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Timeline - 2300S


Year Event
Picture from 2300 McCoy returns to Starfleet. [1]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [2] Last Federation contact with planet Angel I prior to 2364. [2]
  Species :  Angelian
Picture from 2302  [3] The future Federation President Jaresh-Inyo enters politics. [3]
  People :  Jaresh-Inyo
 [4] Tuvok undergoes Pon'Farr and abandons his Kolinahr training to marry T'Pel. [4]
  People :  Tuvok
Picture from 2305  [5] Picard is born in LaBarre, France, on Earth. [6]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
Picture from 2307  [7] Timicin is born on Kaelon II. [7]
  People :  Doctor Timicin
 [8] Representatives of the Cardassian union offer assistance to Bajor. Although their presence is seen as benign, this will eventually lead to the Occupation. [8]
  Species :  Bajorans
 [9] Federation Starships first explore the Indri system near Caere. [9]
 [10] Klingon Bloodwine of this year was considered to be an excellent vintage. [10]


Year Event
 [11] The planet Meridian materialises in this universe for a short period. [11]
 [12] The Tomed Incident leads to the loss of thousands of lives. This marks the last significant contact between the Federation and the Romulan Empire until 2364. [12]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans
 [13] The Treaty of Algeron is signed, redefining the Romulan Neutral Zone and banning the Federation from developing cloaking devices. [13]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans
 [14] The Gatherer Penthor-Mul is captured whilst leading a rade on an Acamarian outpost. During his trial Yuta uses the microvirus in her body to cause a heart attack in him, killing him. [15]
  People :  Yuta
  Species :  Acamarian
 [16] An element of transporter technology, the multiplex pattern buffer, is invented. The widespread use of these devices ended the phenomenon of transporter psychosis. [17]
 [18] A hostage crisis takes place on Mordan IV when a tribal leader is assassinated by a rival tribe. His son, Karnas, kidnaps 63 passengers from a starliner and holds them hostage, demanding that Starfleet provide him weapons. [19]

The crisis is resolved by Mark Jameson, who negotiates the release of the hostages. Unknown to Starfleet at the time, Jameson secures their release by delivering a supply of advanced weapons to Karnas as requested. In order to keep a balance of power on Mordan IV he also supplies equal weaponry to Karnas' enemies. The planet is plunged into civil war which lasts for the next forty years. [19]
  People :  Admiral Mark Jameson


Year Event
 [20] Lisa Cusak is born. She will one day command the Starfleet ship USS Olympia. [21]
  People :  Captain Lisa Cusak
 [22] Picard applies to Starfleet Academy for the first time and is rejected. [22]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
Picture from 2323  [23] Picard is admitted to Starfleet Academy at his second attempt. [22]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
Picture from 2324  [24] Beverly Crusher is born. [24]
  People :  Beverly Crusher
 [25] During his sophmore year at Starfleet Academy, Jean-Luc Picard is assigned to Morikin Seven for training. Whilst there he has his first encounter with the Nausicaans, who had an outpost on one of the outlying asteroids in the system. [25]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Nausicaans
 [23] Picard graduates from Starfleet Academy. [6]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
Neelix is born on Rhinax. [26]
  People :  Neelix
Picture from 2328  [27] Lwaxana marries Ian Andrew Troi. [27]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi
 [27] Kestra Troi is born. [27]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Lwaxana Troi, Kestra Troi


Year Event
 [28] Joseph Sisko meets his future wife Sarah in Jackson Square, New Orleans, in June of this year. They will marry two months later. [29]
  People :  Joseph Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Sarah Sisko
  Species :  Prophets
 [30] Sarah Sisko and Joseph Sisko marry in August. [29]
  People :  Joseph Sisko, Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Humans, Prophets, Pah-wraiths
Picture from 2332  [31] Bemjamin Lafayette Sisko is born in New Orleans on Earth to Sarah Sisko and Joseph Sisko. [32]
  People :  Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph Sisko
  Species :  Prophets
 [33] Soong marries Juliana O'Donnell on Mavala IV. [33]
  People :  Doctor Noonien Soong, Juliana O'Donnell
Picture from 2332  [34] Miles O'Brien is born [34] in September. [35]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
Picture from 2333  [25] Picard assumes command of the Constellation class USS Stargazer. [25]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
 [36] Banjamin Lafayett Sisko has his first birthday. [29]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph Sisko, Sarah Sisko
 [31] Two days after Benjamin Sisko's first birthday, his mother Sarah walked out on her family. Joseph Sisko will spend the next three years searching for her. [29]
  People :  Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph Sisko
  Species :  Prophets
 [37] Riker is born in Valdez, Alaska, on Earth. [37]
  People :  William T. Riker
Picture from 2335  [38] Lore and Data are created. [38]
  People :  Data, Doctor Noonien Soong, Lore
 [39] Chakotay is born. [26]
  People :  Chakotay
 [40] Geordi La Forge is born. [40]
  People :  Geordi La Forge
 [41] Deanna is born on Betazed. [41]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Lwaxana Troi
  Species :  Betazoids
Picture from 2336  [38] Omicron Theta colony is destroyed by the Crystalline entity; Soong and Juliana flee, leaving Data and Lore behind. [38]
  People :  Data, Doctor Noonien Soong
 [27] Kestra dies in a swimming accident. Lwaxana suppresses the memory of Kestra for almost thirty five years. [27]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Lwaxana Troi, Kestra Troi
 [31] Joseph Sisko finally tracks down his wife, Sarah Sisko, in Australia. However, much to his distress he discovers that she had died a month earlier in a hovercraft accident. He would later remarry, and let Benjamin Sisko believe his new wife was Ben's mother until telling the real story in 2375. [29]
  People :  Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph Sisko
  Species :  Prophets
 [42] Riker's mother dies. [42]
  People :  William T. Riker
Picture from 2337  [43] Yar is born on the Turkana IV colony planet. [43]
  People :  Natasha Yar
 [44] Data is discovered in the remains of the Omicron Theta colony by the Federation Starship USS Tripoli. [44]
  People :  Data, Doctor Noonien Soong


Year Event
Picture from 2340  [45] Worf is born on Qo'noS. [45]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
 [46] Bashir is born. [46]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [47] Jadzia, a future Dax host, is born. [47]
  People :  Dax
 [48] In the Gamma Quadrant, the Dominion take over the planet Yadera Prime. The whole way of life on the planet is subsequently changed, prompting Rurigan, one of the local inhabitants, to leave the planet. Subsequently he sets up a holo-generator on an uninhabited planet to recreate a Yaderan town and inhabitants there. Rurigan lives in the town for the next 29 years. [49]
  Species :  Yadera
 [40] Data enters Starfleet Academy. [40]
  People :  Data
 [43] Yar is orphaned when both parents where killed in a fire fight. She is raised by her sister, Ishara, until the age of fifteen. [43]
  People :  Natasha Yar, Ishara Yar
 [24] Beverly enters Starfleet Academy. [24]
  People :  Beverly Crusher
 [27] Ian Andrew Troi, dies. [27]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Lwaxana Troi
 [50] Kira Nerys is born on Bajor. [50]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
  Species :  Bajorans
Picture from 2344  [51] The Klingon Narendra III outpost is destroyed by a fleet of four Romulan warbirds. The Enterprise-C sacrifices itself in defence of the outpost. Although the ship fails to save the planet, the act is regarded as a highly honourable one by the Klingons and serves to greatly diffuse the recent high tensions between the two powers. In the aftermath of the battle, an alternate timeline version of Natasha Yar is captured by the Romulans. A Romulan General takes a liking to her, and she agrees to be his consort in return for the lives of the other Enterprise-C survivors being spared. [51]
  People :  Natasha Yar
  Species :  Romulans, Klingons
 [52] Data graduates from Starfleet Academy. [52]
  People :  Data
Picture from 2345 Neelix begins working on an orbital tether on Talax [53]
  People :  Neelix
 [54] The alternate timeline version of Tasha Yar gives birth to Sela, the child of the Romulan General holding her captive. [55]
  People :  Natasha Yar, Sela
 [56] Kira's mother dies in a refugee camp. [57]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
Picture from 2346  [58] B'Elanna Torres is born on Earth. [58]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
 [59] The Romulans attack the Khitomer outpost. An infant Worf is rescued from the aftermath by Sergei Rozhenko, a Starfleet officer who subsequently adopts him. [59]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Romulans, Klingons
Neelix stops working on an orbital tether on Talax after two years [53]; he refuses to fulfil his military service during the Haakonian war. [60]
  People :  Neelix
  Species :  Talaxians, Haakonian
Picture from 2348  [61] Beverly Crusher marries Jack Crusher. [61]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Jack Crusher
 [62] Bashir is taken to Adigeon Prime in order to have his DNA re-sequenced. [62]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [63] The government of Acamar makes an attempt to re-integrate the Gatherers into their home society. The attempt fails; another will not be made until 2366. [15]
  Species :  Acamarian
Picture from 2349  [64] Wesley Crusher is born. [64]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Wesley Crusher
Quark accomplishes the Ferengi Attainment Ceremony. He is apprenticed to a district subnagus; he is later ousted from his apprenticeship after becoming involved with the man's sister. [65]
  People :  Quark
 [66] Tuvok returns to Starfleet; he serves on board the USS Wyoming. [66]
  People :  Tuvok
 [67] Harry Kim is born. [67]
  People :  Harry Kim
Picture from 2349  [68] Annika Hansen is born on the Tendara Colony. [68]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [60] Neelix's entire family is killed by the Metreon Cascade. [60]
  People :  Neelix
 [69] Curzon Dax and Benjamin Sisko meet for the first time. [69]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Dax
 [38] Data is promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant [70]
  People :  Data
Picture from 2349  [71] The alternate timeline version of Natasha Yar attempts to escape her captivity along with her four year old daughter, Sela. Distressed at being taken from her father, Sela raises the alarm. Yar is executed for her disobedience. Sela will later claim that everything human in her died on this night. [72]
  People :  Natasha Yar, Sela


Year Event
 [42] Riker is abandoned by his father. [42]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [73] Chakotay enters Starfleet Academy. [74]
  People :  Chakotay
Neelix begins a six year stint on a Talaxian garbage scow. [75]
  People :  Neelix
  Species :  Talaxians
 [24] Beverly graduates from Starfleet Academy with a medical degree. [24]
  People :  Beverly Crusher
 [76] Sisko enters Starfleet Academy. [76]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [77] Miles O'Brien enters Starfleet. [77]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
 [78] The Native American group who have been searching for a homeland since leaving Earth in 2170 finally settle on Dorvan V. They will remain undisturbed there for the next twenty years. [78]
 [79] Quark reaches the Age of Ascension and leaves Ferenginar. He does not return to the planet for twenty years. [79]
  People :  Quark
 [80] B'Elanna's father abandons her after his marriage breaks down. [80]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2352  [81] Yar leaves Turkana IV. [81]
  People :  Natasha Yar
Quark works on a Ferengi freighter for eight years as ships cook. [82]
  People :  Quark
 [83] Worf kills a Human child during a soccer match. [83]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
 [84] Dukat's daughter, Tora Ziyal, is born to the Bajoran Tora Naprem. [84]
  People :  Gul Dukat, Tora Ziyal
  Species :  Bajorans
 [85] Riker enters Starfleet Academy. [85]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [40] La Forge enters Starfleet Academy. [40]
  People :  Geordi La Forge
 [86] Deanna Troi enters Starfleet Academy, specialising in psychology. [86]
  People :  Deanna Troi
 [87] Jack Crusher is killed whilst serving on board the USS Stargazer as a result of orders issued by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. [87]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher, Wesley Crusher, Jack Crusher
 [88] Janeway played tennis while in high school, the last time prior to 2373 that she would play the game. [88]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [89] Chakotay graduates from Starfleet Academy. [90]
  People :  Chakotay
 [91] Sisko graduates from Starfleet academy. [91]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [92] Whilst Captain of the USS Stargazer, Captain Picard visits the planet Chalnoth. [93]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
 [94] Picard participates in the Battle of Maxia against a Ferengi vessel. Picard invents a new tactical ploy to win the battle, later dubbed the "Picard Manoeuvre". Although the enemy is defeated, the badly damaged Stargazer is abandoned and believed lost. [94]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Ferengi
In accordance with standard procedure, Captain Picard is court martialled for the loss of the USS Stargazer. Captain Phillipa Lovouis prosecutes. [95] During the trial Louvois, who is involved in a romantic relationship with Picard, uses private information from their relationship against him in her cross-examination. She is censured by the court for prosecutorial misconduct. [96] Captain Picard is exonerated by the court martial. Louvois subsequently leaves Starfleet, feeling she has been forced out. [95]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Captain Phillipa Louvois
Picture from 2355  [97] Magnus and Erin Hansen are granted approval to research the Borg by the Federation Council on Exobiology and Starfleet. They set out in the Raven, a civilian deep space exploratory ship. [98]
  People :  Seven of Nine, Magnus Hansen, Erin Hansen
  Species :  Borg
 [99] Yar joins Starfleet Academy. [99]
  People :  Natasha Yar
 [100] Jake Sisko born. [100]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Jake Sisko
 [101] Kira joins the Bajoran Resistance. [101]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
  Species :  Bajorans
 [102] After some eight months of trying, Magnus and Erin Hansen locate a Borg cube and begin to track it. They will follow the cube for the next three years. [98]
  People :  Seven of Nine, Erin Hansen, Magnus Hansen
  Species :  Borg
Neelix works aboard a Trabalian freighter. [103]
  People :  Neelix
 [104] Kira helps to liberate the Cardassian slave labour camp Gallitep. [104]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
 [105] Worf joins Starfleet Academy. [105]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
 [106] Riker graduates from Starfleet Academy. [106]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [107] Riker is assigned to the Starship Pegasus. [107]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [40] La Forge graduates from Starfleet Academy. [40]
  People :  Geordi La Forge
 [107] Starship Pegasus believed destroyed during tests of the phase cloak system. Riker assists Captain Pressman to cover up the truth about the loss of the ship. [107]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [108] Deanna graduates Starfleet Academy. [108]
  People :  Deanna Troi
 [109] The Paradan civil war breaks out. It will last for at least the next twelve years. [35]
  Species :  Parada
 [110] The Borg cube the Hansens are tracking discovers and assimilates them. Their daughter, Annika, is placed into a maturation chamber. [98]
  People :  Seven of Nine, Erin Hansen, Magnus Hansen
  Species :  Borg
 [111] Kathryn Janeway's father, Admiral Janeway, dies by drowning. [111]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
Neelix begins to work on a mining colony. [112]
  People :  Neelix
 [1] Riker and Deanna become romantically involved. [1]
  People :  William T. Riker, Deanna Troi
 [113] Yar graduates from Starfleet Academy [113]
  People :  Natasha Yar
 [114] Bashir enters Starfleet Academy Medical School. [115]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [116] Riker is assigned to the planet Betazed. [116]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Betazoids
 [117] The civil war on Mordan IV, which has been raging since 2319, finally comes to an end with Karnas victorious. [19]
  People :  Admiral Mark Jameson


Year Event
 [118] An Erewon-class personnel transport named the Santa Maria sets out to transport a group of colonists to the planet Gemulon Five. The ship apparently develops problems with life support whilst on the way, and is forced to make a landing on a nearby planet. Once there the colonists find that a local duonetic field has neutralised all of their technology. They found a makeshift agrarian colony without the aid of technology. [119]

