It was even tougher this time around, with 448 entries to choose from. And to think that we hesitated about doing this for several months because we wondered whether enough people would enter to make it worthwhile! The next contest is now up, this time a Voyager pic.
Choosing a winner from the 362 entries was really hard (gosh, why didn't we think of saying that about last weeks competition). But after almost an hour of filtering and arguing we've managed to whittle it down to 14... and this weeks winner is Bryan Moore. Congratulations!
So, the winner of the first ever DITL caption contest is Lobster! We have a whole group of hnourable mentions as well, so well done to those and to everybody who took part - choosing a winner was a real tough job!
The next picture is up now. Good luck everybody!
We've also put on a strength calculator. This lets you choose any of the ships on the site and see their strength data; you can then modify the ship however you like, so for instance you can uprate a ship to have quantum torpedoes or increased phasers or shields, armour, agility, whatever you want. Another calculator lets you create your own fleet out of any of the ships on the site, of any mix of species, and see how the strengths work out.
We've also put a Drake equation calculator in which allows you to fill in values and see how many intelligent species would be in the galaxy as a result.
Lastly, we've put in a Stardate calculator which allows you to enter any TNG Stardate from 0 to 97,677,000 and get a gregorian date, or alternatively enter any date from 2323 to the year 99999 and get a stardate for it.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 24,266 | Last updated : 29 Sep 2004 |