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Timeline - 2000S


Year Event
Picture from 2000  [1] On the last day of the year Shannon O'Donnell, an ancestor of Captain Janeway and one of the first female astronauts, convinces the last remaining resident of Portage Creek, Indiana, to sell his home in order to make way for construction of the Millennium Gate. The Gate will become one of Earth's largest buildings, a kilometre high and 3.2 kilometres wide at the base. It also pioneered many recycling technologies which would later be used in the construction of off world colonies. [1]
  People :  Shannen O'Donnel, Henry Janeway
  Species :  Humans
 [2] The Nomad probe is launched from Earth. The probe is the first Earth mission designed to search for new life forms. It will later collide with an alien craft designed to sterilize soil samples; the two probes will manage to combine themselves but in the process their programming will be distorted, causing the resultant entity to seek out and sterilize alien life forms. [3]
  People :  Jackson Roykirk
  Species :  Humans
 [4] Captain Archer and T'Pol travel in time to this year in order to prevent a Xindi-Reptilian plot to release a devastating virus on Earth. [4]
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [2] Colonel Shaun Geoffrey Christopher commands the first successful manned mission to Saturn. [5]
  People :  Colonel Shaun Geoffrey Christopher
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [6] The Dax symbiont is born on the Trill home world. [7]
  People :  Dax
  Species :  Trill
 [8] An advance in propulsion systems renders sleeper ships obsolete. [8]
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [9] The American government creates the Sanctuary districts to contain those who are unemployed. The districts quickly become ghetto areas. [10]
  Species :  Humans
 [11] The Bell Riots begin within Sanctuary District 4 of San Francisco. The riots lead to the abolishment of the Sanctuary Districts, forcing the USA to at last begin to deal with its social problems. [11]
  Species :  Humans
 [12] Elnor dies from injuries inflicted by Confederation soldiers. [12]
  People :  Elnor
 [13] Picard contacts Guinan from this year, making this the first time she has met him. [13]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Guinan
 [14] Rios is injured in a transporter accident and taken to a clinic run be Teresa Ramirez. [14]
  People :  Cristóbal Rios, Doctor Teresa Ramirez
 [14] Agnes is infected with Nanoprobes by the Borg Queen. [14]
  People :  Doctor Agnes Jurati, Borg Queen
 [15] Q convinces Adam Soong to kill Renée Picard, preventing the success of the Europa mission. This produces a new alternate reality where the Federation does not exist and an Earth Confederation is formed. [15]
  People :  Q, Doctor Adam Soong, Doctor Renée Picard
 [16] Picard recalls memories that show that his mother suffered from mental illness, with periods of darkness and that his father was only attempting to protect her and Jean-Luc from coming to any harm. [16]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Yvette Gessard Picard, Maurice Picard
 [17] Kore cures her genetic condition using a serum provided by Q and leaves Adam Soong. [17]
  People :  Kore Soong, Q, Doctor Adam Soong
 [18] Picard remembers that his mother committed suicide, hanging herself in the conservatory. [18]
  People :  Jean-Luc Picard, Yvette Gessard Picard
 [19] Rios decided to remain in the 21st century to be with Teresa Ramirez. [19]
  People :  Cristóbal Rios, Doctor Teresa Ramirez
 [19] Elnor is resurrected by Q and returned to the prime timeline. [19]
  People :  Elnor, Q
 [19] Q uses the last of his energy to return Picard and his crew to their normal timeline and then dies. [19]
  People :  Q, Jean-Luc Picard, Seven of Nine, Raffaela Musiker


Year Event
 [20] Zefram Cochrane is born. [20]
  People :  Zefram Cochrane
  Species :  Humans
 [21] An international effort is mounted to divert a cluster of asteroid fragments from impacting the Earth. The event leads to 2031 being dubbed "The Year We Dodged A Bullet". Six of the fragments are captured, moved to Earth’s L-5 Lagrange point, where they are converted into O'Neill-class space habitats. The colonies are known as Vanguard, Roykirk, Moss-Offenhouse, NicholCorp, Brynner, and Starling. [21]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel
Picture from 2032  [22] The command module of the Aries 4, one of Mankind's early missions to Mars, is swallowed into a subspace ellipse together with its pilot Lieutenant John Kelly on October 19th. The loss of the craft strands two astronauts on Mars for weeks, and almost derails the entire Mars program. This marks Mankind's first ever encounter with a spatial anomaly. [22]
  People :  Lieutenant John Kelly
  Species :  Humans
 [23] The 52nd state is admitted to the United States of America. [23]
  Species :  Humans
 [24] The planet Xindus, homeworld of the Xindi, is destroyed. The Avian subspecies is rendered extinct. This marks the end of the civil war which has been raging for the last century; in the aftermath a ruling council is established comprising representatives of the five remaining subspecies. [24]
  Species :  Xindi Aquatics, Xindi Arboreals, Xindi Insectoids, Xindi Primates, Xindi Reptilians
 [25] The New United Nations rules that no Earth person can be held responsible for the crimes of their ancestors. [25]
  Species :  Humans
 [26] Hovercars come into widespread use on Earth. [26]
  Species :  Humans
 [27] NASA launches the spacecraft Charybdis, commanded by Colonel Stephen G. Richey. The third manned attempt to explore beyond the solar system, the ship is declared missing. It is discovered in 2365 in the Theta 116 solar system. [27]
  People :  Colonel Stephen G. Richey