Unknown to the colonists their leader, a woman named Alixus, planned this scenario all along. The duonetic field is artificially generated by a system she planted on the planet, with the intent of forcing the colonists to live a life in keeping with her anti-technology philosophy. The colony will endure for another ten years until it is discovered by Commander Sisko and Chief O'Brien. [119]
  People :  Alixus
Quark opens a bar on DS9. [120]
  People :  Quark
Neelix buys his own ship and begins trading. [74]
  People :  Neelix
 [38] Data is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. [121]
  People :  Data
 [122] Admiral Mark Jameson, suffering the effects of Iverson's disease, becomes confined to a wheelchair. He will remain dependent on the chair for the next four years. [19]
  People :  Admiral Mark Jameson
 [116] Riker is assigned to the Starship Potempkin. [116]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [116] Deanna and Riker break up. [116]
  People :  William T. Riker, Deanna Troi
 [123] Worf graduates from Starfleet Academy. [123]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
Picture from 2361  [116] A duplicate of Riker is created during a mission to the Nervala IV. [116]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [124] Geordi serves on the Starship Victory. [124]
  People :  Geordi La Forge
 [125] Beneath the capital city of Mordan IV, a tunnel passage is sealed off. The blockage will prove to be an obstacle to the Starfleet hostage rescue mission which uses the tunnels in 2364. [19]
 [126] Dukat places the Cardassian child Rugal into a Bajoran orphanage, hoping the boy will become an embarrassment for his father Kotan Pa'Dar, a political enemy of Dukat's. [126]
  People :  Gul Dukat
  Species :  Bajorans
 [127] The Setlik III Massacre takes place. This marks the first time that O'Brien has ever killed another person. [128]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
 [129] Odo and Dukat meet for the first time. [129]
  People :  Odo, Gul Dukat
 [130] Quark has a brief affair with Natima Lang, who admires him for illegally selling food to Bajorans. They break up when she finds he used her personal access codes to steal money. [130]
  People :  Quark
  Species :  Bajorans
 [131] Annika Hansen emerges from a five year spell in a Borg maturation chamber a a fully mature adult. [132]
  People :  Seven of Nine
  Species :  Borg
Picture from 2363  [133] The USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-D, is launched. [133]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Natasha Yar, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Wesley Crusher
 [21] The USS Olympia leaves Federation space to conduct a long-duration exploration of the Beta Quadrant. The ship is commanded by Captain Lisa Cusak. [21]
  People :  Captain Lisa Cusak
Picture from 2364  [1] The USS Enteprise-D is commissioned. Joining the crew for the launch are Counsellor Deanna Troi, Tactical Officer Natasha Yar, Operations Officer Lieutenant Commander Data, Lieutenant Worf, Chief O'Brien, and Captain Jean Luc Picard. [1]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Natasha Yar, Miles Edward O'Brien, Worf Rozhenko
 [1] Admiral McCoy makes an inspection of the Enterprise-D during her maiden voyage. [1]
  People :  Leonard H. McCoy
 [1] First Contact is made with the Q continuum when a Q stops the Enterprise and puts the crew on trial for the alleged crimes of humanity. Q agrees that the ship's current Farpoint mission will make a good test of whether humanity is currently worthy of being allowed space exploration. [1]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Q
  Species :  Q
Picture from 2364  [1] The Enterprise-D arrives at Deneb IV to inspect the Farpoint station. Beverly Crusher joins the ship as Chief Medical Officer. She brings her son Wesley to the ship with her. Also joining the ship are Commander William Riker and Lieutenant Geordi La Forge. The station is discovered to be a gigantic shape-shifting life-form which the native Bandi have imprisoned on the planet. With the help of the Enterprise crew, the creature is released. [1]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Wesley Crusher, William T. Riker, Geordi La Forge
  Species :  Denebian, Space Jellyfish
 [43] The Enterprise-D arrives at a rendezvous with the USS Tsiolkovsky, which has been observing the collapse of a red giant star, to discover the entire crew dead. It is discovered that an infenction caused the crew to exhibit a loss of inhibition. The infection spreads to the Enterprise and incapacitates most of the crew, causing Lieutenant Yar to have a sexual liasion with Lieutenant Commander Data. The infection is ultimately overcome, though not before the Tsiolkovsky is lost in the collapse of the star. [43]
  People :  Data, Natasha Yar
Picture from 2364  [134] The Enterprise-D visits Ligon II to bargain for supplies of a vaccine which is urgently needed to cure an outbreak of Anchilles Fever. Despite some difficulties involving local politics, the vaccine is succseefully acquired. [134]
  People :  Natasha Yar, Lutan
  Species :  Ligonian
 [135] The first official contact between the Federation and the Ferengi occurs when the Enterprise-D encounters a Ferengi vessel. Contact is also made with a remnant of the long-dead T'Kon Empire on Gamma Tauri IV. [135]
  Species :  Ferengi
 [136] The Enterprise-D meets with the USS Fearless to take aboard Kosinski, a Starfleet propulsion specialist who is upgrading Starship engines. Kosinski's exeriments on the ship result in incredible bursts of speed which throw it cast distances across the universe, largely due to the involvement of his assistant, the Traveller. The Traveller is ultimately able to return the Enterprise to the proper place. [136]
  People :  Kosinski, The Traveller
  Species :  Traveller
Picture from 2364  [137] The Enterprise-D transports some Selay and Antican delegates to the neutral planet Parliment for a conference. Despite some complications, the mission is ultimately successful. [137]
  Species :  Selay, Antican
 [138] The Enterprise visits the planet Rubicun III, encountering the Edo species. Complications ensue when a member of the away team violates a local law, but Captain Picard is able to negotiate a solution. [138]
  People :  Wesley Crusher
  Species :  Edo
Picture from 2364  [94] The Enterprise encounters a Ferengi ship at the Xendi Sabu whose commander, Bok, presents Captain Picard with a gift - the USS Stargazer, which had been believed lost in 2355. The gift proves to be a ruse, part of a plot by Bok to kill Picard. The plot is foiled by the Enterprise-D crew. [94]
  People :  DaiMon Bok, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Ferengi
 [139] An accidental explosion results in mass casualties on the mining colony in the Sigma Three solar system. [140]
 [140] The Enterpise-D encounters Q for the second time. Q attempts to corrupt Commander Riker by offering him the powers of a Q. Although tempted, Riker ultimately refuses and Q leaves in defeat. [140]
  People :  William T. Riker, Q
  Species :  Q
 [141] The Enterprise-D is visiting the planet Haven when a Tarellians plague ship arrives. The ship eventually agrees to leave the planet, taking with them Wyatt Miller, a doctor and finace to Deanna Troi, who was aboard the ship. [141]
  People :  Deanna Troi
  Species :  Tarellian
 [142] The Enterprise meets with a Jarada ship. Despite some difficulties due to a holodeck malfunction, the meeting concludes successfully. [142]
  Species :  Jarada
Picture from 2364  [38] The Enterprise visits Omicron Theta, the planet on which Lieutenant Commander Data was discovered in 2336. Another Android, Lore, is discovered and assembled on the colony. Lore is discovered to have a psychopathic personality, almost destroying the Enterprise by calling on a Crystalline Entity which destroyed the Omicron Theta colony. Lore is left adrift in space and the Entity driven off. [38]
  People :  Data, Lore
  Species :  Crystalline entity
 [143] The Enterprise visits the planet Angel One to investigate the loss of the freighter Odin in 2357. Survivors from the Odin are discovered living on the planet, and although they are regarded as dangerour rebels by the local authorities, Commander Riker is able to convince the leader of the planet to spare them the death penalty and instead exile them to a remote location on the planet. [143]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Angelian
 [144] The Bynar civilisation undergoes a catastrophic crash when a star in their system goes supernova, creating an electromagnetic pulse which disables all of their computer systems. [145]
  Species :  Bynars
Picture from 2364  [145] The Bynars hijack the Enterprise-D, using the ship's computer to store a backup copy of their home planet's computer systems and return it to their planet. Captain Picard and Commander Riker are able to regain control of the Starship and restor function on the Bynar planet. [145]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Bynars
 [19] The Enterprise responds to a terrorist hostage crisis on Mordan IV, with Starfleet Admiral Mark Jameson acting as mission commander. The hostage crisis proves to be a ruse by the Mordan IV leader, who has a personal grudge against Jameson. Jameson dies due to an alien medication he used to restore his youth for the mission, and the crisis is resolved. [19]
  People :  Admiral Mark Jameson
  Species :  Mordanian
 [146] The Enterprise encounters the planet Aldea, long believed to be a myth. The Aldeans abduct several children from the ship, planning to use them as a basis to repopulate their planet. The Enterprise crew determine that the advanced technology of the Aldeans has rendered them extinct, and is able to recover the children and help the Aldeans begin to change their lives to cure the problem. [146]
  People :  Wesley Crusher
  Species :  Aldean
Picture from 2364  [147] The Enterprise visits the terraforming station on Velara III. Whilst there contact is made with a silicon life form inhabiting the planet, which had been threatened by the terraforming efforts. The crew are able to negotiate a peace with the life form. [147]
  Species :  Microbrain
 [22] The Enterprise visits Relva III, where applicants for Starfleet Academy are to undergo final testing for admittance. Wesley Crusher participates, but fails the entrance exam. Whilst there the Enterprise crew is investigated by Lieutenant Commander Dexter Remmick, on the orders of Admiral Quinn. [22]
  People :  Wesley Crusher, Lieutenant Commander Dexter Remmick, Quinn, Jean-Luc Picard
 [148] Jadzia enters the Trill Initiate program. [148]
  People :  Dax
  Species :  Trill
 [105] The Enterprise-D encounters the wreck of the freighter Batris, rescuing the Klingon rebels from the ship. They subsequently attempt to hijack the Enterprise, and are killed in the attempt. [105]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2364  [149] The Enterprise-D visits the planet Minos, home to a massive arms industry. They discover than a powerful automated weapon developed on the planet has destroyed the civilisation there. Although the weapon attacks the Enterprise, they are able to disable it successfully. [149]
 [150] The Enterprise-D visits the Delos star system. An encounter with the inhabitants of the two habitable stars in the system, Brekka and Ornara, proves difficult when it is disovered that one planet has been engaged in a prolonged campaign of exploitation of the other. The Enterprise departs, leaving both groups to their problems. [150]
  Species :  Brekkian, Ornaran
 [151] Yar is killed at Vagra II by the entity known as Armus, while attempting to rescue crewmembers from a crashed shuttlecraft. [151]
  People :  Natasha Yar
  Species :  Armus
 [151] Worf is appointed as Chief Security Officer of the Enterprise-D. [151]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
Picture from 2364  [74] B'Elanna joins Starfleet Academy. [74]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
 [152] The Enterprise-D investigates a "time slip" phenomenon, tracking a distress call to the Vandor system, location of the laboratory of Dr. Manheim. Manheim's experiments on time caused the time slips when an accident caused an explosion in his laboratory. The Enterprise crew are able to repair the damage. In the process, Jean-Luc Picard reconnects with an old romantic interest, now Manheim's wife. [152]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Jenice Manheim
 [153] The Enterprise-D is diverted to the planet Dytallix B by a message from Walker Keel. Keel and several other Captains feel that something mysterious is going on at Starfleet command. Investigation shows that Starfleet has been infiltrated by a parasitic alien species. Captain Picard and Commander Riker are able to defeat the aliens. [153]
  People :  Walker Keel, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Parasites
Picture from 2364  [154] The Borg make their first attack on the Federation, destroying several outposts near the Romulan border. The Romulans re-establish diplomatic ties with the Federation. [154]
  Species :  Romulans, Humans, Borg
Picture from 2365  [155] The Enterprise-D undergoes some changes to the senior staff; Doctor Beverly Crusher accepts a position as Chief of Starfleet Medical, with Doctor Pulaski replacing her on the Enterprise. Geordi La Forge is promoted to Chief Engineer. [155]
  People :  Beverly Crusher
 [155] The Enterprise-D encounters an energy being which, seeking to learn about corporeal life, impregnates Deanna Troi. She gives birth to a son, Ian Andrew, just hours later. Ian sacrifices his life and returns to non-corporeal existence when it is discovered that his presence is causing plasma plagues being transported by the ship to become active. [155]
  People :  Deanna Troi
 [156] The Enterprise-D encounters a "hole in space" and becomes trapped inside. The hole is revealed to be a testing ground in which an advanced life form experiments on the crew to observe their reactions to stress. Picard convinces the life form to release the ship by threatening to destroy it. [156]
  Species :  Nagilum
 [157] Data, Geordi, and Pulaski decide to test Data's ability to think creatively by creating a mystery in the style of Sherlock Holmes for him to solve. An apparently self-aware version of Professor Moriarty is created as a result. The crew resolve to search for a way to allow Moriarty to leave the holodeck. [157]
  People :  Data, Doctor Katherine Pulaski, Geordi La Forge
Picture from 2365  [158] The Enterprise-D has an encounter with Thadiun Okona, an independent trader whose ship has become disabled. Despite becoming entangled in some local politics issues which Okona has stirred up, the crew are soon able to go about their business. As a result of his interactions with Okona, Data engages in a failed attempt to understand the concept of humour. [158]
  People :  Data, Thadiun Okona
  Species :  Straleb
 [159] The Enterprise transports the famous diplomatic negotiator, Riva, to Solais V, so that he can negotiate and end to the war raging there. The mission suffers a setback when Riva's chorus - a group who assist him with communication - are killed. With the help of counsellor Troi, Riva determines to continue the negotiations anyway. [159]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Riva
  Species :  Solari
 [160] The Enterprise-D proceeds to Graves' World, home of the noted Federation scientist Dr. Ira Graves, in response to a distress call. The terminally ill Graves dies soon afterwards, but in an attempt to continue his existence he transfers his memory and personality to Data before dying. Data becomes increaingly erratic and even violent as a result, but the personality is eventually removed. [160]
  People :  Doctor Ira Graves, Data
Picture from 2365  [161] The Enterprise discovers the USS Lantree drifting in space with the crew deceased. The cause is discovered to be infection originating with a group of genetically enhanced humans on the nearby Darwin genetic research station. The Enterprise is able to treat Doctor Pulaski when she is infected by the children. The Lantree is subsequently destroyed. [161]
  People :  Doctor Katherine Pulaski
 [162] Commander Riker transfers to the Klingon Bird of Prey Pagh as part of Starfleet's officer exchange program. Although a misunderstanding leads to potential conflict between the two ships, Riker is able to defuse the situation successfully. [162]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2365  [95] The Enterprise-D visits Starbase 173. Whilst there Commander Bruce Maddox attempts to transfer Lieutenant Commander Data to his command so that he can experiment on the Android. In a historic ruling, JAG officer Captain Phillipa Louvois states that Data has individual rights which allow him to refuse to undergo the procedure. [95]
  People :  Data, Captain Phillipa Louvois
 [163] The Enterprise transports the young woman Salia from Klavdia III to Daled IV, where she will become the planetary ruler. During the trip she becomes close to Wesley Crusher. [163]
  People :  Wesley Crusher
  Species :  Allasomorph
Picture from 2365  [164] The Enterprise-D responds to an urgent request for assistance from Captain Donald Varley of the USS Yamato, only for the Yamato to explode as the Enterprise arrives. Investigation shows that the Yamato had become infected with an advanced computer virus from an Iconian facility, a remnant of the long vanished Iconian civilisation. Although the Enterprise-D also becomes infected, they are able to remove the infection. [164]
  People :  Captain Donald Varley
  Species :  Iconian
 [165] The Enterprise-D discovers the remains of an ancient US spacecraft in orbit of Theta VIII, a planet far from Earth. Investigation shows that an alien spacecraft encountered and destroyed the ship, apparently by accident. They transported the lone survivor to the planet, where they created an environment for him based on a book he was reading. Although briefly trapped in the environment, the Enterprise away team is able to escape. [165]
Picture from 2365  [166] The Enterprise-D encounters a temporal anomaly resulting in a time-loop. They are able to break free of the anomaly successfully. [166]
 [42] Kyle Riker visits the Enterprise-D; father to Will Riker and a former romantic interest of Pulaski, he is there to brief Will concerning a new Starship command he has been offered. [42]
  People :  William T. Riker, Doctor Katherine Pulaski
 [167] The Enterprise-D investigates the Selcundi Drema system, where planets appear to have been destroyed by an unknown process. An investigation led by Wesley Crusher - his first command - indicates that this is a result of massive dilithium deposits on the planets. Lieutenant Commander Data establishes communications contact with a native of one of the planets, a young girl, and the crew are able to stabilise her planet and prevent its destruction - in violation of the Prime Directive. [167]
  People :  Data, Sarjenka, Wesley Crusher
Picture from 2365  [129] Kira kills a Bajoran named Vaatrik while on a mission on Deep Space Nine. Although Odo is ordered to investigate the crime by Gul Dukat, he is not able to discover the guilty party for another five years. [129]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Odo, Pallra
  Species :  Bajorans
 [168] Dukat orders Odo to work as chief of security of Terok Nor. [168]
  People :  Odo, Gul Dukat
Picture from 2365 Q hurls the Enterprise-D some seven thousand light years through space to star system J-25. Whilst there the ship encounters the Borg collective, marking the official contact between the Federation and this species. Although Q terminates the encounter, the Borg send a ship towards Federation space. [169]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Humans, Borg, Q, Humans
Captain Katherine Janeway completes her first Starship command assignment. Tuvok criticizes Janeway's performance in front of a panel of three Admirals. [170]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Tuvok
Picture from 2365  [171] Captain Picard visits the Starbase 515 medical facility for a routine replacement of his artificial heart. Whilst away, the Enterprise-D encounters a group of Pakled who are stealing technology from more advanced races. The Pakled kidnap Geordi La Forge in an attempt to make the Enterprise give up some advanced technology. The Enterprise crew is able to overcome the Pakled. [171]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Pakled
 [172] The Enterprise-D responds to the distress call picked up from the SS Mariposa, which set out in 2123 to found two deep space colonies. Both are found to be in difficulty, but by combining the colonies, the Enterpise crew are able to forge a successful outcome. [172]
 [173] The Enterprise-D transports Lwaxana Troi to the Pacifica conference. Her telepathic abilities are able to reveal that the Antedean delegates intend to attack the conference with a bomb. [173]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi, Deanna Troi
  Species :  Antedean
Picture from 2365  [174] The Enterprise picks up Federation Emmisary K'Ehleyr, who informs them that a Klingon cruiser which has been on a long duration mission with the crew in hibernation is soon to arrive back in Federation space. The crew are able to successfully convince the Klingons not to attack the nearby Federation outposts and begin the process of re-assimilating them into modern Klingon society. [174]
 [175] The Enterprise-D hosts Sirna Kolrami, who is to act as a referee for a battle exercise between the Starship and an old Constellation class vessel, the USS Hathaway. The exercise is interrupted when a Ferengi warship intervenes. Lieutenant Commander Data undergoes a crisis of confidence when Kolrami defeats him in a game of Strategema. [175]
  People :  Sirna Kolrami, Data, William T. Riker
  Species :  Zakdorn
 [176] Will Riker is infected with a parasite by a plant on Surata IV. Pulaski is able to defeat the parasite by provoking a series of negative memories in the unconscious Riker. [176]
  People :  William T. Riker, Doctor Katherine Pulaski
Picture from 2366  [64] Dr. Beverly Crusher returns to the Enterprise-D to replace Doctor Pulaski as Chief Medical Officer. [64]
  People :  Beverly Crusher
 [64] Dr. Paul Stubbs comes aboard the Enterprise-D to study the Kavis Alpha neutron star. Wesley Crusher experiments with nanites, resulting in damage to the Enterprise's computer systems when they escape. The crew is able to resolve the problem in time for Dr. Stubbs to perform his experiments. [64]
  People :  Wesley Crusher, Doctor Paul Stubbs
  Species :  Nanites
 [177] The Enterprise-D is informed by the Sheliak that they intend to destroy the human colony on Tau Cygna V, as the planet lies within space which has been conceded to them by a Federation treaty. Lieutenant Commander Data is able to convince the colonists to evacuate the planet, whilst Captain Picard is able to convince the Sheliak to hold off on their attack long enough for the evacuation to take place. [177]
  People :  Data, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Sheliak
Picture from 2366  [178] The Enterprise-D arrives at Delta Rana IV, finding the planet devastated by an attack. Two individuals, Kevin and Rishon, apparently survived the attack - but further investigation proves that Kevin is a Douwd, and the lone survivor the attack by a species called the Husnock - a species Kevin has utterly destroyed. [178]
  People :  Kevin Uxbridge, Rishon Uxbridge
  Species :  Douwd, Husnock
 [179] The Federation duck blind on Mintaka III is disabled by an accident, resulting in cultural contamination of the Mintakan natives. The situation is complicated when the Enterprise intervenes, resulting in further contamination. Captain Picard is eventually able to resolve the situation. [179]
  Species :  Mintakan
 [45] Enterprise-D crewmember Marla Aster is killed by a landmine whilst on an away mission. A member of the Koinonian species, who had originally planted the mines, impersonates the woman and attempts to offer herself as a replacement mother to her son, Jeremy Aster. The crew are eventually able to convince the Koinonian that Jeremy should be left to grieve for his mother, and the alien returns to her planet. In the aftermath Worf and Jeremy perform the R'uustai ritual, which makes Jeremy formally Worf's adoptive brother and a permanent part of his family. [45]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Jeremy Aster, Lieutenant Marla Aster
  Species :  Koinonian
Picture from 2366  [180] The Enterprise-D investigates the remains of Orelious IX and discovers an intact Promellian battlecruiser. The Starship becomes ensnared in the same booby trap which caught the alien vessel more than a thousand years ago. Geordi La Forge eventually arrives at a method of escape, with the help of a holographic recreation of Leah Brahms, one of the original designers of the Enterprise-D. [180]
  People :  Geordi La Forge, Doctor Leah Brahms
  Species :  Promellian, Menthar
 [181] The wreckage of a Romulan scout ship and an injured Romulan survior are discovered on Galornden Core, a planet in Federation space. Lieutenant Commander La Forge is trapped on the planet when the away team beam up; Captain Picard refuses to return the Romulan to his government until his investigation is complete and La Forge found. The Romulan's condition is worsened when Lieutenant Worf refuses to donate blood for his treatment, which ultimately causes the Romulan prisoner to die in Federation custody. Although this heightens tensions with the Romulans, Picard is able to diffuse the situation. [181]
  People :  Geordi La Forge, Colonel Worf
  Species :  Romulans
Picture from 2366  [182] The Federation hosts negotiations for control of the Barzan wormhole, the only stable wormhole known at this time. Although the Federation is defeated by Devinoni Ral in the negotiations, the wormhole subsequently proves to be stable only at this end, making it effectively useless. In the process of investigating the wormhole, two Ferengi officers are stranded in the Delta Quadrant when the exit shifts. Counsellor Troi enjoys a brief romantic relationship with Ral, which she breaks off when it becomes clear that he is engaging in dishonest tactics to win the negotiations. [182]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Devinoni Ral, Koll, Doctor Arridor
  Species :  Ferengi, Takarian
 [58] B'Elanna leaves Starfleet Academy after several rows with her tutors. [58]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2366  [15] In the aftermath of the Gatherer raid on a Federation facility, the Enterprise-D seeks to reintegrate the Gatherers with their original home on Acamar. The mission is complicated when the Acamarian leader, Marouk, proves to have a servant in her employ with a vendetta against the Gatherers. The servant, Yuta, is eventually discovered and killed by Commander Riker. [15]
  People :  William T. Riker, Yuta, Sovereign Marouk
  Species :  Acamarian
 [12] Romulan Admiral Jarok defects to the Federation, bringing warning that the Romulan Empire has built a secret military base in the neutral zone. Jarok proves to be acting on disinformation given to him by Romulan intelligence to test his loyalty and set a trap for the Enterprise-D. Captain Picard is able to resolve the situation peacefully with a ruse of his own. In the aftermath, Jork commits suicide. [12]
  People :  Admiral Jarok
  Species :  Romulans
 [183] The Enterprise-D visits Angosia III, a planet which is applying for Federation membership. Whilst there it is discovered that the Angosian government has been denying basic human rights to a group of former soldiers whose minds and bodies were enhanced to make them into idealised soldiers. Captain Picard leaves the local government to resolve the problem, stating that they will make good membership candidates if they survive the process. [183]
  People :  Roga Danar, Nayrok
  Species :  Angosian
Picture from 2366  [184] The Enterprise-D visits Rutia IV to deliver medical supplies to the planet, which is in the grip of a terrorist insurgency. Although the Enterprise falls victim to several terroris attack and two officers are abducted, the crew are eventually able to determine the location of the terrorist base and launch a successful attack on it. [184]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Kyril Finn, Alexana Devos
  Species :  Rutian
 [185] The USS Enterprise-D is responding to a distress call from Bre'el IV, where a moon is falling out of orbit towards the surface of the planet. The mission is complicated when Q appears on the Enterprise bridge, stripped of his powers by the continuum for his various trouble-causing actions across the universe. After a brief but eventful stay he manages to convince the continuum to return his powers, correcting the moon's orbit as he leaves. [185]
  People :  Q, Doctor Garin
  Species :  Q, Bre'el
 [186] A well known Soccer player called Golanga hurts his knee. It is replaced with a bio-implant, but he is never as good a player afterwards and quits the game. [119]
Picture from 2366  [187] Alexander is born, son of Worf and K'Ehleyr. [188]
  People :  Alexander Rozhenko, Colonel Worf, K'Ehleyr
 [189] The Federation's Krieger Wave research facility is destroyed in an explosion as an Enterprise-D away team beam away from it. Commander Riker is accused of deliberately destroying the station to cover up an attempted rape of the wife of Dr. Apgar, the facility's director. Detailed investigation proves that in fact Dr. Apgar himself was responsible for the destruction of the station, the accidental result of an attempt to murder Commander Riker. [189]
  People :  Doctor Nel Apgar, Manua Apgar, Chief Investigator Krag, William T. Riker
  Species :  Tanugan
 [190] Barclay transfers to the USS Enterprise-D from the USS Zhukov. [191]
  People :  Reginald Barclay
 [51] The Enterprise-D investigates a temporal anomaly. Although it appears for a moment that a Starship is emerging from the anomaly, the sensor reading vanishes. The ship continues on its way. Guinan suspects that perhaps more has transpired than it appears. [51]
  People :  Guinan, Natasha Yar, Lieutenant Richard Castillo, Captain Rachel Garrett
Picture from 2366  [192] Data builds a daughter named Lal. Starfleet Admiral Haftel attempts to sieze control of Lal, but the issue becomes moot when she undergoes a catastrophic failure in her positronic brain and dies. [192]
  People :  Data, Lal, Admiral Haftel
 [175] Klingon officer, Kurn, arrives on the Enterprise to take over as First Officer under Starfleet's officer exchange program. Kurn proves to be Worf's brother, whose identity has been kept secret since he survived the Khittomer massacre in 2346. Kurn and Worf travel to the Klingon home world in an attempt to clear their father's name after he is blamed for the massacre. Worf ultimately decides to allow his family to take the blame in order to preserve the political unity of the Empire, and accepts Discommendation. [193]
  People :  Colonel Worf, Kurn, Duras, K'mpec
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2366  [93] Captain Picard is briefly abducted from the Enterprise-D and replaced with an alien copy. Picard is eventually able to escape confinement and return to the ship. [93]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
 [84] Dukat sends his Bajoran mistress and their daughter to Lissepia on the Ravinok. The vessel vanishes on route to the planet. [84]
  People :  Gul Dukat
  Species :  Bajorans
 [194] Captain Picard visits Raisa for a vacation. His plans are complicated when he meets Vash and Sovak, who are both determined to gain possession of an artifact from the future, the Tox'utat. Matters are even further complicated when a pair of Vorgons from the future arrive to claim the Utat. Picard denies all sides by destroying the device. [194]
  People :  Vash, Sovak, Jean-Luc Picard, Boratus, Ajur
  Species :  Vorgon, Ferengi
Picture from 2366  [195] The Enterprise-D transports Tam Elbrun, a telepathic Betazoid and former patient of Deanna Troi. Elbrun's mission is to communicate with 'Tin Man', an alien creature which appears to be a living Starship. Elbrun is eventually able to forge a relationship with the creature, and the two depart together. [195]
  People :  Tam Elbrun, Deanna Troi
  Species :  Gomtuu
 [191] The Enterprise-D transports a set of tissue samples donated by the Mikulaks to Nahmi Four in hopes of using them to help contain an outbreak of Correllium Fever there. Contaimination from the samples causes several systems failures aboard the ship. The situation is resolved with the help of engineer Lieutenant Barclay, who is able to arrive at a solution despite suffering from severe shyness, social ineptitude, and a mild case of holodiction. [191]
  People :  Reginald Barclay
  Species :  Mikulak
Picture from 2366  [196] Trader and collector of rare items, Kivas Fajo, stages an elaborate deception in order to kidnap Lieutenant Commander Data to add to his collection. The Enterprise crew are able to see through the deception and recover Data. Fajo is arrested, and his collection broken up and returned to their rightful owners. [196]
  People :  Kivas Fajo, Data, Varria
  Species :  Zibalian
 [197] The Enterprise-D transports Ambassador Sarek to take part in the Legarans conference, which he has been working towards since 2273. Sarek's participation is threatened when it is discovered that he is suffering from Bendi syndrome. A mind meld with Captain Picard allows Sarek to complete his mission. [197]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Sarek, Spock
  Species :  Vulcans
 [198] Lwaxana and Deanna Troi are kidnapped by DaiMon Tog, a Ferengi. They are subsequently rescued by Captain Picard, with assistance from Wesley Crusher. Crusher's participation causes him to miss his transport to Starfleet Academy, forcing him to remain on the Enterprise. Captain Picard grants Wesley a field promotion to full Ensign. [198]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Lwaxana Troi, Wesley Crusher
  Species :  Ferengi
 [199] Harry Kim enters Starfleet academy. [199]
  People :  Harry Kim
Picture from 2366  [200] Picard is captured by the Borg and forced to become a member of the collective. [200] He manages to relay information to the crew of the Enterprise-D which allows the Borg to be defeated by Riker whilst he is commanding the Enterprise-D in Picard's place. [201]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker
  Species :  Borg
 [202] The Enterprise picks up a badly wounded alien, whom they nickname 'John Doe" as he has no memory of his identity. John proves to be a member of the Zalkonian species, which is in the process of evolving to a non-corporeal state. Despite some interference from a Zalkonian warship, John successfully completes the transformation. [202]
  People :  'John Doe'
  Species :  Zalkonians
Picture from 2367  [201] The Battle of Wolf 359 occurs. Thirty nine Federation Starships and eleven thousand personnel are lost in the battle. In the aftermath, the Enterprise manages to rescue Captain Picard and use his link to the Borg collective to destroy the ship. [201]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Wesley Crusher, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Borg, Humans
 [61] Captain Picard visits the family home in La Barre, France. Whilst there he is able to reconcile the long-standing feud with his brother and begin the process of recovering from his experiences with the Borg. [61]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Rene Picard, Robert Picard
