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Timeline - 2371


Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] Chakotay's father, Kolopak, dies. [2]
  People :  Chakotay
 [3] Veder Bareil Antos begins negotiations with Legate Turrel of the Cardassian Union, with a view to signing a formal peace treaty between Bajor and Cardassia. The negotiations will continue for the next five months. [4]
  People :  Vedek Bareil Antos
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [5] Kes's father dies. [6]
  People :  Kes
  Species :  Ocampa
Picture from 2371  [7] Sisko takes command of the USS Defiant in order to defend Deep Space Nine against Dominion. He undertakes a mission into the Gamma Quadrant to investigate thenature and extent of the threat. The Defiant is overwhelmed and captured. [7]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Admirall Alynna Nechayev
 [8] Odo discovers that his species are the Founders of the Dominion. He is able to secure the release of the Defiant and its crew. [8]
  People :  Odo, Admirall Alynna Nechayev
 [9] Tuvok is successful in infiltrating a cell of the Maquis while serving as Captain Janeway's chief tactical officer. [10]
  People :  Tuvok
Picture from 2371  [11] Kes escapes from her home city and is captured by the Kazon. [10]
  People :  Kes
 [12] Quark accidentally kills the Klingon Kozak, head of a Klingon House. Since a female cannot head a Klingon house, Quark is subsequently married by Grilka, Kozak's widow, so he can act as the head of her house. Quark subsequently proves to Gowron and the council that the House of Kozak is being economically attacked by a rival, D'Ghor. D'Ghor's honour is stripped from him by Gowron. In the aftermath, Grilka divorces Quark. [12]
  People :  Quark, Grilka, D'Ghor, Gowron
  Species :  Klingons, Ferengi
 [13] Lieutenant Dax begins to suffer dramatic mood swings and hallucinations. Investigation proves that this is the result of her suppressed memories regarding Joran Dax, a psychotic previous host. In the process, she discovers that most of the Trill population is cabale of being joined. [13]
  People :  Crewman Dax
  Species :  Trill
Picture from 2371  [14] A Maquis raider ship under the command of Chakotay is dragged across the galaxy from the Badlands. The crew includes B'Elanna Torres and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. [10]
  People :  Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Chakotay
 [15] The EMH is activated for the first time on Stardate 48315 during Captain Janeway's pre-launch inspection tour of the USS Voyager. [15]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
Picture from 2371  [10] The USS Voyager sets out on a mission to discover the fate of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. The ship is dragged from the Badlands across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant by the Nacene individual known as the Caretaker. Voyager procedes to investigate the circumstances surrounding the abduction. [10]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Tuvok
  Species :  Nacene
 [11] Voyager encounters the Ocampa and Kazon civilisations. Captain Janeway decides to destroy the Caretaker's array in order to keep the Caretaker's advanced technology out of Kazon hands, stranding Voyager in the Delta Quadrant 70,000 light years from home. [10]
  People :  Kes, Neelix, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres
  Species :  Nacene, Kazon, Ocampa
 [16] The colonists on Cestus III revive the sport of Baseball, setting up a league. [17]
 [18] The Cardassians mount an elaborate deception aimed at convincing Legate Ghemor that Major Kira is his daughter, a Cardassian surgically altered to appear Bajoran and with her memories altered to make her an undercover operative who genuinely believed she was Bajoran. Ghemor escapes the trap. [18]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Legate Ghemor
  Species :  Cardassians
Picture from 2371  [19] Quark buys a load of scrap from a merchant on Deep Space Nine; the lot proves to have an abandoned baby in it. As the child grows, it is clear that it is an infant Jem'Hadar. Odo attempts to control the child, but as it grows to maturity this proves to be impossible. [19]
  People :  Odo
  Species :  Jem'Hadar
 [20] A series of Cardassian defence protocols and booby traps are activated on Deep Space Nine, threatening to destroy the station. The crew are able to successfully overcome the systems. [20]
 [21] Lieutenant Dax has a brief romantic involvement with Deral, a scientist from Meridian - a planet whose inhabitants live in a parallel dimension, only shifting into our reality every sixty years. The relationship ends when Deral and his people shift out again after a few days. [21]
  People :  Crewman Dax, Deral
  Species :  Meridian
 [22] Investigating a distress call, the USS Voyager becomes trapped inside the event horizon of a quantum singularity. The crew experience time distortions, but are eventually able to break free. B'Elanna Torres provides considerable assistance in the escape, and as a result is appointed Chief Engineer of the ship. [22]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2371  [23] The USS Defiant is stolen by Thomas Riker, who is now a member of the Maquis. Dukat and Sisko manage to recapture the vessel in a joint operation. [23]
  People :  Gul Dukat, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, William Thomas Riker
 [24] The Bajoran gratitude festival is held on Deep Space Nine. Lwaxana attends the festivities. [24]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi
  Species :  Bajorans
