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Prime Timeline

Year Event
630 bc
 [1] Bajoran prophet Trakor encounters the Orb of Change. He subsequently makes many prophecies, some of which appear to come true in the 24th century. [1]
  Species :  Bajorans
 [2] Joseph Sisko meets his future wife Sarah in Jackson Square, New Orleans, in June of this year. They will marry two months later. [3]
  People :  Joseph Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Sarah Sisko
 [4] Sarah Sisko and Joseph Sisko marry in August. [3]
  People :  Joseph Sisko, Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
  Species :  Humans, Pah-wraiths
Picture from 2332  [5] Bemjamin Lafayette Sisko is born in New Orleans on Earth to Sarah Sisko and Joseph Sisko. [6]
  People :  Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph Sisko
 [5] Two days after Benjamin Sisko's first birthday, his mother Sarah walked out on her family. Joseph Sisko will spend the next three years searching for her. [3]
  People :  Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph Sisko
 [5] Joseph Sisko finally tracks down his wife, Sarah Sisko, in Australia. However, much to his distress he discovers that she had died a month earlier in a hovercraft accident. He would later remarry, and let Benjamin Sisko believe his new wife was Ben's mother until telling the real story in 2375. [3]
  People :  Sarah Sisko, Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Joseph Sisko
 [7] Whilst visiting the Fire Caves of Bajor, Keiko O'Brien's body is possessed by a Pah-wraith. She attempts to force Chief O'Brien to attack the Prophets in the Bajoran wormhole, but although the plan comes close to success, O'Brien is able to defeat the Pah-wraith and force it from her body. [7]
  People :  Keiko O'Brien, Miles Edward O'Brien
  Species :  Pah-wraiths
 [8] Starfleet launches an operation to recapture Deep Space Nine. Captain Sisko leads a large Federation force, but this is bogged down battling a Dominion fleet. The Defiant breaks through and reaches Deep Space Nine just as the minefield is destroyed; Sisko convinces the Prophets to prevent Dominion reinforcements from coming through the wormhole. A joint Federation/Klingon force recaptures the station. [8]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Dax, Worf Rozhenko, Miles Edward O'Brien, Julian Bashir, Odo, Quark, Elim Garak, Weyoun
 [9] An archeological dig on Bajor uncovers a tablet which describes an event called "The Reckoning", a battle between the Prophets and the Pah Wraiths. The battle subsequently takes place on Deep Space Nine, but is interrupted by Kai Winn. [9]
  Species :  Pah-wraiths
 [10] Dukat attempts to release the pah-wraiths from captivity with the help of Kai Winn, and is trapped in the fire caves with them for all eternity by Sisko. Sisko ascends to a higher state of being, choosing to live with the Bajoran Prophets within the wormhole. [10]
  People :  Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Gul Dukat
  Species :  Bajorans, Pah-wraiths

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 DS9 3 Destiny The prophecies where said to have been made 3,000 years ago
2 DS9 7 Image in the Sand Joseph gives the specific date
3 DS9 7 Image in the Sand
4 DS9 7 Image in the Sand Two months after they met, as per Joseph's description
5 DS9 7 Image in the Sand Joseph gives the reference
6 DS9 1 Emissary
7 DS9 5 The Assignment
8 DS9 6 Sacrifice of Angels
9 DS9 6 The Reckoning
10 DS9 7 What You Leave Behind, Part 2
Series : DS9 Season 3
Episode : Destiny
Comment : The prophecies where said to have been made 3,000 years ago
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Comment : Joseph gives the specific date
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Comment : Two months after they met, as per Joseph's description
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : Image in the Sand
Comment : Joseph gives the reference
Series : DS9 Season 1
Episode : Emissary
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : The Assignment
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : Sacrifice of Angels
Series : DS9 Season 6
Episode : The Reckoning
Series : DS9 Season 7
Episode : What You Leave Behind, Part 2

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,419 Last updated : 15 Mar 2013