 [203] Acting under the compulsion of a homing signal built into his program, Lieutenant Commander Data hijacks the Enterprise-D and takes it to the planet Terlina III, where Professon Noonien Soong is discovered to still be alive. Soong offers Data a chip designed to allow him to experience emotions. Lore also answers the call; the psychotic android steals the chip and kills Soong. [203]
  People :  Data, Doctor Noonien Soong, Lore
Picture from 2367  [204] The Enterprise responds to a distress call from a disabled Talarian vessel. Amongst the crew they find Jono, a human boy. DNA analysis reveals him to be Jeremiah Rossa, a child abducted from a human colony in 2353 after a Talarian attack. Captain Picard eventually returns Jono to his adopted father, Endar. [204]
  People :  Jono, Admiral Connaught Rossa, Endar
  Species :  Talarian
 [205] The Enterprise visits a Starbase 74. Whilst there an experiment run by Wesley Crusher traps his mother Beverly Crusher in a warp bubble. Wesley is able to rescue his mother with the help of The Traveller. [205]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Wesley Crusher, The Traveller
  Species :  Traveller
 [81] The Enterprise-D responds when the Federation freighter Arcos explodes in orbit of Turkana IV, rescuing the survivors from the lawless colony located on the planet. The mission is assisted by Ishara Yar, the sister of Natasha Yar and a member of one of the gangs running the colony. Ishara proves to be attempting to manipulate the situation for her gang's benefit. The Enterprise crew are able to foil the plot. [81]
  People :  Ishara Yar, Data
Picture from 2367  [188] Chancellor K'mpec and K'Ehleyr meet the Enterprise-D in space. K'mpec is near death, assassinated by poison. K'Ehleyr brings her son, Alexander, with her so that he can meet his father, Worf, for the first time. K'Ehleyr is murdered by Duras soon afterwards during the rituals of succession to the Chancellorship; Worf kills Duras in retaliation. Alexander is sent to live with Worf's parents on Earth. [188]
  People :  Alexander Rozhenko, K'Ehleyr, Duras, Gowron, K'mpec, Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Klingons
 [188] With the death of Duras, Gowron is appointed Chancellor of the Klingon Empire. [188]
  People :  Duras, Gowron
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2367  [206] Commander Riker is abducted by an alien child, Barash. Although subjected to a variety of illusions by Barash, Riker is ultimately able to break free. [206]
  People :  Barash/Jean-Luc/Ethan, William T. Riker
 [207] Wesley Crusher accompanies Captain Picard and Dirgo on a mission to Pentarus V. The three are marooned on a barren planet when their shuttle crashlands. Ensign Crusher is able to access a local water source through the forcefield and defence system protecting it, keeping Picard alive until rescue arrives. Subsequently, he departs for Starfleet Academy. [207]
  People :  Wesley Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard, Dirgo
 [208] Deanna temporarily loses her empathic ability as the Enterprise-D becomes mired in a swarm of 2 Dimensional beings. When the ship breaks free, she regains her empathic sense. [208]
  People :  Deanna Troi
  Species :  Two-Dimensional Creature
 [209] Lieutenant Commander Data agrees to record the events of a typical day aboard the Enterprise-D for Commander Maddox. The events of the day include a standoff with the Romulans, a birth in sickbay, and the marriage of Miles O'Brien and Keiko Ishikawa. [209]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien, Data, Commander Bruce Maddox
 [210] Bashir graduates from Starfleet Academy, second in his class. [115]
  People :  Julian Bashir
Picture from 2367  [128] Captain Picard is assigned to regain control of the USS Pheonix after the Captain, Ben Maxwell, enters Cardassian space and begins attacking shipping there. Maxwell agrees to return to the Federation to face the consequences of his actions. [128]
  People :  Captain Benjamin Maxwell, Miles Edward O'Brien, Gul Macet
  Species :  Cardassians
 [211] The Enterprise-D visits Ventax II, to find the population in the grip of panic over the imminent return of a mythological devil-figure, Ardra. Although Ardra does indeed appear, Picard is able to demonstrate that she is actually a con-artist attempting to fool the planet. [211]
  People :  Ardra
  Species :  Ventaxian
 [212] Curzon dies, Jadzia joined to the Dax symbiont. [212]
  People :  Dax
 [213] Whilst investigating a nebula the Enterprise apparently falls through a wormhole, rendering the crew briefly unconscious and causing them to skip two days in time. Unknown to all but Lieutenant Commander Data, the ship actually encounters a powerful isolationist species called the Paxans during this time. The crew agree to have their memories of the incident erased by the Paxans, and Data agrees to conceal his own knowledge of the events. [213]
  People :  Data
  Species :  Paxan
Picture from 2367  [214] Commander Riker is injured in a riot whilst undercover on Malcor III. The accident results in an unplanned first contact with the Federation and the Malcorians. Although Riker is successfully rescued, the Malcorian leader chooses to decline further contact with the Federation. Malcorian minister for science, Mirasta Yale, leaves with the Enterprise. [214]
  People :  Mirasta Yale, Chancellor Avel Durken, William T. Riker
  Species :  Malcorian
Picture from 2367  [215] The Enterpise-D becomes trapped in a Tyken's rift. Also trapped in the rift is a telepathic alien species who unknowingly block the Enterprise crew from being able to dream, gradually eroding their rationality. Counsellor Troi is able to make telepathic contact with the aliens and working together both ships are able to ecape the rift. [215]
  People :  Deanna Troi
 [124] Members of the away team which visited the planet Tarchannen III in 2362 begin to vanish. Investigation shows that the team was infected by an alien species whilst on the planet, and are transforming into members of the alien race. Geordi La Forge and Susanna Leijten, both members of the away team, are saved from the transformation process. [124]
  People :  Geordi La Forge, Susanna Leijten
  Species :  Tarchannen parasites
Picture from 2367  [216] Whilst the Enterprise-D investigates problems with the Argus Array, they crew encounter a Cytherian probe; Lieutenant Barclay finds that the probe has massively boosted his I.Q. and self confidence, ultiamtely allowing him to transport the ship to the centre of the galaxy. There his I.Q. boost is reversed and the ship spends several days learning about the Cytherians before being returned. [216]
  People :  Reginald Barclay
  Species :  Cytherian
 [217] Q recreates the legend of Robin Hood with the Enterprise-D senior officers in the outlaw roles, in order to force Captain Picard to admit that he is in love with Vash. [217]
  People :  Q, Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Vash
  Species :  Q
 [218] Admiral Satie arrives aboard the Enterprise-D to investigate the recent explosion on board. A Klingon travelling on the ship, J'Dan, is quickly revealed as a spy, but Satie becomes convinced that there is a massive conspiracy afoot. Picard is able to convince Admiral Henry to put an end to the increasingly fanatical investigation. [218]
  People :  Admiral Norah Satie, Admiral Thomas Henry, Jean-Luc Picard, Crewman Simon Tarses, J'Dan
Picture from 2367  [219] The Enterprise-D hosts Timicin, a scientist from the planet Kaelon, who is experimenting with methods to re-ignite a dying star. Whist on board Timicin meets and falls in love with Lwaxana Troi. Unfortunately the relationship proves doomed, as Timicin has reached the age at which members of his society are expected to commit ritual suicide. [219]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi, Doctor Timicin
  Species :  Kaelon
 [220] The Enterprise-D transports the Trill Ambassador, Odan, to the planet Peliar Zel where he is to resolve a dispute between the planet's moons. When Odan is fatally injured in an attack on his shuttle, examination reveals that Odan lives in a symbiotic relationship with another species which he carries inside him. As the host body dies, Riker agrees to carry the symbiote for the time needed to complete this mission. Beverly Crusher, who had been in a romantic relationship with Odan, struggles with the changes of host and finally ends the relationship. [220]
  People :  Ambassador Odan, Beverly Crusher, William T. Riker
  Species :  Trill, Peliar-zelian
Picture from 2367  [221] Geordi La Forge is kidnapped by Romulans whilst on the way to a conference. Brainwashed, he is returned to the Enterprise-D as part of a plot to stir conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire over the Klingon colony of Krios. The plot is foiled and Klingon Ambassador Kell's part in it revealed. In the aftermath, Counsellor Troi assists La Forge in recovering from the experience. [221]
  People :  Ambassador Kell, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi
  Species :  Klingons, Romulans
 [222] The Enterprise explores a nebula, finding it to be filled with pockets of dark matter. The ship is ultimately able to escape, although a crewmember is killed whilst in the nebula. During this period Lieutenant Commander Data and crewmember Jenna D'Sora attempt a brief romantic involvement, which ends unhappily for her. [222]
  People :  Lieutenant Jenna D'Sora, Data
Picture from 2367  [72] Gowron is confirmed as leader of the Klingon High Council. The Klingon civil war begins when the Duras family challenges Gowron. Worf resigns his Starfleet commission in order to join Gowrons side in the war. [72]
  People :  Gowron, Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Klingons
 [223] Leah Brahms visits the Enterprise-D to discuss the modifications made to the ship by Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge. Despite some initial personality clashes, the two become friends whilst dealing with an alien life form which attaches itself to the ship. [223]
  People :  Geordi La Forge, Doctor Leah Brahms
  Species :  Space Whale
Picture from 2368  [55] After discovering that the Romulans are assisting the Duras family, Starfleet sends a fleet to the Romulan-Klingon border commanded by Captain Picard. The fleet is successful in preventing Romulan border crossings. Gowron's forces defeat the Duras family, although the sisters Lursa and B'Etor escape. [55]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Gowron, Lursa, B'Etor, Sela, Toral, Kurn
  Species :  Romulans, Klingons, Humans
 [55] Worf's family honour is restored by Gowron in return for his services during the Klingon civil war. He returns to Starfleet. [55]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Worf Rozhenko, Kurn
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2368  [224] The Enterprise-D meets a Tamarian ship. All efforts to forge a relationship with the Tamarians have previously proved impossible, as their language appears incomprehensible. Captain Picard is able to overcome the language issue and successfully arrive at an understanding with the Tamarians. [224]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Captain Dathon
  Species :  Tamarians
 [225] Ensign Ro Laren joins the crew of the Enterprise in order to take part in a mission to contact a Bajoran terrorist group who recently attacked a Federation colony on Solarion IV and negotiate to prevent further attacks. The mission proves to be a ruse by Starfleet Admiral Kennelly, who is working with the Cardassians in order to eliminate the group. Captain Picard is able to overcome the ruse. In the aftermath, Ensign Ro joins the crew permanently. [225]
  People :  Ro Laren, Jean-Luc Picard, Admiral Kennelly
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
Picture from 2368  [226] The Crystalline Entity attacks and destroys the Federation colony on Melona IV. The Enterprise-D is able to track down the creature with the help of Dr. Kila Marr, a Federation scientist whose son was killed by the creature on Omicron Theta. Although Captain Picard seeks to establish communication with the Crystalline Entity, Dr. Marr instead destroys it. [226]
  People :  Doctor Kila Marr
  Species :  Crystalline entity
 [227] The Enterprise-D is badly damaged by a quantum filament, forcing Deanna Troi to assume temporary command. Miles and Keiko O'Brien's daughter, Molly O'Brien, is delivered in the ten-forward lounge by Worf. [227]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien, Molly O'Brien
 [228] The Ktarians attempt to infiltrate and subvert Starfleet by introducing an addictive and mind-altering game to the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. Although initially successful, the visiting Wesley Crusher is able to overcome the effect on the crew with the help of Ensign Lefler and Data. [228]
  People :  Robin Lefler, Wesley Crusher, Data
  Species :  Ktarians
Picture from 2368  [229] Spock goes to Romulus without authorisation in order to work undercover toward the goal of re-unification. Captain Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data are sent to Romulus in a Klingon Bird of Prey to investigate. [229]
  People :  Spock, Jean-Luc Picard, Data
  Species :  Romulans, Vulcans
 [230] Captain Picard is able to make contact with Ambassador Spock on Romulus and, with his help, warn the Federation of a Romulan plot to invade Vulcan. With this warning, the Enterprise-D is able to turn back the invasion force. The success is tempered by the death of Spock's father, Sarek, who has long been suffering from Bendi syndrome. [230]
  People :  Spock, Sarek, Sela, Jean-Luc Picard, Data
  Species :  Romulans, Vulcans
Picture from 2368  [231] The Enterprise-D attempts to revert environmental devastation caused by an asteroid impact on Penthara IV. Initial efforts only make matters worse, but the ship is eventually able to use an innovative technique to resolve the crisis. Matters are complicated by the presence of Professor Berlinghoff Rasmussen, who claims to be a historian visiting from the future to study the Enterprise's mission. [231]
  People :  Berlingoff Rasmussen, Hal Moseley
 [232] Worf's son Alexander returns to the Enterprise-D to live with him. [232]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Alexander Rozhenko
Picture from 2368  [232] The Enterprise-D observes Doctor Ja'Dar's attempt to conduct a soliton wave-based warp flight. Although initially successful, the flight ends in near disaster when the soliton wave runs out of control. The ship is ultimately able to dissipate the wave. [232]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Alexander Rozhenko
  Species :  Bilanan
 [233] The USS Vico is wrecked whilst attempting to navigate a black cluster. The only survivor is a young boy named Timothy. [233]
  People :  Timothy
 [233] The Enterprise-D investigates the loss of the USS Vico, rescuing one survivor, Timothy, from the wreck. Timothy is able to assist the ship in avoiding the effects of the black cluster which wrecked the Vico. [233]
  People :  Timothy
 [234] Garak is exiled to Terok Nor. [234]
  People :  Elim Garak
Picture from 2368  [235] While transporting Ullian delegates to Kaldra IV, Enterprise-D crew members begin suffering mysterious telepathic assaults. One of the Ullians, Jev, proves to be responsible. [235]
  People :  Jev, Inad, Tarmin, Deanna Troi
  Species :  Ullian
 [236] The Enterprise-D tracks a stellar core fragment through the Moab system. In the process, a human colony is discovered on Moab IV. Planted in 2168, the colony is dedicated to using genetic engineering to produce the perfect society. The Enterprise-D is able to assist the colony in surviving the passage of the fragment, but in the process a large group of the colonists request transport away from their environment, wishing to rejoin the rest of the human race. Matters are complicated when Deanna Troi has a brief affair with the colony leader. [236]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Aaron Conor, Hannah Bates
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2368  [41] The Enterprise-D crew have their memories wiped by a Satarran, part of a deception aimed at involving them in the Satarran's war with the Lysians. The crew are able to overcome the deception, though not until a Lysian warship is destroyed. [41]
  Species :  Lysian, Satarran
 [237] Miles O'Brien's mother dies. [35]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
 [238] The Enterprise visits a moon of Mab-Bu VI. Several crewmembers - Deanna Troi, Data, Miles O'Brien - are possessed by the personalities of prisoners placed on the moon by the Ux-Mal race. The prisoners attempt to possess the rest of the crew, but are thwarted. [238]
  People :  Deanna Troi, Miles Edward O'Brien, Data
  Species :  Ux-Mal
 [239] Lieutenant Worf is paralysed when a cargo container falls on him, injuring his spine. He is able to take advantage of a new gentronic prodedure developed by Doctor Toby Russell to repair the damage, despite flaws in the procedure and what Dr. Crusher regards as dubious ethical practices by Dr. Russel. [239]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Doctor Toby Russell, Beverly Crusher
Picture from 2368  [240] The Enterprise-D assists the J'Naii in locating a lost shuttlecraft. Commander Riker falls in love with Soren, one of the J'Naii. The relationship violates J'Naii cultural norms, leading to Soren being medically modified to remove her affection for him. [240]
  People :  Soren, William T. Riker
  Species :  J'Naii
 [241] The Enterprise-D becomes trapped in a repeating time loop involving a collision with the USS Bozeman, thrown through time from the year 2278. The lope is eventually broken. [241]
  People :  Captain Morgan Bateson
 [6] Starfleet Cadets Nicholas Locarno, Wesley Crusher, Sito Jaxa, Joshua Albert, and Jean Hajar attempt to perform the forbidden and highly dangerous Kolvoord Starburst manoeuvre, resulting in the loss of all five of their ships and the death of Joshua Albert. In the aftermath, the Cadets participate in a cover-up of the incident. Nicholas Locarno ultimately confesses and takes full responsibility in order to spare his team-mates. He is expelled from the Academy, whilst the others are made to repeat the academic year. [6]
  People :  Wesley Crusher, Nicholas Locarno, Sito Jaxa, Cadet Second Class Jean Hajar
Picture from 2368  [242] Lwaxana is engaged to Minister Campio; the engagement is broken when she arrives naked for the wedding. [242]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi, Minister Campio
 [243] The Enterprise-D transports Ambassador Briam and Kamala to negotiations aimed at ending the war between the Kriosian and Valtese people - negotiations which include Kamala taking part in an arranged marriage with the Valtese leader, Alrik. Although romantic feelings develop between Picard and Kamala, she decides to procede with the wedding. [243]
  People :  Chancellor Alrik, Kamala, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Valtese, Kriosians
 [244] The Enterprise-D encounters a non-corporeal species whilst investigating the FGC-47 nebula. Although initially hostile due to what they percieve as mistreatment of children by the adults on the ship, the misunderstanding is eventually resolved. [244]
  People :  Clara Sutter
Picture from 2368  [245] The Enterprise-D investigates a crashed spacecraft, discovering it to be a Borg ship. A single survivor, 3rd of 5, is recovered from the wreck. Nicknamed Hugh by the crew, the drone begins to develop signs of individuality. He chooses to be returned to the collevtive so as to avoid danger to the Enterprise-D crew. [245]
  People :  Hugh
  Species :  Borg
 [246] The Enterprise-D assists a disabled Romulan vessel. It is discovered that the ship was testing a new phase cloaking device, which briefly causes Geordi La Forge and Ro to become phased. They are able to recover from the effect. [246]
  People :  Geordi La Forge, Ro Laren
  Species :  Romulans
The Enterprise-D encounters the Kataanian probe which has been drifting through space for the last thousand years. The probe implants into Captain Picard memories covering a lifetime as a Kataanian citizen, in an attempt to preserve knowledge of their way of life. [247]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Kataanians
Picture from 2368  [248] Data's head is discovered in a cave under San Francisco, apparently left there approximately 500 years before. Analysis of artefacts found near the head suggest that they originate from Devidia II in the Marrab sector. Whilst investigating the planet, Data discovers that alien life forms are travelling back in time to Earth in order to prey on the inhabitants. The android is thrown back in time to the nineteenth century. The Enterprise's senior crew follow him back in time. [248]
  People :  Data
Picture from 2369  [249] Data's head is severed from his body as he returns to the present from 19th century Earth. Geordi La Forge attaches the head found under San Francisco to his body successfully. The Enterprise crew is successful in destroying the aliens on Devidia II. [249]
  People :  Data, Geordi La Forge
 [17] Barclay rescues the survivors of the USS Yosemite, facing his fear of transporters in the process. [17]
  People :  Reginald Barclay
 [250] The Enterprise-D rescues Ambassador Ves Alkar from an attack on the transport ship Dorian and undertakes to transport him to Seronia. The Ambassador uses a telepathic device to transmit his negative emotions into Counsellor Troi, harming her physically and mentally. The crew are able to sever the link, killing the Ambassador. [250]
  People :  Ambassador Ves Alkar, Deanna Troi
  Species :  Lumerian
Picture from 2369  [251] The Enterprise-D discovers the transport ship Jenolan crashlanded on a Dyson Sphere. Captain Scott is recovered from the ship, having been in stasis since 2294. Captain Scott subsequently sets off in a shuttlecraft for parts unknown. [251]
  People :  Montgomery Scott
 [252] The Enterprise-D discover that a species from a subspace universe is abducting and experimenting on members of the crew. They are able to prevent further abductions. [252]
  Species :  Solanae
Picture from 2369  [87] Amanda Rogers visits the Enterprise-D. Whilst there Q appears on the ship and informs her that she is actually a member of the Q continuum. Despite initial misgivings, Amanda returns to the continuum with Q. [87]
  People :  Q, Amanda Rogers
  Species :  Q
 [253] A transporter accident reduces Captain Picard, Guinan, and Ensign Ro to physical childhood. As the crew attempt to deal with the situation, a group of Ferendi are able to capture the ship. Fortunately the crew are able to regain command and return their crewmates back to normal. [253]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Guinan, Ro Laren
  Species :  Ferengi
Picture from 2369  [254] A holodeck malfunction briefly traps Lieutenant Worf and Commander Troi in a holodeck with Alexander. They are eventually able to escape. [254]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Deanna Troi, Alexander Rozhenko
 [255] The Enterprise-D visits the particle fountain mining project on Tyrus VIIA to conduct an assessment. Whilst there it becomes clear that the Exocomp repair robots which the project director Dr. Farallon has created may well have achieved sentience. [255]
  People :  Doctor Farallon
  Species :  Exocomp
 [256] Admiral Nechayev relieves Captain Picard of his command and assigns him, Lieutenant Worf and Dr. Crusher to a mission to infiltrate Celtris III. Picard is captured on the mission. [256]
  People :  Admirall Alynna Nechayev, Worf Rozhenko, Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard
Picture from 2369  [257] Captain Jellico, in temporary command of the Enterprise-D, mines the McAllister nebula to force a Cardassian fleet hiding there to surrender. He orders Captain Picard's release. Picard subsequently returns to the Enterprise-D. [257]
  People :  Admirall Alynna Nechayev, Worf Rozhenko, Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard, Edward Jellico
 [32] The Cardassians retreat from the Bajoran system, abandoning the Terok Nor ore processing facility in orbit of the planet. The Bajoran Provisional Government asks Starfleet to take over the running of the station. [32]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [32] Kira is assigned to Deep Space Nine as second in command. [32]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
Picture from 2369  [32] Odo begins working for Starfleet when they take over the station and rename it Deep Space Nine. [32]
  People :  Odo
 [32] O'Brien is transferred to Deep Space Nine as Chief of Operations. [32]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
 [32] Sisko is assigned to command Deep Space Nine. He persuades Quark to remain on the station despite the precarious political situation. [32]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Quark
 [32] Bashir is assigned as Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine. [32]
  People :  Julian Bashir
Picture from 2369  [32] Jadzia is assigned to Deep Space Nine. She and Commander Sisko discover the a stable wormhole in the Bajoran system's Denorios belt. The wormhole has existed for at least 10,000 years in a stable state, apparently due to the influence of aliens who live within it. Sisko is successful in convincing the wormhole aliens to allow traffic to use the wormhole. [32]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Dax
  Species :  Bajorans
 [258] Tahna Los, a member of the Bajoran Kohn-Ma terrorist organisation, arrives on Deep Space Nine. His presence proves to be part of a mission to destroy the Bajoran wormhole. The station crew are able to defeat the plan and take Tahna into custody. [258]
  People :  Tahna Los
  Species :  Bajorans
 [259] Ibudan, a black market smuggler during the Bajoran occupation, is warned to leave Deep Space Nine by Constable Odo. Shortly afterwards Ibudan is found murdered, apparnty by Odo. Although public opinion on the station turns against the Constable, it is eventually proved that Ibudan cloned a cope of himself and killed him to frame Odo. [259]
  People :  Odo, Ibudan
 [260] An old Bajoran booby trap placed on Deep Space Nine during the occupation causes a large portion of the station to exhibit severe aphasia. Major Kira is able to track down the creator of the device and reverse the effect. [260]
Picture from 2369  [261] The sentient hologram Moriarty, which Lieutenant Commander Data created by accident in 2365, is activated again. He attempt to sieze control of the Enterprise-D in order to force the crew to devote their energies to finding a way to give him permanent form. The crew are able to fool him into thinking he has achieved his goal. [261]
  People :  Professor James Moriarty
 [262] Tosk, the first Gamma quadrant alien to come through the Bajoran wormhole, takes refuge on Deep Space Nine. His presence proves to be part of a ritual hunt practices by a Gamma quadrant hunter species. With the help of Chief O'Brien, Tosk is able to escape and continue the hunt. [262]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Tosk
  Species :  Tosk, Hunters
The Enterprise-D visits a Federation communications relay to discover that the crew has vanished. Investigation reveals that a coalescent life form killed one, causing the other to flee. [263]
  People :  Lieutenant Aquiel Uhnari
  Species :  Coalescent organism, Haliian
Picture from 2369  [264] Deanna is abducted and surgically altered by Romulan dissidents in order to work undercover on a Romulan Warbird and assist with the defection of Vice Proconsul M'Ret. [264]
  People :  Deanna Troi
 [25] Captain Picard is badly wounded in a Lenarian attack whilst conducting negotiations. He will later report a near death experience, possibly created by Q. [25]
  People :  Q, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Q, Lenarian
Picture from 2369  [115] Vash returns from her travels with Q, stopping off at Deep Space Nine to auction some archological treasures. One of them proves to be the egg of an alien species. [115]
  People :  Vash
 [265] Data begins to experience dream states, a sign of development in his positronic brain. [265]
  People :  Doctor Noonien Soong, Data
 [266] Worf investigates a rumour that a group of Klingons survived the Khittomer attack and are held captive by the Romulans. [265] Although he discovers that the rumour is largely true, his father is not amongst the survivors. [266]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Klingons, Romulans
 [267] The Enterprise-D visits the Remmler array for a routine baryon sweep. Whilst there a group of terrorists attempt to steal a quantity of trilithium resign from the ship's engines. Captain Picard is able to foil the attempt. [267]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
Picture from 2369  [268] Captain Picard engages in a romantic relationship with Commander Nella Darren, the head of stellar cartography. The relationship ends when Picard realises that he cannot successfully deal with Darren on a personal and professional bases simultansously. She agrees to request a transfer. [268]
  People :  Nella Daren, Jean-Luc Picard
 [269] Professor Galen visits the Enterprise-D. After the visit, Galen is attacked and killed by a Yridian ship. Captain Picard takes up the last investigation Galen was engaged on, discovering an ancient message left by the first Humanoid beings in our galaxy. Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians also engage in the attempt to discover the message. [269]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Professor Richard Galen
  Species :  Progenitors, Yridians, Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians
 [270] Commander Riker is captured whilst on a covert mission to Tilonus Four. Although interrogated with a form of memory manipulation, he is able to escape and return to the Enterprise-D. [270]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Tilonians
 [271] Beverley disobeys orders whilst hosting a scientific conference to asses metaphasic shielding. [271]
  People :  Beverly Crusher
Picture from 2369  [272] The cloned Kahless becomes Emperor of the Klingon Empire. [272]
  People :  Kahless the Unforgettable, Gowron
 [273] Ilon Tandro tries to extradite Jadzia Dax for a crime supposedly committed by Curzon Dax. In a hearing, a Bajoran arbiter rules that Jadzia is not responsible the actions of her previous hosts. [273]
  People :  Dax, Ilon Tandro
 [274] Kobliad security officer Ty Kajada arrives on Deep Space Nine in a badly damaged ship. The criminal she was transporting, Rao Vantika, is apparently killed in the accident. Kajada remains unconvinced, and eventually proves that Vantika created a technology to store his consciousness in the brain of Julian Bashir. She ultimately removes and then kills Vantika. [274]
  People :  Ty Kajada, Rao Vantika, Julian Bashir
  Species :  Kobliad
Neelix has a run-in with the Ubean authorities in which his friend Wixiban is imprisoned. [275]
  People :  Neelix, Wixiban
 [100] A Gamma Quadrant species named the Wadi arrive at Deep Space Nine. They prove to be a species obsessively interested in elaborate virtual reality games, which they force some of the Deep Space Nine crew to play. [100]
  Species :  Wadi
Picture from 2369  [276] The Ferengi Grand Nagus visits Deep Space Nine to announce his retirement, appointing Quark as his successor. This proves to be a test set for his preferred heir, his son Krax. When Krax fails, the Nagus resumes his position. [276]
  People :  Grand Nagus Zek, Krax, Quark
  Species :  Ferengi
 [277] Constable Odo travels to the Gamma Quadrant with Croden, a wanted criminal who claims to have knowledge of Odo's origins. Croden proves to be lying in order the engage Odo's help in rescuing his daughter. [277]
  People :  Odo, Croden, Ah-Kel, Ro-Kel
  Species :  Rakhari, Miradorn
Picture from 2369  [278] Kai Opaka visits the Gamma Quadrant with Captain Sisko, where an automated defence system around a penal moon shoots down her Runabout, resulting in her death. Nanotechnology located on the moon resurrects Opaka, who chooses to stay on the moon to help the warring residents achieve peace. [278]
  People :  Kai Opaka
  Species :  Bajorans
 [279] Chief O'Brien is briefly taken to be the successor to the religious leader of a Bajoran village. The mistake is quickly cleared up. [279]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
  Species :  Bajorans
 [280] The Bajoran provisonal government decaudes to a moon to tap it for energy, forcing the relocation of some residents. Major Kira uses force to evacuate the last resident, Mullibok. [280]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Mullibok
Picture from 2369  [116] The Enterprise-D visits Nervala IV, the first visit since Commander Riker led a mission there in 2361. It is discovered that a transporter accident whilst he was there created a duplicate who was stranded on the planet. The duplicate, adopting the name Thomas Riker, continues in Starfleet service. [116]
  People :  William Thomas Riker
 [281] Deep Space Nine is threatened by a spatial rift. They crew are able to use modified torpedoes to close the rift. [281]
 [282] A group of Federation Ambassadors, including Lwaxana Troi, visits Deep Space Nine. [282]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi
 [283] A Klingon vessel returning from the Gamma Quadrant explodes, leaving non survivors. The cause proves to be a telepathic field which caused unusual behaviour amongst the crew. Although the same phenomenon invades Deep Space Nine, the crew are able to overcome it. [283]
Picture from 2369  [104] Gul Darhe'el, commander of the infamous Gallitep labour camp suring the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, is apparently captured aboard Deep Space Nine. However, investigation by Major Kira proves that the man is actually Aamin Marritza, a file clerk at Gallitep who is attempting to impersonate Darhe'el to bring light to the crimes of Cardassia. [104]
  People :  Aamin Marritza, Major Kira Nerys
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [284] The Enterprise-D is stranded in a frozen moment of time due to an accident whilst assisting a Romulan Warbird in distress. Captain Picard, returning to the ship from a conference, is able to free it. [284]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Romulans, Quantum Singularity Life Form
Picture from 2369  [285] Vedek Winn accuses Keiko O'Brien of teaching blasphemy in the Deep Space Nine school. Although considerable controversy results on the station, the situation is resolved. [285]
  People :  Keiko O'Brien, Winn Adami
  Species :  Bajorans
Picture from 2369  [286] A Borg vessel is detected in Federation space. The ship is discovered to be operating outside the influence of the Borg collective, under the control of the android Lore. Lore manages to disable Data's ethical subroutine and convince him to join forces with the Borg. He also captures several of the senior officers of the Enterprise also. [286]
  People :  Admirall Alynna Nechayev, Lore, Data
  Species :  Borg
 [287] Beverley briefly commands the Enterprise-D during the invasion of the Borg under the command of Lore. Destroys the Borg transwarp vessel. [287]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Lore
  Species :  Borg


