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Dikironium Cloud Creature

Universe : Prime Timeline
Species Name : Dikironium Cloud Creature [1]
Quadrant : Unknown

Gaseous life form which feeds on the iron hemoglobin found in Human blood. The creature was capable of altering its molecular structure, enabling it to hide from sensor probes. It was characterized by a sickly-sweet odour. Commander Spock suggested that the creature might exist in a borderline state between matter and energy, with elements of both, and that it may travel by the manipulation of gravity fields, a method he considered extremely efficient. This allowed it to move with incredible speed - when in an atmosphere, it could accelerate and move quickly enough to make it difficult for even a trained security officer to hit it with phaser fire. In space it could travel at high warp speeds. Phasers and even photon torpedoes had no effect on the creature, as its ability to manipulate gravity made it immune to both as well as allowing it to pass through shielding. It is possible that the creature was repelled by radiation, though this is not certain. In 2257 a Dikironium cloud creature was responsible for the deaths of two hundred crew members of the USS Farragut including the commanding officer, Captain Garrovick. In 2268 one of the creatures - possibly the same one - killed several members of the Enterprise crew before being destroyed by an antimatter charge at Tycho IV. Captain Kirk would report his impression that the creature was both intelligent and malevolent, describing it as evil. He also had the impression that Tycho IV was the creature's home planet. Commander Spock suggested that the creature may reproduce by fissioning into thousands of parts. [1]

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# Series Season Source Comment
1 TOS 2 Obsession
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Obsession

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,384 Last updated : 8 Nov 2003