Additional sapcecraft images include a new shot under the Nebula entry, taken from Waltz and a new shot each of the Dominion fighter and battlecruiser taken from "Call to Arms". The eagle-eyed nitpickers among you will also notice that the image of the Cardassian freighter on the size comparison page is now... the right way up! On the species page there is a new Cardassian picture and some Romulan images.
The Weapons Page - Now includes trilithium torpedoes and some very nice images from Generations. I've had to do a bit of creative dissemination to explain how I have images of events that never actually happened due to Picard and Kirks intervention! But I think it more or less holds water.
The Weapons Page - A new image has been put onto the Type 10 Phaser pictures. The photon grenade title now links to several pictures of this weapon being used by Kirk in "Arena". The tri-cobalt entry now has several images of Voyager using these devices in "Caretaker".
The Defiant Class - Now includes an image of Defiant firing her pulse phasers.
The Jem'Hadar Fighter - Now includes an extra image taken from "The Search, Part one".
The Predator Class - The specifications page for this ship now boasts a few new images from "Caretaker".
However, after initial success I am now experiencing problems with my video editing software and it might be a while before you see any further improvements :-( Watch this space for further developments...
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 20,341 | Last updated : 30 Jun 1998 |