Year Event
Picture from 2370  [287] Dr. Beverly Crusher, in command of the Enterprise during the absence of Captain Picard, is successful in destroying the Borg vessel. Lieutenant Commander La Forge manages to reinitiate Data's ethical subroutine; Data disables and then dismantles Lore. [287]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard, Geordi La Forge, Data, Lore
 [287] Data obtains an emotion chip from Lore. [287]
  People :  Data, Lore
 [288] The Xenophobic Bajoran rebel group "The Circle" gains popularity on Bajor, seeking to overturn the Bajoran provisional government. Major Kira uncovers evidence that Bajoran hero Li Nalas may still be alive in a Cardassian prison camp and sets out to rescue him. [288]
  People :  Li Nalas, Major Kira Nerys
  Species :  Bajorans
Picture from 2370  [289] Major Kira is replaced as first officer of DS9 by Li Nalas. Shortly thereafter, a Circle assault force takes possession of Deep Space Nine. [289]
  People :  Li Nalas
  Species :  Bajorans
 [290] Captain Sisko leads a covert campaign to disrupt Circle control of Deep Space Nine. Major Kira and Lieutenant Dax discover evidence that the Circle is a front for the Cardassians and present it to the Council of Ministers. Support for the Circle collapses and the organisation falls apart. Li Nalas is killed. [290]
  People :  Dax, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Li Nalas
  Species :  Bajorans
 [291] The Enterprise-D meets with a group of Iyaaran representatives. Despite some cultural misunderstandings, the contact is ultimately a success. [291]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Byleth, Loquel, Voval
  Species :  Iyaaran
Picture from 2370  [292] A group of mercenaries led by Arctus Baran begin stealing Vulcan artefacts from various sites. Captain Picard is abducted by the group and begins to work for them, seeking to find out their intent. Commander Riker is also abducted. [292]
  People :  Arctus Baran, Jean-Luc Picard
 [293] Captain Picard and Commander Riker discover that Arctus Baran's mercenary group is being manipulated by Romulan agent Tallera, who is seeking to gain control of a telepathic weapon. They are able to foil Tallera's plans. [293]
  People :  Tallera, Arctus Baran, Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker
  Species :  Romulans, Vulcans
 [294] Kes is born on the Ocampan home world. [294]
  People :  Kes
  Species :  Ocampa
 [126] Rugal, a half-Cardassian, half-Bajoran war orphan, is reunited with his father, a Cardassian politician named Kotan Pa'Dar. [126]
  People :  Kotan Pa'Dar, Rugal
  Species :  Cardassians
Picture from 2370  [168] Verad steals Dax, stays joined for only a few hours before the symbiont is removed and replaced in Jadzia. [168]
  People :  Dax
 [295] Geordi's mother is apparently killed when the Starship Hera is reported as lost. [295]
  People :  Geordi La Forge
 [296] The Enterprise-D is infested with intephasic organisms when a new warp core is installed. The crew are able to remove the infestations with the assistance of Lieutenant Commander Data. [296]
  Species :  Interphasic Organism
Picture from 2370  [297] Bashir falls briefly in love with Melora Pazlar, a woman from a low gravity environment. [297]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [27] Excessive telepathic contact with Cairn forces Lwaxana to remember her daughter Kestra's death for the first time [27]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi
Picture from 2370  [298] The Grank Nagus orders Quark to buy a massive shipment of Tulaberry wine from the Dosi, a species in Gamma Quadrant. The mission proves to be a way to discover more about a group called The Dominion. [298]
  People :  Quark, Grand Nagus Zek
  Species :  Dosi
 [129] Quark survives an assassination attempt by a business partner. [129]
  People :  Quark
The Enterprise-D visits Kesprytt III, a planet containing two civilisations, one of which is applying for Federation Membership. Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher are abducted by the Prytt, although they manage to escape. Commander Riker recommends against membership for the Kes. [299]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher
  Species :  Kesprytt
Picture from 2370  [300] Hekaran scientists, Doctors Rabal and Serova, demonstrate that the use of warp drive is gradually destroying space around the Hekaran corridor. [300]
  People :  Doctor Rabal, Doctor Serova
  Species :  Hekaran
 [301] Eccentric genius Professor Gideon Seyetik successfully re-ignites a dead star, sacrificing his life in the process. [301]
  People :  Professor Gideon Seyetik, Fenna
  Species :  Halanan
 [302] An accident involving Lieutenant Commander Worf causes the intrusion of parallel realities onto one another. The Enterprise-D is able to resolve the situation. [302]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
Picture from 2370  [303] A massive group of Skreean refugees arrive through the Bajoran wormhole, fleeing the Dominion. They want to settle on Bajor, but the Bajoran government forcibly settles them on Draylon II instead. [303]
  People :  Haneek, Cowl, Gai, Tumak, Vayna
  Species :  Skreean, Bajorans
 [304] An El-Aurian named Martus Mazur sets up a gambling establishment on Deep Space Nine. He quickly proves to be a con artist, and leaves the station. [304]
  People :  Martus Mazur
  Species :  El-Aurians
Picture from 2370  [305] The EMH program is developed by Dr Lewis Zimmerman, assisted by Lieutenant Barclay. [305]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [306] Bajoran scientist Dr. Mora Pol, who worked with Odo when he was first discovered, arrives on Deep Space Nine. Mora and Odo investigate a planet in the Gamma Quadrant on which DNA similar to Odo's has been discovered. Odo suffers a negative reaction from a gas he is exposed to on the planet, but is successfully treated. [306]
  People :  Doctor Mora Pol, Odo
  Species :  Founders
 [305] Barclay Leaves the Enterprise-D [305]
  People :  Reginald Barclay
 [33] Data meets his 'mother', Juliana Tainer. [33]
  People :  Data
Picture from 2370  [270] Lieutenant Worf's brother Nikolai Rozhenko violates the Prime Directive in order to save a tribe of Boraalans when their home planet becomes uninhabitable. Although reluctant, the Enterprise-D crew assist him in relocating the tribe to another planet. [307]
  People :  Nikolai Rozhenko, Worf Rozhenko, Vorin, Dobara, Kateras, Tarrana
  Species :  Boraalan
 [308] Beverley's grandmother, Melissa Howard, dies. [308]
  People :  Beverly Crusher
 [107] The Enteprise-D discovers the wreck of the USS Pegasus, lost in 2358. The ship proves to have been experimenting with an illegal phase-cloak device, implicating Commander Riker and Admiral Erik Pressman. [107]
  People :  Admiral Erik Pressman, William T. Riker
Picture from 2370  [309] Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir assist the T'Lani and Kellerun species to destroy a cache of biological weapons. The two officers are subject to a murder attempt carried out by the two species, in an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the weapons so that they can never be recreated. Both escape and return to Deep Space Nine. [309]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Ambassador Sharat, Ambassador E'Tyshra
  Species :  T'Lani, Kellerun
 [310] Tom Paris causes the death of several other officers during training. He lies about the accident during the inquest, then subsequently confesses and is expelled from the academy. [74]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
 [74] Tom Paris joins the Maquis. He is captured on his first mission and jailed. [74]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
Picture from 2370  [311] Ensign Sito Jaxa is killed whilst on a covert mission to assist Cardassian double agent Joret Dal in returning to Cardassian space. [311]
  People :  Sito Jaxa, Joret Dal
 [119] Commander Sisko encounter a human colony on a planet where most advanced technology is disrupted by a local duonetic field. The field proves to be artificial, created by the colony leader, Alixus, to force the colonists to live the primitive life she supports. Sisko disables the field to give the colonists a choice in how to live their lives. [119]
  People :  Alixus, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph, Stephan, Cassandra, Vinod
Picture from 2370  [35] A group within the Paradan government attempt to disrupt peace talks on their planet by creating a duplicate of Chief O'Brien. The attempt fails. [35]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
  Species :  Parada
 [49] Kira becomes romantically involved with Vedek Bareil. [49]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
 [312] Deanna is promoted to Commander. [312]
  People :  Deanna Troi
Picture from 2370  [313] The Enterprise-D discovers an ancient D'Arsay archive. Systems on the archive affect the Starship's computers and replicator systems, as well as Lieutenant Commander Data. The crew are able to reverse the effects. [313]
  People :  Data
  Species :  D'Arsay
 [314] On the Enterprise-D, Lieutenant Daniel Kwan commits suicide. Investigation proves that the suicide was the result of a telepathic influence left behind when Ensign Walter J. Pierce murdered his girlfriend Marla Finn and her lover aboard the ship during construction bfore committing suicide himself. [314]
  People :  Lieutenant Daniel L. Kwan, Ensign Walter J. Pierce, Deanna Troi
 [65] Lieutenant Dax carries out an assessment on Trill initiate Arjin. She also discovers an expanding proto-universe, which the Deep Space Nine crew are able to safely relocate. [65]
  People :  Dax, Arjin
  Species :  Trill
 [26] Chakotay resigns from Starfleet and joins the Maquis. [26]
  People :  Chakotay
Picture from 2370  [315] Barclay becomes the first sufferer of Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome. A treatment developed by Beverly Crusher creates the disease, which causes most of the Enterprise-D crew to mutate to animal forms. [315]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge
 [130] Quark encounters the Cardassian Natima Lang on Deep Space Nine, an old romantic interest of his. [130]
  People :  Quark, Natima Lang
  Species :  Cardassians
Picture from 2370  [316] Klingons Kor, Kang and Koloth arrive on Deep Space Nine to enlist Lieutenant Dax's assistance in tracking down the Albino, a Klingon renegade whom all four have sworn to kill under a Klingon blood oath. Jadzia fulfils her oath, though she does not kill the Albino herself. Kang and Koloth are killed on the mission. [316]
  People :  Dax, Kang, Koloth, Kor
  Species :  Klingons
 [78] The Federation agrees a treaty with the Cardassians setting a new border between the two. Several colonies must be relocated as part of the treaty. In the aftermath, many Federation citizens take up arms against the Cardassians as part of 'The Maquis'. [78]
  People :  Chakotay, B'Elanna Torres, Admirall Alynna Nechayev, Ro Laren
  Species :  Cardassians
 [78] Wesley ascends to a higher state of being. [78]
  People :  Wesley Crusher
Picture from 2370  [57] Dukat is briefly captured by the Maquis, but subsequently rescued by Commander Sisko. [57]
  People :  Gul Dukat
 [317] A future version of Alexander returns to the present to try and convince his earlier self to appreciate Klingon culture and the warrior ethos. [317]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Alexander Rozhenko
 [318] Starfleet Commander Cal Hudson defects to the Maquis despite repeated efforts by his friend Commander Sisko to convince him to remain in Starfleet. [318]
  People :  Cal Hudson
 [319] Daimon Bok threatens to kill Jason Vigo, whom he claims is Captain Picard's son. Investigation proves that Vigo is not in fact any relation to Picard. [319]
  People :  DaiMon Bok, Jason Vigo, Jean-Luc Picard
 [320] Garak's cranial implant fails. [320]
  People :  Elim Garak
Picture from 2370  [199] Harry graduates Starfleet academy. [199]
  People :  Harry Kim
 [321] The Enteprise-D computer achieves a limited form of sentience and uses the ship's systems to creates an artificial life form, which it releases into the galaxy. [321]
  Species :  Emergent life form
 [322] Bashir and Kira cross over to the mirror universe during an accident inside the Wormhole, the first people from our universe to do so in over a century. [322]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Julian Bashir
Picture from 2370  [323] Vedek Winn asks Major Kira to investigate rumours of a prominent Bajoran who turned traitor during the war. The evidence indicates that Vedek Bareil is the guilty party, although in fact he is taking the blame for Kai Opaka. The scandal destroys his chances of being elected Kai, and Vedek Winn gains the position instead. [323]
  People :  Winn Adami, Vedek Bareil Antos, Major Kira Nerys
  Species :  Bajorans
 [324] Lieutenant Ro is sent undercover to infiltrate a Maquis cell. Although successful, Ro defects to the Maquis. [324]
  People :  Ro Laren
 [325] The Cardassian government arrests Chief O'Brien for working with the Maquis. Despite the difficulties of working within the Cardassian justice system, Commander Sisko is able to exonerate O'Brien. In the process, it is proved that the Cardassians have planted long term operatives in the Federation disguised as humans, who do not even know themselves that they are really Cardassian. [325]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Raymond Boone, Kovat, Makbar, Gul Evek
  Species :  Cardassians
 [326] Sisko makes first contact between the Federation and the Dominion when he and Quark are captured by the Jem'Hadar. [326]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Quark
  Species :  Jem'Hadar, Humans, Ferengi
 [327] Jean-Luc Picard convinces the Q to allow Humanity to continue to exist by demonstrating that we are capable of understanding the so-called limitless possibilities of existence. The experience involves Picard visiting alternate timelines created by Q, which draws the Captain closer to his crew and leads to him joining the regular senior officers poker game for the first time. [327]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
 [328] Chakotay's father, Kolopak, dies. [329]
  People :  Chakotay
 [330] Veder Bareil Antos begins negotiations with Legate Turrel of the Cardassian Union, with a view to signing a formal peace treaty between Bajor and Cardassia. The negotiations will continue for the next five months. [331]
  People :  Vedek Bareil Antos
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [332] Kes's father dies. [333]
  People :  Kes
  Species :  Ocampa
Picture from 2371  [334] Sisko takes command of the USS Defiant in order to defend Deep Space Nine against Dominion. He undertakes a mission into the Gamma Quadrant to investigate thenature and extent of the threat. The Defiant is overwhelmed and captured. [334]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Admirall Alynna Nechayev
 [335] Odo discovers that his species are the Founders of the Dominion. He is able to secure the release of the Defiant and its crew. [335]
  People :  Odo, Admirall Alynna Nechayev
 [336] Tuvok is successful in infiltrating a cell of the Maquis while serving as Captain Janeway's chief tactical officer. [74]
  People :  Tuvok
Picture from 2371  [337] Kes escapes from her home city and is captured by the Kazon. [74]
  People :  Kes
 [338] Quark accidentally kills the Klingon Kozak, head of a Klingon House. Since a female cannot head a Klingon house, Quark is subsequently married by Grilka, Kozak's widow, so he can act as the head of her house. Quark subsequently proves to Gowron and the council that the House of Kozak is being economically attacked by a rival, D'Ghor. D'Ghor's honour is stripped from him by Gowron. In the aftermath, Grilka divorces Quark. [338]
  People :  Quark, Grilka, D'Ghor, Gowron
  Species :  Klingons, Ferengi
 [339] Lieutenant Dax begins to suffer dramatic mood swings and hallucinations. Investigation proves that this is the result of her suppressed memories regarding Joran Dax, a psychotic previous host. In the process, she discovers that most of the Trill population is cabale of being joined. [339]
  People :  Crewman Dax
  Species :  Trill
Picture from 2371  [340] A Maquis raider ship under the command of Chakotay is dragged across the galaxy from the Badlands. The crew includes B'Elanna Torres and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. [74]
  People :  Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Chakotay
 [341] The EMH is activated for the first time on Stardate 48315 during Captain Janeway's pre-launch inspection tour of the USS Voyager. [341]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
Picture from 2371  [74] The USS Voyager sets out on a mission to discover the fate of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. The ship is dragged from the Badlands across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant by the Nacene individual known as the Caretaker. Voyager procedes to investigate the circumstances surrounding the abduction. [74]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Tuvok
  Species :  Nacene
 [337] Voyager encounters the Ocampa and Kazon civilisations. Captain Janeway decides to destroy the Caretaker's array in order to keep the Caretaker's advanced technology out of Kazon hands, stranding Voyager in the Delta Quadrant 70,000 light years from home. [74]
  People :  Kes, Neelix, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres
  Species :  Nacene, Kazon, Ocampa
 [342] The colonists on Cestus III revive the sport of Baseball, setting up a league. [79]
 [56] The Cardassians mount an elaborate deception aimed at convincing Legate Ghemor that Major Kira is his daughter, a Cardassian surgically altered to appear Bajoran and with her memories altered to make her an undercover operative who genuinely believed she was Bajoran. Ghemor escapes the trap. [56]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Legate Ghemor
  Species :  Cardassians
Picture from 2371  [343] Quark buys a load of scrap from a merchant on Deep Space Nine; the lot proves to have an abandoned baby in it. As the child grows, it is clear that it is an infant Jem'Hadar. Odo attempts to control the child, but as it grows to maturity this proves to be impossible. [343]
  People :  Odo
  Species :  Jem'Hadar
 [344] A series of Cardassian defence protocols and booby traps are activated on Deep Space Nine, threatening to destroy the station. The crew are able to successfully overcome the systems. [344]
 [345] Lieutenant Dax has a brief romantic involvement with Deral, a scientist from Meridian - a planet whose inhabitants live in a parallel dimension, only shifting into our reality every sixty years. The relationship ends when Deral and his people shift out again after a few days. [345]
  People :  Crewman Dax, Deral
  Species :  Meridian
 [58] Investigating a distress call, the USS Voyager becomes trapped inside the event horizon of a quantum singularity. The crew experience time distortions, but are eventually able to break free. B'Elanna Torres provides considerable assistance in the escape, and as a result is appointed Chief Engineer of the ship. [58]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2371  [346] The USS Defiant is stolen by Thomas Riker, who is now a member of the Maquis. Dukat and Sisko manage to recapture the vessel in a joint operation. [346]
  People :  Gul Dukat, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, William Thomas Riker
 [347] The Bajoran gratitude festival is held on Deep Space Nine. Lwaxana attends the festivities. [347]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi
  Species :  Bajorans
 [348] A microscopic singularity passing through the solar system explodes as the Defiant engages it's transporter, Throwing Commander Sisko, Lieutenant Bashir and Lieutenant Commander Dax back in time to the mid 21st century. [348] The crew is ultimately able to retrieve their comrades. [349]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Julian Bashir, Crewman Dax
 [350] The USS Voyager passes by a Delta Quadrant planet whose civilisation makes extensive use of polaric energy. [350]
Picture from 2371  [331] After final negotiations on Deep Space Nine, Kai Winn signs a formal peace treaty between the Bajoran government and the Cardassian union. [331]

