I have done a full entry on the Insectoid warship. Great stonking wads of pure guesswork litter the specs page; it's all quite provisional, and I'm pretty open to suggestions regarding possible changes or additions here. Most espeically I'd love to hear of any remotely solid information regarding the dimensions.
On the images side there's a couple of truly fantastic scans of the ship on the images page. If I'm honest the whole thing is an excuse to put these on the site!
I've also added a couple of entries to the Additional weapons page.
It's common amongst Trek fans to rate this movie as one of the poorer efforts, but that is a disservice. I find that the older I get and the more times I see TMP, the more I like it. Most Trek movies have tried to be - let's face it - Star Wars type action movies. TMP isn't at all like that - it's Trek's "2001 : A Space Odyssey". What is undeniable is that Wise's movie practically created modern Trek. On a simple business level, if TMP had not made a ton of money, there would have been no Star Trek II, no Next Generation; Trek would have ended then and there. But the movie also gave us music, locations, sets, models, and special effects shots which were still being used decades later in Voyager and even Enterprise; elements of this movie suffuse all of post-TOS Star Trek in ways that we are hardly even aware of much of the time.
A sad day indeed.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 21,630 | Last updated : 29 Sep 2005 |