If you cannot see it try reloading the site, it's probably a cache problem. Please let us know if you have problems with the new arrangement, it's been tested on Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox on the Mac and Internet Explorer and Mozilla on Windows so it should be ok.
Although what we do here is done largely for our own pleasure, we do like the idea that we're providing entertainment for others. We hope you keep on coming back and like what you find here; here's to 4 million, which should happen sometime around the end of 2006!
Well, our promised new feature is up. What we've done is basically an expansion of the "Bridges" pages in the styling section. The new section is called "Internals". Instead of just focusing on Bridges, it covers the following areas
We have a selector similar to the one used for the minor personnel and species;
you can choose any combination of ship classes and internal areas, so for
example you can select "Intrepid class", click Display and see images of all the internal areas of the Intrepid class that we have to offer.
Or you can choose just "cargo bays" and view all the cargo bays
from all the different ships. Or any combination - medical facilities and
transporter rooms from the Defiant and Galaxy classes, say.
As you select different options on the selector page, the number of images
that will be returned is displayed in the header. This mechanism has also
been implimented for the Additional species and Additional personnel selectors.
The output for these selections have been split into pages of 10 images or
less, as have the Ships Images and Additional Ships pages - the latter especially
was beginning to get a little out of hand with well over 150 ships on it.
The ship pages have also had an extra button put into the header, "Internals",
which will display all the internal images we have for that class. This applies
to both the major and minor ships.
All the images used are captioned, with the caption referenced to the episodes
that the image comes from. Links to that individual image will appear on the
episode guides as part of the datapoints for that episode. All images also
have a descriptive title, which is included in our search feature.
Now this is a big job, and it's nowhere near a comprehensive finished product
as yet - don't expect to find every part of every ship ever on display! But
we are kicking off with more than 190 brand new images in this section, to
add to the 50 or so bridges that we already had listed. More will be coming
over the next weeks and months, so be patient if your favourite part of your
favourite ship is missing. If you know of an episode where we get a particularly
good look at an unusual or interesting area of a ship, feel free to let us
know and we will try to include it.
Hope you enjoy the new section...
This week we have an intriguing TOS entry for your consideration. And for those who occasionally moan about it - remember people, we only say it has to be FAIRLY clean!
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 19,679 | Last updated : 30 Jun 2005 |