Adam Broughton pointed out a few nits in the text of the Galor and Keldon entries, these are now fixed. Adam also points out a mistake I made regarding "Tin Man" and the D'Deridex versus Galaxy class strengths. I haven't been able to check this out myself yet, so I've removed the offending section entirely. Cale Wilburn also points out that the ship's dimensions were slightly larger than the official figures; people have pointed this out before and I've resisted changes because the information came from the less than reliable DS9 Tech Manual. But since Cale says that the same figures are in Star Trek : The Magazine, I've caved in and changed not only the sizes but some of the specs of the D'Deridex in order to line it up more closely with the DS9 TM description. The Comments page has also been updated, as has the size comparison section.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 18,717 | Last updated : 20 Oct 2002 |