Nit Fixing
Various small fixes - a date on the Y class page, a broken link on the Phoenix size comparison image, a fix regarding Data's emotion chip on the Generations movie review, a fix on the All Good Things temporal page regarding the order in which the Enterprises were destroyed and the Romulan Empire name, and finally a little expansion of the Dauntless comments page to mention NX-01 USS Enterprise. Thanks to all those who sent these nits in and yes, there are plenty more waiting to be attended to.
A couple of new Ferengi rules of acquisition from Enterprise's "Acquisition" have gone up in the lists section.
Episode Guide
The latest Enterprise episode has gone up.
A new article goes up today; this one is an editorial bringing together some of the reasons why I don't especially like Enterprise.

7 May 2002

Episode Guide
Three new episodes have gone up.

I know I haven't done a great many updates lately; there have been a lot of busy weekends of late and I just haven't had the time. Something approaching normal service should now be resumed.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 18,765 Last updated : 30 May 2002