We have also modified the character links - previously these links took you to a page with that character along with a whole bunch of others, which was eating bandwidth given the way those pages have ballooned lately. So now the character links take you to that person's biography and image only. This is part of the solution I mentioned earlier, but there is more to come on this front!
Incidentally, I know the pages are getting a little large and it's going to be ten times worse eventually. We're working on a very elegant solution, so bear with us...
James W. Koon pointed out a nit on the Q page - the wrong episode was being referenced. Dirk Liebisch pointed out that Roxanne Dawson was mistyped on one or two of her director slots - this one is more important than it looks because it meant that the database was counting her as two different directors, so her stats would be completely wrong! Rich Culver pointed out that T'Pol got together with Trip not Reed in Harbinger, Harrie Moore pointed out a typo on the Prometheus ship's plaque page.
If anybody is still missing, email and let me know and I will add you here. Remember everybody, your name up in lights for each nit you find!
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 18,868 | Last updated : 29 Feb 2004 |