Year Event
 [28] Television ceases to exist as a form of entertainment. [28]
  Species :  Humans
 [29] The Los Angeles area is submerged under 200 metres of water by the Hermosa earthquake. The region subsequently becomes the largest coral reef on the planet Earth. [29]
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [30] Hunting goes out of style on Earth. [30]
  Species :  Humans
 [31] The Vulcan ship T'Plana encounters a class 5 neutronic wavefront and is destroyed. [32]
  Species :  Vulcans
 [33] The Andorians claim the planetoid Weytahn and begin to terraform it. [33]
  Species :  Andorians
 [34] World War III kills 600 million people and leaves very few governments on Earth. [34]
  Species :  Humans
 [21] The six O’Neil colonies in Earth’s L5 Lagrange point survive the World War III intact. [21]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel
Picture from 2053  [35] The Vulcans make first contact with the Arkonians. The initial contact goes well but the Arkonians prove hostile and difficult to deal with, and eventually contact is broken off. [35]
  Species :  Vulcans, Arkonian
 [36] V'Lar becomes an Ambassador. [36]
  People :  Ambassador V'Lar
  Species :  Vulcans
 [21] The six O’Neil colonies at Earth's L5 Lagrange point cooperate with Zefram Cochrane on Earth in an experiment to generate a stable subspace field, part of Cochrane’s efforts to develop space warp technology. An error leads to all six colonies vanishing and are presumed destroyed. In fact, the Vanguard colony survives and is thrown approximately 200 light years from Earth. 827 of the inhabitants survive the experiemnt. [21]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel
 [21] A month after the an accident threw it some 200 light years from Earth, the Vanguard asteroid is attacked by Nausicaan raiders. The "tuskers”, as the inhabitants call them, kill 252 people before being driven off. As a result the Vanguard inhabitants begin to develop a ruthless policy towards alien encounters, with all aliens treated as enemies. [21]
  Species :  Humans, Neyel


Year Event
 [37] Lela is joined to the Dax symbiont. Lela Dax subsequently becomes a politician. [38]
  People :  Dax
 [4] A significant event occurs related to the depletion of fossil fuels [4]; most likely the development of a replacement energy source.
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2063  [39] Zefram Cochrane makes Humanities first faster than light journey. The flight results in First Contact between Humans and Vulcans. [39]
  People :  Zefram Cochrane
  Species :  Humans, Vulcans
 [40] In the aftermath of First Contact a group of Vulcans move to Earth to establish formal relations with Humans. Amongst their number is Sobon a Vulcan physician. Sobon advocates establishing a close relationship with Humans and the sharing of technology. Thanks to his efforts Earth achieves several important medical advances in the coming years, extending the average human lifespan. [40]
  People :  Sobon
 [41] Zefram Cochrane makes a speech in which he reveals the Enterprise-E's and Borg's participation in the events surrounding his warp flight. He later recants, and given his reputation for telling tall tales the revelation is largely forgotten. [41]
  People :  Zefram Cochrane
 [42] SS Valiant is lost whilst exploring the outer edge of the galaxy. [42]
  Species :  Humans
 [43] The society on Argelius II undergoes "The Great Awakening", a significant milestone in their development towards becoming dedicated to hedonism. [43]
  Species :  Argelian
Picture from 2067  [44] The probe Friendship One is launched. It is designed to transmit technical information to any alien species it meets. Earth will keep contact with the probe for another one hundred and eighty years, by which time it will be some thirty thousand light years from Earth. [44]
  Species :  Humans
 [45] The Conestoga is launched for the planet Terra Nova. This marks Earth's first attempt to found a colony in a solar system other than our own. The Conestoga's journey will take nine years. [45]
  Species :  Humans
 [46] The Klingon Emperor dies. No successor is appointed because the Klingon High Council has grown in power to the point where it effectively controls the Empire. [46]
  Species :  Klingons