Vedek Bareil dies, despite extensive efforts by Dr. Bashir to save him. [331]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Vedek Bareil Antos
 [351] On Deep Space Nine, Nog completes the Ferengi Attainment Ceremony. This marks the beginning of his legal adulthood. According to Ferengi by-laws, section one oh five, subparagraph ten he begins to seek an apprenticeship from a suitable role model. [352]
  People :  Nog
 [352] The Founders make an attempt to decieve Odo into thinking that Major Kira has died. The attempt fails. [352]
  People :  Odo, Female Shapeshifter
  Species :  Founders
 [353] Neelix's lungs are stolen by the Vidiians. Although they cannot replace it, they are able to modify one of Kes' lungs to serve as a replacement. [353]
  People :  Neelix, Kes
  Species :  Vidiians
 [354] Deep Space Nine hosts the first joint Bajoran/Cardassian/Federation science mission. Although some believe that Bajoran prophecies indicate imminent doom, the mission is successful. [354]
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [355] Grand Nagus Zek enters the Bajoran wormhole bearing one of the orbs of the Prophets. The wormhole aliens, judging his personality to be unacceptable, eliminate his sense of greed and selfishness. [356]
  People :  Grand Nagus Zek
  Species :  Ferengi
Picture from 2371  [357] Voyager encounters a nebula which proves to be a gigantic living entity. Although they accidentally damage the creature, they are able to make sufficient repairs to it. [357]
  Species :  Nucleogenic Cloud Being
 [67] Voyager discovers a micro-wormhole which leads to the Alpha Quadrant. Although they are able to communicate with a Romulan vessel through the link, the wormhole proves to have a temporal shift - with the other end in 2349. [67]
  Species :  Romulans
 [356] Bashir is nominated for a Carrington Award for his research in bimolecular replication. Quark is able to convince the Bajoran Prophets to return Grand Nagus Zek to his normal mode of thinking. [356]
  People :  Julian Bashir, Grand Nagus Zek, Quark
Picture from 2371  [358] Tom is convicted of murder by the Baneans and sentenced to repeatedly relive the crime via memory implantation. An investigation by Tuvok subsequently proves his innocence. [358]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris, Tuvok
  Species :  Banean
 [359] Investigating an alien burial site, Harry Kim is transported to a distant location - possibly a parallel universe - and becomes involved in an alien civilisation's death rituals. He is able to return to Voyager with the help of one of the natives. [359]
  People :  Harry Kim
  Species :  Vhnori
 [360] Chief O'Brien suffers a dose of radiation poisoning. In the aftermath, he begins to exhibit strange jumps in time. This proves to be a result of an interaction between the radiation and the quantum singularity of a cloaked Warbird orbiting the station, part of a Romulan plot to destroy Deep Space Nine and close the wormhole. O'Brien is killed as events unfold, and replaced by another version of himself from a parallel timeline. [360]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Karina, Bo'rak, Atul, Ruwon, Morka
  Species :  Romulans
 [361] Tuvok violates Janeway's orders in an attempt to secure long range transporter technology from the Sikarians. [361]
  People :  Tuvok
  Species :  Sikarians
Picture from 2371  [362] Worf is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Data installs the emotion chip he acquired from Lore. The Amargosa star system is destroyed by Dr. Tolian Soran. The Enterprise-D is destroyed whilst attempting to prevent Dr. Soran from similarly destroying the Veridian system. Captain Kirk is killed attempting to stop Soran. [362]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, James T. Kirk
  Species :  El-Aurians
 [362] In the aftermath of the Enterprise-D's destruction, Worf goes on leave to the planet Boreth. He is eventually recalled and appointed as Strategic operations officer of Deep Space Nine. [362]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
Picture from 2371  [363] Geordi undergoes surgery to replace his VISOR with ocular implants. [363]
  People :  Geordi La Forge
 [364] Voyager's crew discover evidence that one of them been giving technology to the Kazon. Despite careful concealment, the traitor is revealed to be Seska - a Cardassian agent who infiltrated Chakotay's Maquis cell masquerading as a Bajoran. [364]
  People :  Seska
  Species :  Cardassians
 [365] Doctor Bashir is approached by Altovar, a Lethean attempting to buy bio-mimetic gel. When he refuses, Altovar attacks him telepathically. Bashir is able to overcome the attack. [365]
  People :  Julian Bashir, Altovar
  Species :  Lethean
Picture from 2371  [366] Voyager accidentally captures a photonic life form which disrupts the ship's holodeck. The EMH is able to resolve the situation, releasing the being. [366]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
  Species :  Photonic being
 [367] The Mirror universe version of Chief O'Brien abducts Commander Sisko, in order to force him to convince the Mirror Jennifer Sisko not to complete a new sensor array for the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance. Sisko is able to succeed in this task and return to his own universe. [367]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Miles Edward O'Brien (Mirror), Jennifer Sisko (Mirror)
 [368] Returning to Voyager from a trip to a nebula, Commander Chakotay is drained of neural energy. He is ultimately able to return to his body. [368]
  People :  Chakotay
 [369] A bomb destroys Garak's tailor shop on Deep Space Nine. During the investigation, it becomes clear that a conspiracy involving the Romaulans and Cardassians is in progress, with the intent of attacking the Founder's homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. [369]
  People :  Odo, Elim Garak, Enabran Tain
  Species :  Founders, Romulans, Cardassians
 [370] The Vidiians use their advanced medical technology to split B'Elanna Torres into her separate Klingon and Human components. Voyager's crew are able to return her back to normal. [370]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2371  [371] Garak briefly rejoins the Obsidian Order for the joint Cardassian/Romulan attack on the Founder's home world. The attack proves to be a trap, and the entire fleet is annhilated by the Jem'Fadar. Garak and Odo are able to escape. [371]
  People :  Odo, Elim Garak, Enabran Tain
  Species :  Founders, Cardassians, Romulans
 [60] Voyager encounters Doctor Jetrel, a Hakkonian scientist who led the effort to develop the Metreon Cascade during the war with the Talaxians. Despite bitterness on the part of Neelix, he is ultimately able to forgive Jetrel for his actions. [60]
  People :  Neelix, Doctor Ma'Bor Jetrel
  Species :  Haakonian
Picture from 2371  [372] Commander Sisko builds a solar sail craft and sets out on a mission to recreate the early Bakoran flights with his son Jake. Thanks to a tachyon anomaly, he is able to pilot the craft all the way to Cardassian space, proving that legends of such flights in the past are in fact possible. [372]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Jake Sisko
  Species :  Bajorans, Cardassians
 [373] Tuvok undertakes to train some of Voyager's Maquis crewmembers in Starfleet practices and protocols. [373]
  People :  Tuvok
 [79] Quark is served with a Writ of Accountability by the FCA for improper supervision of a family member after his mother Ishka begins earning a profit in business. He and Rom return to Ferenginar to convince her to return the money. On Deep Space Nine, Commnader Sisko meets Kasidy Yates for the first time. [79]
  People :  Quark, Rom, Ishka, Brunt, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Kasidy Yates
  Species :  Ferengi
 [305] Voyager's EMH experiences some memory issues when the ship's holodecks malfunction. [305]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
Picture from 2371  [374] The First Minister of the Bajoran Provisional Government dies. Kai Winn is appointed as his replacement. When Winn almost causes a minor civil war over some soil reclamantors, Major Kira's old friend Shaakar decides to stand for the First Minister position in order to draw publicity to her actions. Winn decides to step down from the position. [374]
  People :  Shakaar Edon, Major Kira Nerys, Winn Adami
  Species :  Bajorans
 [294] Voyager encounters a swarm of spacegoing life forms. Although the life forms perceive the ship as a potential mate and rival, the crew are able to dissuade them and escape. Meanwhile, Kes goes through a phantom version of the Ocampan Elogium. [294]
  People :  Kes
  Species :  Ocampa
 [375] Voyager encounters a spatial distortion ring. [375]
Picture from 2371  [376] Dax performs the zhian'tara ritual, meeting her previous hosts. Although both Curzon and Joran prove somewhat troublesome, she is ultimately able to handle them effectively. [376]
  People :  Crewman Dax
  Species :  Trill
 [377] Sisko is promoted to Captain. [377]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [377] Odo is forced to kill a Founder when it attempts to provoke a war between he Federation and the Tzenkethi. [377]
  People :  Odo
Picture from 2371  [378] Following a radio signal to a nearby planet, Voyager discovers a group of humans abducted from 20th century Earth. Amongst them is a personal hero of Captain Janeway, Amelia Earhart. Although tempted to remain on the planet, which hosts what is now a thriving civilisation, the entire crew elects to continue their journey home. [378]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Amelia Earhart
 [21] The USS Olympia begins to return from its mission of exploration in the Beta Quadrant. As it turns back, the ship picks up some strange energy readings in a nearby star system. They divert to investigate, discovering an energy barrier surrounding a nearby planet. The ship scans the planet with active scanners, which triggers a quantum reaction that destroys the ship. Only the Captain, Lisa Cusak, survives. [21]

