The average score is hovering right around 50%...
Another change to the quiz. The 'All' category has now been removed and the 'General' section expanded to include Episodes, Species and Planets questions.
Under the new system you will be taken to a page that describes just the item you clicked. You can still see the entire list by clicking the label for the type of item (e.g. clicking the word Planets would take you to a full list of planets). There is also a button on each 'single item' page to 'show all' entries for that list.
Hopefully, this will make this part of the site much more user friendly.
As before, we've gone through the Other Species pages and changed a whole slew of them over to the new images as well.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 18,550 | Last updated : 30 Jun 2004 |