Such was the power of Ricardo Montalbán's performance in the role. He played Khan as no shallow villain of the week, no mindless evil bent on destruction for its own sake. In Montalbán's hands, Khan was a powerful, intelligent, intense, charismatic figure. You could really believe that this was a guy that just might beat Captain Kirk.
And so it is with sadness that we note the passing of this great figure today, at the ripe old age of 88.
I saw an interview once where Ricardo stated that there were five phases to any actor's career. As he put it stage one was "Who is Ricardo Montalbán?" Stage two was "Get me Ricardo Montalbán!" For stage three it became "Get me somebody like Ricardo Montalbán!" At stage four it turned into "Get me a young Ricardo Montalbán." And finally, it became "Who is Ricardo Montalbán?"
Well Ricardo, you were wrong. You made it to stage four, at most, but nobody ever forgot you. You were just too damn good for that.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 22,273 | Last updated : 25 Jan 2009 |