Cusak manages to attract the attention of the USS Defiant over subspace radio, and the Defiant rushes to save her. Unfortunately, the energy barrier around the planet time-shifts the communication some three years into the future, a fact not evident until the Defiant arrives at the planet in 2374. Unfortunately Cusak is long dead by this time. [21]
  People :  Captain Lisa Cusak
 [329] Chakotay takes a shuttle to perform the pakra, a ritual commemorating the anniversary of my father's death. He becomes involved in the initiation of a young Kazon male, who is sent to capture his shuttle in order to earn his name. Chakotay and the Kazon become friends, and the boy helps Chakotay escape whilst Chakotay helps him earn his name : Kar. [329]
  People :  Chakotay, Kar
  Species :  Kazon
 [199] Ensign Kim is briefly transported to an alternate timeline version of Earth in which he was never assigned to the USS Voyager. He is told by one of the people there than an alien race is responsible, one which lives in "a temporal inversion fold of the space-time matrix". Kim's shuttle collided with their timestream, causing an alteration of reality. At his request, he is given the information neede to successfully return to his proper time and place. [199]
  People :  Harry Kim
Picture from 2372  [82] Dukat becomes the military advisor to the Detapa Council, a group of civilians who overturned the military government of Cardassia and became its new leaders. [82]
  People :  Gul Dukat
 [82] Sisko violates orders and interferes in the Klingon-Cardassian war; a Klingon fleet attacks Deep Space Nine in retaliation. The attacks fails, but results in the subsequent Klingon-Federation conflict. [82]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Gowron, General Martok
 [379] The Bajoran wormhole undergoes a subspace inversion, an event which happens only once every fifty years. Captain Sisko narrowly escapes death when an accident occurs aboard the Defiant. [379]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Jake Sisko
Picture from 2372  [380] Chief O'Brien and Lieutenant Bashir conduct a bio-survey of the planet Merik III in the Gamma Quadrant. On the way back to the wormhole they crashland on another planet and are captured by a group of rebel Jem'Hadar led by Goran'Agar. The Jem'Hadar attempt to force Bashir to find a way to free them from dependence on Ketracel white. He fails, leading to the death of the group. [380]
  People :  Julian Bashir, Miles Edward O'Brien, Goran'Agar
  Species :  Jem'Hadar
 [381] Lieutenant Tom Paris and Neelix are briefly stranded on an alien planet. Finding it to be the hatching ground for a reptillian alien species, they are able to care for one of the hatched young before returning to Voyager. [381]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris, Neelix
Picture from 2372  [382] Voyager's crew begin to experience a series of hallucinations, the result of a telepathic attack by a Bothan. Kes is able to defeat the attack, although the Bothan escapes. [382]
  People :  Kes
  Species :  Botha
 [84] Major Kira and Gul Dukat locate the crash site of the Ravinok, a vessel which crashed in 2366. Dukat is reunited with his half Bajoran daughter, Tora Ziyal. He is subsequently disowned by his family and loses his role as the Detapa Council's military advisor. [84]
  People :  Gul Dukat, Major Kira Nerys, Tora Ziyal
 [383] Voyager encounters a species in the Delta Quadrant which visisted Earth some thousands of years ago. Despite initial suspicions, Chakotay manages to make peaceful contact. [383]
  People :  Chakotay
  Species :  Sky Spirit
Picture from 2372  [384] Voyager encounters Suspiria, a member of the Caretaker's species, living in the Delta Quadrant with a group of Ocampa. Although iniitally hostile, the Captain Janeway manage to make peaceful contact with them. [384]
  People :  Kes, Yeoman Tankris, Tanis, Suspiria
  Species :  Nacene, Ocampa
 [385] Jadzia Dax meets Lenara Khan, a Trill whose former host was married to one of Dax's former hosts. Lenara is working on a project to generate the first artificial wormhole, which is partially successful. The two develop a romantic interest during the course of the project, but Lenara declines to develop it due to the Trill reassociation taboo. [385]
  People :  Dax, Doctor Lenara Kahn
  Species :  Trill
Picture from 2372  [386] A Kazon raid on Voyager is successful in stealing transporter technology. Chakotay sets out alone in a shuttle to deal with Seska. [386]
  People :  Seska, Chakotay
  Species :  Kazon
 [387] Captain Janeway leads a covert away team to the Mokra homeworld to purchase a quantity of tellerium. Several members of the away team are captured by the brutal dictatorship which rules the planet, but Captain Janeway is able to free them with the help of a native. [387]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Caylem, Augris, Darod
  Species :  Mokra
 [388] The Defiant meets with a Karemma trading ship. The meeting is disrupted when several Jem'Hadar warships attack. The Defiant is ultimately triumphant. [388]
  Species :  Jem'Hadar, Karemma
Picture from 2372  [389] Voyager encounters two warring robot races and is drawn into the conflict when Lieutenant Commander Torres is forced to assist one side. The ship is able to extricate itself from the conflict and escape. [389]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
  Species :  Pralor, Cravic
 [390] Quark is given his own ship by cousin Gaila; he loses it soon after in a temporal accident. [390]
  People :  Quark
 [391] Voyager encounters Quinn, a member of the Q continuum who is seeking to end his life. Captain Janeway holds an inquiry and decides that Quinn has the right to do so if he wishes. Quinn commits suicide shortly afterwards. [391]
  People :  Quinn, Q
  Species :  Q
Picture from 2372  [392] Kor, Worf and Dax embark on a quest to find the legendary Sword of Kahless. They are able to locate the sword, but after falling out over ownership they set it adrift in space for others to find later on. [392]
  People :  Kor, Worf Rozhenko, Dax
  Species :  Klingons
 [393] Captain Janeway seeks an alliance with some Kazon sects, in an attempt to stave off their constant attacks on Voyager. The attempt fails, and Janeway enlists the help of a Trabe convoy. The Trabe betray Voyager, and the attempt at an alliance fails. [393]
  Species :  Kazon, Trabe
 [394] Several members of the Deep Space Nine crew become trapped in a holodeck simulation belonging to Dr. Bashir. They are soon freed unharmed by the experience. [394]
  People :  Julian Bashir
Picture from 2372  [103] Thomas Eugene Paris becomes the first known Human being to achieve Warp 10 and travel at infinite speed. Unfortunately, there are some serious side effects. [103]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
Picture from 2372  [170] Tuvok mind melds with Ensign Suder in an attempt to cure him of his violent tendencies. [170]
  People :  Tuvok
 [395] The Bajoran wormhole begins opening and closing without apprent cause, possibly the result of cloaked Dominion ships passing through. Tensions are further heightened when a bomb explodes at the conference held on Earth between the Federation and Romulan Empire. Footage of the blast shows a Founder present in the room. The Defiant is summoned to Earth by Admiral Leyton, who is seeking to institute much more severe security measures on the planet. [395]
  People :  Admiral Leyton
  Species :  Founders
 [396] Captain Sisko begins to syuspect that Admiral Leyton is engaged in a plot to take military control of Earth. Investigation proves his suspicions correct, and Leyton is arrested. [396]
  People :  Admiral Leyton
Picture from 2372  [397] Voyager encounters a robotic Cardassian weapon which the Maquis captured and then used in the Badlands. The weapon was drawn through to the Delta Quadrant and is now roaming, searching for a target. After considerable effort, B'Elanna manages to disable the weapon. [397]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres, First Minister Kellan
  Species :  Rakosan
 [398] First Minister of Bajor, Edon Shakaar, visits Deep Space Nine. Kira becomes romantically involved with him whilst he is on the station. [398]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Shakaar Edon
 [399] Neelix begins broadcasting "A Briefing With Neelix", a news and current affairs program on Voyagers communications network. [399]
  People :  Neelix
Picture from 2372  [400] The EMH has a brief relationship with Danara Pel. [400]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [401] Dukat gains control of a Klingon Bird of Prey with the help of Kira and launches a terrorist campaign against the Klingons. [401]
  People :  Gul Dukat, Major Kira Nerys
 [402] Kim dies and is replaced by a duplicate. [402]
  People :  Harry Kim
Picture from 2372  [403] The Klingons begin to lay a minefield around the Bajoran system; Captain Sisko destroys the field. Worf's brother Kurn comes to Deep Space Nine to participate in a ritual suicide, considering himself to have lost his honour. [403]
  People :  Kurn, Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Klingons, Bajorans
 [404] Tuvok crashes on a moon of Drayan II. [404]
  People :  Tuvok
 [405] The employees of Quark's Bar form a labour union and go on strike to protest Quark's unfair labor practices. [405]
  People :  Rom, Quark, Leeta, Brunt
  Species :  Ferengi
 [406] Voyager encounters the Kohl, a civilisation which went into a cirtual reality environment to avoid an environmental catastrophe on their planet. They are able to free the few remaining Kohl from the simulation, which has turned deadly. [406]
  Species :  Kohl
 [407] Keiko conceives her second child. [407]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
Picture from 2372  [408] Neelix and Tuvok are merged in a transporter accident, creating a new being which the crew dub Tuvix; despite Tuvix expressing a desire to live, they are subsequently forcibly separated by Captain Janeway. [408]
  People :  Neelix, Tuvok, Kathryn Janeway
 [409] Worf is placed in command the Defiant for a convoy escort mission. When Klingons warships attack the convoy he destroys what appears to be a transport ship full of civilians. The investigation reveals that this was a ruse by the Klingons to create bad publicity for the Federation. [409]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Ch'Pok, T'Lara
  Species :  Klingons
 [333] Chakotay and Janeway become infected with a terminal illness whilst on a planet in the Delta Quadrant. The only way to stop the disease progressing is to remain on the planet permanently, so both officers are left behind and command of Voyager is transferred to Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. After some time the Voyager crew contact the Vidiians and get hold of a treatment for the illness, allowing Janeway and Chakotay to return to the ship. [333]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay
  Species :  Vidiians
 [410] Voyager is briefly captured by the Kazon. The large majority of the crew are stranded on a primitive planet. [410]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
  Species :  Kazon
 [411] O'Brien is convicted of spying on the Argrathi; he receives a memory implant equivalent to spending twenty years in jail. [411]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
Picture from 2372  [412] The Mirror Jennifer Sisko takes Jake to her universe, enticing Captain Sisko to follow. There he assists the Terrans in completing a copy of the Defiant in time to engage a Klingon force attacking Deep Space Nine. [412]
  People :  Jennifer Sisko (Mirror), Jake Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [413] Lwaxana marries Jeyal. She subsequently dissolves the marriage and marries Odo. [413]
  People :  Lwaxana Troi
 [414] Starfleet officer Michael Eddington is discovered to be a Maquis operative when he hijacks a convoy of industrial replicators bound for Cardassia, escaping into the Badlands with them. Kassidy Yates is discovered to have been engaged in smuggling operations for the Maquis, and is sent to prison. [414]
  People :  Michael Eddington, Kasidy Yates, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [415] Weyoun serves as a Field Supervisor for the Jem'Hadar attempting to resolve the Iconian Gateway scandal. He is killed by his Jem'Hadar First at the end of the mission. [415]
  People :  Weyoun
 [416] Lieutenant Commander Dax, Doctor Bashir, and Major Kira carry out a bio-survey mission in the Gamma Quadrant. Whilst there they pick up a distress signal and divert to Boranis III, a planet on the edge of Dominion space. The population are found to be suffering from a disease inflicted by the Dominion. Bashir spends some time on the planet trying to find a cure for the disease, which is known as the "Teplan Blight". He is unable to do so, but does find a way to make children born on the planet immune to the Blight. [416]
  People :  Julian Bashir
  Species :  Boranian
Picture from 2372  [417] Captain Picard is assigned command of the Enterprise-E. He takes many of his Enterprise-D crew with him. [417]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge
 [418] Miles and Keiko's child is transferred to Kira's womb after a Runabout accident. [418]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Miles Edward O'Brien
 [418] Quark sells his remains after he is falsely informed that he is dying of Dorek Syndrome. His business licence is revoked after he fails to fulfil the contract. [418]
  People :  Quark
 [419] Odo's shape shifting powers are removed by the Founders for killing another of his kind. [419]
  People :  Odo
Picture from 2373  [420] Fearing that Gowron may have been replaced by a Changeling, Starfleet sends the Defiant on a mission to infiltrate the Klingon command centre Ty'Gokor. Gowron proves to be innocent, but his advisor General Martok is revealed to be the Changeling. The Changeling is killed and Gowron, realising that he has been manipulated into war with the Federation, declares a cease fire. [420]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Gowron, General Martok
  Species :  Klingons
 [421] Voyager is re-captured from the Kazon by Paris and a small group of Talaxians. Both Seska and Ensign Suder are killed during the operation. [421]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes, Ensign Suder, Seska
  Species :  Kazon, Talaxians
Picture from 2373  [422] Conducting a mineral survey of Torga IV, a planet in the Gamma Quadrant, Captain Sisko discovers a crashed Jem'Hadar warship. Despite opposition from a group of Jem'Hadar led by the Vorta, Kilana, he manages to recover the ship and return it to Starfleet for analysis. In the process, one a Changeling hiding aboard the vessel dies. [422]
  People :  Kilana
  Species :  Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Founders
 [423] Captain Janeway accepts an invitation from the Nechani to take shore leave on their planet. Whilst there Kes is injured when she accidentally walks into a sacred area of a religious site. She is ultimately healed. [423]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Kes
  Species :  Nechani
 [424] The USS Voyager finds evidence of a wormhole having recently appeared and disappeared in a nearby solar system. Investigating, they discover a pair of Ferengi on a nearby planet, stranded there in 2366 when they passed through the Barzan wormhole. The Ferengi are using their advanced technology to exploit the iron-age Takarian natives. Voyager's crew manages to return the two Ferengi through the wormhole, but is unable to utilise it themselves. [424]
  People :  Koll, Doctor Arridor
  Species :  Ferengi, Takarian
Picture from 2373  [425] Quark woos and becomes involved with Grilka again when she visits DS9, with some assistance in Klingon customs from Worf and Dax. Worf and Dax also become romantically involved with one another. [425]
  People :  Quark, Grilka, Worf Rozhenko, Dax
 [66] The USS Voyager investigates a gaseous anomaly which contains sirillium. Lieutenant Tuvok suffers from the effects of a repressed memory whilst the ship approaches the anomaly. Captain Janeway explores his memories via a Vulcan mind meld, and the EMH discovers that he is suffering from a form of memory virus which feeds on neural peptides. The virus is destroyed. [66]
  People :  Tuvok, Kathryn Janeway
  Species :  Memory Virus
 [426] Jake Sisko becomes involved in combat operations against the Klingons on Ajilon Prime when Doctor Bashir diverts there whilst on the way back to Deep Space Nine. In the aftermath, Jake will write an article on his experiences there, including an unflinching look at what he considers to be his cowardly reaction to danger. [426]
  People :  Jake Sisko
  Species :  Klingons
Picture from 2373  [427] Tom and Harry are briefly imprisoned by the Akritiri. [427]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim
 [428] Whilst visiting the Fire Caves of Bajor, Keiko O'Brien's body is possessed by a Pah-wraith. She attempts to force Chief O'Brien to attack the Prophets in the Bajoran wormhole, but although the plan comes close to success, O'Brien is able to defeat the Pah-wraith and force it from her body. [428]
  People :  Keiko O'Brien, Miles Edward O'Brien
  Species :  Pah-wraiths, Prophets
 [88] Voyager is thrown back in time to 1996 [88]; the ship prevents a temporal explosion which would otherwise have destroyed the Earth. [429]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [430] Voyager picks up some Enaran colonists from the Fima system to return them to their home on Enara Prime. One of the Enarans, Jora Mirell, uses her telepathic abilities to show Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres memories of a genocidal policy which the Enarans carried out against a segment of their population known as the Regressives. [430]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres, Jessen, Jor Brel, Jora Mirell, Jareth
  Species :  Enaran
 [431] Klingon agent Arne Darvin uses the Bajoran Orb of Time to throw the Defiant into the year 2267. There he attempt to kill Captain Kirk with a bomb. The Defiant crew are able to capture Darvin and foil his scheme. [431]
  People :  Arne Darvin
Picture from 2373  [432] Voyager trespasses on Swarm space to avoid a lengthy detour on their journey home. [432]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [83] Worf, Dax, Bashir, Leeta, and Quark take a vacation on Risa. Whilst there, Bashir and Leeta end their relationship. Worf decides to support a fundamentalist group who are attempting to shock Federation citizens out of what they see as a hedonistic self-involved lifestyle. He quickly turns against the group when their actions go too far. [83]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Dax, Leeta, Julian Bashir, Quark
  Species :  Risans
 [433] Dax, Garak, Odo and Sisko are returning from a conference to Deep Space 9 when their Runabout passes through a plasma field. The field causes Odo to involuntarily bind all four into a version of the great link, in which they experience an event that took place on Deep Space Nine in 2366, during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. They are eventually able to break free of the link. [433]
  People :  Dax, Odo, Elim Garak, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Picture from 2373  [434] Odo crashes on an inhospitable planet with Quark, the result of an assassination attempt on Quark by the Orion Syndicate. They are forced to climb a nearby mountain to call for help. Despite considerable hardship and personal disagreement, they are able to send a distress signal and are soon rescued. [434]
  People :  Odo, Quark
 [435] The USS Voyager rescues some aliens from a stricken vessel, only to have them prove to be the Ilari Warlord, Tieran. Tieran transfers his consciousness into Kes via a device implanted in his body; Kes/Tieran then escapes Voyager and return to the Ilari home planet to attempt to take control of the government. Tieran is ultimately defeated and his consciousness destroyed. [435]
  People :  Kes, Tieran, Adin, Demmas, Resh, Nori, Ameron
  Species :  Ilari
 [435] Kes ends her romantic relationship with Neelix. [436]
  People :  Kes, Neelix
 [437] Bajor is accepted for entry into the Federation. One the eve of the ceremony, Captain Sisko locates the ancient Bajoran lost city of B'hala. Visions from the Bajoran prophets convince him that Bajor must reject Federation membership, and on his advice they choose to suspend their application. [437]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Bajorans
Picture from 2373  [438] The progressive faction wins the Q civil war with Voyager's help. Q mates with a female Q, helping to end the rifts which caused the war by producing a baby Q. [438]
  People :  Q, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
  Species :  Q
 [439] Silaran Prin murders several of the Shakaar resistance cell, seeking revenge for the severe disfigurement he recieved as a result of a bomb planted by them. Prin captures Major Kira, planning to deliver Kira's baby before killing her, thus avoiding harming an innocent. Kira is able to attack and kill Prin. [439]
  People :  Silaran Prin, Major Kira Nerys
 [440] Janeway destroys a macro virus infestation on board Voyager. [440]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [275] Neelix meets Wixiban, an old friend, at the Nekrit supply depot. He becomes involved in some less than legal business dealings on the station and is sentenced to two weeks on deuterium maintenance duty for stealing a cylinder of warp plasma. [275]
  People :  Neelix
Picture from 2373  [441] Ensign Jetal dies when Harry Kim is given medical priority. Memories of Ensign Jetal are deleted by Janeway. [442]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Harry Kim
 [443] Odo receives a sick infant Changeling from Quark and attempts to teach it to shapeshift, The infant ultimately dies, but Odo is able to absorb it into his body, restoring his shapeshifting abilities. Meanwhile, Major Kira gives birth to the O'Briens' baby. [443]
  People :  Odo, Major Kira Nerys, Miles Edward O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien
Picture from 2373  [444] The USS Voyager investigates an inversion nebula. The nebula is found to be maintained by an alien named Marayna, who taps into Voyager's holographic systems to relieve her lonliness. Both Tuvok and Harry Kim find themselves attravted to Marayna. [444]
  People :  Tuvok, Harry Kim, Marayna
 [445] Captain Sisko engages in an obsessive pursuit of Michael Eddington, ultimately poisoning a Maquis planet and threatening to do the same to all other Maquis planets in the Demilitarised zone, in order to force Eddington to surrender. [445]
  People :  Michael Eddington, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [111] Janeway experiences her own apparent death repeatedly when she is attacked by a non corporeal alien. [111]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [446] Bashir is replaced by a Changeling infiltrator whilst attending a burns conference on Meezan IV; he spends several months in a Dominion internment camp before escaping. [446]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [446] Enabren Tain dies. [446]
  People :  Elim Garak
 [447] Dukat becomes the head of the Cardassian government after assisting the Dominion in their take-over of the planet. [447]
  People :  Gul Dukat
 [62] Bashir admits that he was genetically engineered as a child; his father is sentenced to two years in prison as a result. [62]
  People :  Julian Bashir
Picture from 2373  [448] Chakotay encounters a group of ex-Borg; experiences a limited version of the Borg collective. [448]
  People :  Chakotay
 [449] Odo falls for Arissa, a woman apparently on the run from the Orion syndicate. Arissa proves to be an undercover agent working for the Idanian government who has had her memories altered so as to pass telepathic scans. She ends the relationship with Odo when her memories are restored. [449]
  People :  Arissa, Odo
  Species :  Idanian
Picture from 2373  [450] Quark briefly works as an arms dealer with Hagath and Gaila. [450]
  People :  Quark
 [451] Voyager's EMH experiments with modifications to his personality, resulting in some negative effects on his behaviour. [451]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [452] The fifth Weyoun clone served as Chief Dominion Liaison to the Cardassian government. [452]
  People :  Weyoun
 [53] The USS Voyager undertakes to defend the planet Nezu from a series of asteroid impacts. A garbled message is picked up from a Doctor Vatm, a scientist on the planet who claims that the asteroids are artificial. Tuvok and Neelix attempt to recover Doctor Vatm, but he is poisoned as they attempt to return to the ship using an orbital tether. Tuvok and Neelix are able to return to Voyager with information which allows the ship to successfully defend the planet. [53]
  People :  Neelix, Tuvok, Doctor Vatm, Sklar, Lillias, Hanjuan, Goth
  Species :  Nezu, Etanian
Picture from 2373  [453] Voyager encounters a Taresian ship whose crew claim that Harry Kim is in fact a member of their species. Although DNA analysis indicates that this is true, it is discovered that Ensign Kim's DNA was actually implanted by a virus on stardate 50698. Voyager is able to recover Kim and reverse the infection. [453]
  People :  Harry Kim, Eliann, Captain Alben, Lyris, Rinna, Malia, Taymon
  Species :  Taresian, Nasari
 [454] Quark regains his Ferengi Business licence in exchange for helping to break up the relationship between Ishka and Grand Nagus Zek.. [454]
  People :  Quark
Picture from 2373  [455] Worf and Dax agree to serve on the Rotarran, General Martok's Bird of Prey. Although Martok is suffering from the effects of his captivity under the Dominion, Worf is able to help him overcome this difficulty and succeed in his mission. [455]
  People :  General Martok, Worf Rozhenko, Dax
 [456] Kira ends her involvement in Shakaar after a visit to Kendra Shrine. [456]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
 [457] The Klingons pick up an encrypted message which is apparently from a remnant of the Maquis. The message indicates that cloaked missiles have been launched against Cardassia. Michael Eddington agrees to assist Captain Sisko in destroying the missiles. However this proves to be a ruse - there are no missiles, and the plan was to force Sisko to help Eddington locate and rescue Maquis survivors. Eddington is killed in the process. [457]
  People :  Michael Eddington
 [458] The EMH creates a holographic family in an attempt to experience normal family life. His daughter, Belle, is killed in an accident shortly afterwards. [458]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [459] The USS Voyager encounters the Voth civilisation. Although initially hostile, the Voth eventually agree to allow the ship to continue on its way. [459]
  People :  Gegen
  Species :  Voth
 [112] Ensign Vorik undergoes the Vulcan pon farr, driving him to attack B'Elanna Torres. She subsequently experiences a version of pon farr herself. Voyager encounters the first signs that they are approaching Borg space. [112]
  People :  Vorik, B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2373  [460] The second Borg invasion of the Federation. The cube is defeated by a Federation fleet including the USS Defiant and the USS Enterprise-E. The Enterprise-E subsequently travels back in time to 2063 in order to prevent the Borg from creating an alternate timeline in which the Federation is never created. [363]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Reginald Barclay, Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Borg, Humans
 [461] Chief O'Brien leads a teacm to Empok Nor, an abandoned Cardassian station of the same type as Deep Space Nine, in order to cannibalise it for spare parts. Whilst there, O'Brien's engineering crew is attacked by Cardassian agents who had been in hibernation on the station. Garak, under the influence of a Cardassian device which affects his mind, also attempts to kill O'Brien. The Chief is able to incapacitate Garak and defeat the Cardassian agents. [461]
  People :  Elim Garak, Miles Edward O'Brien
  Species :  Cardassians
 [462] On Stardate 50912 the EMH's optical sensors reconfigured to allow sight in the microwave range of the EM spectrum. [462]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [463] The USS Defiant discovers the wreck of the USS Columbia, NX-02, abandoned on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant. Efforts to salvage the wreck are abandoned with the arrival of Dominion attack ships, and postponed indefinitely as the Dominion War begins. [463]
 [464] After considerable effort, Jake Sisko manages to obtain a baseball card as a present for his father. [464]
  People :  Jake Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Picture from 2373  [465] Voyager's crew enjoy a holodeck simulation based on a scenario in which the Maquis stage a revolt on the ship. The simulation proves to have been created by Tuvok as a security training tool shortly after the Maquis first came aboard. A bug planted in the program by Seska attempts to use the scenario to attack the real Voyager, but is unsuccessful. [465]
  People :  Seska
 [466] Kes undergoes a series of time jumps, a result of contamination by Chroniton radiation. The EMH is able to remove the radiation from her body. [466]
  People :  Kes
 [467] Janeway begins spending time in the Leonardo da Vinci holoprogram. [467]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [468] Worf becomes engaged to Lieutenant Commander Dax. [468]
  People :  Dax, Worf Rozhenko
Picture from 2373  [468] The Dominion War begins. Dukat regains control of Deep Space Nine when the Dominion capture the station. [468]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
Picture from 2374  [469] Seven of Nine is chosen to be the Borg representative to the crew of the USS Voyager. She is removed from the collective consciousness while undertaking this task. [469]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [469] Voyager defeats a force of 8472 vessels; end of the Borg/8472 war. [469]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
  Species :  Borg, 8472
 [68] Kes becomes non corporeal; she hurls Voyager 9,500 light years closer to Federation space. [68]
  People :  Kes
 [470] Tom and B'Elanna become romantically involved. [470]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris
 [471] Captain Sisko launches a raid into Dominion-held territory, destroying a Ketracel White production facility and limiting supplies of the drug used to control the Jem'Hadar. [471]
  Species :  Jem'Hadar
Picture from 2374  [472] Chakotay is brainwashed by the Vori into becoming a soldier in their war against the Kradin. [472]
  People :  Chakotay
 [473] Captain Sisko and his crew crashland on a planet after their ship is damaged on a covert mission behind enemy lines. They manage to overcome a band of Jem'Hadar who are also on the planet, thanks to their Vorta leader betraying them. [473]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Keevan, Remata'Klan, Limara'Son
  Species :  Jem'Hadar, Vorta
 [474] Alexander Rozhenko is assigned to the Klingon warship Rotarran. [474]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Alexander Rozhenko
 [474] Worf serves as First officer of the Rotarran under General Martok. [474]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
 [475] Sisko becomes an adjutant on Starbase 375. Jadzia Dax becomes commander of the Defiant. [475]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
 [476] Starfleet gathers a force at Starbase 375 in preparation for an operation to retake Deep Space Nine. [476]
 [477] Harry becomes attracted to Seven of Nine, an attraction she does not return. [477]
  People :  Harry Kim
 [478] Starfleet launches an operation to recapture Deep Space Nine. Captain Sisko leads a large Federation force, but this is bogged down battling a Dominion fleet. The Defiant breaks through and reaches Deep Space Nine just as the minefield is destroyed; Sisko convinces the Prophets to prevent Dominion reinforcements from coming through the wormhole. A joint Federation/Klingon force recaptures the station. [478]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
  Species :  Prophets
 [478] As Dominion forces leave, Damar murders Ziyal. Distraught at losing both the station and his daughter, Dukat becomes mentally unbalanced and is captured by Federation forces. [478]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
Picture from 2374  [479] Seven of Nine finds the SS Raven in Bomar space. [479]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [480] Voyager's crew undergoes involuntary medical testing by an alien species. [480]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [481] Alexander is transferred to the IKS Ya'Vang. [481]
  People :  Alexander Rozhenko
 [481] Worf and Dax marry. [481]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Dax
 [482] Voyager encounters the Krenim, a species who use temporal technology in weapons applications. The encounter passes peacefully. [482]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
The Mirror Universe version of Vedek Bareil arrives on DS9, intending to steal the Bajoran Orb of Prophecy and Change. He ultimately decides not to steal the Orb, and returns tot he Mirror Universe empty handed. [483]
  People :  Bareil Antos (Mirror)
 [484] Bashir begins to help a group of genetically engineered people. [484]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [485] B'Elanna is accused of inciting violence with her thoughts on the Mari home world. Fortunately Tuvok is able to prove her innocence. [485]
  People :  Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2374  [486] Quark's mother, Ishka is captured by the Dominion. He assembles a team and is able to successfully rescue Ishka and capture the Vorta agent, Yelgrun. The Vorta prisoner Keevan is killed during the mission. [486]
  People :  Yelgrun, Quark, Rom, Keevan
 [487] A group of raider ships attack Voyager,s tealing the main computer system. Captain Janeway is able to recover the computer, with the help of a holographic version of Leonardo Da Vinci. [487]
 [485] Dukat escapes from Federation custody when the ship transporting him is destroyed by the Dominion. [488]
  People :  Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres
 [489] Morn is apparently killed in an ion storm. He proves to have been involved in the infamous Lissepian Mother's Day heist, faking his own death after absconding with all the profits from the robbery. Although his criminal partners attempt to find and steal the profits from teh venture, they are all arrested and Morn escapes with the money. [489]
  People :  Morn
 [490] Neelix is killed during an away mission; he is revived by Borg technology. [490]
  People :  Neelix
Picture from 2374  [491] Chakotay helps Voyager escape from captivity by the Dream Species. [491]
  People :  Chakotay
 [492] The Dominion fields a new type of Jem'Hadar, specifically designed for the war in the Alpha Quadrant. [492]
  Species :  Jem'Hadar, Jem'Hadar
 [493] Voyager's EMH relays messages from the ship to Starfleet via an alien communications array. A message to Janeway informs her that her fiance Mark Johnson has married a co-worker. Voyager finds that the Maquis have been wiped out. [493]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [494] O'Brien goes undercover on Farius Prime to penetrate the Orion Syndicate for Starfleet Intelligence. [494]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien
 [495] Worf and Dax are sent to retrieve a Federation intelligence agent working in on the planet Soukara, in Cardassian space. During the mission Dax is injured, and Worf chooses to abandon the mission and return her to the station for medical treatment. As a result the agent they were sent to rescue is killed. A permanent note is entered on Word's service record. [495]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Dax
Picture from 2374  [496] Kira uses the Orb of Time to travel to 2346 and meet her mother. [496]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
 [497] Voyager rescues a critically ill Hirogen hunter who wishes to finish his hunt against a member of Species 8472. Seven of Nine assist the Hirogen in capturing his pey, against Captain Janewway's orders. [497]
  People :  Seven of Nine
  Species :  8472, Hirogen
 [498] False memories prompt Seven of Nine to accuse an Entharan trader of assault. [498]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [499] Bashir is kidnapped by Section 31 for the first time. [499]
  People :  Julian Bashir
 [500] The USS Voyager is captured by the Hirogen. They force the crew to create large holodecks abouard the ship, where the crew must re-enact various violent episodes from history - and attempt to substitute holographic violence for the Hirogen's traditional hunting culture. [500]
  Species :  Hirogen
 [501] The Voyager crew are able to escape from Hirogen control and recapture the ship from the Hirogen. In the aftermath, Captain Janeway gives the Hirogen holographic technology in hopes that they can fulfil their obsession with hunting using holograms rather than live prey. [501]
  Species :  Hirogen
Picture from 2374  [502] Dominion forces invade the planet Betazed; the planet's loss is regarded as a disaster for the Allied forces. [502]
  Species :  Founders, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, Betazoids
 [502] The Romulans join the war against the Dominion. [502]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
  Species :  Romulans
 [503] Kira becomes romantically involved with Odo. [503]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Odo
 [504] Tom helps Steth repair his ship, which is powered by a co-axial warp core. [504]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
 [506] An archeological dig on Bajor uncovers a tablet which describes an event called "The Reckoning", a battle between the Prophets and the Pah Wraiths. The battle subsequently takes place on Deep Space Nine, but is interrupted by Kai Winn. [506]
  Species :  Pah-wraiths, Prophets
Picture from 2374  [507] Chakotay falls in love with a Ramuran woman, Kellin; she leaves him after being recaptured by her people. [507]
  People :  Chakotay
 [508] Jake Sisko and Cadet Nog are travelling in the Runabout Shenandoah when a Dominion warship attacks. They are saved and picked up by the USS Valiant, a Defiant class ship which has been fighting behind enemy lines since the outbreak fo the Dominion war. The Valiant, which is crewed by a Cadet squad, is subsequently destroyed attacking a new Dominion battleship. Jake and Nog are able to escape the ship in the final moments before its destruction. [508]
  People :  Jake Sisko, Nog
Picture from 2374  [509] Voyager passes through a region of space inhabited by the Kyrian and Vaskan species, two races which are engaging in an armed conflict. Voyager is tnagentially involved, but quickly leaves the area. In the centuries to come the Kyrians will come to blame Voyager and the Vaskans for beginning the conflict. Their history depicts Voyager as a heavily armed warship crewed by sadists and murderers. A copy of Voyager's EMH program which was left behind will help them acquire a more accurate view of history. [509]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
  Species :  Kyrian, Vaskan
 [510] Voyager's crew are replicated by the Deuterium/metal lifeform on the Demon planet. [510]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
  Species :  Demons
 [511] Grand Nagus Zek is deposed for allowing women to wear clothes and make a profit, throwing the Ferengi alliance into chaos. Quark must impersonate his own mother in order to help the Nagus regain power. [511]
  People :  Grand Nagus Zek, Quark
  Species :  Ferengi
 [512] Miles and Keiko O'Brien's daughter Molly falls into a time portal. O'Brien is able to reverse the effects. [512]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien
 [513] Seven of Nine pilots Voyager through a Motarra class nebula while the crew is in stasis. [513]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [21] The Defiant picks up a distress call from a Starfleet officer, Lisa Cusak, marooned on a barely-habitable planet. The ship rushes to the rescue, but on arrival finds that they have been receiving signals through a time distortion, and Cusak has been dead for three years and two months. [21]
  People :  Captain Lisa Cusak
Picture from 2374  [514] Voyager encounters Arturis, an alien with a gift for languages. He offers to translate the scrambled message Voyager recieved from Starfleet via the Hirogen array. The message reports the location of a new Starfleet vessel with a "slipstream" drive which has been sent on autopilot to the Delta Quadrant. With this USS Dauntless, Voyager's crew can get back home within a few months. However, the ship proves to be a trap created by Arturis, intended to deliver Voyager's crew to the Borg - revenge for the assimilation of Arturis's people by the Borg after Janeway helped them in their war with Species 8472. [514]
  People :  Arturis
  Species :  Borg Species 116
Picture from 2374  [515] The first Allied offensive captures the Chin'Toka system from the Dominion. [515]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
 [515] Jadzia Dax is killed by Gul Dukat, who seals the entrance to the Wormhole. The Dax symbiont develops life-threatening complications whilst on its way home to Trill; to save its life it is transplanted into the only available host, Ezri Teegan. [515]
  People :  Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Trill
 [29] Kira is promoted to Colonel. [29]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys
Picture from 2375  [516] Tom begins playing the Captain Proton holoprogram. [516]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
 [516] Voyager crosses a 2,500 light year wide gulf in space - possibly the gap between two galactic arms. Janeway goes through a bout of depression and isolates herself from the crew. [516]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [517] A transporter accident aboard Voyager allows some of Seven of Nine's nanoprobes to infect the EMH's mobile emitter. The result is "One", a Borg drone equipped with 29th century technology. One ultimately sacrifices himself in order to save Voyager's crew from the Borg. [517]
  People :  Seven of Nine
  Species :  Borg
 [518] B'Elanna begins to use dangerous holoprograms without safties in order to alleviate her depression over the fate of the Maquis. [518]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2375  [518] The Delta Flyer is built. [518]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
 [519] Janeway forges a peace treaty with Species 8472. [519]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
  Species :  8472, Humans
 [520] The Delta Flyer crashes, trapping Ensign Wildman on board. Voyager's crew are able to recover her whilst Neelix cares for her daughter, Naomi. [520]
  People :  Ensign Samantha Wildman, Naomi Wildman
 [515] Dukat becomes a follower of the pah-wraiths. [515]
  People :  Gul Dukat
 [521] Voyager is almost destroyed during an attempt to reach home via Quantum Slipstream drive. [521]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [522] Sisko discovers the Orb of the Emissary and uses it to re-open the Bajoran Wormhole. [522]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Bajorans
 [523] Tom is reduced in rank to Ensign and sentenced to thirty days in the brig for his actions at the space ocean. [523]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris, Kathryn Janeway
  Species :  Monean
Picture from 2375  [524] Garak assists the Cardassian resistance movement. [524]
  People :  Elim Garak
 [524] Ezri is given the rank of Lieutenant and appointed a Counsellor on Deep Space Nine. [524]
  People :  Dax
 [525] An injured alien life form attaches itself to B'Elanna. Voyager's EMH creates a hologram of Dr Crell Moset, a noted Cardassian xenobiology expert, in order to assist with her treatment. Ethical concerns are raised when it is realised that Moset is a war criminal. Once B'Elanna is successfully treated, the Moset program is deleted. [525]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres, Dr Crell Moset, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [526] Seven of Nine develops a version of multiple personality disorder when assimilated personalities are reactivated by a damaged Borg vinculum. [526]
  People :  Seven of Nine
Picture from 2375  [527] The USS T'Kumbra, a Vulcan crewed Nebula class starship, stops at Deep Space Nine. Whilst there the ship's baseball team engage the hastily formed "Deep Space Niners" in a baseball game. Although the Niners are heavily defeated, they are delighted with their performance - much to Captain Solok's displeasure. [527]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Captain Solok
 [528] Dr Bashir performs a procedure on Sarina Douglas which cured her neurological condition, allowing her to lead a normal life. Although she enjoys a brief love affair with Bashir, Douglas subsequently leaves to pursue an internship at the Corgal research center. [528]
  People :  Julian Bashir, Sarina Douglas
 [529] Voyager traverses the territory of the Devore, a species with a pathological hatred of all telepaths. The ship is able to transport a group of refugee telepaths to safety, engaging in an elaborate ruse to fool the Devore agent in charge of escorting the ship. [529]
  People :  Kashyk
  Species :  Devore
 [10] The fifth Weyoun is killed in a suspicious transporter accident. [10]
  People :  Weyoun
 [10] The sixth Weyoun clone, considered defective by his creators, attempts to defect to Odo. The Seventh is assigned the task of tracking him down and destroying him, and is ultimately successful. [10]
  People :  Weyoun
 [530] Kor is assigned as third in command of the Rotarian, General Martok's ship. Despite his legendary reputation, Kor proves to be far beyond his best. Nevertheless he is able to make a glorious last stand against a fleet of Dominion attack ships, allowing the other ships of Martok's fleet to escape Dominion space. [530]
  People :  Kor, General Martok
Picture from 2375  [442] The EMH recovers his memories of Ensign Jetal and is nearly driven insane. [442]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [531] The Defiant visits AR-558 to deliver reinforcements. The senior officers remain on the planet to help defend a Dominion communications array which the Federation has captured. Despite a difficult tactical situation, they are able to fend off Jem'Hadar attacks and hold the array. During the battle, Cadet Nog loses his leg when he is shot with a Dominion weapon. [531]
  People :  Nog
 [532] Colonel Kira is abducted from Deep Space Nine by a Pah-Wraith cult led by Gul Dukat on Empok Nor. She is able to escape. [532]
  People :  Major Kira Nerys, Gul Dukat
Picture from 2375  [533] Worf visits the Enterprise-E. Whilst he is there, the ship travels to the Briar Patch where the crew expose the plot by Admiral Dougherty and the Son'a to forcibly relocate the Ba'ku. [533]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
  Species :  Ba'ku, Son'a
 [534] Voyager becomes temporarily stranded when it encounters a "subspace sandbar". Whilst stranded the ship encounters a group of photonics life forms who confuse one of Voyager's holodeck programs for real life forms. The crew are able to resolve the situation and escape the sandbar. [534]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
 [535] Nog struggles to come to terms with the loss of his leg at the siege of AR-558. [535]
  People :  Nog
 [536] Chief O'Brien goes missing whilst on a mission to penetrate the Orion Syndicate, prompting Ezri to return to her home planet to find him. [536]
  People :  Miles Edward O'Brien, Dax
 [537] Tuvok and Tom are stranded on a planet which experiences accelerated time. [537]
  People :  Tuvok, Thomas Eugene Paris
Picture from 2375  [538] Ezri captures the Vulcan murderer responsible for two deaths on Deep Space Nine. [538]
  People :  Dax
 [539] Odo meets Laas, another of the infant Changelings sent out into the galaxy. [539]
  People :  Odo
 [540] An Easter Egg element in the Vic Fontaine holosuite program prompts the Deep Space Nine senior crew to stage a robbery on the casino in order to return the program to normal. [540]
  People :  Vic Fontaine
 [294] Voyager encounters a gigantic space going life form which is capable of devouring whole vessels after lulling their crew into a state of blissful euphoria via telepathy. Seven of Nine is able to save the ship thanks to the help of Qatai, an alien who hunts the creature. [541]
  People :  Qatai, Seven of Nine
Picture from 2375  [542] The Breen become Dominion allies. [542]
  Species :  Breen
 [543] Worf is reported Missing in Action during the Dominion war. Ezri steals a Runabout and manages to find his escape pod, but the two are captured by the Breen. [543] They are subsequently freed by Legate Damar. [542]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko
 [542] Sisko marries Kasidy Yates. [542]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
 [544] The seventh Weyoun clone is killed by Worf. [544]
  People :  Weyoun, Worf Rozhenko
 [545] Chakotay helps to communicate with a species occupying chaotic space. [545]
  People :  Chakotay
Picture from 2375  [546] The Chin'toka system is retaken by Dominion and Breen forces. The USS Defiant is destroyed during the battle. [546]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark
  Species :  Breen
 [546] A Breen fleet launches an attack against Earth, destroying Starfleet Headquarters and badly damaging the San Francisco area. The Breen suffer heavy losses in the attack. [546]
  Species :  Breen
Picture from 2375  [547] Seven of Nine is offered a position in the Think Tank. [547]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [548] Seven of Nine is almost re-assimilated by the Borg during an attempt to steal a transwarp coil. [548]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [549] Odo begins to display signs of a terminal illness; he is later cured by Doctor Bashir. [549]
  People :  Odo
Picture from 2375  [75] Voyager prevents a catastrophe by piloting a Malon freighter into a star before it can explode. [75]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
  Species :  Malon
 [550] Worf kills Gowron in personal combat. [550]
  People :  Worf Rozhenko, Gowron
 [551] Seven of Nine begins to investigate Human dating protocols. [551]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [552] Harry leads his first away mission - almost destroying Voyager in the process. [552]
  People :  Harry Kim
 [554] The Cardassian population rises up against the Dominion. The Dominion destroy a city of 2 million people in retaliation. [555]
 [555] Bashir and Ezri become romantically involved. [555]
  People :  Julian Bashir, Dax
 [556] The Cardassian fleet switches sides, helping the Allies to inflict a major defeat on the Dominion and Breen forces. As allied forces approach Cardassia, Odo links with the female Founder and convinces her to end the Dominion war. Garak chooses to remain on the devastated Cardassia to assist in rebuilding efforts. [555]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark
  Species :  Breen
 [556] The eighth and last Weyoun is killed by Garak. [556]
  People :  Weyoun, Elim Garak
 [556] Dukat attempts to release the pah-wraiths from captivity with the help of Kai Winn, and is trapped in the fire caves with them for all eternity by Sisko. Sisko ascends to a higher state of being, choosing to live with the Bajoran Prophets within the wormhole. [556]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Gul Dukat
  Species :  Bajorans, Pah-wraiths, Prophets
 [556] In the aftermath of the Dominion war, Kira is appointed commander of Deep Space Nine; Worf becomes Ambassador to the Klingon Empire; O'Brien accepts a teaching post at Starfleet Academy; Odo returns to the Great link, ending his relationship with Kira; Rom becomes the Ferengi Grand Nagus. [556]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark
  Species :  Ferengi
Picture from 2376  [557] Seven of Nine encounters some ex-Borg drones whom she once re-assimilated into the collective after an accident released them. [557]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [558] B'Elanna has a near death experience in which she experiences the Barge of the Dead. [558]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
 [559] The EMH experiments with daydreaming. [559]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [560] Tom rebuilds an old shuttle, Alice, and is nearly killed by the ship's neural interface. [560]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
 [561] Tuvok is seriously injured when he is attacked by the Ba'Neth, a mysterious species long thought by the Kessat to be mythical. Voyager is able to discover a Ba'Neth outpost and gain information which allows Tuvok to recover successfully. [561]
  People :  Tuvok
Picture from 2376  [562] Voyager encounters the underspace corridor network which allows extremely high speed travel across a large portion of the galaxy. Seven of Nine reawakens one of the remnants of the Vaadwaur species, who have lain dormant for 892 years in stasis pods after being destroyed by an alliance including the Turei. Vaadwaur ships attempt to capture Voyager, and although they are defeated many of the Vaadwaur escape into the corridor network. [562]
  People :  Seven of Nine
  Species :  Vaadwaur
 [563] Seven of Nine recovers the body of John Kelly, lost in a graviton ellipse since 2032. [563]
  People :  Seven of Nine
Picture from 2376  [564] Voyager uses an alien catapult device to advance several years in its journey towards Earth. [564]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [565] Barclay works on the Pathfinder project; he successfully creates a method of contacting USS Voyager on a regular basis. [565]
  People :  Reginald Barclay
 [566] Tom creates the Fair Haven holoprogram. [566]
  People :  Thomas Eugene Paris
 [566] Janeway begins a relationship with a holographic man from the Fair Haven program. [566]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
 [567] Voyager encounters a planet which exists in a highly accelerated time frame compared to the rest of the galaxy. The ship has a large though unintentional effect on the planets culture. [567]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [568] The EMH becomes a major singer on the Qomar home world. [568]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
Picture from 2376  [569] Seven of Nine is kidnapped by Penk, a Tsunkatse organizer. [569]
  People :  Tuvok
 [570] Ensign Lindsay Ballard returns briefly to Voyager, having escaped the Kobali who were holding her captive. She returns to the Kobali after it becomes clear that she can no longer consider herself Human. [570]
  People :  Harry Kim
  Species :  Kobali
 [571] B'Elanna becomes the inspiration for a playwright when she crash-lands on a primitive planet. [571]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
Picture from 2376  [572] Kes returns to Voyager and travels back in time in an attempt to destroy the ship; she is ultimately convinced by Captain Janeway to return to her home world. [572]
  People :  Kes
 [573] The EMH is transported back to the Alpha Quadrant to treat his creator, Lewis Zimmerman. [573]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [574] Voyager assists the Borg Unimatrix Zero drones. [574]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Thomas Eugene Paris
 [575] Seven of Nine's cortical node breaks down; Icheb donates his. [575]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [576] B'Elanna and Tom marry. [576]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris
 [577] Many of Voyager's crew fall under the influence of an old mind control program implanted by a Bajoran Vedek. [577]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
  Species :  Bajorans
Picture from 2377  [578] Harry is assigned as Captain of the Nightingale, his first command. [578]
  People :  Harry Kim
 [579] The EMH briefly defects to a group of holograms being hunted by the Hirogen. [579]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [80] B'Elanna becomes pregnant. [80]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris
 [580] B'Elanna convinces a nomadic Klingon sect to settle on a Delta Quadrant planet after decades of wandering. [580]
  People :  B'Elanna Torres
 [581] Voyager is briefly stranded in The Void, a closed subspace region with no natural resources; Janeway creates an alliance of ships in order to break free. [581]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
Picture from 2377  [582] Many of Voyager's crew are kidnapped by the Quarren and have their memory wiped so they can serve as workers on the Quarren homeworld. [582]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [582] The EMH acts as the ship's Emergency Command Hologram for the first time, assisting in the rescue of Voyager's crew from the Quarren home world. [582]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
Picture from 2377  [583] Q makes a visit to Voyager and forces Captain Janeway to assist in the raising of his son, Q2. [583]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Q
 [584] The EMH writes the holonovel "Let Photons Be Free", a major success in the Alpha Quadrant. [584]
  People :  The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram
 [585] Voyager finds the Friendship One probe. The Starship is able to repair much of the damage done to the planet the probe landed on. [585]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, B'Elanna Torres, Thomas Eugene Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Neelix, The Doctor / Emergency Medical Hologram, Kes
 [586] Neelix leaves Voyager, becoming a Federation ambassador to the Delta Quadrant. [586]
  People :  Neelix
 [587] Chakotay falls in love with Seven of Nine. [587]
  People :  Chakotay
 [587] Tuvok develops early symptoms of a degenerative neurological condition. [587]
  People :  Tuvok
 [587] Seven of Nine begins dating Commander Chakotay. [587]
  People :  Seven of Nine, Chakotay
 [589] Captain Janeway is promoted to Admiral. [590]
  People :  Kathryn Janeway
Picture from 2379  [590] Shinzon assassinates the Romulan senate and siezes control of the Empire. [590]
  Species :  Romulans
 [590] Riker marries Commander Deanna Troi. He accepts the captaincy of the USS Titan, leaving the Enterprise-E. [590]
  People :  William T. Riker, Deanna Troi
 [590] The Enterprise-E travels to Romulus to meet Praetor Shinzon. Shinzon attempts to destroy the Enterprise-E as part of a plot to launch a war against the Federation. Data is killed [590]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Data, Geordi La Forge, Worf Rozhenko, Reginald Barclay
 [591] The USS Titan, under the command of Captain Riker, visits the planet Romulus in the aftermath of Shinzon's attempted coup. During the mission the Titan is swept to the Small Magellanic Cloud after being swept into the spatial rift created by the destruction of Shinzon's Thalaron weapon. There they encounter the Neyel [592], a species of genetically enhanced Humans discovered by Captain Sulu in 2298. [593]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Neyel, Romulans, Remans