Year Event
 [47] One of the Nacene which have been caring for the Ocampa for the last five hundred generations leaves, taking two thousand Ocampa with her. They establish a new home on a spaceborne array several thousand light years away. [48]
  Species :  Ocampa, Nacene
 [49] Quinn is imprisoned in a cometary nucleus by the Q continuum. He will be released in 2372 by the crew of the USS Voyager. [49]
  People :  Quinn
  Species :  Q
Picture from 2075  [50] Captain Vanik begins serving in the Vulcan space program. [50]
  People :  Vanik
 [51] The Moneans discover the space ocean and begin to colonise it. [51]
  Species :  Monean
 [52] The Conestoga arrives at Terra Nova. This ship is broken up to provide the raw materials for the colony. [52]
  Species :  Humans
 [53] The "post-atomic horror". The legal system assumes guilt until proven innocent, and Lawyers have fallen into disfavour. [53]
  Species :  Humans


Year Event
 [54] Earth decides to send a second wave of colonists to Terra Nova, a plan the original colonists strongly disagree with. The plan is abandoned, but communication with the original colony is severed shortly afterwards. Although unknown to Earth at the time, this is because Terra Nova has been hit by an asteroid. The resultant debris in the atmosphere cuts off all communication and spreads radiation across the planet. The surviving colonists begin to live underground. [54]
  Species :  Humans
 [55] Colonel Stephen G. Richey dies in the Casino Royale hotel, having suffered a lifetime stuck in the environment created for him by the aliens. [55]
  People :  Colonel Stephen G. Richey
  Species :  Humans
 [56] On Acamar, a feud erupts between the Lornak and Tralesta clans. The feud will continue for the next 200 years. [57]
  People :  Yuta
  Species :  Acamarian
 [58] T'Pol is Born. [58]
  People :  T'Pol


Year Event
 [59] The Andorian planetoid Weytahn is captured by the Vulcans; the Andorian colonists are removed and the planetoid is renamed Pan Mokar [59]
  Species :  Vulcans, Andorians

