I've also added a new section to the ST II review talking about the specialedition DVD. It's not quite up to the TMP release, but it's pretty good.
All courtesy of Ex Astris Scientia, which can be visited via our links page,with the exception of the first two which were done especially for this site.
Also, a whole new ship - the Reman Scorpion class. A full write up, includingsize comp image courtesy of Ex Astris as always.
The Sovereign specs entry has been re-written to bring it in line with afew new titbits regarding the changes in Nemesis. Although I point out inmy article on the Sovereign that there's no way to know if the new torpedotubes are burst fire or not, I have assumed that they are for now as far asthe specs page is concerned..
Coming soon... more Nemesis stuff and a whole load of new Sizecomp additions!
Also, the Sovereign page has been re-worked somewhat to split it into Basicand Uprated models, since we see significant new weaponry on the Enterprise-Ein Nemesis. The Comments page has also been reworked.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 18,649 | Last updated : 26 Jan 2003 |