Year Event
 [594] Stranded in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Captain Riker must deal with the genetically enhanced Neyel and a large, immensely dangerous spatial anomaly. [595]
  People :  William T. Riker
  Species :  Neyel
 [596] The USS Titan penetrates the Gum Nebula region, discovering it to be the home of an entire ecosystem of spacegoing life forms. Included amongst them are the Crystalline Entities, Space Jellyfish, a Proplydian, Spinners, Starpeelers, and Sailseeds. In addition, the ship encounters the Pa'haquel, an avianoid species who lead an alliance aimed at combating the spacegoing life forms in order to defend populated planets against them. The Titan crew is able to broker an agreement between the Pa'haquel and the Space Jellyfish in which they will work co-operatively to reduce the level of violence involved in these activities. [596]
  People :  William T. Riker, Deanna Troi
  Species :  Space Jellyfish, Crystalline entity, Spinners, Proplydian
Picture from 2381  [597] Captain Picard and Dr. Beverly Crusher begin a romantic relationship, and subsequently marry. [597]
  People :  Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard
 [598] The USS Titan visits the planet Orisha, home planet of the Orishan civilisation. Orisha is located near a temporal anomaly whose presence has shaped the history of the Orishans. [598]
  People :  William T. Riker
 [463] The USS Aventine suffers heavy casualties whilst defending the Acamar system from attack. With one third of the crew killed, including the Captain and First Officer, Second Officer Ezri Dax takes command. Dax is subsequently promoted to Captain and placed in permanent command. [463]
  People :  Dax
 [463] The Borg launch an all-out assault against the Alpha Quadrant, with the intent of annihilating the Federation and other major powers completely. The Borg travel to the Federation by a new unknown means, differing from transwarp, wormholes, slipstream, etc. Sensor readings of the method indicate a similarity to readings taken on the NX-02. [463]
  People :  Dax, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Borg, Humans, Klingons, Demons
Picture from 2381  [463] The Aventine journies to the Delta Quadrant to visit the crash site of the NX-02 in order to explore any possible connection with the new method of travel being employed by the Borg. The ship is forced to return after a short investigation of the wreck. [463]
  People :  Dax, Jean-Luc Picard
 [599] A fleet of Borg cubes enters the Alpha Quadrant, obliterating a huge fleet of Federation, Klingon, Romulan and other allies. The Borg begin to sweep across the Quadrant, destroying everything in their path. [599]
  People :  Dax, Jean-Luc Picard
 [600] The Caeliar decide to intervene in the Borg conflict when it is discovered that the Borg were originally created by a dying Caeliar millennia earlier. The Caeliar remove the nanoprobes from all Borg, freeing every member of the collective and effectively rendering the Borg species extinct. [600]
  People :  Dax, Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Borg
 [601] The USS Titan resumes her exploratory mission under the command of Captain Riker. The ship visits Droplet, the fourth planet of the UFC 86783 system. Whilst there they make contact with the Squales, an intelligent aquatic species. During the mission the planet undergoes an asteroid impact, causing an environmental catastrophe. Fortunately Titan's crew are able to correct the damage. [602]
  People :  William T. Riker, William T. Riker
 [603] Thad Riker-Troi is born on a starship. [604]
  People :  Thaddeus "Thad" Troi-Riker, Deanna Troi, William T. Riker
Picture from 2385  [605] Picard makes many visits to the planet Vashti, in the beta quadrant, helping to relocate Romulans assisted by the Qowat Milat. [605]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Zani, Elnor
  Species :  Romulans
 [606] Utopia Planitia shipyards are attacked and destroyed by rogue synthetics [607]
  People :  Mr. Pincus, F8
 [607] A ban on sythetic life is introduced throughout the Federation. [607]
 [608] Picard resigns from Starfleet and retires to run his family wine business. He is angry that the Federation won't continue with his plan to rescue the Romulans from their impending supernova. [608]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
  Species :  Romulans
 [609] Bruce Maddox leaves earth for the last time, [609] relocating to Coppelius in order to continue his work on androids. [610]
  People :  Commander Bruce Maddox
 [609] Bruce Maddox and Altan Soong produce a massively complex quantum simulation to house Data's consciousness, made from a copy of the memories Data downloaded into B4 just before he died. [611]
  People :  Commander Bruce Maddox, Doctor Altan Inigo Soong, Data
Picture from 2385  [612] Oh, Narissa, Ramdha and others visit the planet Aia to witness the Admonition. Most of those present kill themselves. Ramdha loses her mind and only Narissa survives unharmed. [612]
  People :  Lieutenant Rizzo / Narissa, Ramdha, Commodore / General Oh
Picture from 2386  [609] Icheb is kidnapped by people working for Bjayzl and taken to a medical facility on planet Vergessen. His Borg implants are forcably removed without the use of anesthetic and while he is still alive. [609]
  People :  Icheb, Bjayzl
 [609] Seven of Nine comes to the rescue of Icheb, killing the doctors at the facility. Unfortunately, it's too late to save Icheb, who asks Seven to kill him to end his suffering, which Seven reluctantly does. [609]
  People :  Icheb, Seven of Nine
 [613] Romulus is destroyed in a supernova explosion, despite the efforts of Ambassador Spock to prevent it. The Romulan Nero, enraged by what he views as Spock's betrayal, attempts to destroy Spock's ship. As a result both Nero and Spock are thrown into the past, creating an alternate timeline. [614]


