The Constitution page has also been updated to increase the number of phasers on the refit version of the ship from 12 to 18. Thanks to Don Spradling for pointing out the locations of the other six phasers.
Trouble is, all you kind folks out there are trying to help me keep my site all nice and up to date by sending me massive spoilers about these episodes. Now I don't mind too much finding out about the bulk of the season - I know pretty much everything up to the destruction of the USS Defiant. But I don't know or want to know anything past that. So please don't send me e-mails with spoiler information, most especially if those spoilers are contained within the subject header!
It's hard enough participating in newsgroups without finding this stuff out; if it goes on like it is then I'll be forced to stop reading e-mail from strangers altogether until I've seen the last episode. I don't want to do that, so please don't put me in the position to have to.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Also, a new page goes up which lists some constants, units and number prefixes. Most of the numbers there are used somewhere or other in the site, so I thought it would be nice to list them.
The Freedom Class has been added to this section.
The size of the Warp Sled has been reduced to 33.9 metres.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 19,084 | Last updated : 23 May 1999 |