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What's new - Jan 2010


31 Jan 2010

So the Cube is your favourite borg ship design. I suppose there's a logic to that. This week we ask what you least favourite is.
Caption Comp
Congratulations to drow winner of last weeks caption competition.

24 Jan 2010

Well bizzarely enough the Bajoran solar sail won the least favourite Bajoran ship... having last week won the favourite Bajoran ship! Talk about a design that divides opinion! This week we move on to the Borg.
Fixed a nit with Nero's page so it links in to the Star Trek XI movie review now. Also added a page for the alternate Sarek.
The forum is now back online. There seems to have been some issue relating to sessions and the cache.
Caption Comp
Congratulations to Merat winner of last weeks caption competition.

17 Jan 2010

The Solar Sail won the poll for favourite Bajoran ship design; interesting choice! This week on to least favourite!
Caption Comp
Congratulations to nerd86 winner of last weeks caption competition.

10 Jan 2010

Well it looks like the Subspace Relay was your least favourite federation station. I quite liked it myself, but I wouldn't like to be stationed there though. This week we ask what your favourite Bajoran ship is.
Caption Comp
Congratulations to Fuzzy winner of last weeks caption competition.

3 Jan 2010

Well Spacedock was your favourite federation station design, now we ask what you least favourite is.
Caption Comp
Congratulations to Guybrush winner of last weeks caption competition.

2 Jan 2010

Caption Comp
We've been monitoring the voting on the caption competition since it was switched over to voting and we've noticed a few things. Since the first captions to be entered in a week are always displayed at the top of the voting list and there's a very long list to read through the first options tend to get the most votes. This would appear to be voter fatigue. In order to prevent this from biasing the voting process from now on we're presenting the captions in the voting screen in a random order. We have already removed peoples names from the vote screen to make it more difficult to vote for friends and family. This together with some other minor changes should make the voting more fair.

Just in case you are wondering this current caption competition and poll will end tomorrow. xmas and other things got in the way of ending it last week.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 19,596 Last updated : 31 Jan 2010