To allow for this we've added a new button to the bottom row. We've also taken the opportunity to re-group the items on this strip into a more logical order.
Let's just say that it was working on Mac in Netscape, Mozilla, IE and Safari. It was also working on Windows in Netscape and Mozilla but good old IE was performing the submit but refusing to display the output. It wasn't causing any errors, it wasn't crashing, it just wasn't prepared to do anything with the page the server generated. If I redirected the output to another window or frame it worked fine... I guess it would be a dull old world if IE worked the way it's supposed to.
Anyway, rant over, I've completely re-designed the form and made it work. The only remaining issue is that the display button doesn't bounce anymore, but I guess I can't have everything.
Thanks to Guttormur Þorsteinsson for pointing out the problem.
As of now, clicking on the Other Personnel button in the personnel section takes you to a selection page. It works much like the size comparison section; you get a set of graphical buttons marked 0-9, A, B, C, etc, to pick from, plus a set of ship names with "Crew" and a set of ship names with "Associated with" over them.
The way it works is simple - choose a letter and click display, and you see everybody whose surname begins with that letter. Select a ship or station name from the crew buttons as well, and only those from that ship are displayed. Choose one of the buttons from the Associated with list and it shows people who were on or around or otherwise involved with that ship in some way, but who were not actual crew members.
So if I want to know everybody who appeared on TOS whose surname begins with a P, I click "crew of NCC1701/1701A", and "Associated with NCC1701/1701A", and P, then Display, and you get the eight people who match that.
At the top you also get some shortcuts - a button to select all letters, or 0-F, G-M, etc.
The idea of all this is to give you maximum flexibility - you can refine a search to a very narrow set of parmeters, or you can broaden it as far as you like - click 0-Z and display and you will see everybody we have on the site. Beware of doing something like that though, because we have something like 370 people right now and many, many more to come!
ps. This feature attempts to use a browser cookie to remember your selections. The cookie deleted at the end of the session, ie when you quit your browser. If you disable cookies for our site then the system should still work but each time you click the select button the form will be empty.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 20,233 | Last updated : 28 Mar 2004 |