 [25] A microscopic singularity passing through the solar system explodes as the Defiant engages it's transporter, Throwing Commander Sisko, Lieutenant Bashir and Lieutenant Commander Dax back in time to the mid 21st century. [25] The crew is ultimately able to retrieve their comrades. [26]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Julian Bashir, Crewman Dax
 [27] The USS Voyager passes by a Delta Quadrant planet whose civilisation makes extensive use of polaric energy. [27]
Picture from 2371  [4] After final negotiations on Deep Space Nine, Kai Winn signs a formal peace treaty between the Bajoran government and the Cardassian union. [4]

Vedek Bareil dies, despite extensive efforts by Dr. Bashir to save him. [4]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Vedek Bareil Antos
 [28] On Deep Space Nine, Nog completes the Ferengi Attainment Ceremony. This marks the beginning of his legal adulthood. According to Ferengi by-laws, section one oh five, subparagraph ten he begins to seek an apprenticeship from a suitable role model. [29]
  People :  Nog
 [29] The Founders make an attempt to decieve Odo into thinking that Major Kira has died. The attempt fails. [29]
  People :  Odo, Female Shapeshifter
  Species :  Founders
 [30] Neelix's lungs are stolen by the Vidiians. Although they cannot replace it, they are able to modify one of Kes' lungs to serve as a replacement. [30]
  People :  Neelix, Kes
  Species :  Vidiians
 [31] Deep Space Nine hosts the first joint Bajoran/Cardassian/Federation science mission. Although some believe that Bajoran prophecies indicate imminent doom, the mission is successful. [31]
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [32] Grand Nagus Zek enters the Bajoran wormhole bearing one of the orbs of the Prophets. The wormhole aliens, judging his personality to be unacceptable, eliminate his sense of greed and selfishness. [33]
  People :  Grand Nagus Zek
  Species :  Ferengi
Picture from 2371  [34] Voyager encounters a nebula which proves to be a gigantic living entity. Although they accidentally damage the creature, they are able to make sufficient repairs to it. [34]
  Species :  Nucleogenic Cloud Being
 [35] Voyager discovers a micro-wormhole which leads to the Alpha Quadrant. Although they are able to communicate with a Romulan vessel through the link, the wormhole proves to have a temporal shift - with the other end in 2349. [35]
  Species :  Romulans
 [33] Bashir is nominated for a Carrington Award for his research in bimolecular replication. Quark is able to convince the Bajoran Prophets to return Grand Nagus Zek to his normal mode of thinking. [33]
  People :  Julian Bashir, Grand Nagus Zek, Quark
Picture from 2371  [36] Tom is convicted of murder by the Baneans and sentenced to repeatedly relive the crime via memory implantation. An investigation by Tuvok subsequently proves his innocence. [36]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris, Tuvok
  Species :  Banean
 [37] Investigating an alien burial site, Harry Kim is transported to a distant location - possibly a parallel universe - and becomes involved in an alien civilisation's death rituals. He is able to return to Voyager with the help of one of the natives. [37]
  People :  Harry Kim
  Species :  Vhnori
 [38] Chief O'Brien suffers a dose of radiation poisoning. In the aftermath, he begins to exhibit strange jumps in time. This proves to be a result of an interaction between the radiation and the quantum singularity of a cloaked Warbird orbiting the station, part of a Romulan plot to destroy Deep Space Nine and close the wormhole. O'Brien is killed as events unfold, and replaced by another version of himself from a parallel timeline. [38]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Karina, Bo'rak, Atul, Ruwon, Morka
  Species :  Romulans
 [39] Tuvok violates Janeway's orders in an attempt to secure long range transporter technology from the Sikarians. [39]
  People :  Tuvok
  Species :  Sikarians
Picture from 2371  [40] Worf is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Data installs the emotion chip he acquired from Lore. The Amargosa star system is destroyed by Dr. Tolian Soran. The Enterprise-D is destroyed whilst attempting to prevent Dr. Soran from similarly destroying the Veridian system. Captain Kirk is killed attempting to stop Soran. [40]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, James T. Kirk
  Species :  El-Aurians
 [40] In the aftermath of the Enterprise-D's destruction, Worf goes on leave to the planet Boreth. He is eventually recalled and appointed as Strategic operations officer of Deep Space Nine. [40]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
Picture from 2371  [41] Geordi undergoes surgery to replace his VISOR with ocular implants. [41]
  People :  Geordi La Forge
 [42] Voyager's crew discover evidence that one of them been giving technology to the Kazon. Despite careful concealment, the traitor is revealed to be Seska - a Cardassian agent who infiltrated Chakotay's Maquis cell masquerading as a Bajoran. [42]
  People :  Seska
  Species :  Cardassians
 [43] Doctor Bashir is approached by Altovar, a Lethean attempting to buy bio-mimetic gel. When he refuses, Altovar attacks him telepathically. Bashir is able to overcome the attack. [43]
  People :  Julian Bashir, Altovar
  Species :  Lethean
Picture from 2371  [44] Voyager accidentally captures a photonic life form which disrupts the ship's holodeck. The EMH is able to resolve the situation, releasing the being. [44]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
  Species :  Photonic being
 [45] The Mirror universe version of Chief O'Brien abducts Commander Sisko, in order to force him to convince the Mirror Jennifer Sisko not to complete a new sensor array for the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance. Sisko is able to succeed in this task and return to his own universe. [45]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Miles Edward O'Brien (Mirror), Jennifer Sisko (Mirror)
