This week, what's your all time favourite cliff-hanger episode finish? We've got thirty choices, sorry if your favourite is missing.
I thought it might be instructive to give a few hints on what to do and what not to do to win the caption competition...
What to do
In-jokes referencing other sci-fi shows that I like amuse me.
Clever puns or plays on words amuse me.
Funny limericks, poems or other such that make it look like you really thought about it.
Get in early. If two people post the same (or essentially same) winning caption, the first one gets in.
Check your spelling. Typos are very likely to eliminate your entry.
What not to do...
Whilst I'm a fan of Monty Python, and found Biggus Dickus jokes amusing for quite some time, they lose their appeal somewhat after you have read about ten thousand of them. Really people, look back – when was the last time a BD joke made the short list, let alone the winner?
References and/or flattery directed at me, whilst they tickled my ego for a while, also grow stale after the first few hundred! (But hey, nobody has ever directed anything at my brother and DITL co-creator Ian and he picks half the winners you know!)
Don't make them too long. Ten lines is a paragraph, not a caption!
And lastly, remember... to every rule there are exceptions
Edited: We have now added a 'Holour Role' to the caption competition, which lists the winners and special mentions.
- You can no longer see the filename within the page, it will allways appear as image.php.
- The answer is no longer a 'hidden' field on the form so you wont be able to see it.
- Looking at the source, while amusing, will not help you win.
- We are now keeping an all time and a current month high score tables.
- When you get a question wrong you will be told the correct answer.
So, we've come to the end of our ethics poll run. Hope it gave you some food for thought. This week, we're asking what your favourite non-Trek science fiction series is (or was). Lots to choose from, but a poll like this can never cover every series ever so sorry if your favourite one is missed out. Happy voting...
Edited to add : we're having some teething troubles with this at the moment. Hopefully all will be fixed in the next hour or two at most, please bear with us.
Edited again: OK, I think this is now working OK. We have had to add anti cheating mechanisms to the system as people were using the back button on their browser to get extremely high scores. You know who you are and you should be ashamed of yourselves. Apologies to those who played by the rules and have now lost their high scores because of this. It's always one or two bad apples that spoil it for the rest of us.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 19,531 | Last updated : 30 Apr 2006 |