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What's new - Jul 2007


31 Jul 2007

So it was a close run thing, but you thought that the Klingons would be the next to join the Federation. This week... who would you rather have cook you a meal? Thanks to Zarniwoop for suggesting this poll in the DITL forum... come over and join up if you want to suggest a poll f your own!

30 Jul 2007

Caption Competition
Congrats to Lynn Campbell for winning last week's Caption Competition. This week, a shot from Enterprise "Broken Bow".

And folks, the caption competition is not a place to give feeback on the site; you are more than welcome to come do that in the forum if you wish. And it certainly is not a place to insult other entrants. No more of that, please.

22 Jul 2007

Site changes
We've changed some of the workings of the site, you will now see that the title of the current page is displayed as the window or tab title. Thanks to Sh1eldeR for suggesting this on the Forum.
You said you would most like to live on Bajor. Not a bad choice! This week a poll about which civilisation you think is likely to join the Federation next. We've excluded the Bajorans as they're too obvious!FThis weeks poll was suggested by "Teaos" on the new DITL Forum. Go to the DITL sub-forum and look at the "Poll ideas please?" thread to suggest your own.
Speaking of the forum, our first week has been a great success! We have had 82 users register and post 1,625 posts in 107 topics. We already have members working their way up the ranks... so come on in and join us!
Caption Competition
Congratulations to nerd86, winner of last week's competition - his (or her!) fourth win, placing seventh on the honour roll! This week, a shot from Voyager "The Q and the Grey".

15 Jul 2007

This week a poll about which civilisation you would most like to live in. We've excluded the Federation as it's too obvious a winner. This weeks poll was suggested by "Rochey" on the new DITL Forum. Go to the DITL sub-forum and look at the "Poll ideas please?" thread to suggest your own.
D'Kora class
We've added the missing Range and Accuracy score to the D'Kora class, thanks to esw01407 for pointing this out on the forum.
Caption Comp
Congratulations to nerd86, winner of last weeks caption competition. This week a picture from DS9 "Captive Pursuit".

13 Jul 2007

Okay, we're going to give this a try... so here it is, the official DITL forum! This is strictly on a trial basis. If it eats more bandwidth than I can afford, if it becomes a place where I have to spend 12 hours a day deleting crap and banning people, then it will be gone. So behave yourselves! So... bottom right button, and off you go! It's pretty standard stuff, nothing you haven't seen elsewhere. So I look forward to seeing you there...

8 Jul 2007

During our recent "Galaxy Wars" polls one or two people took us to task, saying that we were against the non-violent spirit of the original series of Trek. It does seem to be a fact that Trek has become more violent over the years - what with a full scale war on Deep Space Nine and all. So we ask the question this week - is modern Trek too violent?
Caption Competition
Congratulations to N'tran DS 12, winner of last week's comptition. This week, a pic from TNG "True Q".

1 Jul 2007

So, your favourite part of Trek is "The complex and interwoven Trek universe". After a poll like that... there was only one thing to do this week!
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Hisrak, who notches up his sixth win - and slides into third place on the honour roll! This week, a snap from TOS "Catspaw".

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 17,909 Last updated : 31 Jul 2007