Year |
Event |
2400 |
Rios rejoins Starfleet and becomes captain of the USS Stargazer. [1]
Raffi rejoins Starfleet and becomes operations officer for the USS Excelsior. [1]
2401 |
● [1]
Elnor becomes the first fully Romulan cadet in Starfeet history. [1]
● [1]
A Borg ship signals the new USS Stargazer and asks to join the Federation. Jean-Luc Picard is specifically requested as a negotiator by the Borg. [1]
● [1]
Q kidnaps Picard, Agnes, Elnor, Seven of Nine, Raffi and Rios and transfers them to an alternate reality and leaves them there. [1]
● [2]
A massive energy spike comes through a newly formed transwarp conduit, nearly destroying a planet. Disaster is only prevented by The Borg working together with the Federation fleet. [2]
● [2]
The Borg are given provisional membership to the Federation. [2]
● [2]
Picard and Laris start a romantic relationship. [2]
● [3]
The USS Titan NCC-80201-A is commissioned and goes on her first mission. [3]
● [3]
On planet M'Talas Prime a prototype weapon, stolen from the Daystrom Station, was used to destroy a Starfleet recruiting centre. [3]
● [4]
Raffi Muskier contacts her ex-husband for the first time in 15 years. The meeting does not go well. [4]
● [4]
Lurak T'Luco is killed by the Ferengi Sneed. [4]
● [4]
Sneed is beheaded by Worf. [4]
● [5]
T'Veen was killed by Vadec on the bridge of the USS Titan. [5]
Colour key
● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event