Two more substantive changes, though - first, a gentleman with the tag Randers2 points out that "Best of Both Worlds" mentions EM frequencies in connection with phasers, so this has been included.
Secondly, in my discussion of "The Corbomite Maneuver", I wondered why Kirk used phasers at warp when photons would be more effective. In fact on re-reading, it's clear that the alien object was far too close to the Enterprise for Kirk to use a photon. So this is now fixed.
Another typo fix has been done to the Romulan Warp Drive article - at once point I calculate a ratio of Enterprise speed to Romulan speed of 1 : 17.59. The keen of eye will spot that this makes the Enterprise the slower of the two - the ratio should read 17.59 : 1, not vice versa.
A little bad maths has also been fixed in the Size of Starfleet article. I had mentioned that the seventy one numbered starbases plus the six non-numbered ones made seventy six bases in total. Gee, great going Graham, That's what we in my family call "having a brain-fart."
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 19,974 | Last updated : 24 Sep 2002 |