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What's new - Jan 2001


28 Jan 2001

The Antedeans from TNG's "Manhunt" and Zibalians from TNG's "The Most Toys" have been added to the Alpha Quadrant other species species list.
Four more go up today; Kes onto the Voyager list and Reg Barclay, Lwaxana Troi, and Elim Garak on the Miscellaneous list. I'm starting to pad this one out a bit now that the bulk of the regulars are done.

21 Jan 2001

The "Diplomatic" section has been massively reworked. Previously this section simply explained the speculative diplomatic grades assigned to Starships, and as such was a little dull. Now we've added the Federation constitution from the TOS Tech Manual, plus maps of the galaxy and Federation space. The latter began when I started looking around at the maps Timo Saloniemi created, and at those of the ST Dimension site. My maps have ended up differing greatly from those because I have taken the warp highways idea into account to explain anomalies such as "The Chase", ST V, etc. I have also used the canon version of Voyager's course as seen in "Year of Hell", which no other site I have seen has yet incorporated. There's a rather extensive comments section attached to the maps which explains some of the major assumptions made in creating them.

At the moment the maps are rather low on detail, but I hope to be adding close-ins of the Dominion war area and the regions around Earth in the future.

4 Jan 2001

The lists section has been reworked to fix some problems that seem to have crept in recently. Lots of spaces appear to have disappeared from these files. The reworking has also fixed the spelling and we've also taken the opportunity to top align the cells. The Stations list has also been colour coded and linked to the stations pages, where available.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 21,857 Last updated : 28 Jan 2001