 [46] Returning to Voyager from a trip to a nebula, Commander Chakotay is drained of neural energy. He is ultimately able to return to his body. [46]
  People :  Chakotay
 [47] A bomb destroys Garak's tailor shop on Deep Space Nine. During the investigation, it becomes clear that a conspiracy involving the Romaulans and Cardassians is in progress, with the intent of attacking the Founder's homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. [47]
  People :  Odo, Elim Garak, Enabran Tain
  Species :  Founders, Romulans, Cardassians
 [48] The Vidiians use their advanced medical technology to split B'Elanna Torres into her separate Klingon and Human components. Voyager's crew are able to return her back to normal. [48]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2371  [49] Garak briefly rejoins the Obsidian Order for the joint Cardassian/Romulan attack on the Founder's home world. The attack proves to be a trap, and the entire fleet is annhilated by the Jem'Fadar. Garak and Odo are able to escape. [49]
  People :  Odo, Elim Garak, Enabran Tain
  Species :  Founders, Cardassians, Romulans
 [50] Voyager encounters Doctor Jetrel, a Hakkonian scientist who led the effort to develop the Metreon Cascade during the war with the Talaxians. Despite bitterness on the part of Neelix, he is ultimately able to forgive Jetrel for his actions. [50]
  People :  Neelix, Doctor Ma'Bor Jetrel
  Species :  Haakonian
Picture from 2371  [51] Commander Sisko builds a solar sail craft and sets out on a mission to recreate the early Bakoran flights with his son Jake. Thanks to a tachyon anomaly, he is able to pilot the craft all the way to Cardassian space, proving that legends of such flights in the past are in fact possible. [51]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Jake Sisko
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [52] Tuvok undertakes to train some of Voyager's Maquis crewmembers in Starfleet practices and protocols. [52]
  People :  Tuvok
 [17] Quark is served with a Writ of Accountability by the FCA for improper supervision of a family member after his mother Ishka begins earning a profit in business. He and Rom return to Ferenginar to convince her to return the money. On Deep Space Nine, Commnader Sisko meets Kasidy Yates for the first time. [17]
  People :  Quark, Rom, Ishka, Brunt, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Kasidy Yates
  Species :  Ferengi
 [53] Voyager's EMH experiences some memory issues when the ship's holodecks malfunction. [53]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
Picture from 2371  [54] The First Minister of the Bajoran Provisional Government dies. Kai Winn is appointed as his replacement. When Winn almost causes a minor civil war over some soil reclamantors, Major Kira's old friend Shaakar decides to stand for the First Minister position in order to draw publicity to her actions. Winn decides to step down from the position. [54]
  People :  Shakaar Edon, Major Kira Nerys, Winn Adami
  Species :  Bajorans
 [55] Voyager encounters a swarm of spacegoing life forms. Although the life forms perceive the ship as a potential mate and rival, the crew are able to dissuade them and escape. Meanwhile, Kes goes through a phantom version of the Ocampan Elogium. [55]
  People :  Kes
  Species :  Ocampa
 [56] Voyager encounters a spatial distortion ring. [56]
Picture from 2371  [57] Dax performs the zhian'tara ritual, meeting her previous hosts. Although both Curzon and Joran prove somewhat troublesome, she is ultimately able to handle them effectively. [57]
  People :  Crewman Dax
  Species :  Trill
 [58] Sisko is promoted to Captain. [58]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [58] Odo is forced to kill a Founder when it attempts to provoke a war between he Federation and the Tzenkethi. [58]
  People :  Odo
Picture from 2371  [59] Following a radio signal to a nearby planet, Voyager discovers a group of humans abducted from 20th century Earth. Amongst them is a personal hero of Captain Janeway, Amelia Earhart. Although tempted to remain on the planet, which hosts what is now a thriving civilisation, the entire crew elects to continue their journey home. [59]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Amelia Earhart
 [60] The USS Olympia begins to return from its mission of exploration in the Beta Quadrant. As it turns back, the ship picks up some strange energy readings in a nearby star system. They divert to investigate, discovering an energy barrier surrounding a nearby planet. The ship scans the planet with active scanners, which triggers a quantum reaction that destroys the ship. Only the Captain, Lisa Cusak, survives. [60]

Cusak manages to attract the attention of the USS Defiant over subspace radio, and the Defiant rushes to save her. Unfortunately, the energy barrier around the planet time-shifts the communication some three years into the future, a fact not evident until the Defiant arrives at the planet in 2374. Unfortunately Cusak is long dead by this time. [60]
  People :  Captain Lisa Cusak

Mirror Universe

Year Event
 [45] Commadner Sisko is kidnapped and taken to the Mirror universe by the Mirror O'Brien to assist the Terran rebellion in recruiting Jennifer Sisko. He succeeds in this mission and returns safely. Whilst in our universe, Mirror O'Brien steals the plans for the USS Defiant. [45]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 2 Initiations Chakotay celebrated the anniversary on Stardate 49005.3; this presumes it was the first anniversary
2 VOY 2 Initiations
3 DS9 3 Life Support The negotiations were said to have been going for five months. This should equate to some 400 stardate units, putting it around 48080
