Since we are capping in HD now, we have decided to increase the standard image sizes as well - so large images have gone from 650 to 800 wide, and small ones from 280 to 310 wide. We think the new images are a huge improvement, and we hope you enjoy them. Watch this space for more updates...
This week a site-relevant poll. We have decided to get hold of the remastered version of TOS with the new special effects shots in it, and replace the images on the site with new ones. So this week we ask whether you think this kind of tampering with an old series is the perversion of a classic or a cool new spin on Trek!
In terms of operating the site, it works exactly as before - the changes are purely cosmetic. We think it looks pretty good once you've gotten used to it, and our forum members have had their say and agree! So we hope you'll like it too. Note: If you wish to use the old interface it is still available on
Back when I started what would eventually become DITL, it used to get a visitor every few days. Now the norm is to break 2,000 a day - that's in excess of 60,000 visitors a month! You could fill a stadium with that! It's a truly amazing and humbling thought, and Ian and I would like to thank each and every one of you who come here - and who now, through the forum, help to make this place what it is.
I was way off in my prediction, by the way - I figured it would take us until April to get here, but we beat that by three whole months! Right now it's looking like we will hit six million around February 2009... but to be honest, it would not be at all surprising if we hit that mark within 2008.
For the record, Caleb's historic visit was dated around 17:15, GMT, on Tuesday 8th January 2008. I hope you enjoyed your visit Caleb! Come join us in the forum why don't you? :-)
2007 also saw the addition of the DITL forum. This is an idea we kicked around for like two years or more before finally deciding to give it a whirl. We were worried that we'd get too many people, or not enough people, or the wrong type of people... but instead we've got exactly what we wanted, a nice little corner of the web for friendly conversations that have a massive tendency to go hugely off topic!
So what for 2008? Well, within the next ten or twelve days we should have our five millionth visitor to DITL. We're pretty excited about that... we're hoping to be able to get the person's name so we can congratulate them and Ian has been beavering away to make that possible. We're hoping the forum will continue to grow and grow. With a new Trek movie due to come along we should be able to have some substantive additions to the site again... and who knows, with the interest the movie is likely to drum up we might even get a million visitors this year. So watch this space!
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 18,345 | Last updated : 27 Jan 2008 |