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What's new - Mar 2006


26 Mar 2006

So Janeway was indeed right to maroon her ship and crew in the Delta Quadrant. This week, was Archer's infamous airlock torture the right thing to do? Given current events, this one should be interesting...
A dozen or so additional personnel have been added.
New weapons pictures, new planet pictures, many new nebula pictures and sundry other stuff added here.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Ron Johnston, winner of last week's competition. This week, a shot from "Doctor's Orders". And given the picture, remember it only has to be FAIRLY clean!

19 Mar 2006

A couple of new images have been added to the additional weapons page.
By a majority of about 60/40, you guys actually think that Section 31 is justified! Hmmm... this week, we ask if Janeway was right to destroy the Caretaker's array and strand Voyager in the Delta Quadrant.
Other Ships/Stations
Half a dozen or so Other ships and stations have been added, all from Voyager.
Other Personnel
About fifteen entries from Voyager have been added, mostly in season six.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to drow, winner of last week's caption competition. This week, a shot from Voyager's "Juggernaut".

18 Mar 2006

Starfleet Crew
Janeway's bio gets the upgrade treatment. The text is now at least four times longer than before, so enjoy.

13 Mar 2006

We've put some official CGI renders of the Intrepid and Nepture class ships on the size comp section (and on the ships pages), plus a improved version of the NX class.

12 Mar 2006

So we think that Picard was inded right to save Wesley from the Edo. This week, we question the existence of Section 31...
Thanks to Christopher Heggemann, Nicholas Atkinson and David Souther for pointing out a few nits around the site.
Caption Competition
Congratulations to Silent Bob, last week's winner. This week, a shot from "Shattered Mirror".

5 Mar 2006

Quiz and Poll
We've corrected the styling on the poll and quiz pages as they didn't fit in with the site policy. Now they are more in line.

The summary details on the quiz have also been modified to include a small table detailing your score, rather than the somewhat impenetrable text we used to have. Plus there is now statistics for the current month.

So, by a margin of only 5 votes you do not think Kirk was correct in chosing to maroon Khan and his followers for hijacking the ship rather than sending them back for trial and imprisonment. That's our closest ever poll result.

This week, we ask if Picard was correct to rescue Wesley from the Edo in the episode "Justice"?

Caption comp
Congratulations to Graeme A Carter, winner of last weeks caption comp. This weeks picture comes from TNG episode Timescape.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 18,640 Last updated : 26 Mar 2006