4 DS9 3 Life Support
5 VOY 2 Resolutions exact date uncertain - after Kes was one year old
6 VOY 2 Resolutions
7 DS9 3 The Search, Part 1
8 DS9 3 The Search, Part 2
9 VOY 1 Caretaker Exact date uncertain; this is about five weeks before Caretaker
10 VOY 1 Caretaker
11 VOY 1 Caretaker exact date is uncertain; this is about a month before Caretaker, but it could be longer
12 DS9 3 The House of Quark
13 DS9 3 Equilibrium
14 VOY 1 Caretaker Janeway said she hadn't heard from Tubok in over six days
15 VOY 5 Relativity
16 DS9 3 Family Business Six months before the episode
17 DS9 3 Family Business
18 DS9 3 Second Skin
19 DS9 3 The Abandoned
20 DS9 3 Civil Defense
21 DS9 3 Meridian
22 VOY 1 Parallax
23 DS9 3 Defiant
24 DS9 3 Fascination
25 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 1
26 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 2
27 VOY 1 Time and Again
28 DS9 3 Heart of Stone The day before the episode
29 DS9 3 Heart of Stone
30 VOY 1 Phage
31 DS9 3 Destiny
32 DS9 3 Prophet Motive Exact date uncertain; some weeks before the episode
33 DS9 3 Prophet Motive
34 VOY 1 The Cloud
35 VOY 1 Eye of the Needle
36 VOY 1 Ex Post Facto
37 VOY 1 Emanations
38 DS9 3 Visionary
39 VOY 1 Prime Factors
40 Star Trek : Generations
41 Star Trek : First Contact
42 VOY 1 State of Flux
43 DS9 3 Distant Voices
44 VOY 1 Heroes and Demons
45 DS9 3 Through the Looking Glass
46 VOY 1 Cathexis
47 DS9 3 Improbable Cause
48 VOY 1 Faces
49 DS9 3 The Die is Cast
50 VOY 1 Jetrel
51 DS9 3 Explorers
52 VOY 1 Learning Curve
53 VOY 2 Projections
54 DS9 3 Shakaar
55 VOY 2 Elogium
56 VOY 2 Twisted
57 DS9 3 Facets
58 DS9 3 The Adversary
59 VOY 2 The 37's
60 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Initiations
Comment : Chakotay celebrated the anniversary on Stardate 49005.3; this presumes it was the first anniversary
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Initiations
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Life Support
Comment : The negotiations were said to have been going for five months. This should equate to some 400 stardate units, putting it around 48080
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Life Support
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Resolutions
Comment : exact date uncertain - after Kes was one year old
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Resolutions
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Comment : Exact date uncertain; this is about five weeks before Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Comment : exact date is uncertain; this is about a month before Caretaker, but it could be longer
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The House of Quark
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Equilibrium
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Comment : Janeway said she hadn't heard from Tubok in over six days
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Relativity
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Family Business
Comment : Six months before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Family Business
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Second Skin
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Abandoned
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Civil Defense
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Meridian
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Parallax
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Defiant
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Fascination
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Time and Again
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Heart of Stone
Comment : The day before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Heart of Stone
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Phage
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Destiny
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Prophet Motive
Comment : Exact date uncertain; some weeks before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Prophet Motive
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : The Cloud
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Eye of the Needle
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Ex Post Facto
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Emanations
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Visionary
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Prime Factors
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : State of Flux
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Distant Voices
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Heroes and Demons
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Through the Looking Glass
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Cathexis
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Improbable Cause
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Faces
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Die is Cast
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Jetrel
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Explorers
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Learning Curve
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Projections
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Shakaar
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Elogium
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Twisted
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Facets
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Adversary
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The 37's
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 54,820 Last updated : 8 Oct 2021