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 5 11:59 Date is stated in the episode
2 Star Trek Chronology Page 24
3 TOS 2 The Changeling
4 ENT 3 Carpenter Street
5 TOS 1 Tomorrow is Yesterday
6 DS9 6 You are Cordially Invited... Sisko says that Dax is 356 years old. Presumes this refers to the birth of the symbiont
7 DS9 6 You are Cordially Invited... Sisko says that Dax is 356 years old
8 TOS 1 Space Seed McGivers gives the date
9 Speculative Sisko said all cities had such districts by the early 2020s. Presumably it took a few years to create them all.
10 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 1
11 DS9 3 Past Tense, Part 2
12 STP 2 Assimilation
13 STP 2 Watcher
14 STP 2 Fly Me to the Moon
15 STP 2 Two of One
16 STP 2 Monsters
17 STP 2 Mercy
18 STP 2 Hide and Seek
19 STP 2 Farewell
20 TOS 2 Metamorphosis Cochrane vanished 150 years before, when he was 87
21 The Sundered
22 VOY 6 One Small Step Date is given as a caption on the screen
23 TNG 2 The Royale Riker said that 52 stars indicated a date between 2033 and 2079
24 ENT 3 The Xindi T'Pol said the destruction of the planet had happened 120 years ago based on sensor readings.
25 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint Picard gives the date
26 VOY 2 The 37's Paris states that this happened 100 years after 1936
27 TNG 2 The Royale Data gives the date
28 TNG 1 The Neutral Zone Data states that television had gone by this time
29 VOY 3 Future's End, Part 1 Janeway gives the exact year
30 ENT 1 Rogue Planet Archer said that this happened over a hundred years ago; this is 101 years before the episode
31 ENT 2 The Catwalk T'Pol said the incident happened over a hundred years ago;this is 101 years before the episode
32 ENT 2 The Catwalk T'Pol said the incident happened over a hundred years ago; this is 101 years before the episode
33 ENT 2 Cease Fire Said to have happened 100 years before the episode
34 Star Trek : First Contact The war is stated to have happened ten years prior to 2063
35 ENT 2 Dawn T'Pol said that this happened almost a hundred years ago; this is 99 years before the episode
36 ENT 1 Fallen Hero She states that she has been a successful Ambassador for 94 years; it is possible that she was an unsuccessful Ambassador even earlier than this
37 Speculative Speculative. Assumes a few dacades in the pool for the symbiont before joining
38 DS9 3 Facets
39 Star Trek : First Contact
40 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
41 ENT 2 Regeneration Archer says the speech was made 89 years ago
42 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before Valiant was said to have been lost 200 years before the episode
43 TOS 2 Wolf in the Fold The great awakening was said to have happened 200 years before the episode
44 VOY 7 Friendship One Janeway gives the date
45 ENT 1 Terra Nova It was said to have taken 9 years to get there
46 TNG 6 Rightful Heir Gowron stated that there had not been an emperor in 300 years
47 VOY 2 Cold Fire The array was said to be at least 300 years old
48 VOY 2 Cold Fire
49 VOY 2 Death Wish Quinn said he had been in prison for 300 years
50 ENT 1 Breaking the Ice Vanik says he has been in the program for 76 years
51 VOY 5 Thirty Days Said to have happened 300 years before the episode
52 ENT 1 Terra Nova The colonists were said to have been on the planet for 5 years when contact was lost
53 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint Q said his court was based on 2079
54 ENT 1 Terra Nova It is said that nobody had heard from the colony in over 70 years
55 TNG 2 The Royale He is said to have been in the Hotel Royale simulation for 38 years
56 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor Data reports the Feud as lasting for 200 years, ending 80 years ago.
57 TNG 3 The Vengeance Factor
58 ENT 3 Zero Hour She tells Trip she is 65
59 ENT 2 Cease Fire T'Pol gives the exact year
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : 11:59
Comment : Date is stated in the episode
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 24
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Changeling
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Carpenter Street
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Tomorrow is Yesterday
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : You are Cordially Invited...
Comment : Sisko says that Dax is 356 years old. Presumes this refers to the birth of the symbiont
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : You are Cordially Invited...
Comment : Sisko says that Dax is 356 years old
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Space Seed
Comment : McGivers gives the date
Source : Speculative
Comment : Sisko said all cities had such districts by the early 2020s. Presumably it took a few years to create them all.
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 1
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Past Tense, Part 2
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Assimilation
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Watcher
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Fly Me to the Moon
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Two of One
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Monsters
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Mercy
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Hide and Seek
Series : STP Season 2
Episode : Farewell
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Metamorphosis
Comment : Cochrane vanished 150 years before, when he was 87
Novel : The Sundered
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : One Small Step
Comment : Date is given as a caption on the screen
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Royale
Comment : Riker said that 52 stars indicated a date between 2033 and 2079
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Xindi
Comment : T'Pol said the destruction of the planet had happened 120 years ago based on sensor readings.
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Comment : Picard gives the date
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : The 37's
Comment : Paris states that this happened 100 years after 1936
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Royale
Comment : Data gives the date
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Neutral Zone
Comment : Data states that television had gone by this time
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Future's End, Part 1
Comment : Janeway gives the exact year
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Rogue Planet
Comment : Archer said that this happened over a hundred years ago; this is 101 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Comment : T'Pol said the incident happened over a hundred years ago;this is 101 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk
Comment : T'Pol said the incident happened over a hundred years ago; this is 101 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Comment : Said to have happened 100 years before the episode
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Comment : The war is stated to have happened ten years prior to 2063
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Dawn
Comment : T'Pol said that this happened almost a hundred years ago; this is 99 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fallen Hero
Comment : She states that she has been a successful Ambassador for 94 years; it is possible that she was an unsuccessful Ambassador even earlier than this
Source : Speculative
Comment : Speculative. Assumes a few dacades in the pool for the symbiont before joining
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Facets
Film: Star Trek : First Contact
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 4 - Open Secrets
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Regeneration
Comment : Archer says the speech was made 89 years ago
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Comment : Valiant was said to have been lost 200 years before the episode
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Wolf in the Fold
Comment : The great awakening was said to have happened 200 years before the episode
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Friendship One
Comment : Janeway gives the date
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Comment : It was said to have taken 9 years to get there
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Rightful Heir
Comment : Gowron stated that there had not been an emperor in 300 years
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Cold Fire
Comment : The array was said to be at least 300 years old
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Cold Fire
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Death Wish
Comment : Quinn said he had been in prison for 300 years
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Breaking the Ice
Comment : Vanik says he has been in the program for 76 years
Series : VOY Season 5
Episode : Thirty Days
Comment : Said to have happened 300 years before the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Comment : The colonists were said to have been on the planet for 5 years when contact was lost
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Comment : Q said his court was based on 2079
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Comment : It is said that nobody had heard from the colony in over 70 years
Series : TNG Season 2
Episode : The Royale
Comment : He is said to have been in the Hotel Royale simulation for 38 years
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Comment : Data reports the Feud as lasting for 200 years, ending 80 years ago.
Series : TNG Season 3
Episode : The Vengeance Factor
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour
Comment : She tells Trip she is 65
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Comment : T'Pol gives the exact year

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 36,765 Last updated : 20 Jan 2023