Year Event
 [612] The Federation makes first contact with a species which is later discovered to consist of androids from the planet Coppelius. [612]
  People :  Ambassador Beautiful Flower, Jana, Captain Alonzo Vandermeer, Cristóbal Rios
 [612] Captain Alonzo Vandermeer, under order from Commodore Oh head of Starfleet security, kills Ambassador Beautiful Flower and his assistant Jana. [612]
  People :  Captain Alonzo Vandermeer, Commodore / General Oh, Ambassador Beautiful Flower, Jana
 [612] Unable to come to terms with what he has done, Captain Alonzo Vandermeer, kills himself using his own phaser. [612]
  People :  Captain Alonzo Vandermeer
 [615] Soji and Dahj are produced [616] on the planet Coppelius by Bruce Maddox and Altan Inigo Soong. Bruce, Soji and Dahj leave shortly afterwards. [610]
  People :  Doctor Soji Asha, Dahj Asha, Commander Bruce Maddox, Doctor Altan Inigo Soong
 [617] Caler is killed by Romulan assassins. [617]
  People :  Caler, Dahj Asha
Picture from 2399  [617] Dahj Asha is killed by Romulan assassins. [617]
  People :  Dahj Asha
 [608] Agnes is visited by Commodore Oh, head of Starfleet security, who performs a mind meld on her showing her the horrors of The Admonition. [608]
  People :  Doctor Agnes Jurati, Commodore / General Oh
 [608] Picard leaves Earth for the first time in 14 years. [608]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
 [608] Picard, Agnes Jurati, Raffaela Musiker and Cristóbal Rios set out on a mission to rescue the sister of Dahj, a sentient android created by Bruce Maddox. [608]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Agnes Jurati, Raffaela Musiker, Cristóbal Rios, Doctor Soji Asha, Dahj Asha, Commander Bruce Maddox
 [605] Picard returns to Vashti for the first time in 14 years in an attempt to enlist the help of the Qowat Milat in his mission to save Soji. [605]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Zani, Elnor, Doctor Soji Asha
 [605] ex-Senator Tenqem Adrev is killed by Elnor, when he attempts to kill an unarmed Picard. [605]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Elnor, Tenqem Adrev
 [605] Elnor joins the crew of the La Sirena on the mission to find Soji Asha. [605]
  People :  Elnor
 [609] Pel, wife of Gabriel Hwang, is pregnant with a baby girl. [609]
  People :  Gabriel Hwang, Pel
Picture from 2399  [609] Bjayzl is killed by Seven of Nine in revenge for the killing of many ex-Borg and especially Icheb. [609]
  People :  Bjayzl, Seven of Nine, Icheb
 [609] Bruce Maddox is killed by Agnes Jurati. [609]
  People :  Commander Bruce Maddox, Doctor Agnes Jurati
 [616] Picard arrives at The Artifact to meet with Hugh and find Soji. [616]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Hugh, Doctor Soji Asha
Picture from 2399  [616] Hugh uses the assimilated Trajector technology to transport Picard and Soji to the planet Nepenthe, escaping the Romulans. [616]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Hugh, Doctor Soji Asha
 [604] Hugh is killed by Narissa, a Tal Shiar / Zhat Vash operative. [604]
  People :  Hugh, Lieutenant Rizzo / Narissa
 [612] Seven of Nine reactivates The Artifact and takes it temporarily back under Borg control. The Romulans flee the Cube, but not before jettisoning all the remaining Borg on the vessel into space. [612]
  People :  Seven of Nine
 [612] Seven of Nine and Elnor travel to Copellious in the reactivated borg Cube. [612]
  People :  Elnor, Seven of Nine
 [610] Picard and his team return Soji to her homeworld. [610]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Soji Asha
 [611] The Romulan fleet arrives at Coppelius ready to destroy the resident androids. [611]
  People :  Commodore / General Oh
  Species :  Romulans
Picture from 2399  [611] Picard and Agnes holds off the approaching Romulan fleet with the single ship, La Sirena, and a device to produce fake duplicates. [611]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Agnes Jurati
 [611] The Federation fleet arrives to defend the planet. [611]
  People :  William T. Riker
Picture from 2399  [611] Admiral Picard dies. [611]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard
 [611] Admiral Picard's consciousness is preserved in the same simulation that hosts Data's consciousness, allowing them to interact for the first time in 20 years. [611]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Data
 [611] Admiral Picard's consciousness is uploaded to a Golem allowing him to be resurected. [611]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Agnes Jurati, Doctor Altan Inigo Soong, Doctor Soji Asha
 [611] Admiral Picard deactivates the simulation holding Data's consiousness ending his life, as requested by Data. [611]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Data
 [611] The ban on synthetic life within the Federation is ended. [611]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
2 TNG 1 Angel One Contact took place 62 years ago
3 DS9 4 Paradise Lost Inyo said he had been a politician for 70 years.
4 VOY 1 Ex Post Facto 67 years before the episode
5 Star Trek Chronology Page 93
6 TNG 5 The First Duty
7 TNG 4 Half a Life He was 60 in the episode
8 DS9 1 Emissary 60 years ago
9 TNG 6 The Chase 60 years ago
10 DS9 7 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
11 DS9 3 Meridian 60 years before the episode
12 TNG 3 The Defector
13 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages... Troi states the date
14 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor Crusher reports that this happened 53 years ago
15 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor
16 TNG 6 Realm of Fear OBrien said this happened over 50 years ago; this is 51 years before the episode
17 TNG 6 Realm of Fear
18 TNG 1 Too Short a Season Forty five years before the episode
19 TNG 1 Too Short a Season
20 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice Bashir said she was 51 at time of death, which was three years and two months before the episode in 2374.
21 DS9 6 The Sound of Her Voice
22 TNG 1 Coming of Age
23 Star Trek Chronology Page 95
24 TNG 5 Conundrum Date listed on her personnel record readout
25 TNG 6 Tapestry
26 Various Voyager episodes
27 TNG 7 Dark Page
28 DS9 7 Image in the Sand Joseph gives the specific date
29 DS9 7 Image in the Sand
30 DS9 7 Image in the Sand Two months after they met, as per Joseph's description
31 DS9 7 Image in the Sand Joseph gives the reference
32 DS9 1 Emissary
33 TNG 7 Inheritance
34 DS9 2 Rivals Dax says O'Brien is 'not a day over thirty eight'
35 DS9 2 Whispers
36 DS9 7 Image in the Sand Joseph gives the reference. This could possibly be in May or later, presuming that Sarah became pregnant after the marriage in July. Although there's really no reason she might not become pregnant earlier than this.
37 TNG 2 The Icarus Factor Riker was abandoned by his father 15 years earlier at the age of 15
38 TNG 1 Datalore
39 Star Trek Chronology Page 98
40 TNG 5 Conundrum Date listed on his personnel record readout
41 TNG 5 Conundrum
42 TNG 2 The Icarus Factor
43 TNG 1 The Naked Now
44 TNG 1 Datalore Data said he was found 26 years earlier
45 TNG 3 The Bonding
46 DS9 3 Distant Voices He celebrated his 30th birthday in 2371
47 DS9 1 Emissary Jadzia said she was 28
48 DS9 2 Shadowplay Stated to have happened almost thirty years ago
49 DS9 2 Shadowplay
50 DS9 2 The Maquis, Part 2 Kira says she lived under the Cardassians for 26 years; the occupation ended in 2369
51 TNG 3 Yesterday's Enterprise
52 TNG 5 Conundrum Assuming a 4 year course, note that this is inconsistent with Data's statement that he graduated 'class of 78' in Encounter at Farpoint
53 VOY 3 Rise
54 TNG 3 Yesterday's Enterprise Sela states this happened one year after Yar's capture
55 TNG 5 Redemption, Part 2
56 DS9 3 Second Skin
57 DS9 2 The Maquis, Part 1
58 VOY 1 Parallax
59 TNG 3 Sins of the Father 20 years prior to the episode
60 VOY 1 Jetrel
61 TNG 4 Family
62 DS9 5 Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
63 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor Sovereign Marouk says the last such attempt happened 18 years ago
64 TNG 3 Evolution
65 DS9 2 Playing God
66 VOY 3 Flashback
67 VOY 1 Eye of the Needle
68 VOY 4 The Gift
69 DS9 1 Dax Dax says she has known Sisko for 20 years
70 TNG 1 Datalore He states that he spent 3 years as an Ensign
71 TNG 4 Redemption, Part 1 Selar says this happened when she was four years old.
72 TNG 4 Redemption, Part 1
73 Star Trek Chronology Page 108
74 VOY 1 Caretaker
75 VOY 5 Juggernaut
76 DS9 1 Emissary This is four years before his graduation. Note this is inconsistent with Defiant in which Sisko says he has been in Starfleet for 20 years, i.e. since 2351. Presumably Sisko rounded the number slightly.
77 DS9 4 Rules of Engagement O'Brien says he has been in Starfleet for 22 years.
78 TNG 7 Journey's End
79 DS9 3 Family Business
80 VOY 7 Lineage
81 TNG 4 Legacy
82 DS9 4 The Way of the Warrior
83 DS9 5 Let He Who Is Without Sin...
84 DS9 4 Indiscretion
85 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 1 Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57; this is 4 years earlier
86 Speculative Assumes she joined the accadamy at age 18
87 TNG 6 True-Q
88 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 1
89 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 281, assuming a four year acadaemy course
90 Star Trek Chronology second edition, page 281, assuming a four year acadamey course
91 DS9 1 Emissary Sisko notes that he met his future wife 15 years ago whilst waiting for his first posting
92 TNG 3 Allegiance 'Picard says he visited the planet 12 years prior to the episode, which is set in 2366
93 TNG 3 Allegiance
94 TNG 1 The Battle
95 TNG 2 The Measure of a Man
96 Star Trek - The Lost Years 7 : The Buried Age
97 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 1 Stardate of 32611.4 given for this event, which equates to 2355
98 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 1
99 Speculative Assuming it takes 3 years to assimilate into Federation society
100 DS9 1 Move Along Home
101 DS9 2 The Circle Odo notes that Kira had been breaking rules for 14.5 years
102 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 1 Stardate given as 32623.5, which equates to 2355. Note this is only 12.1 units after they set out, which should be just a few days, but the dialogue states it to be 8 months later
103 VOY 2 Threshold
104 DS9 1 Duet
105 TNG 1 Heart of Glory
106 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 1 Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57
107 TNG 7 The Pegasus
108 Speculative assumes an 8 year medical degree
109 DS9 2 Whispers Stated to be twelve years before the episode.
110 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 1 Seven said they tracked the cube for three years
111 VOY 3 Coda
112 VOY 3 Blood Fever
113 Speculative Assuming a four year academy course
114 Star Trek Chronology
115 DS9 1 Q-Less
116 TNG 6 Second Chances
117 TNG 1 Too Short a Season Based on forty years of civil war which began forty five years before the episode
118 DS9 2 Paradise Said to be over ten years before the episode
119 DS9 2 Paradise
120 Various Deep Space Nine episodes
121 TNG 1 Datalore He states that he spent '10 or 12' years in the Lieutenant grades. This presumes 11
122 TNG 1 Too Short a Season Four years before the episode in 2364
123 TNG 5 Conundrum Four years after he enlisted
124 TNG 4 Identity Crisis
125 TNG 1 Too Short a Season Two years before the episode
126 DS9 2 Cardassians
127 TNG 6 Realm of Fear O'Brien says he has been using Transporters for 22 years. In
128 TNG 4 The Wounded
129 DS9 2 Necessary Evil
130 DS9 2 Profit and Loss
131 VOY 6 Collective Five years after her assimilation
132 VOY 6 Collective
133 TNG 7 All Good Things The episode makes it clear that the ship is launched very shortly before the Farpoint mission
134 TNG 1 Code of Honor
135 TNG 1 The Last Outpost
136 TNG 1 Where No One Has Gone Before
137 TNG 1 Lonely Among Us
138 TNG 1 Justice
139 TNG 1 Hide and Q Just prior to the episode
140 TNG 1 Hide and Q
141 TNG 1 Haven
142 TNG 1 The Big Goodbye
143 TNG 1 Angel One
144 TNG 1 11001001 Shortly before the episode
145 TNG 1 11001001
146 TNG 1 When the Bough Breaks
147 TNG 1 Home Soil
148 DS9 3 Equilibrium Jadzia says she spent three years as an initiate; the episode Dax establishes her joining as taking place two years before 2369
149 TNG 1 The Arsenal of Freedom
150 TNG 1 Symbiosis
151 TNG 1 Skin of Evil
152 TNG 1 We'll Always Have Paris
153 TNG 1 Conspiracy
154 TNG 1 The Neutral Zone Note that this episode is the foundation of most Star Trek dates - Data states the year as 2364, and it is from this datapoint that the bulk of dates in Star Trek are calculated
155 TNG 2 The Child
156 TNG 2 Where Silence Has Lease
157 TNG 2 Elementary, Dear Data
158 TNG 2 The Outrageous Okona
159 TNG 2 Loud as a Whisper
160 TNG 2 The Schizoid Man
161 TNG 2 Unnatural Selection
162 TNG 2 A Matter of Honor
163 TNG 2 The Dauphin
164 TNG 2 Contagion
165 TNG 2 The Royale
166 TNG 2 Time Squared
167 TNG 2 Pen Pals
168 DS9 2 Invasive Procedures
169 TNG 2 Q Who
170 VOY 2 Meld
171 TNG 2 Samaritan Snare
172 TNG 2 Up The Long Ladder
173 TNG 2 Manhunt
174 TNG 2 The Emissary
175 TNG 2 Peak Performance
176 TNG 2 Shades of Gray
177 TNG 3 The Ensigns of Command
178 TNG 3 The Survivors
179 TNG 3 Who Watches The Watchers?
180 TNG 3 Booby Trap
181 TNG 3 The Enemy
182 TNG 3 The Price
183 TNG 3 The Hunted
184 TNG 3 The High Ground
185 TNG 3 Deja Q
186 DS9 2 Paradise As close as possible to being exactly four years before Stardate 47573.1
187 Speculative About half way between his conception on Stardate 42901.3 and his appearance on Stardate 44246.3.
188 TNG 4 Reunion
189 TNG 3 A Matter of Perspective
190 TNG 3 Hollow Pursuits Somewhat speculative - a few months before Hollow Pursuits, long enough for Barclay to acquire his reputation.
191 TNG 3 Hollow Pursuits
192 TNG 3 The Offspring
193 TNG 3 Sins of the Father
194 TNG 3 Captain's Holiday
195 TNG 3 Tin Man
196 TNG 3 The Most Toys
197 TNG 3 Sarek
198 TNG 3 Menage a Troi
199 VOY 2 Non Sequitur
200 TNG 3 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
201 TNG 4 The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
202 TNG 3 Transfigurations
203 TNG 4 Brothers
204 TNG 4 Suddenly Human
205 TNG 4 Remember Me
206 TNG 4 Future Imperfect
207 TNG 4 Final Mission
208 TNG 4 The Loss
209 TNG 4 Data's Day
210 Star Trek Chronology Page 157
211 TNG 4 Devil's Due
212 DS9 1 Dax Odo noted that Curzon died two years ago.
213 TNG 4 Clues
214 TNG 4 First Contact
215 TNG 4 Night Terrors
216 TNG 4 The N'th Degree
217 TNG 4 Qpid
218 TNG 4 The Drumhead
219 TNG 4 Half a Life
220 TNG 4 The Host
221 TNG 4 The Mind's Eye
222 TNG 4 In Theory
223 TNG 4 Galaxy's Child
224 TNG 5 Darmok
225 TNG 5 Ensign Ro
226 TNG 5 Silicon Avatar
227 TNG 5 Disaster
228 TNG 5 The Game
229 TNG 5 Unification, Part 1
230 TNG 5 Unification, Part 2
231 TNG 5 A Matter of Time
232 TNG 5 New Ground
233 TNG 5 Hero Worship
234 DS9 2 The Wire Stated as being two years earlier than the episode
235 TNG 5 Violations
236 TNG 5 The Masterpiece Society
237 DS9 2 Whispers Stated to be two years before the episode. Presumed to happen just before Stardate 45581.2, as this puts it exactly two years before
238 TNG 5 Power Play
239 TNG 5 Ethics
240 TNG 5 The Outcast
241 TNG 5 Cause and Effect
242 TNG 5 Cost of Living
243 TNG 5 The Perfect Mate
244 TNG 5 Imaginary Friend
245 TNG 5 I, Borg
246 TNG 5 The Next Phase
247 TNG 5 The Inner Light
248 TNG 5 Time's Arrow, Part 1
249 TNG 6 Time's Arrow, Part 2
250 TNG 6 Man of the People
251 TNG 6 Relics
252 TNG 6 Schisms
253 TNG 6 Rascals
254 TNG 6 A Fistful of Datas
255 TNG 6 The Quality of Life
256 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 1
257 TNG 6 Chain of Command, Part 2
258 DS9 1 Past Prologue
259 DS9 1 A Man Alone
260 DS9 1 Babel
261 TNG 6 Ship in a Bottle
262 DS9 1 Captive Pursuit
263 TNG 6 Aquiel
264 TNG 6 Face of the Enemy
265 TNG 6 Birthright, Part 1
266 TNG 6 Birthright, Part 2
267 TNG 6 Starship Mine
268 TNG 6 Lessons
269 TNG 6 The Chase
270 TNG 6 Frame of Mind
271 TNG 6 Suspicions
272 TNG 6 Rightful Heir
273 DS9 1 Dax
274 DS9 1 The Passenger
275 VOY 3 Fair Trade
276 DS9 1 The Nagus
277 DS9 1 Vortex
278 DS9 1 Battle Lines
279 DS9 1 The Storyteller
280 DS9 1 Progress
281 DS9 1 If Wishes Were Horses
282 DS9 1 The Forsaken
283 DS9 1 Dramatis Personae
284 TNG 6 Timescape
285 DS9 1 In the Hands of the Prophets
286 TNG 6 Descent, Part 1
287 TNG 7 Descent, Part 2
288 DS9 2 The Homecoming
289 DS9 2 The Circle
290 DS9 2 The Siege
291 TNG 7 Liaisons
292 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 1
293 TNG 7 Gambit, Part 2
294 VOY 2 Elogium
295 TNG 7 Interface
296 TNG 7 Phantasms
297 DS9 2 Melora
298 DS9 2 Rules of Acquisition
299 TNG 7 Attached
300 TNG 7 Force of Nature
301 DS9 2 Second Sight
302 TNG 7 Parallels
303 DS9 2 Sanctuary
304 DS9 2 Rivals
305 VOY 2 Projections
306 DS9 2 The Alternate
307 TNG 7 Homeward
308 TNG 7 Sub Rosa
309 DS9 2 Armageddon Game
310 Speculative Assuming a year before he joins voyager.
311 TNG 7 Lower Decks
312 TNG 7 Thine Own Self
313 TNG 7 Masks
314 TNG 7 Eye of the Beholder
315 TNG 7 Genesis
316 DS9 2 Blood Oath
317 TNG 7 Firstborn
318 DS9 2 The Maquis, Part 2
319 TNG 7 Bloodlines
320 DS9 2 The Wire
321 TNG 7 Emergence
322 DS9 2 Crossover
323 DS9 2 The Collaborator
324 TNG 7 Preemptive Strike
325 DS9 2 Tribunal
326 DS9 2 The Jem'Hadar
327 TNG 7 All Good Things
328 VOY 2 Initiations Chakotay celebrated the anniversary on Stardate 49005.3; this presumes it was the first anniversary
329 VOY 2 Initiations
330 DS9 3 Life Support The negotiations were said to have been going for five months. This should equate to some 400 stardate units, putting it around 48080
331 DS9 3 Life Support
332 VOY 2 Resolutions exact date uncertain - after Kes was one year old
333 VOY 2 Resolutions
334 DS9 3 The Search, Part 1
335 DS9 3 The Search, Part 2
336 VOY 1 Caretaker Exact date uncertain; this is about five weeks before Caretaker
337 VOY 1 Caretaker exact date is uncertain; this is about a month before Caretaker, but it could be longer
338 DS9 3 The House of Quark
339 DS9 3 Equilibrium
340 VOY 1 Caretaker Janeway said she hadn't heard from Tubok in over six days
341 VOY 5 Relativity
342 DS9 3 Family Business Six months before the episode
343 DS9 3 The Abandoned
344 DS9 3 Civil Defense
345 DS9 3 Meridian
346 DS9 3 Defiant
347 DS9 3 Fascination
348 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 1
349 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 2
350 VOY 1 Time and Again
351 DS9 3 Heart of Stone The day before the episode
352 DS9 3 Heart of Stone
353 VOY 1 Phage
354 DS9 3 Destiny
355 DS9 3 Prophet Motive Exact date uncertain; some weeks before the episode
356 DS9 3 Prophet Motive
357 VOY 1 The Cloud
358 VOY 1 Ex Post Facto
359 VOY 1 Emanations
360 DS9 3 Visionary
361 VOY 1 Prime Factors
362 Star Trek : Generations
363 Star Trek : First Contact
364 VOY 1 State of Flux
365 DS9 3 Distant Voices
366 VOY 1 Heroes and Demons
367 DS9 3 Through the Looking Glass
368 VOY 1 Cathexis
369 DS9 3 Improbable Cause
370 VOY 1 Faces
371 DS9 3 The Die is Cast
372 DS9 3 Explorers
373 VOY 1 Learning Curve
374 DS9 3 Shakaar
375 VOY 2 Twisted
376 DS9 3 Facets
377 DS9 3 The Adversary
378 VOY 2 The 37's
379 DS9 4 The Visitor
380 DS9 4 Hippocratic Oath
381 VOY 2 Parturition
382 VOY 2 Persistence of Vision
383 VOY 2 Tattoo
384 VOY 2 Cold Fire
385 DS9 4 Rejoined
386 VOY 2 Maneuvers
387 VOY 2 Resistance
388 DS9 4 Starship Down
389 VOY 2 Prototype
390 DS9 4 Little Green Men
391 VOY 2 Death Wish
392 DS9 4 The Sword of Kahless
393 VOY 2 Alliances
394 DS9 4 Our Man Bashir
395 DS9 4 Homefront
396 DS9 4 Paradise Lost
397 VOY 2 Dreadnought
398 DS9 4 Crossfire
399 VOY 2 Investigations
400 VOY 2 Lifesigns
401 DS9 4 Return to Grace
402 VOY 2 Deadlock
403 DS9 4 The Sons of Mogh
404 VOY 2 Innocence
405 DS9 4 Bar Association
406 VOY 2 The Thaw
407 DS9 4 Accession Two months before the episode since Keiko said she was due to give birth seven months afterwards
408 VOY 2 Tuvix
409 DS9 4 Rules of Engagement
410 VOY 2 Basics, Part 1
411 DS9 4 Hard Time
412 DS9 4 Shattered Mirror
413 DS9 4 The Muse
414 DS9 4 For the Cause
415 DS9 4 To the Death
416 DS9 4 The Quickening
417 Star Trek : First Contact Geordi said the ship had been in shakedown for almost a year
418 DS9 4 Body Parts
419 DS9 4 Broken Link
420 DS9 5 Apocalypse Rising
421 VOY 3 Basics, Part 2
422 DS9 5 The Ship
423 VOY 3 Sacred Ground
424 VOY 3 False Profits
425 DS9 5 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
426 DS9 5 ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
427 VOY 3 The Chute
428 DS9 5 The Assignment
429 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 2
430 VOY 3 Remember
431 DS9 5 Trials and Tribble-ations
432 VOY 3 The Swarm
433 DS9 5 Things Past
434 DS9 5 The Ascent
435 VOY 3 Warlord
436 VOY 3 Warlord Although she appeared to have done this under the influence of Tieran, Fair Trade would establish that the breakup was not rescinded
437 DS9 5 Rapture
438 VOY 3 The Q and the Grey
439 DS9 5 The Darkness and the Light
440 VOY 3 Macrocosm
441 VOY 5 Latent Image Exact date unknown; this is about halfway through the year
442 VOY 5 Latent Image
443 DS9 5 The Begotten
444 VOY 3 Alter Ego
445 DS9 5 For the Uniform
446 DS9 5 In Purgatory's Shadow
447 DS9 5 By Inferno's Light
448 VOY 3 Unity
449 DS9 5 A Simple Investigation
450 DS9 5 Business as Usual
451 VOY 3 Darkling
452 DS9 5 Ties of Blood and Water
453 VOY 3 Favorite Son
454 DS9 5 Ferengi Love Songs
455 DS9 5 Soldiers of the Empire
456 DS9 5 Children of Time
457 DS9 5 Blaze of Glory
458 VOY 3 Real Life
459 VOY 3 Distant Origin
460 Star Trek : First Contact Placed according to Stardate. This conflicts with Cpatain Sisko's mention of the recent Borg attack in the episode In Purgatory's Shadow.
461 DS9 5 Empok Nor
462 VOY 3 Displaced
463 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
464 DS9 5 In the Cards
465 VOY 3 Worst Case Scenario
466 VOY 3 Before and After
467 VOY 3 Scorpion, Part 1
468 DS9 5 Call to Arms
469 VOY 4 Scorpion, Part 2
470 VOY 4 Day of Honor
471 DS9 6 A Time to Stand
472 VOY 4 Nemesis
473 DS9 6 Rocks and Shoals
474 DS9 6 Sons and Daughters
475 DS9 6 Behind the Lines
476 DS9 6 Favor the Bold
477 VOY 4 Revulsion
478 DS9 6 Sacrifice of Angels
479 VOY 4 The Raven
480 VOY 4 Scientific Method
481 DS9 6 You are Cordially Invited...
482 VOY 4 Year of Hell, Part 2
483 DS9 6 Resurrection
484 DS9 6 Statistical Probabilities
485 VOY 4 Random Thoughts
486 DS9 6 The Magnificent Ferengi
487 VOY 4 Concerning Flight
488 DS9 6 Waltz
489 DS9 6 Who Mourns for Morn?
490 VOY 4 Mortal Coil
491 VOY 4 Waking Moments
492 DS9 6 One Little Ship
493 VOY 4 Hunters
494 DS9 6 Honor Among Thieves
495 DS9 6 Change of Heart
496 DS9 6 Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
497 VOY 4 Prey
498 VOY 4 Retrospect
499 DS9 6 Inquisition
500 VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part 1
501 VOY 4 The Killing Game, Part 2
502 DS9 6 In the Pale Moonlight
503 DS9 6 His Way
504 VOY 4 Vis-a-Vis
505 VOY 4 The Omega Directive
506 DS9 6 The Reckoning
507 VOY 4 Unforgettable
508 DS9 6 Valiant
509 VOY 4 Living Witness
510 VOY 4 Demon
511 DS9 6 Profit and Lace
512 DS9 6 Time's Orphan
513 VOY 4 One
514 VOY 4 Hope and Fear
515 DS9 6 Tears of the Prophets
516 VOY 5 Night
517 VOY 5 Drone
518 VOY 5 Extreme Risk
519 VOY 5 In the Flesh
520 VOY 5 Once Upon a Time
521 VOY 5 Timeless
522 DS9 7 Shadows and Symbols
523 VOY 5 Thirty Days
524 DS9 7 Afterimage
525 VOY 5 Nothing Human
526 VOY 5 Infinite Regress
527 DS9 7 Take Me Out to the Holosuite
528 DS9 7 Chrysalis
529 VOY 5 Counterpoint
530 DS9 7 Once More Unto the Breach
531 DS9 7 The Siege of AR-558
532 DS9 7 Covenant
533 Star Trek : Insurrection
534 VOY 5 Bride of Chaotica!
535 DS9 7 It's Only a Paper Moon
536 DS9 7 Prodigal Daughter
537 VOY 5 Gravity
538 DS9 7 Field of Fire
539 DS9 7 Chimera
540 DS9 7 Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
541 VOY 5 Bliss
542 DS9 7 'Til Death Do Us Part
543 DS9 7 Penumbra
544 DS9 7 Strange Bedfellows
545 VOY 5 The Fight
546 DS9 7 The Changing Face of Evil
547 VOY 5 Think Tank
548 VOY 5 Dark Frontier, Part 2
549 DS9 7 When it Rains...
550 DS9 7 Tacking into the Wind
551 VOY 5 Someone to Watch Over Me
552 VOY 5 Warhead
553 VOY 5 Equinox, Part 1
554 DS9 7 The Dogs of War
555 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 1
556 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 2
557 VOY 6 Survival Instinct
558 VOY 6 Barge of the Dead
559 VOY 6 Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
560 VOY 6 Alice
561 VOY 6 Riddles
562 VOY 6 Dragon's Teeth
563 VOY 6 One Small Step
564 VOY 6 The Voyager Conspiracy
565 VOY 6 Pathfinder
566 VOY 6 Fair Haven
567 VOY 6 Blink of an Eye
568 VOY 6 Virtuoso
569 VOY 6 Tsunkatse
570 VOY 6 Ashes to Ashes
571 VOY 6 Muse
572 VOY 6 Fury
573 VOY 6 Life Line
574 VOY 7 Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
575 VOY 7 Imperfection
576 VOY 7 Drive
577 VOY 7 Repression
578 VOY 7 Nightingale
579 VOY 7 Flesh and Blood, Part 1
580 VOY 7 Prophecy
581 VOY 7 The Void
582 VOY 7 Workforce, Part 1
583 VOY 7 Q2
584 VOY 7 Author, Author
585 VOY 7 Friendship One
586 VOY 7 Homestead
587 VOY 7 Endgame, Part 1
588 VOY 7 Endgame, Part 2
589 Star Trek : Nemesis Date somewhat uncertain; presumably this was a reward for getting Voyager home and so happened soon after Endgame.
590 Star Trek : Nemesis
591 Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 56941.1 is given, placing it on December 10th in this year.
592 Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
593 The Sundered
594 Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 57024.0 is given, placing it on January 9th in this year.
595 Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
596 Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
597 Greater Than the Sum
598 Star Trek : Titan, Book 4 - Sword of Damocles
599 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 2 - Mere Mortals
600 Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
601 Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea The author's note states that the novel takes place between 1st July and 4th August 2381
602 Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
603 STP 1 Nepenthe It was to be his 18th birthday in 2399.
604 STP 1 Nepenthe
605 STP 1 Absolute Candor
606 STP 1 Maps and Legends The attack took place 14 years ago.
607 STP 1 Maps and Legends
608 STP 1 The End is the Beginning
609 STP 1 Stardust City Rag
610 STP 1 Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
611 STP 1 Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
612 STP 1 Broken Pieces
613 Star Trek XI Stated in the movie; event happened in both the original and alternate timelines
614 Star Trek XI
615 STP 1 The Impossible Box Given it is about the time of the grape harvest in France at the start of Picard, which is typically between August-October. Everything she owned was only 37 months old in 2399. Three years and one month earlier than that would give us a date of creation between June-September 2396.
616 STP 1 The Impossible Box
617 STP 1 Remembrance
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Angel One
Comment : Contact took place 62 years ago
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Paradise Lost
Comment : Inyo said he had been a politician for 70 years.
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Ex Post Facto
Comment : 67 years before the episode
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 93
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The First Duty
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Half a Life
Comment : He was 60 in the episode
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Comment : 60 years ago
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Comment : 60 years ago
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Meridian
Comment : 60 years before the episode
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Defector
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Comment : Troi states the date
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Comment : Crusher reports that this happened 53 years ago
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Realm of Fear
Comment : OBrien said this happened over 50 years ago; this is 51 years before the episode
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Realm of Fear
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Comment : Forty five years before the episode
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice
Comment : Bashir said she was 51 at time of death, which was three years and two months before the episode in 2374.
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Sound of Her Voice
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Coming of Age
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 95
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Comment : Date listed on her personnel record readout
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Tapestry
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Dark Page
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Comment : Joseph gives the specific date
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Comment : Two months after they met, as per Joseph's description
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Comment : Joseph gives the reference
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Inheritance
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Rivals
Comment : Dax says O'Brien is 'not a day over thirty eight'
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Whispers
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Comment : Joseph gives the reference. This could possibly be in May or later, presuming that Sarah became pregnant after the marriage in July. Although there's really no reason she might not become pregnant earlier than this.
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Icarus Factor
Comment : Riker was abandoned by his father 15 years earlier at the age of 15
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Datalore
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 98
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Comment : Date listed on his personnel record readout
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Icarus Factor
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Naked Now
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Datalore
Comment : Data said he was found 26 years earlier
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Bonding
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Distant Voices
Comment : He celebrated his 30th birthday in 2371
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Comment : Jadzia said she was 28
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Shadowplay
Comment : Stated to have happened almost thirty years ago
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Shadowplay
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Maquis, Part 2
Comment : Kira says she lived under the Cardassians for 26 years; the occupation ended in 2369
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Yesterday's Enterprise
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Comment : Assuming a 4 year course, note that this is inconsistent with Data's statement that he graduated 'class of 78' in Encounter at Farpoint
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Rise
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Yesterday's Enterprise
Comment : Sela states this happened one year after Yar's capture
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Redemption, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Second Skin
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Maquis, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Parallax
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sins of the Father
Comment : 20 years prior to the episode
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Jetrel
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Family
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Comment : Sovereign Marouk says the last such attempt happened 18 years ago
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Evolution
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Playing God
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Eye of the Needle
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Gift
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dax
Comment : Dax says she has known Sisko for 20 years
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Datalore
Comment : He states that he spent 3 years as an Ensign
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Redemption, Part 1
Comment : Selar says this happened when she was four years old.
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Redemption, Part 1
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 108
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Juggernaut
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Comment : This is four years before his graduation. Note this is inconsistent with Defiant in which Sisko says he has been in Starfleet for 20 years, i.e. since 2351. Presumably Sisko rounded the number slightly.
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Rules of Engagement
Comment : O'Brien says he has been in Starfleet for 22 years.
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Journey's End
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Family Business
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Lineage
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Legacy
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Way of the Warrior
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Let He Who Is Without Sin...
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Indiscretion
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 1
Comment : Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57; this is 4 years earlier
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assumes she joined the accadamy at age 18
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : True-Q
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 1
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 281, assuming a four year acadaemy course
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition, page 281, assuming a four year acadamey course
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Comment : Sisko notes that he met his future wife 15 years ago whilst waiting for his first posting
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Allegiance
Comment : 'Picard says he visited the planet 12 years prior to the episode, which is set in 2366
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Allegiance
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Battle
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Measure of a Man
Novel : Star Trek - The Lost Years 7 : The Buried Age
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 1
Comment : Stardate of 32611.4 given for this event, which equates to 2355
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 1
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assuming it takes 3 years to assimilate into Federation society
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Move Along Home
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Circle
Comment : Odo notes that Kira had been breaking rules for 14.5 years
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 1
Comment : Stardate given as 32623.5, which equates to 2355. Note this is only 12.1 units after they set out, which should be just a few days, but the dialogue states it to be 8 months later
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Threshold
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Duet
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Heart of Glory
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 1
Comment : Jellico notes that Riker graduated in the class of 57
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : The Pegasus
Source : Speculative
Comment : assumes an 8 year medical degree
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Whispers
Comment : Stated to be twelve years before the episode.
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 1
Comment : Seven said they tracked the cube for three years
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Coda
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Blood Fever
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assuming a four year academy course
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Q-Less
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Second Chances
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Comment : Based on forty years of civil war which began forty five years before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Paradise
Comment : Said to be over ten years before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Paradise
Series : DS9 Season
Episode : Various Deep Space Nine episodes
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Datalore
Comment : He states that he spent '10 or 12' years in the Lieutenant grades. This presumes 11
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Comment : Four years before the episode in 2364
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Conundrum
Comment : Four years after he enlisted
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Identity Crisis
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Too Short a Season
Comment : Two years before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Cardassians
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Realm of Fear
Comment : O'Brien says he has been using Transporters for 22 years. In
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Wounded
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Necessary Evil
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Profit and Loss
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Collective
Comment : Five years after her assimilation
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Collective
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Comment : The episode makes it clear that the ship is launched very shortly before the Farpoint mission
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Code of Honor
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Last Outpost
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Where No One Has Gone Before
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Lonely Among Us
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Justice
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Hide and Q
Comment : Just prior to the episode
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Hide and Q
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Haven
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Big Goodbye
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Angel One
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : 11001001
Comment : Shortly before the episode
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : 11001001
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : When the Bough Breaks
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Home Soil
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Equilibrium
Comment : Jadzia says she spent three years as an initiate; the episode Dax establishes her joining as taking place two years before 2369
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Arsenal of Freedom
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Symbiosis
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Skin of Evil
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : We'll Always Have Paris
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Conspiracy
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Neutral Zone
Comment : Note that this episode is the foundation of most Star Trek dates - Data states the year as 2364, and it is from this datapoint that the bulk of dates in Star Trek are calculated
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Child
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Where Silence Has Lease
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Elementary, Dear Data
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Outrageous Okona
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Loud as a Whisper
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Schizoid Man
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Unnatural Selection
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : A Matter of Honor
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Dauphin
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Contagion
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Royale
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Time Squared
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Pen Pals
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Invasive Procedures
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Q Who
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Meld
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Samaritan Snare
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Up The Long Ladder
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Manhunt
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Emissary
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Peak Performance
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : Shades of Gray
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Ensigns of Command
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Survivors
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Who Watches The Watchers?
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Booby Trap
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Enemy
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Price
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Hunted
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The High Ground
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Deja Q
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Paradise
Comment : As close as possible to being exactly four years before Stardate 47573.1
Source : Speculative
Comment : About half way between his conception on Stardate 42901.3 and his appearance on Stardate 44246.3.
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Reunion
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : A Matter of Perspective
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Hollow Pursuits
Comment : Somewhat speculative - a few months before Hollow Pursuits, long enough for Barclay to acquire his reputation.
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Hollow Pursuits
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Offspring
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sins of the Father
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Captain's Holiday
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Tin Man
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Most Toys
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Sarek
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Menage a Troi
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Non Sequitur
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : Transfigurations
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Brothers
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Suddenly Human
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Remember Me
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Future Imperfect
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Final Mission
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Loss
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Data's Day
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 157
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Devil's Due
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dax
Comment : Odo noted that Curzon died two years ago.
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Clues
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : First Contact
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Night Terrors
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The N'th Degree
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Qpid
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Drumhead
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Half a Life
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Host
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : The Mind's Eye
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : In Theory
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : Galaxy's Child
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Darmok
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Ensign Ro
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Silicon Avatar
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Disaster
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Game
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Unification, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Unification, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : A Matter of Time
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : New Ground
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Hero Worship
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Wire
Comment : Stated as being two years earlier than the episode
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Violations
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Masterpiece Society
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Whispers
Comment : Stated to be two years before the episode. Presumed to happen just before Stardate 45581.2, as this puts it exactly two years before
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Power Play
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Ethics
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Outcast
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Cause and Effect
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Cost of Living
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Perfect Mate
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Imaginary Friend
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : I, Borg
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Next Phase
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : The Inner Light
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Time's Arrow, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Man of the People
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Relics
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Schisms
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rascals
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : A Fistful of Datas
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Quality of Life
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Chain of Command, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Past Prologue
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : A Man Alone
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Babel
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Ship in a Bottle
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Captive Pursuit
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Aquiel
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Face of the Enemy
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Birthright, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Birthright, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Starship Mine
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Lessons
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : The Chase
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Frame of Mind
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Suspicions
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dax
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Passenger
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Fair Trade
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Nagus
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Vortex
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Battle Lines
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Storyteller
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Progress
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : If Wishes Were Horses
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : The Forsaken
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Dramatis Personae
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Timescape
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : In the Hands of the Prophets
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Descent, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Descent, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Homecoming
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Circle
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Siege
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Liaisons
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Gambit, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Elogium
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Interface
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Phantasms
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Melora
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Rules of Acquisition
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Attached
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Force of Nature
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Second Sight
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Parallels
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Sanctuary
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Rivals
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Projections
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Alternate
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Homeward
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Sub Rosa
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Armageddon Game
Source : Speculative
Comment : Assuming a year before he joins voyager.
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Lower Decks
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Thine Own Self
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Masks
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Eye of the Beholder
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Genesis
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Blood Oath
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Firstborn
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Maquis, Part 2
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Bloodlines
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Wire
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Emergence
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Crossover
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Collaborator
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : Preemptive Strike
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : Tribunal
Series : DS9 Season 2
Episode : The Jem'Hadar
Series : TNG Season 7
Episode : All Good Things
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Initiations
Comment : Chakotay celebrated the anniversary on Stardate 49005.3; this presumes it was the first anniversary
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Initiations
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Life Support
Comment : The negotiations were said to have been going for five months. This should equate to some 400 stardate units, putting it around 48080
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Life Support
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Resolutions
Comment : exact date uncertain - after Kes was one year old
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Resolutions
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Search, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Comment : Exact date uncertain; this is about five weeks before Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Comment : exact date is uncertain; this is about a month before Caretaker, but it could be longer
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The House of Quark
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Equilibrium
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Comment : Janeway said she hadn't heard from Tubok in over six days
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Relativity
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Family Business
Comment : Six months before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Abandoned
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Civil Defense
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Meridian
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Defiant
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Fascination
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Time and Again
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Heart of Stone
Comment : The day before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Heart of Stone
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Phage
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Destiny
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Prophet Motive
Comment : Exact date uncertain; some weeks before the episode
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Prophet Motive
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : The Cloud
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Ex Post Facto
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Emanations
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Visionary
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Prime Factors
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : State of Flux
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Distant Voices
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Heroes and Demons
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Through the Looking Glass
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Cathexis
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Improbable Cause
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Faces
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Die is Cast
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Explorers
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Learning Curve
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Shakaar
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Twisted
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Facets
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : The Adversary
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The 37's
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Visitor
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Hippocratic Oath
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Parturition
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Persistence of Vision
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Tattoo
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Cold Fire
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Rejoined
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Maneuvers
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Resistance
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Starship Down
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Prototype
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Little Green Men
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Sword of Kahless
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Alliances
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Our Man Bashir
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Homefront
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Paradise Lost
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Dreadnought
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Crossfire
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Investigations
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Lifesigns
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Return to Grace
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Deadlock
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Sons of Mogh
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Innocence
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Bar Association
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The Thaw
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Accession
Comment : Two months before the episode since Keiko said she was due to give birth seven months afterwards
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Tuvix
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Rules of Engagement
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Basics, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Hard Time
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Shattered Mirror
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Muse
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : For the Cause
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : To the Death
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : The Quickening
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Comment : Geordi said the ship had been in shakedown for almost a year
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Body Parts
Series : DS9 Season 4
Episode : Broken Link
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Apocalypse Rising
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Basics, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ship
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Sacred Ground
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : False Profits
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Chute
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Assignment
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Remember
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Trials and Tribble-ations
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Swarm
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Things Past
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Ascent
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Warlord
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Warlord
Comment : Although she appeared to have done this under the influence of Tieran, Fair Trade would establish that the breakup was not rescinded
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Rapture
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : The Q and the Grey
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Darkness and the Light
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Macrocosm
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Latent Image
Comment : Exact date unknown; this is about halfway through the year
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Latent Image
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Begotten
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Alter Ego
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : For the Uniform
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In Purgatory's Shadow
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : By Inferno's Light
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Unity
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : A Simple Investigation
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Business as Usual
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Darkling
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Ties of Blood and Water
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Favorite Son
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Ferengi Love Songs
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Soldiers of the Empire
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Children of Time
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Blaze of Glory
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Real Life
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Distant Origin
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Comment : Placed according to Stardate. This conflicts with Cpatain Sisko's mention of the recent Borg attack in the episode In Purgatory's Shadow.
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Empok Nor
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Displaced
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 1 - Gods of Night
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : In the Cards
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Worst Case Scenario
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Before and After
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Scorpion, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Call to Arms
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Scorpion, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Day of Honor
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : A Time to Stand
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Nemesis
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Rocks and Shoals
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sons and Daughters
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Behind the Lines
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Favor the Bold
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Revulsion
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sacrifice of Angels
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Raven
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Scientific Method
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : You are Cordially Invited...
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Year of Hell, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Resurrection
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Statistical Probabilities
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Random Thoughts
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Magnificent Ferengi
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Concerning Flight
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Waltz
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Who Mourns for Morn?
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Mortal Coil
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Waking Moments
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : One Little Ship
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hunters
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Honor Among Thieves
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Change of Heart
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Prey
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Retrospect
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Inquisition
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Killing Game, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Killing Game, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : In the Pale Moonlight
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : His Way
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Vis-a-Vis
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Omega Directive
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Unforgettable
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Valiant
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Living Witness
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Demon
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Profit and Lace
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Time's Orphan
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : One
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hope and Fear
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Tears of the Prophets
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Night
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Drone
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Extreme Risk
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : In the Flesh
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Once Upon a Time
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Timeless
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Shadows and Symbols
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Thirty Days
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Afterimage
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Nothing Human
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Infinite Regress
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Chrysalis
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Counterpoint
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Once More Unto the Breach
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Siege of AR-558
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Covenant
Film: Star Trek : Insurrection
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Bride of Chaotica!
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : It's Only a Paper Moon
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Prodigal Daughter
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Gravity
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Field of Fire
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Chimera
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Bliss
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : 'Til Death Do Us Part
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Penumbra
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Strange Bedfellows
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : The Fight
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Changing Face of Evil
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Think Tank
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Dark Frontier, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : When it Rains...
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Tacking into the Wind
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Someone to Watch Over Me
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Warhead
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Equinox, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : The Dogs of War
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Survival Instinct
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Barge of the Dead
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Alice
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Riddles
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Dragon's Teeth
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : One Small Step
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : The Voyager Conspiracy
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Pathfinder
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Fair Haven
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Blink of an Eye
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Virtuoso
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Tsunkatse
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Ashes to Ashes
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Muse
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Fury
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Life Line
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Unimatrix Zero, Part 2
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Imperfection
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Drive
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Repression
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Nightingale
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Flesh and Blood, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Prophecy
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : The Void
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Workforce, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Q2
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Author, Author
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Friendship One
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Homestead
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Endgame, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Endgame, Part 2
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Comment : Date somewhat uncertain; presumably this was a reward for getting Voyager home and so happened soon after Endgame.
Film: Star Trek : Nemesis
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
Comment : Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 56941.1 is given, placing it on December 10th in this year.
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 1 - Taking Wing
Novel : The Sundered
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
Comment : Shortly after Nemesis. A stardate of 57024.0 is given, placing it on January 9th in this year.
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 2 - The Red King
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 3 - Orions Hounds
Novel : Greater Than the Sum
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 4 - Sword of Damocles
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 2 - Mere Mortals
Novel : Star Trek : Destiny, Book 3 - Lost Souls
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
Comment : The author's note states that the novel takes place between 1st July and 4th August 2381
Novel : Star Trek : Titan, Book 5 - Over a Torrent Sea
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Comment : It was to be his 18th birthday in 2399.
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Nepenthe
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Absolute Candor
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Maps and Legends
Comment : The attack took place 14 years ago.
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Maps and Legends
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : The End is the Beginning
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Stardust City Rag
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Broken Pieces
Film: Star Trek XI
Comment : Stated in the movie; event happened in both the original and alternate timelines
Film: Star Trek XI
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : The Impossible Box
Comment : Given it is about the time of the grape harvest in France at the start of Picard, which is typically between August-October. Everything she owned was only 37 months old in 2399. Three years and one month earlier than that would give us a date of creation between June-September 2396.
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : The Impossible Box
Series : STP Season 1
Episode : Remembrance

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 56,593 Last updated : 12 Jul 2022